One Day

By QueenBThe1st

90.5K 2.2K 205

Draco Malfoy has become a Death Eater and has specific orders on executing Hermione Granger, who happens to b... More

Prologue (Trailer in sidebar)
The First Memories
Disappearing and Reappearing
Jealousy And Suspicions
Injuries and Feelings
Subtle Scents Of Myrr
The Malfoy Manor
Arising Tension
Secrets Unveiled
Grasping Destruction
Curses and Torture
I know you from somewhere
Recollection and Mistrust
I love you

Returning Struggles

3.3K 96 2
By QueenBThe1st

The memory morphed the black and blue liquid and returned to Hogwarts. The geriatric castle sat proudly on the mountain, and glistened as the sun set on the lake. It was rather picture perfect Hogwarts, it never looked dull — always whimsical.
This would be the last year that Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco and many other sixth year students would return here. Draco watched himself as he searched all morning for Hermione. They were in a crowd of greetings when Hermione had spotted him, she practically sprinted into his arms.

"Draco!" She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and his mouth was to her ear.
"Miss me much?" he smirked at her and planted a kiss on her lips. How could you lie to her face?
"You have no idea! At least now we can see each other without having to worry about parents..." Hermione trailed off and pressed her rosy cheeks against his chest.
"Well, there's still Snape." As he said this, he eyed out his potions teacher who stared pensively at the couple, "I think we should lay-low for a while-"
"Hermione, I need to talk to you. Malfoy." Potter spat and glared at the two, Weaslebee hot on his tracks.
"Potter," Draco glared back, "I'll see you later, Granger."

Later that night Hermione had snuck into the Slytherin house to visit Draco. They cuddled up on the sofa and she nuzzled kisses onto his neck. His hands searched her body and the intimacy burst from its seams. There was no one in the Slytherin house, as they all agreed to stay up and watch the stars. The seniors had also agreed to give a show for the juniors.

Draco's lips glided over Hermione's skin, his name falling from her lips as waves of shock sent through her. His hands slid over parts that Hermione would've freaked out if you said it.
"Shhh Angel." He growled and his hands tugged at her bare flesh.
"Malfoy," she moaned and ushered him to stop.
"Relax." He breathed into skin and chuckles as her body shifted.

Whoosh. Hermione and Draco hadn't spoke in nearly a week at the time. He was too busy making final preparations on the Vanishing Cabinet. After, their intimate night, she had become very quiet and shy, her mind clearly focused on the moments they had that night. But now was not the time for reminiscing on sexual fantasies, it was time to focus on the plan at hand.

Draco became rather ill looking as it consumed his mind. He knew that in order for his family to uphold their beloved status, he would have to execute this perfectly.
Whenever Draco and Hermione had class together, he would stand at the back. Whenever it was time to eat, he did not. Whenever he had to sleep, he couldn't. His thoughts were consumed by his orders from Voldemort.

He stood there watching Hermione as she roamed the Room of Requirement. She picked up random things as she went along and observed them inquisitively. Draco cleared his throat which nearly made her jump out of her skin.
"Malfoy!" she exclaimed, her heart racing as she ran up to him.
"How did you know about the Room of Requirement?" he questioned, his eyes looking her from head-to-toe, his eyes lingering at her lower body.
"I read about it in the - "
"Of course you did," Draco cut her off sharply. She searched his eyes, trying to find the problem. Draco was concerned she had found the Vanishing Cabinet but then again, she wouldn't know why it was there and would move on.
"Hey! Look at this piano, Merlin' it's beautiful!" her fingers running across the top of the Grand Piano. She sat down and her fingers tickled the keys and began to play a rather sad song.
"You play beautifully." He sat and watched her as she watched her eyes focus on the keys, her body swaying to the beat of the music. She is so beautiful. How many times must I say it?

"I think we should meet in here more often, it's quiet. Tucked away from the rest of Hogwarts." she turned her head next to him, he scooted up next to her and kissed her. His hands following the curves of her body as they became one unit. Draco stopped and pulled away, he tugged at his hair.
"I love you, Granger. But, we cannot do this. Not anymore." Draco's eyes turned a murky grey, his face become paler and he burrowed his face into his hands, crying.
"Draco..." her voice breaking, she couldn't hold it in any longer and burst into tears as well. She swallowed hard and plucked up the courage to ask why.
"I can't see you hurt." her face slowly fading into black and vanished as if the Vanishing Cabinet had swooped her away.

The scene morphed into the days where things became much too rocky. Whenever they saw each other, they did not greet - only gave a desperate glance. Hermione was the kind of girl who would care for you deeply however, she would not pluck up the courage to make a first move. Also the fact that Draco had one of the worst tempers in human history.

She watched him at lunch, he never ate. Draco Malfoy became much too thin, his jaw line becoming more defined, his eyes becoming glazed over and blood shot, grey bags accumulated under them and his hair became ruffled.
"I can't see him like this, Gin." Hermione sighed, she chewed her lower lip angrily at the sight of the walking zombie, also known as Draco.

The scene changed to Draco entering the Room of Requirement. These were the final days leading up to the Death of Dumbledore and to the start of Voldemort's tyranny. As Draco paced through the vast room, he heard music playing. His ears attuned and his feet began to follow the rhythmic beat. In the corner, sitting curled up, her knees touching her chin, was Hermione. She stared at the radio, her hair tied up into a pony-tail, wearing a flannel shirt and jeans. He hadn't seen her in any of the classes that day, which was peculiar for Granger. She never missed a class.

Draco walked and stood in front of her, she gazed up with tears in her chocolate eyes and he put out his pale hand. She shrugged and took it, pulling her to her feet and holding her tiny waist. They began dancing and giggling with love in their hurt eyes. This was the last happy memory Draco Malfoy had shared with Hermione Granger.

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