Five Night High school Advent...

By FivenightProtector

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Fnaf Jeremy x reader your in fnaf Mikex Doll Vincent x Scott/ Pg More

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24 2 0
By FivenightProtector

Vincent's pov

It had been hours sense y/n woke up or sense I last called Mike, so I decided to while Scott was helping y/n.

"Hello?!" Mike answered

"I'll make a deal with you!" I said

"You let me keep my grandkid, she'll be able t make brief visits and phone calls." there was a pause "Do you think this is what she would want?" Doll said,

"It may not be what she wants but its the best for her." I said

"How would you know what's best for her when you weren't there when she really needed you!?" Mike said cutting back in, his voice getting demonic

"I know I wasn't there then but I'm here now and I'll be there for her!"

"W-WHAT IF SHE DO-DOESN'T W-WANT YOU TO B-BE HE-HERE NOW!" Jeremy shouted in the phone "Y-YOU'RE TAKING HER AW-AWAY FROM H-HER FA-FAMILY! A-ALL T-THE PEOPLE WH-WHO TA-TAKE CARE O-OF HER! YO-YOU'RE T-TAKING H-HER A-AWAY FROM T-THAT!" I sighed, Damn kid was right my own selfishness was doing the same thing to her as it did when she was a baby.

"YoU'rE lEtTiNG tHeM sEe HeR aReN't YoU!?" i thought "ThEy ShOuLd Be ThAnKfUl YoU'Re LeTtInG tHeM sEe HeR!""Look just be glad I'm letting you talk to her and see her!" I said, hanging up the phone.

Scott's pov

"Look just be glad I'm letting you talk to her and see her!" Vincent said, hanging up the phone. I sighed at least he's not taking them away from her completely, maybe if she's lucky he'll let her go or they'll escape with her. I looked down at y/n I held her arm while she was still asleep but her heart rate isn't normal.

"So when are you gonna tell her you're her godfather not her uncle?" Vincent asked

"Later, It was the only way I could've gotten her back for her moms sake." I said, her temperature was higher now.

"We need to take her to a hospital.." I said, knowing Vincent would say we'd have to leave for her life. "pink should be up soon he'll be able to fix her up." Vincent said sitting by y/n, I knew he cared about her but he didn't exactly get her in a win-win situation here.

"Her dad should know." I said leaning against the wall

"Why?" he asked

"He's never cared about her, never asked about her, all he did was get her some other damn homes so he wouldn't have to take care of her!"

"I disagree," I said "When he looks at her its like he's willing to die for her."

"So pedo like?!" Vincent spat "No the way you looked at Martha." I said,

"If you wanna see if the dead beat wants too see her go right ahead but I'll die before he takes her!" I did think that Vincent could take better care of y/n but he did have A right too see her but if he hurt her I'll kill him myself!

"Make the call you still have custody of her so he won't suspect anything." Vincent said, I turned to leave as Vincent whistled "Stop looking at my ass!" I said, all i heard him do after that was chuckle, I dialed the number and he actually answered

"Hello? Hello?" I said into the phone

"Scott?!" Chad said surprised

"Yeah hey y/n got hurt and we were wondering if you wanted to see her." there was a long pause as if he had gone into shock

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Uh y-yeah what hospital is she in?"

"She's with us at Pinks place." I said

"Oh..uh Okay I'll swing by." he said hanging up the phone, I walked back over to Vincent

"He said he'd swing by." I said, "

Hey where is Pink?" I asked,

"He left, but he left instructions on how to help y/n.." I knew he was still upset that he did this too her but I knew he didn't mean too, he wouldn't really hurt anyone if it wasn't for the 'darkness'. I looked at y/n sadly she wouldn't wake up..she only wakes up when she think Jeremy,Doll,or Mike are endanger. I sighed damn kid why does she have to get herself into so much trouble!? Vincent looked at the door cautiously

"What is it..?" I asked

"Someone is here and it ain't Pink!" Vincent snarled,

"It might be Chad." Vincent turned to me wide eyed

"YOU ACTUALLY CALLED HIM!?" He  yelled "Well yeah, he does have a right too see her."


"None of us weren't there for her when we should've been.." I said, Vincent opened the door and pulled Chad inside

"Where is she?" he asked

"On the couch she hasn't woken up yet!" Vincent snarled, Chad went to y/n and placed a shaky hand on her forehead

"Can I kill him yet?!" Vincent whispered,

"If her hurts her I'll help you!" I said, Vincent smiled at me as I turned my attention to what that Duchebag was doing with y/n

"Hey got beat up pretty bad huh?.." Chad said as if y/n was awake

"Listen there are some things I gotta tally and you have every right to hate me..I-I'm kinda your dad.." the room was sent for a moment

"I tried to take you in but well first off I was scared so I left ya mom, then when you were born I only got too see you for a second, when I tried to take you in the Child services said I had to be a productive member of society that could take care of a kid, well it took me a while but I got a job by then you were gonna be placed in your first foster home, when I meet you, you hated your family and wanted nothing to do with them so I kept me being your dad a secret, I just wanted you to be happy and safe but I failed you I'm so sorry y/n.." y/n grabbed Chad's hand as if she was having a nightmare, she bolted straight up with her eyes wide open full of fear.

"y/n!?" I said walking towards her

"It was a nightmare, you're okay now." I wasn't fully sure on that last part but I had to reasher her somehow.

"They were gonna kill me.." y/n said

"Who was sweetheart?" Chris asked "Freddy,Chica,Bonnie,and the Golden Freddy.." she said shakily "T-there was a boy he was getting scared but Golden kept him safe th-they were his friends.." my eyes went wide, my God she was talking about George. y/n then looked at Chris

"You're a sick bastard ya know!?" y/n said tears filling her eyes

"I know.." Chris said "If you could understand why I did it-"

"Then why did you do it!?" y/n interrupted, Chris looked away from Vincents death gaze

"I was a coward and when i tried to get you back..they said you were dead." y/n was getting more angry

"WHAT ABOUT THOSE YEARS ON THE STREET!" she cried "I thought I could give you a better life then what I could give you!" Chris said starting to cry

"THIS WAS BETTER!" y/n said showing Chris her wounds, some even I've never seen.

"How was I suppose to know-" Chad tried to say

"You weren't suppose to! You were suppose to take car of me!" y/n cried,

"I'm sorry y/n." Chad said I knew he meant it, but I don't think y/n wanted to buy it. I was right y/n cried angry tears

"I think its time you go!" Vincent said dragging Chad outside

"Y/N WAIT!" Chad said, but Vincent threw him out as I sat there comforting her. I don't know how long she can go through this sort of stuff. I looked at her eye it was pouring out black tears and it seemed to be smoking almost.

"Take me home!" y/n cried "I want to go home! I want to see Mike,Jeremy,and Doll!"

"This is your home y/n." Vincent said trying to convince her

"No its not! I'd be getting ready for work in a few hours! I'd be going to school with the others!" I knew this wasn't going to end well when Vincent started yelling at her, the night ended up with y/n blaming a door to a room and Vincent still screaming at the door. Of course I had to calm him down in his ways but it worked.  I fell asleep right beside him

Your Pov

I wanted to run! To get out of here! I need to get out of here! I looked for a phone something to contact them. I found a wall phone in the room and dialed Jeremy's number.

"Please,Please,Please answer!" I said to the phone, someone answered

"H-Hello?" a stuttering voice said "Jeremy!" I said happily

"Y-/Yn?! I-is it re-really yo-you?" he asked concerned  "Its me!" i said, "A-Are yo-you hurt? W-where ar-are you? Ar-are they go-gonna hu-hurt you?"

"I'm fine, I don't know where I am at some guy my Grandpa calls Pink's house and I don't think they'll hurt me." I started to cry its so good too hear him again

"I-Its good too hear you again Jere." I said trying to hide the sound of me crying

"i-Its good t-to he-hear you too." I could tell he was crying

"I-I miss you." I said

"Jere..?" I said

"Y-Yeah.?" He said scared almost

"I love you.." I said, I meant it more than any words I've said in a while.

"I l-love you to y/n." I didn't know if I would see him again, I didn't want to think of being held here forever. "H-Hey Mike w-wants to ta-talk to you." Jeremy said, I knew that he'd get on ether way

"Hey sis," Mike said

"Hey Mike." I said

"We all miss you."

"I miss you guys too. I wanna come home." I said

"We'll find a way y/n I promise." Mike said, I knew that it was more of a hope maybe I'd wake up and this would be a bad dream

"Y/N WHO ARE YOU TALKING TOO!?" Grandpa screamed

"Y/n don't hang up!" Mike said, the door was starting to be kicked in "I gotta go!" I said crying again "Y/N DON'T HANG UP!" Mike yelled, I hung up and hid under the bed.

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