Story of another us // Calum...

By proseccoproblems

335K 6.3K 2.5K

'An epilogue before we're done, A sequel to what we've begun' *** "Don't marry him" Calum said taking Emily's... More

Four years.


7.2K 150 49
By proseccoproblems

"Hey" Emily smiled at Jake as she walked into the studio. Jake stood surrounded by boxes and bubble wrap. 

"Hey" He said looking over his shoulder at Emily as she placed her bag on the front desk and walked over to him. "Look what came" He said making Emily chuckle a little and nod her head as she looked at all the boxes of lens and camera equipment. 

"Like Christmas came early" Emily joked a little making Jake scoff a little. 

"All this equipment and no one to use it on" Jake said making Emily sigh "What are we going to do?" 

"I think maybe it's time we gave it up" Emily said a little sadly but Jake nodded in agreement "Nothing is bringing in business and the rent is a lot of money" 

"You know you're going to have to go and speak to Rob right?" Jake asked making Emily nod at him. 

"Yeah of course" Emily said although she didn't want to see Rob, not really, she hadn't seen him since they broke up. It would be weird to see him again even though they didn't have an heartbreaking break up, they were engaged to be married regardless. 

"Won't that be heartbreaking for you?" Jake teased making Emily roll her eyes at him. 

"Yeah yeah" Emily replied before walking over to the front desk and opening the bookings book. None for the past two weeks, it was kind of depressing. It was so successful and brought in a lot of money, it used to be fun but now it was hardly worth getting up for. Where did it go wrong?

"You'll never guess who too Parker to Nursery today" Jake said placing a mug of coffee in front of Emily before taking a seat in front of her. 

"Who?" Emily asked her head to the right a little as she looked at Jake. 

"Michael" Jake answered making Emily's eyes widen "I know. That's daddy responsibility" 

"Why didn't Holly do it?" Emily asked frowning a little at Jake, who shrugged. "That's so weird" 

"They are basically an married couple, or they dating?" 

"Not that I'm aware of" Emily shrugged "She likes him, I can feel it" 

"I dread to think what will happen if she does date him though" Jake sighed a little making Emily farrow her eyebrows at him. 

"Why?" Emily asked making Jake look at her in the eyes. 

"Well, Michael travels she's going to want to go with him. Either Parker goes with her or me either way it isn't going to be easy" Jake explained "Kids are so complicated" 

"Should have used protection" Emily shrugged making Jake fling an elastic band at her. "What! I'm just saying.." 

"Parker doesn't even like me half the time anyway" Jake said making Emily feel a little sorry for Jake, because he was hopeless and clueless about Children and even though he'd never admit it she knew that he did regret Parker. 

"Don't be over dramatic Parker likes everyone who will play with him" Emily said picking up her coffee mug and sipping on it. 

"Does Michael play with him?" Jake asked making Emily raise an eyebrow at him. 

"Probably Michael is a child" Emily shrugged "Why?" 

"He talks about Michael a lot" Jake shrugged making Emily smile a little and shake her head. "And Holly and Michael for that matter" 

"Watch out Jake someone might think you're jealous" Emily commented making Jake roll his eyes at her. 

"Of what Holly and Michael?" Jake questioned. 

"I was talking about Michael and Parker but you're jealous of those then that might be a weird issue" Emily answered making Jake smile at her a little. 

"I am not into Holly" Jake confirmed "Even when I slept with girls to be honest" 

"Wait there were girls you were in to?" Emily asked in shocked making Jake nod at her. Emily raise an eyebrow at him. "Who?" Emily asked. Jake just shock his head at her and smiled. 

"We are not having this conversation" Jake stated chuckling a little making Emily narrow her eyes at him. 

"No you have to tell me" Emily stated whining a little making Jake smile at her. 

"Okay fine" Jake chuckled "I was into Alex Richards" 

"Who? "Emily asked frowning at him "Was she the one with the pink hair?" 

"No that was Penny someone" Jake reminded Emily making her nod her head slowly. 

"I can't believe you never told me this" Emily said laughing a little. "I was honestly expecting for you to say you were into me" Emily joked making Jake raise an eyebrow at her. 

"Maybe I was" Jake shrugged making Emily's eyes widen at him. "It's not that big of a deal Em. Honestly get over yourself" 

"Well I was never into you" Emily stated making Jake laugh at her. 

"Wow okay" Jake chuckled making Emily smile at him before he stood up and walked over to the packages that had recently arrived. Emily began an e-mail to Rob to get an appointment, to talk business. Rob was the owner of the studio, the building, Emily and Jake were just the owners of the company. As they didn't need to studio, or they couldn't afford, any more Emily needed to discontinue the rent. 


Emily arrived back at Calum's and walked straight to the bedroom. The door was on a jar and Calum was talking to someone. Emily knew it was rude to listen in on conversations but sometimes it was just too tempting. 

"Yeah I'm good to go" Calum said as he paced the room. Emily could see suitcases packed at the side of the room. "Yeah that's good" Calum said making Emily frown and push the door open but Calum wasn't facing her. He looked out of the window and held the phone to his ear as he rocked back and fourth on his heels. "Okay thank you" Calum said "Yeah okay Bye". Emily crossed her arms and lent against the doorway of the bedroom as Calum turned around to face her. A sigh left his lips as he looked at her. "How long have you been standing there?" 

"I don't know maybe not long enough" Emily said looking at the suitcases "So where are you going?" 

Calum swallow hard as he looked at Emily. "LA" 

"Since when?" Emily asked standing up straighter but her arms still crossed and a frown on her face. 

"I have to go back" Calum stated making Emily scoff. 

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Emily asked anger already showing in her voice. Calum should've excepted this. 

"Because I couldn't" Calum said 

"You couldn't tell me you had a flight booked for LA?" Emily asked almost sarcastically. 

"Yes because you always except the worst" 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Emily asked again more anger showing in her voice. 

"Because it's not like you would come with me" Calum answered. Emily looked at him dumbly. 

"Well when are you coming back?" Emily asked making Calum looked away from her and shake his head a little. Emily starred at him. She was confused and pissed off. 

"Christmas probably" Calum finally answered making Emily drop her arms in shock. 

"That's in three months" Emily stated making Calum look at her and run his hand through his hair. 

"Emily" Calum stated "LA is where I live and where I work. Sydney isn't my home anymore" 

"Then why have you acted like it is?!" Emily shouted 

"I haven't" Calum stated anger starting to show in his voice, but what did he think was going to happen? Of course this would have ended in an argument. 

"So what were you going to do?! Just leave and not tell me!?" Emily asked but was still shouting at him. 

"I was going to tell you" Calum said trying to be calmer. Emily ran her fingers through her hair and bit her bottom lip. 

"Then why didn't you?" Emily questioned because she didn't understand why he wouldn't tell her this important piece of information. 

"I don't know"  Calum said honestly "Okay I don't know" 

"I can't believe you're doing this" Emily mumbled the anger turning more into sadness. 

"Well you can some with me" Calum said hoping that she would just say 'okay' and it would be easy. But they were never easy. They were difficult and they created problems but somehow they solved everything, somehow. 

"Jesus Christ Calum" Emily groaned rolling her head back a little in frustration. "It isn't that simple" 

"Yes it is" Calum said making Emily scoff a little at him and shake her head. "Tell me how it isn't that simple" 

"Because I can't just pack everything into boxes and move across the world leaving everyone I love behind. I'm not you!" Emily shouted making the room go silent. Calum felt like he'd just been slapped around the face and Emily was shocked at herself for that comment. 

"Why don't you get it? My life is in LA that's where my home is" Calum said in a low voice. Emily looked over at him and sighed a little. 

"Then why have you been living here and acting like this is where you want to be this entire time?" Emily asked. She was still confusion, frustrated and hurt by this whole situation. 

"I need to go back to LA" Calum stated making Emily let out a groan of frustration. 

"Well that's fucking great Calum, congratulations we've done a complete circle" Emily shouted at him with sarcasm in her voice. 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Calum asked his voice rougher and growing in anger, again. 

"This is exactly what happened four years ago" Emily stated crossing her arms and looking at Calum "We're back were we ended" 

"You didn't actually think he was staying here did you?" Calum asked making Emily frown at him. 

"Why wouldn't I?!" 

"Because this isn't where I live Emily!" Calum shouted "Okay so I'm going home regardless of whatever you're doing" 

"So it's just going to be that easy for you?! You're just going to piss off for months and you're totally fine with that?" Emily shouted back feeling more and more hurt by him. 

"I'm not waiting for you" Calum shouted making Emily smile at him a little in shock. 

"Oh so you wanted me to wait four years for you to return but you can't wait for me?" Emily asked shaking her head at him in disbelief. Calum didn't say anything he just opened a draw and pulled out Emily's clothing she had in there before placing in her duffle bag. Emily just watched him in shock her heart hurting a little. Calum handed her a the bag and stood about a meter in front of her. "You're a fucking dick" Emily stated snatching the bag from him. 

"Well I guess nothings changed then" Calum shrugged. Emily looked at the floor and shock her head. 

"Why did you do this Calum?" Emily asked looking up at him with her eyes starting to water. 

"Do what?" Calum asked not showing any type of emotion. 

"Why did you make me fall back in love with you and then just leave me again? Why the fuck would you do that?!" Emily shouted with tears fully formed in her eyes which she cursed herself for because she didn't want to show him his effect on her. 

"I didn't mean for this to happen" Calum stated his heart breaking at the sight of her tears but maybe this was for the best. 

"I cannot believe I let you do this to me again" Emily whispered her voice breaking. Calum took a deep breath. "Maybe there just isn't a happy ending for us" Emily said making Calum's heart break because that wasn't true, and he knew that they both knew that if they worked things out things would in fact work out. Eventually. 

Calum's phone buzzed which he checked automatically. "My car is here" He said quietly making Emily suck her tongue against her front teeth. 

"Honestly, I'm starting to regret everything to do with you" Emily said bluntly. Calum looked at her in shock and hurt because everything?

"That isn't fair" Calum frowned making Emily huff at him. 

"What isn't fair is that you put me through so much Calum even from when we were 17. You put me through so much shit" 

"I NEVER ASKED YOU TO STAY" Calum suddenly shouted, loudly. "I only ever wanted to find out why you didn't like me in the first place. It isn't like I wanted to fall in love with you. I didn't want that" 

"Go fuck yourself Calum" Emily said before she turned and began to walk out of the apartment. Calum followed her. 

"So that's it?" He asked making Emily stop walking but she didn't turn to face him. 

"I guess" She muttered before she turned and faced him. "You know I cancelled an engagement for you Calum. Someone actually wanted to marry me and I cancelled it for you" Emily shouted, maybe not a shout just a louder voice than normal. 

"Rob didn't even love you" Calum shouted

"Yeah well at least he didn't leave me" Emily shouted back before she opened the front door and slummed it behind her. Calum should've ran after her. He should've told her he'd stay and that they would work it out. But he was frozen and he couldn't. The anger got the better of him and he pushed the china bowl on the side table onto the floor making it smash on the floor. His hands flew to his head and he grabbed his hair in frustration. 

"Fuck fuck fuck" Calum shouted to himself before his phone buzzed again. He groaned and pulled out the phone in annoyance. 

Emily managed to get home before she burst into tears. She didn't know what to do. 

Heartbreak isn't poetic. Heartbreak is not anything like you see in the movies. You can't get over true heartbreak with ice cream and a good cry. You can't be heartbroken for a day then be completely fine the next. Heartbreak isn't beautiful. 


I feel like I'm going to have to hide after publishing this, don't hate me. 

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