Secrets Unveiled

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The scene morphed through the liquid and began at the Christmas holiday. Hermione and Draco had agreed on owling each other everyday. Draco had not known that Hermione was on the hunt for Horcruxes, seeking them out to destroy Voldemort. She was bloody brave.

Draco watched himself sit at his oak desk, looking out onto the vast green mazes of the Malfoy Manor. He picked up his feathery quill, dipped it into pitch-black ink and began writing on a piece of paper.

Dear Granger,
I miss you terribly. I hate having to be trapped in this bloody Manor. It rather creeps me out as the vast size is rather eerie. I hope you are enjoying your Christmas holiday with your family. Only a week and then I can meet you in Hogsmeade when I gather up my school supplies. Anyway, I hope you are doing well, princess.

I love you.
PS: don't go around busting too many asses

Draco rolled up the piece of paper and wrapped it to his black owl, which gracefully flew off into the thick grey fog sitting over the Manor. Draco's day continued as usual, being bored and locked inside the massive Manor. He wanted to tell Hermione about all the strange Death Eaters who were staying inside, but he knew he couldn't. I do not and will not miss being locked up in that bloody Manor.

The scene jumped a day later, the day that would unveil secrets and create severe issues.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Nacrissa Malfoy screeched at the top of her ancient lungs. Draco sat up bolt-right and stared at his door. Here we go.

Draco rushed down the endless hallways, decorated in paintings of the Malfoy family, his feet feeling the soft fluffy carpet underneath. His heart beating against his rock chest, Draco's palms were sweaty and tiny beads formed on his forehead.

"Mother?" he casually popped his head into her bedroom. His parents bedroom was massive, burgundy colored walls, a four-poster bed covered in burgundy sheets and dark panels on the opposite side of the room.

"You better explain this and very fast!" she threw the note at his face and whacked him on the head. Instantly he knew, it was the message from Granger. As Draco watched the memory, he felt his stomach churn and his head become heavy.
"It's from Pansy." he lied blatantly.
"PANSY? You expect me to believe that this," she began turning beet red, "This is from Pansy? Because you would definitely call her, Granger?" Draco shifted his feet and tried not to make contact with his mother.
"Do not even dare! How do you think your father will react? You even dare to send a message to that mudblood, when we have so many Death Eaters in here? And not to mention You-Know-Who? Who wants Harry Potter, who happens to be Grangers best friend?" Nacrissa spat at him, she was disgusted in her son.
"I love her. And I -"
"Don't even!" She growled.
"Would you listen for once in your merlin life?" Draco shouted back to his mother who froze and nodded, willing to listen to her son, "She is not like the way you think of her, she's different. Please put aside your darn blood status views and accept that I love her?"
"Draco, I know love is great but when it is her? That would never last!" she hissed at him and held his shoulders, "I do not want to tell your father!"

"Not tell me what?" Lucius came waltzing in majestically, his long blonde hair gathered behind his back, his robes neatly pressed and his posture on the edge of perfect. Nacrissa stiffened and her eyes bolted to Draco.
"Honey! We didn't want to tell you about Draco's...marks!" Nacrissa went and put a kiss on her husband's lips and smiled at her son, their eyes meeting each other's lies.
"What's this?" Lucius bent down to the old parquet floors and picked up Hermione's note, Nacrissa snatched it back quickly and smiled.
"You really do not want to see what he got for Potions class!" Lucius' spidery hands took hold of the paper and viciously eyed out his wife and then to Draco. He rolled open the note and began to read. Sweet Salazar.

"Father..." Draco began and walked up to his father, his father not showing the smallest amount of emotion. His eyes remained calm, his jaw clenched the same way when he entered and his body language remained the same.

"This ends right now. And now we have exact location of Potter and what he is up to. Excuse me, I must see the Dark Lord." Lucius tucked the note into his robe and nodded. Draco still never read what Hermione wrote but he knew now that it was something about Horcruxes.

"Father, please!" Draco's eyes turning into a unforgivable hurricane of anger and regret.
"I'm sorry about Ms. Granger. You probably won't see her anymore. Oh, Nacrissa dear, please take Draco's owl away and make sure he doesn't leave the Manor."

The memory morphed to Hogsmeade where he said he would meet Granger. He walked through the busy streets, grabbing his necessities for Hogwarts. That was when he saw the beautiful girl. Her hair was tamed, more blonde and it was straight, secured with a blue ribbon. She wore a tight black dress with long-sleeves and a Peter-Pan collar. Their eyes met, his thoughts were drowned by her beauty and her chocolate eyes. Draco knew she would be mad with him for not writing back to him but he couldn't. Oh she was so angry.

She walked towards him, he glanced around for his mother - luckily she wasn't around. He grabbed her small hand and yanked her into the alley.

"Why did you not write me back?" she demanded, her brow furrowed and tears formed in her eyes. Her cheeks deepened in colour and her hands formed fists.
"My parents found out... Hermione, it is important and I mean this, do not go around finding stupid shit with Potter. I cannot lose you."
"Hermione, no. Listen to me. Whatever you wrote in that letter and I'm sure it has to do with horcruxes, you're in danger. You, Potter and Weaselbee must go. I don't know where just not wherever you said you were in that god dam letter. Look, I have to go, my love. Do not owl me and do not see Potter until you are a back at Hogwarts. Understand me? Promise me?" He caressed her cheek which was covered by a glistening tear, his thumb gently rubbed over it.
"I promise...What is going on? Please tell me!" she whispered and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I wish I could... I will see you back at Hogwarts, I love you." he turned and walked away, leaving precious Hermione wondering what was going to become of their relationship.

The memory faded into the liquid and appeared in the Manor, where Voldemort sat at the head. Draco tensed as he watched the memory and his eyes filled with droplets of water.

"Now, as some of you may know, I want Harry Potter! And I want him alive!" Voldemort exclaimed enthusiastically and turned to Draco.
"Young Malfoy here, has become rather... acquainted with Mr. Potter's best friend, Ms. Hermione Granger." Draco turned towards his father who looked as if he wanted to burst into tears, his mother already was, "So Draco, I still want you to execute Dumbledore when you return and on top of that Ms. Granger. If you do this, young Potter will come to you, where I will be alongside you."
"I-" Draco fumbled over his words and kept silent.

Draco watched his eyes, Voldemort was Death who walked among them. He had been instructed to murder the love of his life. You should of never returned the Manor when you went to Hogsmeade.

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