Jealousy And Suspicions

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Draco popped up in the Room of Requirement where he had been visiting for weeks now. He was asked by Bellatrix to fix the Vanishing Cabinet. He was there for hours on end — that night was a Professor Slug's Christmas party, which Draco didn't want to attend. He knew that Hermione was going and was asked by one of the newbies on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He was obviously not happy about this however, he had to finish fixing this darn thing. Endless spells, trying to mend it. Draco put a green apple into the cupboard and closed it gently. He cast the spell and opened the creaky door. He picked up the apple to find it wasn't there. He closed the door and cast it again and it reappeared with a bite in the green apple. Draco picked the apple up in his hands and twisted it around and gingerly rubbed the place it had been bitten. It finally worked.

Draco followed his self out of the Room of Requirement. He was caught by Argus Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts. Argus pulled Draco roughly by the arm and led him to Slug's Christmas party.
"Look what I found running the hallways." Filch announced proudly.
"Draco, what are you doing out?" questioned Snape. Draco saw Hermione run behind a sheer curtain, obviously Granger didn't want to be found.
"Night walk." He spat back

The memory turned to him getting off the train. He had left Hogwarts once more for "family emergencies". This time it was 2 weeks spent with Nacrissa, Bellatrix and Peter. When he returned to the castle, Hermione was strolling back from the library and called after him demanding where he had been.
Draco told her that it was his mother, Nacrissa and that she was ill. As usual, Granger didn't seem convinced but she asked him to walk her to the Gryffindor house, so he did. Malfoy carried some of the many library books for her and as they climbed the staircases, the paintings were having a go at the two. They were going on about how inappropriate it was to be with a Slytherin, Hermione smiled and walked on. She ducked her head and slid her hair behind her hair and chewed her bottom lip. Slytherin house was down in the dungeons, they kept to themselves but Draco couldn't stay away from Hermione. He didn't ever enjoy being in the Dungeons, it was eerie and always so cold and damp.
"Well, goodnight Granger." Draco smiled and handed her library books.
"Thanks, Malfoy." She whispered, looking up at him. He leaned downwards and kissed her on the cheek and the memory ended.

He reappeared in Potions class where Draco was smiling brilliantly at Granger and then the Slytherins asked what he was doing.
"Smiling at a memory you imbeciles!" he glared at them and looked back at Hermione, "What you smiling at mudblood?"
Hermione was raging, she stormed out of class and sat in the courtyard. Why did you do that Draco, why?

When the bell rang, he left the class and found Granger.
"Where do you keep going?" she questioned softly. She was calm and finally met his stare. Her brow furrowed her arms defensively crossed against her body.
"To visit my father! Don't you trust me?" His voice inching a tot higher than before.
"Well, considering their Death Eaters..."
"How dare you! Piss off, Granger!" His voice raging to heights that anyway in the forest could hear and the memory ended with a very disheartened Hermione Granger.

The memory popped back to where they were having a congratulatory party for the Quidditch teams. Hermione was cheering for Ron and Harry and she twisted around to find Malfoy walking down the stairs with a woman. Being curious as she is, she followed him, and peeped through a window, where she saw Draco being kissed on the cheek by the peculiar woman. Who is she, she thought and began weeping. Draco stood there next to Hermione, watching the memory of Pansy kissing him, trying to reconcile their relationship. He felt awful for Granger and the memory faded to black.

It popped to where Draco encountered Potter and Granger at a world-renowned Quidditch game. He looked up to see Hermione holding Harry's hand. Bloody Potter. Hermione and Draco weren't even on speaking terms, she was furious with the Slytherin and refused to even regard his presence.
"Well, shows what blood status gets you, isn't it son!" Lucius patted Draco on the back and gave a death stare towards Granger and Potter. The Malfoy's owned their own box where they sat away from the crowd. Money got them things yes, but it didn't bring their family any closer.

Hermione met Draco's gaze, wiped away a tear and walked on with Harry. She didn't want to see him, clearly. Draco felt rather jealous that Potter was getting on with Hermione and he wasn't.

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