Born To Kill - Book I {Rewrit...

By GrissyQuinn

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"Lesson one. Never cross Alexander Valentino" I pressed on one of the knives in his hand. "Lesson two. Never... More

Important Authors Note
*Prologue: Taken*
*Chapter 1: Recruited*
*Chapter 2: Omerta*
*Chapter 3: The Valentino Family*
*Chapter 5: Back up*
*Chapter 6: First Job*
*Chapter 7: Thirst for blood*
*Chapter 8: Looking at the stars*
*Chapter 9: Spies & Revelations*
*Chapter 10: Girls of the Mafia Pt.1*
Chapter 11: Girls of the Mafia Pt 2
*Chapter 12: Shattered Walls*
*Chapter 13: Ruthless*
*Chapter 14: Killers*
*Chapter 15: Famiglia*
*Chapter 16: Una Serata Romantica*
*Chapter 17: Explosions*
*Chapter 18: Letting go & Moving on*
*Chapter 19: The Benefit*
*Chapter 20: Chaos*
*Chapter 21: Euphoria*
*Chapter 22: Justice*
*Chapter 23: The Calm*
*Chapter 24: The Storm*
*Chapter 25: X marks the spot*
*Chapter 26: Haunting Pasts*
*Chapter 27: Broken*
*Chapter 28: Into Pieces*
*Chapter 29: Skylar*
*Chapter 30: Nothing else Matters*
*Chapter 31: Diamond*
*Chapter 32: Love Death & Blood*
*Chapter 33: A battle ends but a war begins...*
Authors note:

*Chapter 4: Demons*

21.8K 630 112
By GrissyQuinn

Hey guys!! Above is the song My demons by the band Starset  :D i feel it fits well with the second half of the chapter :3 Thanks so much for the support guys! Enjoy this update :D

Remember to vote & share if you like <3


I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. Looking at the clock I saw it was only 8am. The windows blinds were shut but I still felt like the room was brighter than the sun. Sitting up, I realized I still had the same clothes from last night.

"oh god..." I muttered to myself as events from last night come rushing back to my head like a bullet train. I only get bits and pieces but its enough. Let's just say, the Valentinos know how to throw a party and after my 7th shot of tequila, I lost all reasoning. I was in no rush to go to sleep sober and have a restless night full of nightmares.

I tried not to turn into an alcoholic but sometimes it was the only way I could sleep without nightmares. I close my eyes again trying to calm my headache but to no avail. A knock on my door sounded like someone was hitting my head with a mallet.

Opening the door, I see Alexander standing there. "You look horrible" he said as a matter of factly as he looked me over, making me feel a little self – conscious. I didn't look at myself in the mirror, but I felt like crap, it was safe to say I looked like it too.

"Thanks." I answered sarcastically "What do you need?

"There's a meeting at 10am in the conference room downstairs. I need you to be there. We have important things to discuss. Please make yourself presentable Signorina Nyx. Ill have someone bring you breakfast in a couple of minutes." With that he left without another word.

Someone needs to remove the stick up their ass, asap.

I walked over to the bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyeliner and mascara were all smudged, my eyes had bags under them and I couldn't even begin to describe my hair. I felt disgusted at what I saw, no wonder Alexander looked at me the way he did.

You're filthy! A little bitch that nobody wants. On top of that you're a fucking failure! The deep voice echoed inside my head. My eyes were already watering when a maid called out from my room that she brought breakfast.

I yelled at her to leave it on the nightstand and stared at my reflection once again.

"You're not a failure. You were not born for this, you adapted." I tell myself over and over again. Blinking away the tears threatening to spill, I strip down and step into the shower.

Hot water caresses my skin as it mixes with the tears spilling out. I stood there staring at the tiled wall trying to cry and failing like I failed every single time.


About ten men sat around the conference room. Alexander wasn't there yet but when I looked at the time, it was a quarter passed 10am.

There were two empty chairs along the long conference table in the middle of the room. It was clear Alexander handled the family business like a company and very seriously.

The chair at the far end was obviously for Alexander, so I opted for the other chair right next to Angelo.

"Good morning Nyx!" Angelo chirped

"well it's a morning, I'll give you that" the room was incredibly bright and since my hungover wasn't getting any better the chatter around the room sounded louder than what it should have.

Since I was planning to train after this, I decided to wear black leggings along with a black top that went down to my belly button and paired with a pair of white sneakers. My hair was up in a high pony tail and I didn't even bother with makeup.

"Had a little too much to drink last night?" he asked with a teasing grin.

"understatement of the year." I quickly dismissed him.

A couple of minutes later, Alexander walked into the room with an aura that had everyone in the room except me stand up in respect.

"Everyone sit" he commanded not even bothering with a good morning. "Let's get to business" he sat down "what's the status with Armani and his men?"

"He hasn't done anything for a week but before that he went inside our bar in long island, took two of our girls and shot Sam." Angelo spoke.

"is he dead?"

"No, luckily the bullet went right through his shoulder. He's in our hospital and should be fine in a couple of weeks but that bastardo think he can mess with us and we need to prove him wrong!" Angelo raised his voice. The angrier he got, the thicker his Italian accent got and the worse my head pounded too.

"I agree but we can't attack without more intel on how he works. Ever since Nicholas took over for his father, he changed everything, left us blind to their methods."

"Are we just going to let him come into our territory and get away with it?" He sounded angrier now.

"Of course not, that's why I brought Nyx to our family" he motioned over to me as I raised my eyebrows at him. "Nicholas Armani doesn't know we have a talented assassin with us. I made sure that stayed under the table. Why? Armani's, annual Benefit for the families is coming soon."

"What does that have to do with me?" I looked over to him.

"You, Signorina Nyx, will go to that benefit, and keep Armani busy while we plant bugs around his estate."

I couldn't help but scoff at his words "Let me get this straight, you have one of the world's most deadly assassins at your disposal and you want to use me as a fucking distraction?!" I leaned forward in my chair staring into his brown eyes.

"No, I want you there because he is our biggest threat. I expect you to be capable enough to handle him if things go wrong. You are more than capable of defending yourself against him and get out safely. It's just for that night, in the meantime, I have other jobs for you, but I would advise you to watch your tone, babe. You may be the legendary Nyx but I'm still your boss"

I hated to admit it, but he was right. He was my boss and as much I hated it, I needed to be as respectful as I could. For the moment, he was keeping me out D. Impero and that was all the incentive I needed to stay quiet and lean back until the meeting ended.

"Tomorrow Nyx and I will visit some of the clubs in town to make sure everything is in order. Angelo, I need you, Donato and Gabriel to collect whatever money is owed in the remaining clubs and businesses"

"Everyone nods, and Alexander stands up "Alright, that is all for today, you are all dismissed" Alexander steps out of the room first followed by everyone else and lastly Angelo and myself.

"Is he always this serious?" I asked Angelo.

"Most of the time" he chuckled "but he might surprise you" with that he leaves the room, with me following behind him.


The rest of the day went by fairly quick. After the meeting I went for a jog and came back just in time for lunch. A nice maid made a delicious sandwich that is now happily being digested. After resting for about a half hour, I went down to the shooting range just next to the gym and practiced my gun and archery skills. Hitting the middle almost every time, I felt proud. I went through hell for these skills but now that I had them, I couldn't imagine not having them.

Lastly, I went down to the gym where I did some cardio and practiced sparring. Time flew by and before I knew it, it was already dinner time. Seeing as I was feeling exhausted I asked a maid to bring dinner to my room. Once I was showered and in my pjs, I saw the food on the coffee table. After stuffing my face with steak and mashed potatoes, I dug in into the piece of chocolate pie she brought me for dessert. If nothing else this place has some amazing tasting food. I had to compliment the chef some time.

A while passed after I ate before I felt the comfortable in the soft duvet and my eyes dropped before I succumbed to the darkness of sleep.

A dark figure loomed over my body as I opened my eyes from yet another night of restless sleep. I tried to scream but the figure covered my mouth. I struggled against his hold as I felt a sharp prick on my neck that went numbness through my veins before my body went limp and darkness surrounded me once again.

I woke up a while later, with a pain in my neck. I tried to open my eyes, but I realized I was blindfolded, and my mouth was taped. My arms were tied behind my back and my legs tied against the legs of a hard metal chair.

My heart beat wildly in my chest as I began to panic. I struggled and tried to find a way to loosen the ropes tightly wrapped around my wrist but failed. Tears wet the blindfold as I felt myself terrified. As if D. Impero wasn't bad enough already, I couldn't imagine what was in store for me now.

"Don't bother. You won't be able to escape" I heard a voice behind me. My heart beat faster than I thought possible.

"The boss wants to have a word with you" he spoke again as took off my blind fold and ripped off the tape on my mouth, sending shooting pain over my lips.

"And he has to drug me?"

"Forgive me if I think you won't come willingly Skylar" the door slid open revealing the bastard himself.

"What do you want?" I tried to sound firm but a crack in my voice let him know just how afraid I was, and he reveled in it.

"I was reading the reports Jeremy went me on your training and it seems that after three weeks you still can't even fire a gun properly." he walked closer to me, staring at me with disgust on his face "He states it's probably lack of skills and the solution is more intense training. I, however think its lack of motivation. For that, I don't think more intense training will do. You need incentive... something to keep you working hard." The grin on his face made a lump form in my throat and fear form in my whole body. This man was my father and he terrified me to my core.

"However, my dear Skylar. I don't think you or Jeremy will particularly agree with my solution. I took care of Jeremy and sent him on a mission leaving you in charge of someone else. Someone, who won't be as soft as Jeremy has been with you." He whispered something in the guy's ear. The guy nodded and silently left the room, leaving me alone with my father.

"I want you to remember this is for you own good. Being my daughter, you have to be the best. What will people think of me and my services if my own worthless daughter can't even hold a gun without shaking like a child!" his words stung but I held my ground.

"I don't want to be part of this father. I want to have a normal life, maybe get married have some children of my own. Children that I will not kidnap and force to a fucking assassin against their will!" I yelled at him making him angry. He grabbed my face forcing me to look at him. His fingers digging into my cheeks painfully.

"you don't have a fucking choice Skylar Diamond! I told you we were going to break you and so help me if I have to fucking show you myself what that means, I will!" I jerked my head away from his grasp as the door opened revealing the person who has haunted me ever since.

The guy had a scar than ran up his right cheek over his eye. As he grinned I saw his teeth were rotten from smoking. His dark eyes sent shivers down my spine as he looked at my helpless form tied to the chair. His hair was in buzz cut and his body was big and toned.

"Mr. Johnson here will make sure to give you all the motivation you need to finally make some progress" they both grinned and I started to panic.

"No, no, no. You can't do this! You can't leave me with him! I'm your daughter!" I yelled struggling in the chair. My tears clouding my vision.

"Oh Skylar, Thats exactly why, i can and will do this." with that he left and the second he did a hand slapped my face so hard, pain spread through my face and darkness surrounded me once again.

I woke up startled. My heart was beating erratically, my body was sweaty, and my vision was already cloudy with tears. I felt my chest tighten and I found it hard to breathe.

I need air! I thought wildly.

With shaky legs I got up and ran over the balcony in my room and tried to breathe in the cool night air, but it didn't work. I was crying uncontrollably, and my heart was nowhere near calming down. I needed air, I needed peace.
I ran out of my room, my eyes still clouded with tears as I ran down the stairs and out the back door that lead to the garden outside. Tears kept falling down my face as I sat down on the humid grass and stared up at the sky.

My sobs broke the silence of the night as I looked up at the beautiful stars and moon.

"it was ju-just a dream! He's not here, he's gone, he can't hurt you anymore." I said to myself between sobs. "You're safe here. I t wasn't real, it was just a nightmare." I kept saying to myself.

After twenty minutes of crying, I finally calmed down. I stayed outside for a little bit longer, just staring at the sky and breathing the cool night air as I tried to forget my demons.

Alexanders POV

I looked over at the ticking clock in my office and saw it was almost 1am. I rub my hand against the back of my neck. I've been working all day and I'm starting to feel exhausted.

I need to find out more about Nicholas Armani and his men before he continues to wreak havoc on my business and more importantly my family. I will not have innocent people get hurt just because Armani is pissed that he is not number one anymore. I hired Nyx as an act of desperation. Sometimes a leader has to accept the fact that he can't handle everything alone.

Ever since Nyx got here, I've had the feeling that things will eventually be better. It's hard to believe such a beautiful woman would do everything she does. She looks her delicate and innocent. I guess this is where the phrase doesn't judge a book by its cover, fits in.

I decided to call it a night but before I go back to bed, I walk to the kitchen to get something to drink. I look around the house and noticed and notice the backdoor is open.

Walking over to it, I heard sobs coming from the garden. I quietly walk outside to investigate only to see Nyx sitting on the grass, her face wet with tears and I hear her talking to herself as she stared up to the star filled sky.

"It was ju-just a dream! He's not here, he's gone, he can't hu-hurt you anymore" I heard her say.

He? Who's he? Someone hurt her?!

I feel the sudden urge to go over and comfort her. To ask her what's wrong. But why? I mean I just met her a not even three days ago.

But just the thought of someone hurting someone like Nyx made my blood boil.

"You're safe. You're safe here. It wasn't real, it was just a nightmare" I heard her say again before continuing to cry. I almost step outside to talk to her, but I decide against it.

I realize at that moment that Nyx is a woman with many demons. Demons she expects to fight on her own. They haunt her day and night and yet she looks so normal to us all.

As I walk back to my room I decide that step by step I will win her trust. I don't know why I feel the sudden urge to help her, but I do know that I want to know what haunts her, what makes her feel better, I want to help her fight her demons, but I can't do that if she doesn't let me.

One way or the other I will earn her trust...

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