Life Of A Prostitute (Ziall H...

By BriannaLynnC98

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It's not something people plan on doing nor is it something people happily do. It's a way of survival. Zayn M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 18

6.9K 352 160
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

"Are you really sure you want me to go with you? I mean, I'm glad you want to take me out with you and you're not embarrassed of me, but this is going to be around allot of police officers and stuff." I asked as Niall pulled me out of the flat. He told me there was a party thing that was for his brother getting moved up to detective or something like that, but I never really wanted to go because of who I was going to be surrounded by for a while.

"Yeah, I really want you to come with me. Plus, you look amazing and I want to show you off to people. Well, at least watch everyone drool over themselves while knowing you're all mine." Niall said with a cheeky smirk. I smiled at him and laced my hand with his while we walked down to his car. I kissed his lips a few times before we both had to get in the car to do pick up some girl that was supposedly his girlfriend. I understood that he wasn't really allowed to be gay because of his dad, but I would have like it better if he wouldn't have felt so pressured into telling his dad he had a girlfriend and instead just took me along with him saying we're friends. I know I could have kept my hands and fond looks to myself for one night just so Niall would be happy.

Niall drove up to a very small house and sent the girl a text that he was there. I laughed because he should probably go to the door and get his date. However, he told me that as far as he was concerned, I was his date and he didn't need to go get anyone from her door. She walked out and I felt all the years of being told and shown I was worthless bubble out from the nice place I had been hiding those feelings. She was absolutely beautiful and she was fit and pretty much perfect. I looked down at my tattooed hands and stayed looking there as I realized what Niall was keeping me around for. It was for sex and that's all. Those little butterflies I get around him and the fact I just can't get enough of looking at him was all an idiotic choice on my part to start feeling something for him while the whole time he was just thinking of keeping me as a sex toy of some sort.

"Hey, ugly. Is this your boyfriend?" The girl asked as she got in the back seat of the car. I looked at Niall and saw him smile at me, but it fell a little when I couldn't help the tear that slid down my face.

"Yeah, he's kind of my boyfriend. Nothing official has been made. Zayn, this is my friend Jade. Jade, this is my Zayn." Niall said slowly, but reached over to wipe another tear that fell. His blue eyes completely asked me if I was okay so I just mouthed to him that I would tell him later. He tangled his hand with mine while I thought that it was so horrible that tonight I realized what act he was trying to keep up with me. I took my hand from his and looked out the window for the rest of the drive to some Irish pub that was close to where I used to spend my time. I'm sure I would be happier doing that than realizing that the man I thought was so sweet is actually using me. There's no other reason why he would keep me around. Especially when there's a really pretty girl in the back seat that he could easily have.

When we got to the pub, the place was crazy. You could hear some Irish music playing and the loud crowed through the open doors. We all got out of the car, but Niall pulled me to the side so he could talk to me. That Jade girl stood off to the side on her phone not listening.

"What's going on?" Niall asked me quietly. I just looked over at Jade then back to Niall like he was stupid. That made him groan and get both my hands in his. I slapped them away and crossed my arms over my chest like a child.

"She's pretty and she doesn't have a past like mine that makes her wake you up every night because I can't stop screaming. I'm a mess and you have her. You only see me as a prostitute. That's why I'm here for you. Nothing else just a fucking sex toy that-" Any of my other harsh words were cut off by Niall slamming his lips on mine. He held me close to him and I couldn't help but let my hands rest on his cheeks. Our lips moved together slowly and I felt the way he was desperately trying to fix those thoughts that flew out of my mouth.

"Zayn, that's how it may look to you, but it's not true, okay? I care about you so incredibly much. I like to wake up to hearing you scream my name when he have nightmares because I know you trust me, just like I trust you. I love that your past is so abstract and so rough because we can work on making a better future together. Jade is my friend, but my dad thinks she's my girlfriend. She's nothing you are, Zayn. You're mine and I'm yours and that's that." Niall told me sternly. I nodded and kissed his cheek as an apology to my behavior. He kissed my lips again and let himself get cuddled up into my arms.

"Are you guys done having your little couple argument? I'm hungry and want to get a beer." Jade said, sounding quite manly. Niall giggled and let me laugh a little too. The three of us went inside, but Niall's hand went to Jade's instead of staying in mine. He pat my lower back softly like an apology and I pulled myself together. I'm sure he doesn't like hearing about my past and how many men have been with me, but he still makes a point to understand me and accept it. I guess if this is a relationship or whatever, then I guess I'll have to accept that his dad is a homophobe and he needs to impress this man. I bet if I had a real dad then I would want to impress him too, so I'll comprise with this and understand his situation too.

"I'm glad you made it, son. And Jade! You look as beautiful as ever." Some Irish man came over to us and said. He looked like an older version of Niall which made me realize this was the man Niall was trying so hard to impress that he forgot his own happiness along the way. Niall only received a pat on the back while Jade was engulfed into a hug. She laughed and looked over at me to shoot me a look like she was telling me I was lucky. I just looked down at my shoes then looked at the man again once he reached his hand out to me.

"I'm Zayn. It's nice to meet you." I started. He nodded and told me he was Niall's dad. However, the way he said he was related to Niall sounded like and obligation to say. All I know is if I got to introduce myself as anything belonging to Niall I would shout it and be as proud as I could be. He's an amazing man and I would probably bring a banner and some balloons saying I belonged to Niall. I just bit my tongue and pat Niall on the back. He leaned in to my touch, making me feel happy I could comfort him.

"Well, you all can just hang out here. The party is pretty much everywhere so feel free to wander. Niall, make sure to find your brother at some point to tell him congratulations." Mr.Horan told Niall before walking away. The three of us found our way to a small table and Niall started to order the alcohol. I just got a diet Coke and ordered something to eat. Jade didn't hold back in ordering something to eat while Niall just sipped at a pint that he got pretty quickly after ordering it. I reached under the table and got his hand in mine. He took it and looked over at Jade.

"If you want to go find someone and start snogging them then I won't mind. It would be the only valid reason I could break up with you in my father's eyes." Niall said coldly. He took a big gulp of his beer and I knew that tonight I would be learning how to drive because I wasn't going to let Niall get behind the wheel. I gently reached in his pocket and got the keys, but he was too busy drinking to really notice me. Suddenly, I felt like little ten year old Zayn that vividly remembers taking the keys from my mum or any of the other men around just incase. I know with some men I wished they would crash and die in an accident for what they did and took from me, but I knew that other people would get hurt and they did nothing to deserve it. So, this was always my habit no matter where I was.

"Zayn, I'm not going to get all the way drunk. Don't look at me like I'm about to go kill someone." Niall chuckled to me. I nodded, but I don't think he realized that alcohol played a really big role in my life and in a way I was afraid of it. I didn't tell him anything and waited for him to calm down enough to stop being the annoyed Niall I don't like to see and to be the cute Niall that likes when I hold him and protect him.

Soon the food came and Jade told us not to bother her because she was eating. That made me and Niall laugh as we shared my plate of potato something. It was good, but what Niall called it was in Irish and I don't speak that so I called it yummy potatoes instead. Niall seemed to like it when I stumbled over how to say the name correctly so I continued to embarrass myself and try just for him to be happy.

"You look pretty." I whispered to him. He blushed and looked down at the denim shirt he had on. It was buttoned up enough and he had black skinny jeans on. He just looked really nice and I even liked the lazy stubble he had growing on his cheeks. However, it wasn't thick enough to take the baby look from him or the softness when I kissed him.

"You both are so cute that I need more beer." Jade said and got up. I reached over and took some of her food to annoy her more. She slapped my hand before going over to the bar. I guess she wasn't so bad because she was kind of like a guy for being dressed in a light pink dress and heals. I still felt possessive over my Niall and didn't want to be friends with her because she could take him from me.

"I'm going to get some more beer and yummy potatoes, as you called them. Do you think you're fine here alone or do you want to come with me?" Niall asked. I chose to stay where I was in finish off the food before sitting back and looking around the pub. It was a nice little place that kind if screamed Ireland and beer. I liked that because Niall seemed really calm and fine being here, almost as if he lived here. It actually made me want to ask him if I got a job and saved up enough money if we could take a trip to Ireland. It might be fun and plus, I've never been outside Bradford. Well, other than that time I ended up in Doncaster with some man that thought he could buy me to live with him.

"Now who are you and why did someone leave you alone?" An Irish voice came up behind me and said. I snapped around and looked at the man that I'm guessing spoke to me. He had brown hair and really blue eyes. His cheeks and jaw were covered in hair, but the way he looked at me seemed a bit familiar in the sense he looked like someone I knew or I've seen him before. He walked to stand in front of me and placed his nearly empty beer on the table.

"We've met before, haven't we?" He asked me with a sick smirk on his face. I shook my head but I knew in this moment we had met before. He was the man that was with Niall the night I was caught in a motel room with that one man. He was the one that looked at me like I was trash and told me to get dressed before getting Niall to cuff me.

"I don't think I'd forget a face like yours. It's very unique. You know, it's not safe for someone like you to be here with all these cops and a new detective here. Well, what do I know. You've obviously escaped from us once, right?" He asked me, taking a seat right next to me. My hands were shaking and all I wanted to do was run to find Niall and leave, but I was afraid to even move.

"So, that professor you were with... He was a nice guy, wasn't he? Well, he seemed to be before he got you off the streets to-" the man told me on in a low voice but thankfully Niall came just in the right time with food and what he wanted to drink.

"Greg, I didn't know where you were. This is Zayn, he's my friend. Zayn, this is my brother Greg. I guess you've been talking to him some." Niall said, cutting off the words I didn't want to hear. The man, Greg, stood up and gave Niall a hug before giving me a knowing smile.

"He's your friend! That's great you have friends. Well, I better go check on how the rest of everyone is doing. I hope to see you soon, Zayn." Greg said with a smirk and left. I knew he ment that I should turn myself in, but he didn't exactly know how I escaped the police at all. He doesn't know his brother was the one that pretty much let me go. For the second time, I might add.

"What did he tell you? You look pale." Niall asked me sounding really worried. I looked at him and wondered how in the world he was related to such nasty people. I also wondered if I should even tell him. I was going to, but Jade sat back down and looked at us both like she was ready to leave if we were going to talk privately, but I didn't want to make a scene so I just shrugged.

"He didn't tell me anything much. I just got tired and hot so that's probably what's wrong." I lied. Niall nodded but I knew he didn't buy it for a second. He took my hand under the table and gave it soft squeezes for the rest of the night.

He wasn't really drunk at all by the time we decided to leave, but I still decided on driving. Just as we walked out of the pub I felt Greg look at me coldly, but I shook it off and helped Jade and Niall to the car. I didn't really know how to drive, but I just faked it as followed Jade's directions to her house. She was slurring her words and giggling, but after five pints I'm sure anyone would be like that. Well, not Niall I guess because he was just looking at me with his blue eyes shinning with something I've never seen before from anyone.

After Jade was safely in her house, I started driving to Niall's flat. He slipped his hand to my thigh and kept drawing soft circles as I drove. I smiled a little and felt like that small touch was going to protect me from those things his brother told me. Nothing bad could really happen to me anymore, not with Niall around me. He wouldn't let anything happen and neither would I. I parked the car in Niall's spot and looked over at him proudly because I drove for rhe first time ever and I did it right. He giggled and unbuckled himself so he could climb to straddle me. Our lips easily found each other and shared the feelings we had right on them.

"I adore you, Zayn. You're so perfect to me." Niall told me quietly as he rest his forehead against mine. I smiled and kissed his lips before letting all those feelings ice been having bubble out a just a little more.

"I really like you." I told him, not really knowing if I could you the word love right now or if he liked the word like. I was too new with these feelings things to really know what to say or so without sounding like a caveman. He giggled and smiled brightly at me because I think he knew what I ment.

"I really like you too. I kind of want you to take me up to our flat and show me how much you like me." He whispered to me in a very playful tone. I smiled and kissed him a few more times because yeah, love was an overused, overrated word that we didn't need to say to know exactly what was going on in our hearts. That's why it was easy to take him upstairs and let my heart fall in Niall's hands for first time because I knew he would hold it for me and keep it safe just like I was going to do with his.

A/N: smut is coming up!!!!!!!! Yay!!!! Haha are you a ticklish person or are you a loaf of bread!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!? Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

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