Kakashi Chronicles: Mononoke...


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Book 1
PHASE 1: The Human World
PHASE 2: I'm Joining A Team?!
PHASE 3: Team Minato
PHASE 4: " Happy Birthday "
PHASE 5: Missing
PHASE 6: The Western Channel Islands
PHASE 7: Games
PHASE 8: Lightning
PHASE 9: Crystal
PHASE 10: Fall
PHASE 11: Jay and Kakashi
PHASE 13: Found
PHASE 14: Recovery
Author's Announcement

PHASE 12: Caved

85 6 0

> Kakashi POV <

I have to say by far, this is the longest "game". We've past two avalanches and are in front of a cave now. " Are we going inside?", Jay asks. I looked at her legs, they were shaking, but I could tell that she was trying hide it. " Are you gonna back out now?", Grey says. " N-no", she stutters. The other wolves already started and almost outside. " Jay?" I said putting my hand on her side. She was shaking like crazy. She lets out a deep breath. " I'm fine", she says entering the cave. It started getting dark the deeper we went and there was no lights. That's when we heard crashing behind us. I had my hand on Jay's side so that I knew she was next to me. She was shaking even more now and breathing really really hard. " She's hyperventilating", Grey says running to us. The yellow fur parts on her body started to glow lighting the whole cave.

     " Jay, calm down. Nothing's gonna happen", Grey said trying to make eye contact with Jay. Her eyes just stared straight ahead, wide open. Her claws were digging into the ground. Grey took a deep breath calming himself. " Just follow me",  Grey says as he started walking backwards.  Jay slowly followed him. Her condition didn't change though. The other wolves stepped to the side letting them pass through. " Did something happen?", I ask. They all looked at each other. " Jay's parents... died in a cave like this right in front of her. The rocks in the entrance crush them", one of them said. " She's been scared of caves since then. Grey takes care of her now", the same one said. " Oh, I didn't know", I whispered. I followed them in the back.

     A few minutes later we opened up to a valley. Jay collapsed to the ground closing her eyes. I heard clapping in the distance and so did the wolves. Three people walked up to us. They stood a few feet away out of the wolves range. " Congratulations for making it this far, wolves and human. My name is Joka. I thought you'd lose a lot more, but instead, only lost, one, wolf", he said slowing down his last words. " Where's Okami?!", I demanded stepping in front. "Hm? Do you as in the princess?", Joka asks. Princess? " How'd you learn about us?", Grey asks stepping up next to me. " Books. I wanted your power and to my luck, your little princess was in her human training. What coincidence. I could say that it's too late now", he says smiling. " What's that suppose to mean?", I said. I started getting really irritated at his joke-like words.  " Well, I guess I've been a bit too harsh on the tests", he says. I was gonna wipe that smile off his face.

     That's when I felt hot boiling chakra next to me. I looked over at Grey and I fell back. He was at full size two times larger than Minato sensei. Dark grey chakra seeped out of the black parts of his fur. His purple eyes glowed,  large white fangs growing sharper, black claws pricing the rocks. He looked like a wild beast. " Why so angry? You still might have a chance in finding her. Not the best condition, but maybe breathing", Joka said. " Can you find her?", I ask Grey. His anger didn't die down, but he still listened. " Probably, but I'm not letting him out of my sight", Grey said and he meant it. " Then tell me and I'll take Kakashi with me", Jay suggested. " Jay-", " I'm fine now", Jay interrupted. " Northeast from here. She's below ground", Grey says. " Thanks", Jay says as she throws me on her back.  

     She ran at incredible speed. I would've been left behind in seconds. She practically glided through the trees. She suddenly dug her feet into the ground causing her  hind legs to go up which caused my face to bury into her fur collar. I pick up my head. " You seriously need to work on your brakes" I said. " I know, but look", she said. A small square building sat on top a hill. " She's down there?", I ask as we both look down at spiral stairs that goes underground. " Yeah, I can smell her", Jay says. I still say on her back. "What did Joka mean when he said princess and human training?", I asked as we continued down the stairs. She was hesitating. " I-I'll get in trouble if I tell you. Sorry", she says. I was disappointed. Was Okami a princess?

     " How low do you think we are below ground?", she asks as we start down a narrow hall. " Maybe around 50ft", I replied.

> Mononoke POV <

     I sensed foot steps in the narrow hall. Not humans, a wolfs. " Locks like ur serve ants cam to rest que ou. Ha swee, but thell  fail misably and Ill totue them right in font ", my tourer said. I could barely hear anything so what she said didn't make any sense to me. I was completely relying on my sensory skills. My eyes and ears were completely useless now from all the tests. I barely had any strength to breath so they put an oxygen mask to keep me alive. I could feel my arms or legs. They liquid fed me so that I didn't die of starvation. I couldn't keep my eyes opened so I closed them relaxing my whole body.

"Okami!" he shouted.

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