I love you

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"How... Why..." Hermione's tears trailed off and her words got lost her weeping. I am so sorry.
"I am sorry Hermione. I have to do this." the water rose in his eyes as he lifted his wand to face her angelic face.
"Why? After everything we have been through! I love you, Draco! Is it because of Ron?" Hermione demanded, daring to step forward.
"I was chosen!" He lifted his sleeve and revealed his Dark Mark to her once more.
"That's nothing!" she pleaded and shouted at him. Each word piercing Draco like a jagged knife in his heart. As he watched the memory, he had to hold the wall. He had become so light-headed and sick. The same emotions ran through his body, every word piercing another part of his body.
"Don't you understand? I have to do this!" the understanding tears filled her dark chocolate eyes, "I have to kill you, or he's gonna kill me and my family. I can't afford to have them hurt!"
"I understand Draco, I would do the same thing..." her body began to shake uncontrollably, Draco watching the memory, began crying hysterically - he wished it was just a nightmare.
"Never forget that note. I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy." was her last words.

"Avada Kedavra!" Hermione's body sucked the light in, her painful scream pierced his ears. She fell to the earth and landed in a clump. Her eyes slightly open, the word Mudblood still engraved in her arm. As if she was staring at the scar, one last tear fell from Hermione Jean Granger. Draco stood there, frozen in place. He ran towards her and cradled her lifeless body in his arms, shrieking and crying into her hair.

"Why, God? Why? Why did I do this?" he screamed. People began to gather, witnessing a lover holding his everything in his arms. Ginny came running in screaming and collapsing. Ron lay still, staring at Hermione. Harry's face rose from the crowd, he had killed Voldemort. Neville had destroyed the last Horcrux, Nagini. And there stood Harry Potter, watching Draco Malfoy's heart break into millions of pieces. The pain was excruciating, it felt as if someone was tearing the skin of his heart. A tear fell from Nacrissa's cheek and Lucius left the room. People began leaving the room, trying to find their beloved ones.

Draco Malfoy was with Hermione Granger in his arms, spewing all of his tears and apologies on her. He took the locket he gave her into his hands and put it into his pocket. The memory slowly faded to black and blue.

Draco Malfoy gasped for air. His face was drenched in his memories and tears. He fell to the ground screaming with anger and heartbreak. She was gone.

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