Revenge is Near

By aliceblackbird

124K 2.7K 806

Although things may seem right, they never are. Tris and Four are still in Dauntless and they are very capab... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Message 😅💘
Chapter 32
More updates?

Chapter 22

2.9K 73 11
By aliceblackbird

It was about 'day seven', since Jem, Amy, Matisse and I were back to living our usual Dauntless lives. No drugs, no Candor people and no harm. 

Our small group of initiates had also seemed to have become much larger. With new additions such as; Eric and his group of friends and the boyfriends and girlfriends of everyone. Of course, we didn't spend a lot of time in that full group but we had all become much closer. Even Eric had seemed to loosen up around a few of my close friends. I also have to admit this group seemed to be very popular around the Dauntless compound. Probably because of Eric. I mean it's not everyday you have a leader of a faction spend a fair amount of time with you. 

In terms of our injuries; Matisse's bruising was still evident but she could talk properly, Jem's face was all better, but she had a scar on her lip, Amy's stomach no longer hurt but there were still small bits of bruising left and as for me... My arm had almost fully healed, and here and there I needed to do a few specific arm workouts to gain back strength. In terms of Elise and Liv... We had no idea as to how they were going. 

"Eliza, Eric wants to see you in his office" Zachariah alerted. He was one of the four Dauntless leaders, along with Eric, Ashley and Titus. 

I turned around to fetch my belongings, a drink bottle and a spare pair of runners. 

I was in the Training Arena, working out with Peter, Molly, Drew, Em, Jem and Kaden. We had been in there for about three hours now, going for jogs, testing our fighting abilities and casually chatting. 

"See ya guys!" I cheerfully hollered, as I lightly jogged away. Heading for Eric's office. 

What's a bet that he probably just wants to check up on me. For like the sixth time! I thought to myself. Lately, Eric had been overly protective and cautious, and not just with me but also with Jem, Matisse and Amy. For a while now he had been calling me to his office to make sure I was okay. Which is cute I guess, but... Not when it happens everyday! He needs to understand that I am all better now and I am safe. 

"I'm here" I said in a sarcastic, yet, happy tone, as I opened the door to his office and ambled in. 

He looked up from his desk. Then, I noticed him slyly grab some sort of sheet of paper and hide it away in his desk, not wanting me to see whatever it was. 

"So what are you hiding from me now?" I interrogated. 

He just stared at me with a face that said 'are you finished yet?'. I had been questioning him a lot lately and he had not been giving me answers. Instead he had been getting angry, telling me, in a fluster, that I would find out soon. 

"Ok fine" I replied to his facial expression, slumping down in the chair opposite his desk. 

He didn't talk for a little. Just stared at his desk. 

"If your going to ask me whether I'm ok or not, I can save you the energy of asking and just give you an answer right now if you like" I commented sarcastically, staring at him, eyebrows raised. 

He dismissed what I said. "Eliza. I have made a big decision, for the both of us" he announced. 

This took me by surprise. Was he ready to tell me what had him so suss, stressed and aggravated?

I looked at him, waiting for an answer. 

He sat forward on his chair, leaning against his desk with his forearms, looking me deep in the eyes. He looked excited in a way. But at the same time fretful. 

"Well" I urged, "What is it?" 

"I have chosen you to become the fifth leader of Dauntless" he announced with a smile. 

I was so shocked. How could he spring this on me!? I had no experience, I was most not definitely ready for the job. 

He seemed to have read my expressions. 

"Don't worry Lize. I will be there with you every step of the way" he confirmed. 

"Yeah but that doesn't change the fact that I'm not ready for a job like this" I replied. 

"You are ready. I can tell" he assured. 

But how could he be saying this. Just yesterday he was babying me and making sure someone was there to over look what I did, just in case I hurt myself. If he thought that I was truly ready, he would not have been treating me this way. 

"Eric... What is the real reason?" I interrogated. Knowing he couldn't possibly think I was ready for such a big promotion. 

"I've already told you the real reason. You are ready" he pronounced. Although I could tell there was more to it. 

I stared at him, long and hard. 

"What? So all of a sudden you think I am ready?" I questioned with sass. 

"What do you mean?" he asked, confusion written all over his face. I was accusing him and he had no idea why. 

"Ever since the incident you have been babying me. Like I can't take care of myself" I replied. "So, tell me... What's the real reason as to why you are all of a sudden making me join leadership?" 

I stared at him, long and hard, for the second time. He knew that I could see right through him. 

Eventually, after our stare off, he banged his fist against the desk. 

"Damn you Eliza" he frustratedly spoke as he stood up. I had done it. "You want the full truth?" he asked, towering over me as I stayed sitting. Anger in his eyes because I had gotten my way. 

"Yes" I strongly answered, crossing my legs and smirking. 

He took a deep, sigh full breath and leant against his desk, just in front of where I was sitting. 

"First off; I needed to pick someone to join the leadership team by today" he began to explain. "And I chose you because you are one of the only people I can truly trust". 

I looked at him with soft eyes, realising that this issue involved his feelings. 

"A lot has been going on lately. A lot of stuff that is top secret... Basically, things are getting heated between each and every faction and something big is coming. I needed someone on my team of leaders that I knew would stick by me, no matter what" he continued. "And that person is you Eliza". 

I could see it in his eyes that he was stressed. I could tell that he had something terribly big on his mind, something that he was having trouble sorting out maybe... 

I stood up, right in front of him. I rested my hands on his legs and leant in a little, to get his attention. He looked at me glumly... He almost looked as if he was miserable. 

"Eric. You do know you can tell me about whatever is going on..." I let him know, soothingly. "Just as you said before, I will stick by you, no matter what. So, you can tell me anything and I will promise to keep it a secret" I pledged. 

He stood up properly, no longer leaning against the desk. Then he rested his large arms over my shoulders, being gentle though, so as to not hurt my healing shoulder. 

"And that is why I need you in leadership with me. So I can actually tell you these things" he spoke encouragingly. 

"But Eric..." I began to speak, feeling unconfident. 

But before I could say anything else he cut me off. 

"You will do it" he said, looking into my eyes forcefully. 

"Well, what if I don't do a good job of it?" I questioned him. Raising an issue. 

"Eliza. I know you well enough to say that you will do a fine job at it. You are practically like me, only just not as mean. You are a great leader, a great speaker and you are very strong willed and smart" he explained, making me think. 

"Really?" I questioned, still a little unsure. "You really think I could do it?" 


I really do" he replied before he leant down and pressed a kiss to my lips. 

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