Romeo and Cinderella

By mbie07

143K 3.1K 199

{ Romance beyond difference. } He's the good student, she's the worst student. He's quiet, she's loud and ann... More

Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine
Fifty one
Fifty two
Fifty three
Fifty four


1.7K 29 0
By mbie07

chapter fifty-five | red

"I am so excited!" Bom squealed in delight. "How cool is this? A senior night! Oh my gosh, I am excited!" She then started blabbering about the gown that they should wear. While Dara's mind was off somewhere, Bom has already planned everything from their hair down to their makeup and even accessories.

"Dara! Dara!" Dara jolted from her place looking at Bom who was looking at her grumpily. "Yes?" Bom gave an exasperated sigh. "I have been talking here nonstop and here you are not even listening! Geez! This is seniors' night before we graduate! This is a serious matter, it's life or death situation." Clearly, Bom unnie has a very different meaning for serious. Talking about priorities.

"Sorry, I am just thinking of something..." she answered in a low voice while stirring her drink using its straw.

"And what could be a lot important than seniors' night?" Uhm, a lot, unnie. Like climate change, poverty and corruption. Err, I am kidding. Haha. I am not that golden hearted, let's talk about the most important thing - senior's night, shall we?

Augh. Teenagers nowadays. *facepalm*

"Minho." Bom suddenly went silent before she cleared her throat.

"What about him?" Like everyone, she was torn between pity and hate about him.

"It has been almost three months that he's not doing anything and it's an agonizing wait. It felt like a storm is brewing."

"Yeah, you're right." Bom bit the straw of her drink. They were sitting in one of the cafes on the mall, waiting for the rest of the gang to arrive.

"Jagiya." Jiyong called kissing Dara on her lips as the lady smiled to him making him raise his brow. "What's going on?" Dara quickly shook her head. Soon, everyone arrived with Hyunseung coming last. He looked preplexed and he was even heavily sweating.

"What happened?" Dara asked to which he smiled anxiously.

"My motorcycle was tampered. I nearly crashed." He laughed making Bom pale as everyone looked at him anxiously.

"So, after three months of silence..." Youngbae trailed off.

"I don't think this is the only thing he can do with three months." Top gritted.

"We got him investigated, his IQ and all is par of Jiyong Hyung's." Daesung scratched the back of his head. Seungri was about to say something when a boy age seven walked to them. He was holding a black rose with a red card. With lollipop still plastered on his mouth, he walked closer to Dara.

"Noona, someone asked me to give this to you." He spoke after removing the pop. Dara carefully took the black rose and the card.

"Where is he?" She asked quickly to him. The little guy turned around to point at somewhere.

"Ehh, he's gone. I have to go as well!" Then the kid ran off not giving Dara the chance to ask.

With his friends looking at her, she read the card.

Will you be my date?

That was the only thing written on it. It was written in a beautiful script on a silver ink against the bloody red card. Jiyong quickly took the card and the rose. "Give me a lighter." Top passed handed him a lighter as he lit the rose and the card, eyes watching while the fire devour everything.

"I pity him. I do, really, he's a victim of circumstances but I will never forgive him if he touches you or any of our friends and family." There was something dark in his tone that made them know that he was nothing but serious.

"All this waiting is making me crazy." Chaerin sighed. "I feel like there's someone always watching my back and he could stab me anytime or stab any of you." Seungri wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving her a light squeeze. "Relax, baby." He smiled at her which she returned.

"Then, we need to move as well. It's like hide and seek now. And it sucks that we are the seekers. I hate being a seeker, damn." Hyunseung chuckled humorless.

"At least, we have our first clue to find him." Youngbae sighed. "We'll have the most interesting seniors' night ever." They looked at each other before allowing themselves for a little laugh hoping to wash all the heavy tension that they have been accumulated for the past months.


Tonight, she will be sleeping at her old house. This has been the ongoing arrangement which everyone happily agreed. She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on their door. Her mom just left together with her dad as her mom still has her entertainer job while her dad got another work of who knows what. You know how her family rolls right? You know the drill? Good. So, let's all move on and focus on the door.

Normally, Goddess D will just drag herself to open the door while muttering all the cuss and complaints in the world yet that time, she felt nervous, almost nerve wracked. Carefully, she took a quick glance on the clock plastered on their overly decorated wall. It flashed twelve midnight which got her more anxious. Now, who in the world knocks at twelve midnight, every of her neighbor knew the code. Do not disturb the Goddess beyond 9 in the evening or else fly to the moon powered by her fist. A lump formed in her throat. Oh my gosh, even I, I am feeling all nervous here.

Okay, let's think positive shall we? It could be just Jiyong, my love so sweet, I mean you know, Mighty G. But then, he only knocks once then he barged in. And aside from that he is with his parents on a family blah blah (author can't think of anything, excuse her).

Another knock.

Oh my gosh, this all suddenly turns into a horror thing! I am getting goose bumps like Dara unnie! Waaah... what if it's Freddie Kruger! Yikes! Or worst, it could be a Boov. Jesus, not those things. Grabbing the bat leaning against the sofa, she walked ever so lightly to the door. And I am not to question why you have a baseball bat. As her hand reached the cold knob, her heart skipped a beat making her bite a curse.

She then yanked the door open but nothing welcomed her... Aaaaaahhhhhhh, oh my fucking gosh! Mbie, you have to remember that this is supposed to be a romantic comedy and not horror suspense! Geez! Put your brain cells together!

A sigh of relief came out her lips but then she saw a beautifully wrapped box on their front step. It was quite big.

Unnie! I know this! It's a bomb! That's a bomb! Quick, throw it away!

So, since Dara here is a good listener, she didn't throw it away. She lifted the big and quite heavy box, pressed her ear over it and when she wasn't able to hear anything shook it.

Okaaaaay, so if that's not a bomb, I know! It could be a carcass! Eew, it could be a dead something. Geez, I am gonna get a heart attack. Am I still on the right fic? This is still Romeo and Cinderella right? Why does it look like 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' story with Lee Minho being the not really that secret, no need to guess, serial killer who's after their cute asses?

What the hell is happening to the world.

Anywho, so the Goddess went back inside and ripped the golden wrapper of the box. Okay, Imma close my eyes while you open it. In three, two—

Dammit! She opened it already and my eyes are still open.

She was welcomed by a white beautiful gown with a black velvet one inch choker, a silver high stilletos and a silver ornament for her hair with earrings. Aww, Mighty G, forever the sweetest! Marry me, oppa! I mean, I love those heels, let me marry them!

Her expression changed the moment she saw the red card. Bah, it's not from Jiyong. She pulled it and read the card.

Why white? So I can see you bleed when I shoot you. 4 days to go, we'll see each other in hell, fiance.

Dara felt something got stuck on her throat as her hand slowly closed into a tight fist, crumpling the card.

Minho. Minho. Minho. Minho.

She's tired of worrying. She's tired of fearing him. How long does she even plan on always being pushed around by him? Ever since, she had always felt unable to fight him. And she's so sick of it. Fuck, Lee Minho. If this is his game then she will defeat him in his own mind fucked game and there's no way she'll accept defeat.


Jiyong glanced at his wrist watch for the nth time wondering why girls take so long in preparing. "Give it up, Kwon. They're girls." Top took a sip from his can of beer. They were all staying at Jiyong's place, waiting for the girls to finish whatever rituals they are doing as they hang out in the entertainment room. Daesung and Seungri were brawling over a video game, Youngbae was busy on his phone, he and Top just stood next to the huge window, while Hyunseung was napping while snoring audibly.

Exhaustion was evident on his face even on his sleep. They were all tired trying to chase someone. Trying to find him. But as they say, you will never see someone who doesn't want to be seen.

All their attention was thrown as the door open and Bom entered twirling in her teal cocktail dress. She smiled happily and almost hop to Top as the guy complimented her and kissed the top of her head. Chaerin entered next with her yellow gown, Seungri immediately went to her and kissed her gently on her nose.

"Augh, I need a girlfriend." Daesung pouted as Youngbae rolled his eyes which Daesung answered with a flirty and playful batting of lashes until Youngbae threatened to punch him.

Dara then entered the room with her white cocktail dress, silver heels, black choker and silver earrings courtesy by the oh so generous, Lee Minho. Jiyong's eyebrows connected in confusion but nonetheless walked his way to her.

"What happened?" He kissed her forehead. They bought what she was supposed to wear. He remembered how it was black and all with her still customizing it to the way she wanted it to be.

"It's Minho." Bom answered tastelessly.

"Huh?" Hyunseung jolted from his sleep as he looked at Dara and got confused as well. They were all together when they bought their gowns. "Why are you wearing white?" He asked the ongoing question making the others grunt all at the same time.

"What does Bom meant?" Jiyong turned back to Dara.

"I received all of these," she gestured her hands pointing all of what she's wearing. "Four days ago from Lee Minho with a fucking love letter." Oh damn, I missed you cursing, Goddess D.

"A letter?" His brow raised.

"Why white? So I can see you bleed when I shoot you. 4 days to go, we'll see each other in hell, fiance." Dara sarcastically recited.

"That guy is pretty sick." Youngbae hissed.

"Fucked up you mean? I am tired of playing his game, this night it's all or nothing. And we have to win." Dara's tone can never be more serious, as fire burned in her eyes, eyes that were looking straight to her guy. Jiyong slid his fingers between hers.

"All or nothing." He nodded. Wuju, you're just jealous oppa.

They then went to school in separate vehicles. Hyunseung on his newly bought bike, Youngbae with Daesung on his car, Seungri and Chaerin, Top and Bom, lastly was our favorite couple, the ship that sails even in the stormiest (is this even a word) weather, the ship they tried to sink but can never sink, the ship they all know that's real yet deny it, DARAGON, oops, I mean, Jiyong and Dara.

They arrived at the venue which was one of Dong's biggest and grandest hotel at exactly 10 in the evening. They all walked the red carpet, had their photos taken before they were able to enter the event hall that cradled the whole senior population of the school.

"You look human, Park." Mr. Jang seriously said as Dara chuckled. Recap, in case you have already forgot who he is. He is no other than their bald prefect of discipline. Come to think of it, he was the main reason why everything happened. Hmmm, I shall built le statue for you, Mr. Jang!

"You look nice too, Baldy. But well, I should not call you that anymore with those little grass growing in your head." Dara laughed as Jiyong joined her while the teacher just glared at her before touching his growing hair. Those hair products were so effective, he can just cry.

"I am watching you and your friends." He slit his eyes making Dara subtly shook her head as the two of them walked to their table where his friends were already seated.

"He has to be here. He should be here. He will be here." Hyunseung chugged down the sparkling wine that he got from the waiter before sitting down.

"God, you are freaking me out." Bom whined. "We're supposed to enjoy this day! If I see that bastard, I will kill him." Dara wasn't able to contain herself as she burst into laughter. All of them looked at her, questioning.

"Ahh, we spent months, fearing Lee Minho then right now we are all just pissed of him." She smirked. "I feel like I am myself again." She looked at the stage as the host was climbing up to officially start the program.

"Yeah," Jiyong chuckled, kissing her temple. "This is our come back, I guess."

Seungri then lifted his wine glass, "Lee Minho is going down!" He proposed a toast. Everyone then followed suit.

"He's going down," they cheered.

The program begin while they're locked in their own world not minding what was happening not until they opened the dancefloor as they all stood up and dominated it, dancing crazily with the ladies leaving their heels underneath their table.

"We are about to graduate!" Bom yelled.

"Wooohoooo! Goodbye, SFA! Goodbye, Baldy!" Dara seconded. The music changed making them wilder, rougher, laughing and dancing to their hearts content. Enjoying their youth, living their life to the fullest.

Suddenly, lights went off, smokes filled the place and it was as if the whole world slowed down in a two minute darkness. Yells echoed all over the hall, students running and panicking, teachers and staffs trying to control the situation.

"Dara!" She heard Jiyong shout, she turned left and right but can't see, her eyes haven't adjusted yet. "DARAAA!" his cries grew desperate. One moment she was just holding his hands, they were just dancing, they were just living the night, spending their youth and now it's nothing but black. Pitch black. What is happening?

"Jiyong, I'm here!" She answered, shoving everyone in her way. "I'm here! Jiyong!" Then she met his eyes. She knew, she'll never forget. Those eyes, the eyes that she first saw when she woke up from the first time they tortured her. Everything was too fast, there was something hard and cold then there was a sharp pain that her body shook momentarily, her hands automatically holding where it started. Then they grew wet.

The lights went on, her breathing slow and audible, lowering her gaze, she watched how her white gown turned into red. Taking a sharp gasp, she slowly fell down her knees as her eyes was losing its lights, the last thing she saw was his back moving farther from where she was, hiding in the waves of students.

"DARA!!" Her name echoed in the hall as she fell to the cold floor. "Dara!"

"Jiyong," she breathed as the latter took her in his arms, lifting her from the floor. As the students gave way, he ran his way out to get her to the hospital to save her life yet before her eyes completely shut, she watched as his friends, Bigbang and Hyunseung ran to chase him. Ran to stop the battle and finally win the war.

Then, everything was black.


She took a sharp gasp that turned into a rough cough that almost didn't allow her to breath. Her eyes snapped open, panicked until another pair of eyes were staring directly to hers. Soon, her breathing slowed until she was calmed. "Are you okay?" He asked in a hushed tone. "You must be cold and you looked... well, not good." He added, lips quirking into a pout.

"Here, I have a cookie." He pulled a single cookie out of his pocket, it was wrapped in a piece of paper. There was no words that's coming from her, she just looked at him like he was a figment of her imagination and maybe he was.

"Here take it," carefully, he moved closer to her to feed her the cookie yet she pursed her lips tighter, her stares became glares. "I will not hurt you." He assured. "I'm sorry..." There was something in his tone that made her sure of his sincerity then the realization that she was in the midst of something where she can't trust anyone dawned to her.

"Who are you?" She almost snarled as the boy flinched.

"Minho..." there was fear in his voice.

"You're one of them, aren't you?" She was on offense and even before he can say his defense there was shouting, then gun fires. The boy quickly untied her without hesitation.

"There here!" He panicked, as the screams went louder, guns were fired here and there.

"Who's here?" Dara panicked.

The rope went loose as he suddenly yanked her and they began running yet because of all the torture her small body took, she fell on her knees. "We have to hurry! Can you stand?" He asked helping her. Dara gave a determined nod yet the boy read through her as he placed her on his back and started running. She was so light and that made him feel sad and more determined to get them out there.

The moment they were running out, in the dark with the tall grasses surrounding them moving farther and farther, Dara looked back just enough for her to see as the bright light swallowed the two of them. Her scream filled the cold night together with the loud explosion.

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