Recollection and Mistrust

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Draco's memory plopped him back at Hogwarts where he was instructed by Voldemort to "help". Here, he would locate Potter and bring him back to Voldemort. As Draco followed himself through the hallways, the sight was rather devastating. Draco's knot in his stomach formed tighter as he watched the memory. Dead students lay on the ground, strange mystical creatures ran abroad, blood stained the floor, rubble crumbled beneath his feet and the people of Hogwarts were in shock. In the one corner lay Lupin and his wife, in another lay one of Weaslebee's brother with his twin shrieking with heartbreak. Even though Draco despised the Weasley's, he felt awful that Fred Weasley had been murdered.

Draco paced through the foyer until he arrived at the staircases, there sat the girl he saw in London.

"Draco." she looked at him, tears in his eyes.
"Hey, Hermione! Glad to see you okay!" a student passed by and hit Draco with a sudden surge of powerful memories. The day he met her, the first day he kissed her, the day they fought, the Yule Ball, the day she sat with him in the hospital ward, the day she accidentally stunned him too hard, the day he gave her the locket that sat around her neck gracefully, the day his parents found out, the day they broke up and the day Voldemort ordered Draco to murder her.

"Hermione," the words spilled from his mouth, he could not believe it. All of his memories rushed back in his head and there she sat, beaten up and bruised.
"How did you..." she began quietly.
"When I found your note, here it is actually," he pulled it out his pocket and showed her, "and when I saw you in London, I felt like I knew you. Then I was asked where you were and well basically a minute ago, I was smacked with every single memory." Draco wasn't mad, he knew why she did it. Hermione had to protect herself. Clever girl.

She ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her close and muzzled his lips in her messy hair.

"Hermione, get away from him!" Potter.
"He isn't harmful, calm down." she stated reluctantly.
"Oh really? Well mummy and daddy are waiting outside with the rest of the family!" Potter shouted and pointed. They had arrived. Hermione shot him a horrified look and took out her wand.
"Get out!' she shrieked and ushered him to the door. Outside stood nearly one hundred Death Eaters.

They began chasing Harry, Draco knew he shouldn't follow and sat on the rubble. Hermione was screaming after Ron to come and help her. He held her back, they were no match for that many Death Eaters.

The memory swapped to the Death Eaters returning with Voldemort and Hagrid.
"Harry Potter, is dead!" Voldemort exclaimed. Hagrid held Harry's lifeless body, Ginny shrieked swore them. Voldemort went on about Harry, asking who will protect Hogwarts.

"Now! Who would like to join us? I recommend you do because if you don't," Voldemort said in a sing-song tone, "You will all die."
"Draco," Lucius began and gestured for him to come forward and join the Death Eaters.
"Draco sweetie, come." Narcissa said loud enough for him to hear.
Draco peered around, made eye contact with Voldemort and gazed at Hermione. She began weeping and begging him to stay, he forced a smile at her, touched his neck where her locket would lie and crossed the courtyard towards Voldemort. Voldemort gave him a hug, paralyzing Draco. Narcissa held her son close to herself and patted his back. The Malfoy's were reunited.

Neville stepped forward, making the crowd laugh. Nagini curled up into a ball next to Voldemort. You can feel you are becoming weak.

As Neville gave a speech about Harry, an amazing thing happened. Harry jumped out of Hagrid's arms and began to duel Voldemort. Death Eaters charged for students, hungry for death. Narcissa motioned for her family to leave but Lucius was anxious not to leave.

"Draco, you need to live up to your name! You already have shown failure! We need you to finish your duties and execute Ms. Granger. She and her Weasle are very strong and if they get Nagini, Voldemort will die. Do you understand what will happen then? We will become nothing. We will all be sent to Azkaban!" Lucius explained carefully, basically threatening his son. Would you do that to mother? You are so obsessed with power and status.

At that point, Draco had realized, in order to save his family and to save Voldemort he would have to get rid of Ron and Hermione as they know about the Horcruxes. As he entered the castle, to seek them, he watched as Bellatrix was shattered into tiny speckles by Molly Weasley. Thank Merlin for that.

Draco jogged to the Chamber of Secrets where one of the three remaining Horcruxes remained - the Hufflepuff cup. In order for it to be destroyed they would have to stab it with the basilisks fang. He watched as the water rose and Hermione and Ron came running out.

"Hermione! There you are! Quickly come with me, I know where Nagini is!" Ron eyed him out and nodded, Hermione took Draco's hand and they ran for the top floor. You completely lied to her, Nagini was on the first floor.
"Well where is it?" Weaslebee question and Draco cast the Crucio spell on him, making him fall to the ground.
"Ron!" she shrieked and cried.

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