Nathan Sykes mum?

By gracesimpo

191K 3.4K 1.2K

'36 year old Kirsty Machado and 19, nearly 20, year old Nathan Sykes have openly admitted their relationship... More

Nathan Sykes mum?
Part 2- ''My mum's a cougar!''
Part 3-''You know? You're quite attractive.''
Part 4- 'The extremely sexy curly haired guy'
Part 5-''I wasn't eavesdropping!''
Part 6- ''I think, I think I'm falling in-''
Part 7- ''Can I finish what I was saying before?''
Part 8- She's defiantly not a baby girl!
Part 9- ''Kayla? Hurry up, I need a piss!''
Part 10- ''We were practicing drama?''
Part 11- ''Will you marry me...''
Part 12- what could I eat and still look attractive eating?
Part 13-''Aw, don't cry Nath.'
Part 14-''You do like spaghetti bolognaise, don't you?'
Part 15- ''I'm never letting you go.''
Part 16-''I love you, Kirsty.''
Part 17- ''We're friends.''
Part 18- ''Are you gonna tell me how you really feel?''
Part 19- ''Can you stay tonight?'
Part 20- ''You know, this is like something out of a movie.''
Part 21- ''Remember what?''
Part 22- ''Y-you have a boyfriend?''
Part 23- ''You're my step dad!''
Part 24- ''Where are you?''
Part 25- ''you better tell me the deets!''
Part 26- How did I know that was a lie?
Part 28- I've missed you.
Part 29- Do you need me to hold your hand?
Part 30- Epilogue.

Part 27- Was it something to do with her?

3.1K 114 54
By gracesimpo

Kayla Pov-

 Struggling to open my eyes, I pulled the covers off me. I sat up. Rubbing my eyes, I looked over at the clock and rolled my eyes at the time. It was 4am and someone was banging on the front door. 

''Who is it at this time?'' I grumbled, looking over at Nathan fast asleep and cuddled up into the covers.

I swung myself out of bed and pulled on my dressing gown. And then I made my way to the front door. 

Looking through the key hole, I couldn't make out a face, only a shape of somebody.

''Can I help you?'' I asked as I opened the door. 

Her eyes met mine and I gasped. 

''Kirsty?!'' I questioned.

She nodded and before I could slam the door, she walked in. She shut it for me and the faced me, a smirk evident on her face.

''Why don't you wake up that boyfriend of yours? I have some news for the both of you.''


''Do it!'' Kirsty ordered. 

Uneasily, I left her in the living room and quickly walked to mine and Nathan's room. 

I caught my breath and tried my hardest to stop my hands from shaking but no matter how hard I tried, they wouldn't. My heart and my mind was racing. What could she possibly want?!

I rushed to the bed and to Nathan's side. 

''Where've you been babe?'' Nathan's morning voice groggily asked. 

He opened his eyes and looked up at me. My words wouldn't come out and I was frozen. Nathan sat up and cuddled me into his chest, kissing my head.

''Whats wrong, Kayla?'' He questioned.

''You need to get up Nathan, Kirsty's here.'' I told him. 

I looked up to see his face; as pale as a ghost. He shakily grabbed his joggers and pulled them on from the floor. He was pacing the room and pulling at his hair. But what was he so agitated about?

''Nathan,'' I soothed grabbing his hand, pulling him closer, ''it'll be okay, we'll see what she wants and then she can go.'' I reassured him but he shook his head. 

''Let me go out on my own-''

''No. I'm coming with you.'' I ordered, dragging him out of our bedroom.

As we entered the living room, Kirsty was no where to be seen. Although I could hear her in the kitchen. I didn't move though, I couldn't. Just her being here scared me and I had no idea why. Maybe it was how Nathan was acting, how he had been acting recently.

Was it something to do with her?

Nathan stuck to my side, and as the kitchen door opened, his arm wrapped protectively around my waist. 

Kirsty's smirk met my stare as she held a cup to her lips. 

''I was thirsty,'' she shrugged, taking a sip, ''so I made a drink. Hope you don't mind,'' she smiled. 

''So how've you two been?'' Her voice was calm, like she was genuinely asking. I couldn't bring myself to speak to her. 

''Why are you here?'' Nathan snapped. 

''I think you know why, Nathan.'' Kirsty spat. 

Nathan lowered his head, moving away from me. He sat on the chair furthest away from her, his hands pulling at his hair once again. But Kirsty just laughed.

''Can't we talk about it another time? Alone.'' Nathan grumbled.

This made Kirsty laugh harder. 

''I take it Kayla doesn't know? How funny!'' She exclaimed. 

''I don't know what, Nathan?'' I asked him. 


''He is a father to my child, if you must know Kayla. My baby boy is only a few months old. I found out I was pregnant just after I left Nathan. And obviously it was his, I hadn't slept with anyone else. I was the faithful one in the relationship,'' she scolded, but my mind was going too quickly to process anything at the moment.

''I came to find him but he wouldn't see me, that's why I'm here at such an early time. The baby's with Erin, still my best friend you know? One, I need money, I can't raise our son without it. And two, he'll want to see you.''

Nathan was shaking his head, looking at her. But how could he not tell me something like this? How could someone lie like he did? 'Its just something with the band' he told me, bullshit!

''Kayla, you grew up without a dad! You know what its like, so obviously you'll want Nathan to see the baby, won't you?'' Kirsty finished off her cup of tea and left the mug on the coffee table. 

''Well I'll let that sink in with you both, but I'll be in touch.'' She gave one last sickly smile before trotting down the hall and out of the flat.

Neither of us spoke, I was lost for words. 

Nathan was a father, a dad to her son and he knew about it. Not only did he know, but the whole band must have and nobody said anything! Not even Jay, who I thought I could trust with the world.

'''Kayla-'' Nathan started.

''I'm going to bed, don't follow me.'' 


Although I said I was going to sleep, I didn't. Instead I stared at the ceiling just trying to think things through. 

I wanted to understand. I wanted more than anything to go into where he was sleeping, wake him up and cuddle him. But I felt like I couldn't trust him, as he lied. 

He kept it from me, and it's a pretty big thing to keep!

''Kayla?'' His croaky voice spoke from behind our bedroom door. 

Hearing him sound so sad made me feel sorry for him, it made me want to tell him it was okay. I knew I couldn't be angry for too long but what he did really hurt me.

The door opened slightly and he popped his head round and looked over at me. 

''That was a lot to do with the band, Nathan, wow, something I didn't need to know was it?'' I sarcastically asked him, rolling my eyes.

''I know I should've told you-''

''If you thought you should, why didn't you? I feel like I can't trust you anymore, or you feel you can't trust me. My mum has your baby, you can't just turn your back on them!'' I stood up out of bed and got out a bag from under the bed. ''I can go and stay with Charlie, she can come here and you can help her and be a family.'' I shrugged, not able to make eye contact.

''I don't want that, Kayla!'' He demanded. ''How clear do I have to make it that its you I love!'' He shouted. 

''Usually, you don't lie to the ones you love.'' I sighed. 

''Maybe we should have a break anyway, maybe its for the best.'' I shrugged.

''I don't want to lose you,'' he breathed, taking my hand in his, ''I love you.''




I hope you liked this part, sorry its not too long :P

Or too good :P

But yeah, thank you for all the comments, votes and reads so far, its been amazing reading them all!

Please carry on, it makes me smile and I appreciate it so much!

Hows everyones summer's going?? Mines actually quite good haha :P

Thanks again,

Lots of love,

Lizzie. x*

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