Emma Enchanted

By TheSupernatural1864

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When Emma Swan starts having strange dreams about a place called Enchanted it becomes hard for her to tell th... More

Emma Swan
More than friends
Ruby's Secret
Vampire night
Truly real
Light and Dark magic
The Ball
Life Without Humanity


5 0 0
By TheSupernatural1864

The cloud of smoke cleared and we emerged on the opposite side of the lake to the 'king'. We where in four separate groups. In my group there was Toby, Ruby, Evangeline and Mrs Nightingale. Then there was Kat's group which consisted of Del, Mr Nightingale and my Mom. Finally there was My dads group which was made up of, Aidan and Ivan. Then there was Gretl on her own stood in front of everyone. I looked a Toby and he looked at me. "What's going on". I asked my dad telepathically. "It's okay just go with it". Was all he said and I didn't get chance to answer him because the 'King' was now speaking. "Hello brother, I must say I'm quite impressed, I didn't think you would be able to get past all my guards".

"Well in that case you thought wrong brother".

"What would mother say if she could see us now?"

"She would be disappointed in us, she never liked it when we fought".

"No brother, she would be disappointed in you, her favourite son. You upset her brother, she didn't expect you to disobey her, she wasn't expecting you to help your brother. The brother that possesses the dark. Helped me escape you did. Naughty boy".

"I wasn't wrong to help you escape, I loved you once brother and you loved me. But now I can never forgive you. Mother died while trying to get you, it was an accident that she got killed while I was protecting you, but farther. That wasn't an accident was it? You killed our farther, for your own selfish gain. That farther that wouldn't let anyone hurt you, even though mother was determined to have you vanquished. Still you went and killed him anyway, and for what? This, the throne, look around you brother. Those who are loyal to you are so because they are scared of you, and those who are not scared are your own creations. Your own wife left you, didn't want a child with you. Look at me brother, I have a family, friends I can trust. Not loyal because of fear, bribery or creation. But because of love and respect. You may have the throne, but you will never earn respect. That's all you really wanted, for mother to respect and love you, like you where something. But to her you where nothing, you where a stone in her shoe that she wanted to get rid of, and you hated it".

I watched as the 'Kings' face started to heat up. Clearly my dad had hit a few nerves. "I don't need respect, I have all the riches I want, I'm in control, and now I'm going to take your family, just like you tried to steal my throne. Attack!"

So the fighting began. Everywhere I looked people where fighting. Vampire on vampire, werewolf on werewolf, shape sifter on shape shifter. Light magic on dark magic, dark magic on light magic. Even I was was fighting. I had just managed to fight one off when another came at me. Relentless war. I used my smoke to disorientate my opponent, then I would strike them down. Quickly my eyes scanned for Toby. He was laid on his back, a shape shifter over him, sward about to be driven through him. "Toby!" I screamed. I didn't even have to think about it, all the power just shot out of me. It pushed the shifter against a tree at high speed. His head whipped back and his neck snapped.

I was by Toby's side in an instant. We stood, both looking around frantically. "There's to many". I said panicking. I caught sight odds my dad a Gretl giving each other and understanding nod. Soon she was up in the air. She was now vampire, werewolf, human and shape shifter. Then out of no where appeared a sward. I was so intrigued by what was happing I hadn't noticed Toby fighting behind me. He kicked whoever it was off him, but the tumbling boy cracks he'd into me, nocking me off me feet. I was a bit dazed, but bounced back up quickly. I looked at Toby and he looked at me. His eyes grew wide, his hands shout to his mouth and he lunged forward. It was then that I felt it. The cold, metal sward been driven through my back. The last thing I remember was Toby rushing towards me, the ground cracking and rumbling like there had just been a huge earthquake.

Toby's P.O.V

I tossed whoever I was fighting away from me at high speed, close to the ground. In the proses accidentally knocking Emma off her feet. She bounced right back up, though a bit dazed. Then it happened. It happens so fast that I couldn't stop it. My eyes widened and my hands shout of my mouth. The 'King' had driven his sward right through her. He smiled at me, the most evil smile, before pulling out his swarms and turning to walk away. Though now it was he who was implied on a sward as what he hadn't noticed was that his brother had seen the whole thing a was stood behind him I rushed over to where Emma lay as the ground continued to shake and crack. The 'Kings' men had dropped their weapons and stopped fighting.

I was now knelt beside her. In a instant my wrist was at my mouth, then my wrist at hers. Though in a split second my brother was holding me back. "Let go of me!" I screamed at him. "Let go of me!"

"Don't me be stupid Toby, if you do this, the human part of her will be gone. Gone for good. Most vampires can control their blood lost beachside they where born vampires. People who are turns into vampires can not!"

"I don't care, I love her, I'm not just going to watch her die!"

"She's already dead, even if you save her, she will still be dead!"

"No! She will be alive, she will be able to talk, touch me, kiss me!"

"Yes, but she will not be the same!"

"I don't care, I love her and if she dies, so do I!"

I waited for anyone else to protest, but no one did and with that my wrist was back at her mouth. I waited for a few agonising moments before she shot up gasping for air. Her eyes darted round, her hear beat was fast, her blood racing. "Emma your okay, it's me Toby, it's Toby, your safe". I took her head into my hands. Her heart rate slowed her breathing levelled. Then her arms where around me, squishing me tightly. I looked at her and she looked at me. Then our lips crashed together. I felt her shiver at her newly heightened senses. Everything around us slipped away. We where lost in each over.

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