Mob Adventures

By YsaLisaRules

671 36 21

A group of mobs gather together in order to hunt down Herobrine. Together, they will encounter some problems... More

Friendships and Companionships
Entering The End
New Experiences
The Dare
The Ruler and The Knight
Finding Bea
Getting To Know Bea
A Fun Time
Adlaine's A/N
Nightmare Or Dream
Meeting him again...
The Quest For The Nature Goddess
Nature By Our Side
Another Day For Training
The Beast Inside
The Journey
Prepare For The Ride
Nether: The Arrival
Nether: The Battle

Into The Nether

12 1 2
By YsaLisaRules

(Will's PoV)

We crafted our diamond gear and equipped it but I bet diamond gear can't be as strong as Herobrine so eventually it will break. At least it can reduce his attacks for a while. We went back to the surface only to see it was night time but that won't stop us. We have to save Bea. We fought our way to another village, for shelter. Although, the villagers weren't that passive. The players shot fire arrows at us, as soon as they noticed us. Me and Wither were weakened by Fire arrows but we still tried to shoot the arrows back at them. Even thought we got shot at a lot. Then, Wither got the strength to shoot a wither head at the village. The villagers retreated.

"Guess we're going straight for the broken nether portal." Nat said

"Huh?" I said

"The broken nether portal will lead us right into Herobrine's Castle. This will prevent us from being lost in the nether." She informed as she led us to the broken nether portal. For some reason, me and Wither brought a fire arrow with us. Maybe a souvenier. I saw Wither trying to touch the fire. She examined the flame and put her hand in it. Her face didn't show any emotion. I did the same and realized, it doesn't hurt. That's weird. I threw my arrow to the ground and put its fire out. Wither did the same, guess were not scared of fire arrows anymore. I smiled at Wither and she gave me a faint smile, since she looked tired. I decided to help her out.

"Hey Nat? Do you mind if I go ahead?" I asked

"Sure. Meet you at the labyrinth." She said and I smiled. I ran towards Wither and carried her, bridal style (i have to stop saying that xD).

"Will?!" Wither said and I grinned at her. I ran, at a slower speed to avoid Wither getting whiplashed, to the labyrinth. "What are you doing?!" She asked.

"I'm helping you. Do you want me to stop?" I asked and Wither blushed. She buried her head in my chest and looked at me.

"Fine. Go help me, Bones." She said as she smiled. I smiled at her and ran a bit faster. She seems to be enjoying the trip. When we arrived at the labyrinth, I put Wither down.

"See, that was quicker than walking." I said and Wither laughed.

"I think you should go rest. You look very exhausted, Will." She said and I nodded. I sat down beside her and took a deep breath. "What do you wanna do now?" She asked and I began thinking.

"Wanna explore?" I asked

"Okay! I'm up for anything that involves adventure!" She exclaimed and I sighed.

"Okay! come on, Nether." I said as I offered her a hand to stand up. She stood up and we explored the labyrinth. It was filled with moss and vines. Looks pretty old to me. Bats were screeching everywhere. Creepy. I looked at Wither and she had a scared look on her face. "Are you scared?" I asked and she looked away from me.

"Psh. Me, scared? Nah! I'm WitherAJ Nether, who said I was-" She said. Her sentence was eventually cut by bats flying over her head. She fell towards me and I caught her.

"You were saying?" I chuckled

"Fine. I'm a bit scared. I admit it." She said as she blushed from embarrassment. I chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"Don't be scared. I'm here, okay?" I said to her and she nodded. We continued exploring. It wasn't that long until we found ourselves in the middle of the labyrinth. In the middle, flowers bloomed and the grass was healthy. We decided to hang out here for a while. We sat down near the flowers. Wither was fascinated. I got a flower and gave it to Wither. When she took it, she smiled and put it in her hair.

"You're so kind, Will Bones." She said and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. She giggled. I kissed her and at first she was in shock. Then, she kissed back. We lied down on the grass and broke the kiss. I could feel my face flush red, but not as bright as Wither's cheeks. I chuckled at the sight and I patted her head. She buried her head on my chest and we cherished this moment together. It didn't last too long, though.

"Will! Wither!" We heard the others calling. We sat up and decided to go back.

"There you two lovebirds are." We heard a voice from above and saw Endie flying above us. She went down to the ground and held our shoulders. "Now we need to teleport out of here. Looks like there's a monster here in this labyrinth. Nat and the others found the portal. Get ready to teleport you two." She said and she teleported us to the others.

"There you are! Thanksss Endie." Cupa said and DC began rebuilding the portal

"Anyone have flint and steel?" DC asked. Endie stood in front of the portal and blew fire to the portal. "Or Endie's firebreath can work." DC chuckled and the Portal was opened.

"Are you guys ready?" Nat asked and we all nodded.

"Stick to the plan, okay?" Wither said and I prepared to run. Nat began counting.

"1... 2... 3... Let's go!" Nat shouted and we all jumped in the portal.


Heyo! I'll try to stick with my sched now xD hope you enjoyed!

Till next time

Goodbye and Peace out *snap*


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