Dance in the Rain

By chloeloveslife

20.1K 257 54

Desiree may not be your average Australian/New Zealand seventeen year old but her problems are, no doubt, ver... More

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By chloeloveslife

I was in my bedroom sitting on my large king sized bed, listening to music that was on my iPhone. I just had it on shuffle, my head covered in pillow, just thinking. My head was full of tiny voices telling me what to do and I was trying to make a decision about Drake. After he asked me about what happened before, I just said I’ll have to think about it before I get back to him. After that I ran as fast as my half-asleep legs could take me up the two flights of stairs to the floor my bedroom was on.

My new bedroom was huge. I wanted a shaggy rug and they went a bit over board with it, buying me a massive silver one. It looked great in contrast to my black carpet and black bedding. I had small silver pillows scattered all over my bed for display. Mum and dad had fully payed for our new house; they even hired an interior designer for us. I think they did it because they felt like they didn’t really have much of a contribution to our lives. My wardrobe was massive and fully stocked with new clothes and my old wardrobe. I had a flat screen fixed to the wall and a grey couch in front of it. I had a massive sound system as well. There were mini speakers attached to the top corners and the docking station was quite small, on my bedside table.

When I got into my room, I changed into some small cotton shorts and a tight cotton singlet. I had been on my bed in the same position all night and it was now noon. The song I was currently listening to came to an end and the next one came on. It was Winter Winds by Mumford & Sons:

As the winter winds litter London with lonely hearts

Oh the warmth in your eyes swept me into your arms

Was it love or fear of the cold that led us through the night?

For every kiss your beauty trumped my doubt

And my head told my heart

"Let love grow"

But my heart told my head

"This time no

This time no"

We'll be washed and buried one day my girl

And the time we were given will be left for the world

The flesh that lived and loved will be eaten by plague

So let the memories be good for those who stay

And my head told my heart

"Let love grow"

But my heart told my head

"This time no"

Yes, my heart told my head

"This time no

This time no"

Oh the shame that sent me off from the God that I once loved

Was the same that sent me into your arms

Oh and pestilence is won when you are lost and I am gone

And no hope, no hope will overcome

And if your strife strikes at your sleep

Remember spring swaps snow for leaves

You'll be happy and wholesome again

When the city clears and sun ascends

And my head told my heart

"Let love grow"

But my heart told my head

"This time no"

And my head told my heart

"Let love grow"

But my heart told my head

"This time no

This time no"

(Song attached to previous chapter)

As I listened to this song, I felt I could really adapt to it. The lyrics and sounds from the folk music really adapted to my situation and feelings. And that’s what I did; I listened to my head and not my heart.

I jumped off my bed, forgetting about my earphones. My phone went tumbling to the floor, pulling the earphones out violently. I rubbed my ears but got over it and ran to Drakes room, that was oh so conveniently across the hall from mine. I didn’t bother knocking and just marched in. I guess it was a bad time because Drake was just coming out of his joined bathroom. Steam was pouring out from the doorway, casting his glorious body in a shadow. I silently closed the door and enjoyed the view. Drake stepped out of the bathroom with a low slung towel around his hips. I could almost drool at his well defined six pack, pecks and hip things. He had droplets of water dripping down him sculpted chest and from the tips of his dark brown hair. He saw me when he walked further into the room,

“Des, what’s up?” He asked, completely oblivious to his awesome body fully on display. My legs had a mind of their own when they walked, what seemed like, seductively towards him,

“You tell me, sugar,” My voice sounded low and sexy and I could see Drake visibly gulp. I don’t know what part of me said that but I smiled, “Drake, I think I’m in love with you.”

The sound of my voice drifted across the room. Drake and my eyes were locked on each other and it seemed like he was looking into my soul. I froze when I heard my voice say that. I can’t believe I just said that. Waiting for drake’s reaction, I was inwardly debating just running back to me room. We just looked at each other for what seemed like hours but must have been seconds. I ended up just running back into my room, humiliated. I felt like such an idiot.

What was I thinking? I’m such an idiot! I mean, who goes into someone’s room and just says that while they’re less than half naked? I jumped onto my bed, face down, and covered myself with pillows wishing that the bed would eat me. I heard the door open and I didn’t want to look up so they could see my beet red face. It’s probably Drake coming to laugh in my face. I heard the lock click on my bedroom door and I was too curious to not know who decided to lock us two in the room.

I lifted my head and came face to face with Drake’s sexy face. His hair was still wet and he was shirtless. He was lying on my bed, in only boxers, next to me. I groaned and shoved my head back under the pillows,

“I’m so sorry,” My muffled voice came out. I doubt Drake could understand me. I felt an arm rest on the small of my back and grab my waist, pulling me into his hard chest. I looked up, curious, and as soon as my face saw his, his lips had claimed mine. I instantly responded and snaked my arms around his neck. Our mouths moulded together and fireworks erupted. Drake pulled me impossibly closer so our bodies were flush against each other, our legs tangled. Thank goodness I shaved them this morning. Drake let out a moan when my tongue traced his lip, asking for entrance. He instantly opened his mouth but his tongue slipped into my mouth first, our tongues have a little battle for dominance. I could feel his little friend poking into my thigh and that only turned me on more.

My hands found their way towards his chest and I traced my finger tips over his hard planes. He let out a soft moan and I brought my hands up, gripping his neck lightly. His hands found their way to my ass, my small shorts riding my a little. He pulled me on top of him, rolling over. He gripped the hem of my thin singlet and pulled it over my head. He pulled back to look at me and growled,

“You are so beautiful, Des.” I looked up to my eyes and instead of lust that usually clouded male’s eyes when they looked at me, it was passion and love, “I love you, too.”

Those four words made my heart beat go crazy. I crashed my lips back to his, his tongue instantly exploring my mouth. He tasted delicious, like sweet lemons and short bread. He rolled us over until I was beneath him, not breaking the kiss. When we did pull back for air, my lips found his chin and neck, nibbling and pecking his tanned skin. His large, gentle hands unclasped my bra and he moaned when he pulled it off the whole way.

His lips claimed mine again and one thing led to the next...


“Des? Have you seen Drake?” Benny’s voice drifted through the door and I had to bight my lip to stop from moaning. We had been in bed all day and I glanced at the clock which said it was now seven. I was starving but Drake was keeping my mind off my rumbling stomach. I had a few snacks in my room from when I had brought heaps up to watch movies with Nat and Courtney.

“Um,” I started but had to cover my face in a thick pillow to muffle the sound that came out of my mouth, “Well,” I started again, a little breathless.

“Are you alright, Des?” Benny’s voice called out again and I heard the door handle rattle. My heart rapidly picked up pace and I started to panic but I then remembered that Drake had locked it. I sighed with relief. Drake was fully emerged under my covers and doing something to my stomach and torso that felt really good,

“Ye-yeah, I’m fine,” I started. I forgot what Benny asked and I sort of panicked, “W-what do you want again Benny?” I asked breathlessly again.

He repeated what he wanted, sounding annoyed, “I’m after Drake, his mum’s on the phone and she said it’s important,” he called through my door. Drake froze and his head was suddenly next to mine, a panicked expression on his face.

“No,” He whispered, “Tell him I’m not here,” He said again.

“Um, I haven’t seen him sorry,” I yelled, now focused since Drake had stopped. I heard and felt my stomach let out an angry rumbled and I quickly clutched it.

“Okay, if you see him tell him his mum called.” I heard Benny’s footsteps walk down the hall and down the stairs. Drake wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his naked body. I looked up at him questioningly,

“What’s wrong with your mum?” I asked quietly, staring into his eyes. He looked away nervously,

“I didn’t really leave in good terms.” Drake said quietly. I looked up at him, curious as to what he did this time. Drake really loved his mum and step-dad and wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt them, physically or emotionally. His dad died when he was really young and his mum re-married a couple of years later so he considered his step-dad as his biological one. Drake saw my questioning eyes and he looked down at me, “Mum didn’t want me to go and Peter did. We had a massive row and I ended up just leaving without saying good bye or with her permission.” He looked down at me with guilt and little bit of sadness in his eyes.

“Maybe you should go back for a little while,” I suggested. He looked at me with mockingly angry eyes,

“And leave my hot ass girlfriend behind, I don’t think so,” He chuckled and pulled my body a little closer to him even if we were flush against each other.

“If it means you make up with your parents then you have to, Drake. You are their only child and being in their bad books won’t help them. You know that Peter is sick and what if he died? How much would you beat yourself up because you never made up to him?” Peter, Drake’s step-dad, has had prostate cancer for three years now and Drake is really sad about it, “And why am I only hearing about it now?” I asked him.

My stomach growled again and I groaned, “Need food,” I acted as if I was starving and started rolling over, clutching my stomach. Drake laughed and got out of bed, pulling on his boxers,

“I’ll just get dressed and meet you down stairs. I cook you some food if the others haven’t left you any.” He smiled at me and left my room, looking up and down the hall way before darting across it to his room. I chuckled and got dressed. I pulled out my laptop and booked the first flight back to Wellington. I printed the tickets and put them in Drake’s room, on his bed. I walked down the two flights of stairs to the kitchen and found Drake in his own world waiting for the microwave to beep.

When it did beep, he was still staring into space so I got out the macaroni and cheese that Jodie must’ve made before. I put a little bit on my plate and a fair bit on Drake’s. I left his on the bench and went to the dining room. I could hear music from the basement where we all break out sometimes. I went to get a glass of water because the food was still hot. Drake was still frozen in the same spot and I decided to nudge him before his food got cold.

We ate dinner in silence and washed up our own dishes before joining everyone down stairs. Everyone was down there, the crew was all on the polished floor shuffling and moon walking, and it looked pretty cool. Callum was in the cushioned corner (like in step up 3) just jumping and trying to do flips. Samson was doing some flips and stuff on his hands. Jodie was just on the couch just chilling and watching Callum, sometimes laughing at him and the crew, her stomach bulging a little in front of her.

I went and joined in with the crew, sliding around and doing some cool flips. Drake just sat down next to Jodie and watched me. It didn’t feel creepy at all and after a while I had forgotten he was there, I just lost myself in the music. “Where’s Drake?” I asked Jodie when I sat next to her for a breather and a drink. I had been dancing for a while now and was quite tired.

“I don’t know hon. He just got up and left a couple of hours ago.” She said smiling at me.

“Hours?” I asked. I swear I’d only been here for no more than one.

“Yes, Des, it’s already one. I should be getting to bed,” She sighed and got up of the couch to stretch and made her way back up the stairs to ground level. I decided to go back up too since almost everyone had left already. I looked around the room to only see Benny and McKay left. I hadn’t noticed that everyone else had left. I shrugged and made my own way up to my room. I got to my room and there was a note on the back of my door,

Gone to the shops to buy some stuff and will be back in a couple of hours.

Drake <3


I ripped it off and scrunched it up, throwing it in the bin before changing into some dark blue cotton shorts and a lose tank top to sleep in. I climbed into bed and snuggled into the sheets. I was almost asleep and felt the bed dip beside me and someone placed their warm arms around my waist and pulled me into their chest. I sighed and fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke to being half crushed by Drake. I giggled and he groaned, rolling off me, obviously awaking from my giggles. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking down at me. My hair probably looked like a mess. He leant down and kissed me,

“The ticket you left on my bed leaves at seven o’clock tonight,” He whispered. I looked up to him, feeling a little clench in my chest at the thought of him leaving even if it was only for a couple of days. But it could be weeks if not months that he’s away. I pouted and he chuckled, leaning down to peck me on the lips. I didn’t want just a peck though, I grabbed his neck and pulled him on top of me, savouring his flavour.

I’d spent the whole day with Drake after we announced at breakfast that we were official. We went to the mall and hung out there, got ice cream, he even got Jodie to prepare a picnic lunch for both of us in the park. It was now six-thirty and he was about to check in. We weren’t allowed past security and stuff so I said my good-byes before he went through it. The others had said goodbye when they were still at the car. I had driven myself so they’d already left. He put his bags down and pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly, “Don’t you dare leave me if I’m gone for a while,” He said sadly into my shoulder.

“I promise,” I replied, my eyes tearing up and my voice was a little croaky. My eyesight was little blurry when he pulled me into a kiss. It was a long and passionate kiss and when I pulled back, tears were streaming down my face. I had a feeling that this trip would last longer than I’d wanted it to. Drake pecked my lips a couple of times more before I buried my face into his shoulder, soaking his shirt a little. When I pulled back, he wiped the remaining tears from my face,

“I’ll miss you baby,” He whispered, “Don’t find anyone new,” He said sternly and I just smiled a little. He pecked me one more time before picking up his bags and leaving without another word. I walked out of the airport feeling numb. I got into my car and drove back home. When I got home, I just locked myself into my bedroom, counting down the hours until I could call him.

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