Zak Bagans imagines and short...

By ChasingShadows89

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Zak bagans stories one shots and imagines when all the daydreams are lived out :) Requests open* More

Lockdown (Reequested)
Santa Wish
Santa wish (part 2)
Santa wish (part 3)
Santa's wish (continued part 4)
Santa's wish part 5
Santa's wish part 6
Santa's wish part 7
Married?! Part 2
Married part 3
Married?! part 4
Married?! part 5
Married?! part 6
Married?! Part 7
Married?! Part 8
Married?! part 9
Married?! Part 10
Married Part 11
Married?! Part 12
Married?! Part 13
Married?! Part 14
Married Part 16
Married part 17
Married part 18
Married part 19
Married Part 20
Married part 21
A/N: authors note

Married?! Part 15

1.7K 30 11
By ChasingShadows89

A few weeks later you were pretty much all healed up face began to look like it was back to its normal color and not like you went five rounds with a UFC fighter in a cage match. That morning you woke up at Zak's you've been spending more time together and he had planned a few mini dates here and there with lunch by the garden one day, then home cooked meal by the fire and movies we said we'd catch up on over the few years you've known him you loved spending all this time with him but you still wondered what was going to happen when the papers had gone through you decided you'd talk to him about it later that day.

You felt little licks on your hand, causing your eyes to fly open and then relaxing once you saw it was only Gracie.

"Good morning pretty girl" you smile and pet her "is it time to go potty huh?" You asked and you got up slow so you didn't wake Zak and she got all excited and you let her out the bedroom door and out the back door in the kitchen as she went off and did her business.

You had walked over to the stove and turned on the tea kettle to make some tea and go sit out on the deck as Gracie got her fill of being outside this beautiful morning.

You got your mug and poured the warm liquid before the whistle went off. You added sugar and cream and took a seat outside on the patio and turned on your iPod and listened to some music just relaxing and enjoying the morning.

As you sat there singing along with the music you couldn't help but think about the expending doom about the divorce sure it made you sad, but if Zak never wanted it then you weren't going to push him to keep this going. You sighed softly and took out the earbuds and set the tea down, leaning back into the seat stitching and had your eyes closed you had the feeling of being watched then felt hands go on your shoulders making you jump and Yelp.

"Jesus don't do that!" You yelled and covered your face

"Thanks for the mini heart attack" you added once you calmed down you felt his lips on yours and he bent over behind the chair you rubbed his cheek and neck.

"Morning sleep ok? And sorry I keep leaving you alone in bed, Gracie needed out" you say softly against his lips and let go of him so he could sit you moved over making room for him and ended up sitting in his lap.


I watched Y/N as she sat on my lap watching Gracie sniff around the garden.

"What were you listening to?" I asked, pointing to her earbuds.

"Music, just finding something quiet to do whilst you were still asleep." She answered and gave me a smile.

There was a split second when it fell and I could almost see the cogs in her mind turn. Her brows pulled and she frowned before she shook her head lightly, looking back at Gracie.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Me? Y-yeah." She answered.


"Just thinking about things. Pointless things, that's all... Anyway. What are you doing today? Hiding in that man cave of yours again?" She asked.

"I had work to do.. I'm a busy man."

She grumbled laying her head on my shoulder, "I know. But I get bored."

In the last few days I had pushed Y/N away, not that I had realized it until she told me the other day that when I work I shut her off. I hadn't ever realized...

"Do you want me to help you with work? I can't really do a lot, but I can listen for EVPs?" She suggested.

"No. No today I think I'm going to take it off."

Those words made her eyes shoot to me.

"Day off?" She asked, placing her hand on my forehead.

"Are you sick?" She asked looking over me.

"No, I just want to spend time with my favorite girls.. How about we take Gracie out? Maybe a hike?" I suggested.

"Y-yeah, okay. But, uh.. Not too far."

I grinned, remembering the last time we went for a hike... I said not a few miles. 11 miles later I had the ear bashing of a life time.

"I promise it won't be as long as last time."

"Okay. Then that's what we will do." Y/N smiled.

She placed her head back down, letting me play with her hair lightly.

"I want to go swimming." She sighed absently.

"Then why don't you?" I asked, pointing to the pool.

"What right now? We're suppose to be going on a hike?" She frowned.

"Then we can go another day? You want to go swimming then swimming is what we will do." I patted her back.


"Just get in or I'll get out and throw you in." I warned as Y/N stood at the edge dipping her toes in.

"Okay, I seriously underestimated the coldness."

"Trust me.. Once you're in. It's okay. Now get in or I'm coming to get you." I grinned, moving to the side of the pool.

"Meh.." She moaned moving away from me.


She sat on the edge pouting, I went over and lifted myself out the water giving her a kiss. I pulled away, making her grumbled.

"If you want another.. You'll come and get it." I teased.


"Come on..." I grinned swimming to the middle of the pool.

I watched as she lowered herself in squealing at the coldness. I laughed, knowing full well it was freezing in the pool. But you had to put your shoulders under.. Otherwise, it would always be cold.

"O-oh my god!"

"Put your shoulders under." I laughed.

"Do one! I'm never listening to you again. I can't feel my feet! Zak I can't feel my feet!" She shouted at me.

I went under the water and popped up in front of her. Shaking off the water, she giggled.

"Stop being grumpy and come play with me?" I asked.


I leant in to give her a kiss, but kept away from her mouth, Y/N opened her eye and slapped my arm.

"I want a k-"

I grabbed her face ,kissing her hard, I felt her body ease and lean into mine. Pulling away, she held onto my arms, laughing to herself.

"Woah. So worth it." She giggled.

"Come." I twisted my hands to hold her wrists and pulled her along with me as we moved around the pool.

"Can we race?" She asked.

I was majorly competitive, Y/N knew it and I wouldn't back down from a challenge.



"Yeah." I answered going to the end of the pool with her.

"Two laps. Ready.."

I got ready, putting my foot on the edge of the pool ready to push myself off.

Y/N Had both her feet and held the edge of the pool by her fingertips.


"GO!" She shouted.

I pushed myself off the wall, swimming as hard and fast as I could. As I reached the end I looked around and found Y/N doing a somersault under the water, kicking off the wall propelling herself through the water.

I paused, watching her, this time I was willing to lose, I watched as her feet came out the water again doing a somersault before she came back towards me.

By the time she had finished, I had only done one length.

"I WON!"

"Y/N you're like a dolphin!""Why thank you." She grinned swimming over.

"Warm now?" I asked. She nodded and spun around in the water.

"Guess what?" She asked.


"TAG!" She shouted and swam away giggling. I swam after her, but she was quick!

I went under the water and into the cave waiting for her to pass me by. Instead, she appeared beside me and then began laughing.

"Don't be a sore loser Zak." She teased.

"I'm not. I'm not.." I smiled ,pulling her against me.

Y/N locked her legs around my hips keeping her close to me without going under.

"You can work this afternoon. If you really need to. I don't want to stop you." She spoke.

I smiled tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"And if I don't want to?" I asked.

"Then spend it with me.." She whispered.

Y/N kissed me and pulled at my hair lightly. I groaned, running my hands down her side and to her butt.

I gave it a squeeze making Y/N gasp. I slipped my tongue into her mouth finding hers. They fought for dominance before I moved to her neck.

Y/N dragged her nails lightly through my scalp, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Zak?!"  A voice called. Aaron was here?

Y/N pulled away and unlocked her legs.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Uh huh." She sighed swimming out of the cave.

"Oh hey Y/N!" Aaron spoke.

"Hey Aaron." She responded.

I knew she was going to be mad with me now, but I could hardly stop Aaron coming over..

I swam out and got out the pool, putting a towel around me, I headed indoors, telling Aaron to meet me in the den we used to review evidence.

I went into the bedroom to find Y/N with her wash stuff.

"Take the shower, I'm having a bath." She mumbled.


"It's fine Zak, you said yourself. You're a busy man." She replied, leaving me in the bedroom.

I groaned and grabbed some clothes before taking a shower.

After I headed up and met Aaron.

"Sorry Bro, I know she's pissed." He spoke quietly.

"It's fine. Don't worry. I smoothed it over." I answered.


"Yah man."

"Okay, good. So are we still going Ahead with the plan?" He asked.

I nodded "Absolutely. Did the things turn up?" I asked.

"Yeah bro, I ordered two more and tested them out. They look amazing at night." He answered, showing me a photo.

"They look good. Okay, well, I have to get Y/N out. Take a set of keys and whilst we are gone.. Get it set up."

"Okey dokey." Aaron nodded.

"Thanks man. I owe you."

"That you do."


After a good soak in the tub you had seen your fingertips getting pruney so you decided to get out of the tub and go get dressed.

While in the closet changing you heard your phone ding so you went and looked at it standing in your bra and undies seeing it was an old friend you hadn't seen in what felt like forever, You started talking with her and offered to do a photo shoot for her and her boyfriend and their daughter in the near future, along with going to find a local haunt in your home state.

As you felt eyes on you, you mumbled "like what you see?"

"Very much," you hear him speak up

"Too bad we can't do anything about that, can we?" you say walking back into the closet and finish getting dressed you had picked out some sweat pants and a baggyish T-shirt and your hair up in a bun you walked past him and right to the fridge and found your ice cream you had had half up the night before.

You walked over to the couch and sat down and turned on Netflix and searched through the titles and nothing really screamed out at you so you turned it off and indulging back into your ice cream, thinking "i can do this at home" that played around in your mind and thought you were being a bother on zak he had so much work you loved he kept busy but hated it took time away from trying to do whatever it was you were trying to do a marriage or relationship or just plain friendship with hot and heavy kissing sometimes and always getting interrupted every damn time you two thought the moment was right.

With a sigh you got up, taking the ice cream with you and went and packed your overnight bag with your clothes and few other things and came out getting your sneakers on running into him.

"Oh, hi um I'm going to head home ok got laundry and house cleaning to catch up on you know me" you told him a white lie which wasn't that far from the truth you did have house chores but that wasn't the full truth on why you were leaving.

"Oh, are you sure I thought it was date night" he says

"Shit" you cussed in your head

"Yah, I have so much to do" you say and give him a small smile


"Ok, well call me when you're done and I'll come and see you," he said walking over and giving you a kiss

"Ok" you say simple and kiss back, then pick up your bag and headed home

Once there yourcleaning genes turned on overload, a-z list of cleaning set in, from dusting to laundry, vacuuming, cleaning windows, trash and putting thing abc order. After another shower around midnight you took an allergy pill from all the dusting you had done you had sneezed for an hour straight and enough was enough. You picked up your phone and seen you had four missed calls from zak must have been important, so you called back.

"Hey, what's goin on with all the calls?" you say laying down on your bed

"I was getting worried about you when you didn't pick up the third time" you heard him say

"Well why the calls?" you asked

"honestly?" he asked

"yah or i wouldn't have asked" you say

"i miss you and work is just seems it's all jumbling up together into one thing" he says

"oh, well take a break go have a snack or something and get some sleep new day will help there's always tomorrow hun" you say

"Yah I know, can you come back home?" he said

Did he just ask me to come home home? you thought

"Zak I am home sweetie, I think it's bed time for you sir" you smile some

"you know what i mean y/n" he sighs

"no i'm sorry i'm not sure i do" you say

"get your ass home with me now i'll be over in 15 minutes be ready" he says

"Damn yes sir" you say and grab a bag and get clothes in it hanging up and grab a few other things and go and wait on the couch for him trying hard to fight the effects from the allergy pill you had taken a few minutes earlier.

In the time it took Zak to get there you had passed out, you felt him lift you and into the car feeling he had put the seatbelt around you and leaned over and snuggled into the armrest until you felt him get in and then you held on to his arm and fell back asleep.

The next thing you felt something soft under you you recognized it was Zaks bed it was home in a lot of ways it's where you recovered where you and he shared your first kiss where you've told him how you felt a lot of first happened in his bed just not one important first for you at least. You felt warm, so you sat up and slid your sweat pants off and fixed the bun you had in your hair and turned on the fan like always, you had on your black lace panties and your deep v neck tee as you crawled into bed giving him a good view of your chest you curled up to the pillow lying on your stomach with a sigh you fell right to sleep.

The next morning you opened your eyes and rubbed the sleep from them and seen Zak's hand on your chest it didn't bother you, you always knew he was a boob guy and if it helped him sleep, so be it. With a small smirk and chuckle you shake your head and move his hand away gently and get up and used the restroom and came out with an empty bladder and clean teeth for the time being until you decided to eat. You looked over at him and couldn't help but smile as he looked so cute when he slept, you walked back to your side of his bed and crawled back under the covers and caught a glimpse of the tent under the sheets making you double take.

"Don't stare, it's rude," he mumbled teasing you

"How the hell can I not" you laughed and laid back down beside him as he snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him as his head went into your neck and gave it a small kiss sending shivers everywhere in your body.

"Wannatake care of it?" he asked huskily

As you stammered "I I I I" you stuttered

He smirked "it won't kill you baby," he says, looking up at you

"I know that" you blush and look away "sorry" you say

"Don't be sorry," he smiles "now give me my morning kiss and all is good" he winks

"Fine" you say still blushing and lean down to kiss him, as you do so once your lips touched his you felt the electricity sail through your body tingling everywhere you leaned back into your pillow, pulling him with you, never breaking the kiss once, as he moved on top between your legs you deepened the kiss and rubbed up his back into his neck you heard him moan softly against your lips so close to starting and then the doorbell rang.

"No no no you've got to be fucking kidding me!" you sigh, holding onto him "don't you dare answer that!" you warn him

"Fuck!....I have to" he groaned getting up

"Don't forget your robe!" you say, tossing it at him hard and going into the bathroom, slamming the door and turning on the shower frustrated as hell at this rate you'll never get laid and be the 100 year old virgin.


 "No, no, no you've got to be fucking kidding me!" Y/N sighed holding onto me.

I couldn't believe every time we got close that something prevented us from going further. Knowing I'd have to answer it, I gave Y/N  an apologetic look.

"Don't you dare answer that!" She warned."Fuck, I have to." I groaned gettingup.I knew she would be pissed now, hell I was pissed and it better be important!"Don't forget your robe!" She snapped, throwing it at me hard before storming into the bathroom and slamming the door.

I shook my head at the closed door and pulled on the robe, I understood her frustration, but taking it out on my house was not the answer.

I walked to the front door and opened it to my ex, Faith. There certainly wasn't anything faithful about her.

"What do you want?" I asked as she barged her way into my home.

"Come on in.." I muttered shutting the door.

"We need to talk." She spoke.

"We can do that on the doorstep." I answered folding my arms.

"Please.. With your dressed like that?" She answered rolling her eyes.

Maybe she had a point.

I looked at my bedroom door hoping Y/N would come out and Faith would get the hint and get out.

"I think we should put the past behind us." She spoke clicking away on her phone before putting it away.

"I agree. Nice tal-"

"I want us to start again." She answered batting her lashes at me.

I scoffed and shook my head, was she for real right now?

I waited for Y/N to jump out or for Faith to laugh and say it was a joke.

But she didn't..

She just waited for my answer.

"W- are you actually serious right now?"

"Obviously Zak. Why else would I be hear?" She asked approaching me.

I took a step back away from her making her stop.

For the first time I took her in properly, the layers of makeup caked on her face, the split ends in her hair and the unmistakable smell of cigarettes..

Being asthmatic and a non smoker the smell made me physically sick, but I wasn't exactly picky with women before I married Y/N. It was a quick lay and out the door, only Faith hung around on the account of her skills.. And I'm not talking about bookkeeping skills.

"You know we were good together baby." She smiled biting her lip playfully.

The problem with Faith?     She knew my weaknesses..

"No. I think that's a terrible idea." I answered.

Her hand ran up my chest and onto my neck pulled the hair on the nape of my neck gently.

"You know I make you feel good... Nobody pulls my strings like you." She purred.

That wasn't true as she was one to play afield.

"Say that to the last guy?" I asked.

She sucked her teeth and smiled "I want to start again? You and me.. Just like the old times.. I remember when you were such a good sport, any time, and if I remember rightly any place." She giggled.

She was right... But I've changed for being the man who shot his load at any woman walking past.

I felt different, in myself. In my behaviour.

Her hand grabbed my groin startling me.

"See... Listen to your body."

I couldn't tell her my hard on was for the woman in my bed not the one fondling my ba-

Her mouth hit mine and I forgot what I was thinking. My body ached for a release!


We pulled apart and I saw Y/N stood looking at both me and Faith.

"It's not what it looks like!" I defended myself instantly.

"Y/N... It's been a while."

"Not long enough." Y/N remarked and looked at me.

"I get the message.... Loud and clear." She snapped snapping the chain from her neck and throwing it at me.

"You and her?!" Faith laughed as Y/N stormed into my bedroom slamming the door.

My heart was racing and the walls felt like they were closing in. My chest had the unmistakable band around it..

I pushed Faith away and out of my house as she began wailing at me.

I couldn't catch my breath as I slammed the door and tried to get my inhalers from my bag in my room.

I banging on the door, unable to speak or form any words.

I could see the inhaler in my bag in my mind, but the door separated us. I needed it.....I needed it now!

I fell against the door as sliding down in unable to put up a fight, I needed what oxygen I could get!

I hit the door once more before closing my eyes as drowsiness began to take over me..


I couldn't believe my own eyes, this could not be happening his ex his fucking ex in our...his house!? No fucking way was I sticking around for this this crossed your mind

"A-HEM" You cleared your throat loud to see him push her away

"It's not what it looks like I swear!" he said staring at y/n

"Y/'s been awhile."

"Not fucking long enough" you say with tears welling up in your eyes as you grabbed the chain and ripped it from your neck "i get the message....... Loud and clear" you add and throw the necklace at his feet and storm back to the bedroom and grabbed my things, leaving this hell hole you were wanting to call home to start a life with him how the hell could i have been so stupid to believe that he could actually love me hell stay faithfully i should have known" you cracked softly holding your mouth sobbing sliding down to the floor heart broken yet again by the actions of the incredible Zak Bagans.

After a few minutes of him banging on the door you heard a thud making you worried you opened the door expecting him to come barging in only that wasn't the case. You looked left and right and then down there he was on the floor struggling to breath.

"Jesus! Zak ZAK look at me baby, Tell me what to do, what do i do?!" you kneeled down, panicking and held his face, then saw him pointing and remembered his inhaler..his asthma

"I'll be right back five seconds" you kissed his forehead and ran and got his bag and dumped it on the floor and searched through it "come on come on" you groaned and finally found it and put it to his lips and helped him use it.

After a few puffs you moved behind him and held him close, rocking him gently holding him close to you knowing he would be tired after an attack "can you get up for me, I'll take you to bed" you say softly you see him nod and you get up and help him, letting him lean on you, you got him to bed and covered up as he coughed up some he looked up at you and pushed your hair back and you pulled away.

"Don' that," he said softly

"Plenty of reasons for me to" you retorted

"Y/n I'm sorry she kissed me, I froze it does happen...."

"Do not lay that bullshit on me Zak how fucking stupid do I look to you I should have known better, but no, I gave you a chance and chance and chance again and you kept proving me right!" you say getting angry as you wipe your face. "Get some sleep ok, I'm sorry I yelled, but you and me...there is no more of that we can be civil and work together, but this a relationship no there were warning signs I ignored them that's on me not you. I do love you and I will always love you, but I can't keep getting my heart broken by all the things I feel insecure about....I am not strong enough to see you with your ex's i'm not strong enough to see all the girls that throw themselves at you time and time again I'm never going to be good enough for you that night was the best/worst day of my life yes I married the guy I have loved since that stupid episode of the axe murder's house my best friend the guy I'd hoped I'd be enough for you, but it's just not the case...I'll stay until I know you're ok or I can call cece if you don't want me to stay" you say with tears running down your cheeks but knew it was for the best for the both of you you couldn't get hurt anymore you needed to work on yourself if you could ever begin anything with him.


"Don't.. Do that." I breathed slowly as Y/N avoided any contact with me.

"Plenty of reasons for me to." She answered."Y/N I'm sorry, she kissed me! I froze, it does happen." "Do not lay that bullshit on me Zak, how fucking stupid do I look to you? I should have known better, but no, I gave you a chance and chance and chance again and you kept proving me right!" She snapped.I watched Y/N wipe her face in frustration... She's beautiful when she gets angry."Get some sleep okay? I'm sorry I yelled, but you and me? There is no more of that. We can be civil and work together, but this a relationship? No. There were warning signs, I ignored them, that's on me not you. I do love you and I will always love you...."Her voice slowly disappeared behind the high pitched ringing in my ears. I could see her mouth moving, but apart from the ringing and thumping of my heart. I couldn't hear a darn thing.Y/N doesn't want us.. Me and Y/N.. Like? Civil?!Not even friends? Best friends?! Just civil! I'm civil with my exes and she wants to be civil?!

I watched the tears roll down her cheeks and her lips stop moving.

"But I love you." I spoke out loud."I think you do.. But not the way I love you. I'd crawl through broken glass and hot coals for you Zak. I know you love me.. But you don't, not really.. Do you?" She asked, sniffling.

"I do." I went into my pocket, pulling out the broken chain I had grabbed that Y/N had thrown at my feet.

I held it out to her making her brows knit together.
I watched her bite her bottom lip and sigh."It means so much to me, but so little to you.. We got married by mistake, a drunken mistake, but in my heart of hearts I'm glad it was you." Y/N stood up when a fear came over me that she was going to leave."Don't go. Please." I begged, holding onto her hand."Zak... I really think it's for the best.""Listen to me Y/N, I.. Love you. I do and it scares me. I told you how I felt that night, I meant every word. I can't go back to being friends... Don't do this."She pulled her hand from mine and stepped away "You did it the moment you let her in." She answered firmly."She pushed her way it!""Oh, so she overpowered you?! Come on Zak! I'm not an idiot! Look at me?!" She asked, throwing her hands out."I am!""Then don't take me for a fool!" She shouted."I-I'm not. Please.. I know you're mad, but I'm telling you the truth, she pushed in and then she threw herself at me.""I can't cope with that! I can't bare another woman touching you if you're suppose to be with me!""It won't happen again!" I replied."It won't because we won't.. I'm sorry Zak." She picked up her bag from the floor."But.. But what if I.. What if I have another attack?!""I'll call Cece to come sit over here.""My nightmares! Please Y/N.." I was begging now, I wasn't ashamed and I wasn't going to apologize.. But I was here begging for a woman who I had fallen in love with, to stay by my side and to believe me when I said my version of events. "I'm sor-""You can't of ever trusted me. You can't love someone if you don't trust them." I spoke making Y/N freeze and clench her fists.I'd made her mad on purpose.. I needed her mad."DON'T YOU EVER! EVER! QUESTION MY LOVE FOR YOU!"Go on... Keep going Y/N."I'm stating a fact." I replied nonchalantly. I watched her approach the bed and I almost dropped my guard by smiling."I LOVE YOU AND YOU LET THAT SKANK IN! YOU COULD HAVE THROWN HER OUT!""I was in the process of doing that!""WITHYOUR TONGUE DOWN HER THROAT! YEAH OKAY PAL!" She screamed in my face.What Y/N had failed to realize is that I had enough spring in me too..
Fuck it.I sprung myself forward and grabbed her face, kissing her hard. I felt her fists on my chest before she crumbled into me.I ran my hand up into her hair and pulled on it making her let out a whimper opening her mouth for me to gain access.Without much effort I had her on the bed and under me as we made out, I felt her hands rubbing my arms and then her nails pull through my hair sending a shudder down my spine.I pulled away, feeling lightheaded and saw her looking at me with narrowed eyes."You can't worm your way out of things by doing that." She spoke."Really?"She nodded her head."You don't seem convinced." I teased, making her pull me back down onto her mouth.I wasn't trying to worm my way out of anything. But if it involves making out.. Then hell I'm doing it!

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