When It Rains (MithRoss :3)

By Ender_Unicorn

30.7K 1.1K 833

~ON HIATUS~ (I promise I'll finsih this eventually. I've been working on my own original stories lately, but... More

Chapter One; Where There's Thunder There's Lightning
Chapter Two; Truths and Dares
Chapter Three; There Go the Lights
Chapter Four; On the Way
Chapter Five; Smoothies For the Kings
Chapter Six; Smoothie For the Opar Dirt
Chapter Seven; Meadow for the Lovers
Chapter Nine; Morning Tea
Chapter Ten; Dancing at the Lunch Hour
Chapter Eleven; A Proper Date for Two Improper Men
Chapter Twelve; Butterscotch Ice Cream

Chapter Eight; Into the Morning

1.9K 84 50
By Ender_Unicorn

Heyo Guys! Sorry for the delay! I've been hanging out with my friend who I haven't seen in forever! I've also been working on another Mithross story bc I've had trouble with this one :/ I may post that one later.
Enjoy and Thanks for the support!
Chapter Eight
(Max's POV)
We sat in silence in my car. Ross' hand was in mine as I drove with my other hand down the road.
I had said yes to his question. I loved him. Of course I would be his boyfriend! But something felt wrong. The air was tense. We didn't talk. Even though nothing had really changed, it felt different.
Ross looked out the window at the passing scenery outside. I was staring out the front glass, waiting for a green light.
"Are you sure? You don't have too of you don't want too." Ross had asked that question four times now. He really didn't believe that I wanted to be with him.
"Positive." The light turned green and I sped off towards our street.
"I just don't want you to feel like you have to like me." He was still facing the window, but I saw the tears dripping down the glass.
"Ross. I like you. A lot. There's no need to think that I don't. " He clenched my hand tighter.
"But you're sure?" I didn't say anything, but leaned over and pecked him on the cheek.
I pulled the car into our apartment complex. It was on around nine at night, so I didn't expect TimTim to be home. I looked over myself in the mirror before getting out of the car and going over to Ross' side to help him out.
He smiled, wiping away the previous tears that had been in his cheeks. He pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my torso. I did the same, happy that I could hug him without it being awkward for the both of us. We stood there in the moonlight hugging each other. It seemed like hours, but it was probably only a few minutes. Ross' breath tickled my neck as he buried his face in my shoulder. I rested my chin on his bent head.
"Thanks." His speech was muffled by my clothes.
"For what?"
"Everything." He pulled away and headed up the steps to our apartment. I followed him, almost tripping over myself and the stairs once or twice. I carefully unlocked the door. No one seemed to be home, as the house was pitch black and silent other than the cries of KP.
I flicked on the light. Ross walked in after me. He threw himself onto the couch, not even bothering to adjust himself when he face planted into a pillow. I sighed and went over to the end of the couch where his head lay. I took off my jacket, throwing it across the room, and made myself comfortable. I casually started to play with his hair. Soon enough, I was snuggled up between the couch and his warm, clothed body.
I closed my eyes and rested my head down. I sighed. I felt KP climb on top of me. She calmly snuggled herself into the crook were Ross' knees and my knees met. I scratched her head. She started to purr. The purring was so soft. Along with Ross' heavy breathing and her hums of delight, I fell asleep.
(Ross' POV)

I felt something shudder against me. I opened my eyes to see Max's face right in mine. He was sleeping.
Was last night a dream?
No! It couldn't of been!
I sat up. My eyes strained from the light of the sun. It was morning. I stretched my arms. Looking at my surroundings, I realized TimTim was staring at me.
"So you're up, Lovebird Number One."
Great. Another Nickname to add to the ever growing pile.
I looked over at Max for a split second before making the decision to get up. My legs wabbled, but I steadied myself on the arm of the couch.
"Playing the ignorance game I see. Typical Typical." A frown started to appear on my face, but I said nothing. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk. Hopefully that would wake me up.
"Don't say a word to anyone or I'll have Max tear your head from your neck." I know it was harsh, but I had to keep him from telling anyone. I wasn't even going to tell Shelby and I told her eveything!
He put his hands up and signaled in a backwards motion.
"Okay okay you win. But just because you've got a big butthole on your team doesn't mean your secrets are gonna be kept forever."
"He"s-Max isn't a butthole. You all just piss him off. He only tolerates me at the least." I head footsteps behind me, but I already knew who it was without turning around.
"Go get a life, Tim and mind your own business." He put his chin on my shoulder, looking over at what I was doing. It was nothing much.
"Just making sandwiches for later." I spread mayonise on the bread and placed a slice of ham and two slices of cheese on one before closing it up altogether. "Don't forget to change your clothes." His breath tickled my ear as he turned and left. I looked down at my figure. I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Sighing, I put the knife down and headed towards my room to take a shower and change.
(Max's POV)

I watched Ross pad past Tim and I, as he was most likely going to shower and get changed. As soon as he was out of view, I cracked my knuckles and looked over at TimTim with a scowl plastered on my face.
"Say a fucking word to a single damn person and you won't live to see another day." I warned. TimTim looked legitimately frightened, and started to back away towards his door.
"O-okay Max. Just, umnn, easy does it will ya. Stop being a Mad Max. I like it better when you're Glad Max." He started to laugh, but I wasn't amused. I held up three fingers, which soon turned into two before TimTim scampered off, afraid what I would do to him. I wouldn't hurt him severly. He was my roommate and a friend.
KP came up to me and nuzzled her face against my leg. I smiled.
"Don't worry KP. I would never actually hurt someone. Or at least that bad anyways. All I really have are empty threats and a short temper. Of course, when push comes to shove, I'll do anything for Ross." I whispered the last part before setting off to get ready for my day.

I hope you guys enjoyed that one! I felt like TimTim needed to be the bringer of havoc in the mornings. It just seems like the best thing to do when you see that your roommates are most likely dating.
I figure I'll post a snippet, or a chapter, of my new story soon! I'll give you a hint! It's a highschool AU I've been working on for a couple of days now. I'm really excited to write insteadof just planning out the details!
I hope you read my new one coming out and that you enjoyed this chapter!
Have a lovely time frens!

Time Taken: Two Hours

Breaks: One

Words: 1277

Songs: None ;D I was mostly talking to my friend while doing this!


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