All the Ways

By electricxheat

21.5K 346 35

title inspiration: All the Ways by Wet "I don't ever wanna leave you, I never wanna be alone again." johnny g... More



567 12 0
By electricxheat

The Flames had one game left before the Christmas break, and as much as Paige wanted to go, she couldn't. She was bedridden, using up an entire box of tissues in one day, and drinking three bottles of Gatorade in one night. Paige was miserable. She had been looking forward to this game all year, even before she met Johnny. They were playing her favorite team, the Hawks tonight, and Paige was too bummed she was missing the game. Amber knocked on her door, "Me and Viv are on our way out. Do you need us to pick anything up for you after the game?"

Paige pulled her blanket around her, "More cold medicine. More Gatorade. A miracle."

"I'll see what I can do. Feel better!" Amber blew her a kiss before closing the door.

Paige was a mess. She was surrounded by three blankets, a pile of used tissues, empty drink bottles, and sadness. She couldn't stop coughing or blowing her nose, and she felt like death. Her phone vibrated on her nightstand. She grabbed it and unlocked it with her eyes closed, since the brightness hurt her eyes. She turned it down all the way and squinted at her screen.

Johnny 🏒❣
Feel better! 😊
Maybe I'll score a few for you

haha maybe. good luck tonight 😘💘

Paige picked herself up from her bed and moved to the couch. Her phone vibrated again, this time it was a snapchat from Johnny. It was a photo of him in his usual pre-game suit, with a black beanie on his head. She snapchatted him back a photo of her on the couch, looking sad, wearing a big Flames shirt, yoga pants, and glasses. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she wasn't wearing any makeup. She added the caption, "got a flames shirt on but go hawks" just to mess with Johnny a little bit. He snapped her back a selfie, saying that she was still beautiful, even if she was a Hawks fan. Paige laughed.


Amber and Vivienne got to the Saddledome, walking around for a little bit before getting to their seats. On their way, they bumped into Sam. Amber, who is greatly friendly, waved to him and gave him a smile. Vivienne dreaded this moment. Sam stopped to talk to them, "Hey, how's it going?"

Amber shrugged, "It's going."

Vivienne did nothing but stare down at the ground. Amber noticed, and decided to bolt out of there, "Well I'm gonna go grab me and Viv some drinks, have fun kids!" She walked away, knowing she put Vivienne in a bad spot, but she also knew she had to do it.

"So..." Sam started.

"So..." Vivienne reiterated.

"I didn't mean it. I'm really sorry. I was mad and frustrated and sad and nervous and... I'm just really sorry. I shouldn't have blew up on you. I knew all you wanted to do was be there for me, and I took it the wrong way." Sam said, grabbing her shoulders and looking her straight in the eyes.

Vivienne sighed and nodded, "I'll see ya." She walked to her seat while Sam walked to the press box. She was still traumatized by what Sam said to her. Sure, it was reassuring to know he didn't mean it, but it was also upsetting to know that he said that to her in a fit of rage. It was unfair. She felt frustrated towards him, and she still didn't know what to do.


The game ended well for the Flames. They won in overtime, with Johnny getting the game-winning goal. After the game, Amber waited for Sean outside the locker room, while Vivienne just headed home. Amber figured she would just get a ride home from Sean and Johnny. The boys came out, grinning at Amber. They all decided to grab a bite to eat after the game.
They sat at a booth of some modern diner in downtown Calgary, eating a lot and conversing a little. Amber cleared her throat, "So, Johnny? What did you get Paige for Christmas?"

Johnny shrugged, "I didn't know what to get her so I just got her a snowglobe of Calgary."

Amber snickered, "You're kidding, right?"

Johnny looked at her wide-eyed, "Not at all."

She rolled her eyes, "God, Johnny. Paige is worth so much more than a snowglobe! She's worth... I don't know! She's worth the world. She's worth anything and everything. You can't even put a price on her because she's literally one of the best things to grace this Earth, and you get her a damn snowglobe? I can't even believe you." She huffed and continued to eat.

"Well I can't really get her anything else. We're exchanging gifts tomorrow morning and I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon." Johnny stayed silent for the rest of the night, finishing his plate and paying for his food. Sean felt awkward between the two; the environment was just too tense for him, and he wasn't the best guy in these types of situations. The three left and headed back to Amber's apartment. Sean offered to walk her up to her place, but denied Johnny of seeing Paige, since she was still sick.

Sean took Amber in the hallway and grabbed her arm, "Are you fucking kidding me, Amber?"

She was perplexed, "What?"

"You literally lectured Johnny tonight, did you not see how horrible he felt? He looked like you destroyed his fucking life. Look, I know the gift isn't great. But it's Johnny. He doesn't know how to talk to girls, let alone buy a gift for one. You need to cut him some slack."

She sighed, running her hand through her hair, "I was just looking out for sweet little Paige, but fine. Good night, Sean." She kissed him goodbye, unlocked her door, and went in.

Sean went back to the parking garage, where Johnny was still sitting in the passenger seat of his car, scrolling through his phone. He shut the driver's side door, put his seatbelt on, and started the car. "For what it's worth, I don't think the gift is bad."

Amber felt guilt washing over her. She felt so bad for hurting little Johnny, and sent him a quick text.

Hey, I'm really sorry I blew up on you today. Paige is my best friend & I only want the best for her, I know you're trying your best and I appreciate that

Johnny Gaudreau
It's okay haha, it's fine for you to be a little concerned

Amber entered Paige's room to see her laying in bed, and Vivienne sitting on her windowsill. Vivienne was busy explaining what happened with Sam when Amber took a seat on the stool by Paige's vanity.

"Okay, and he said sorry, but I'm just sad," Vivienne sighed, staring out the window, "I don't know. I can't deal with it. It's like he's only happy when he's playing hockey."

Paige frowned, "You're overthinking it."

Amber furrowed her eyebrows, "Okay, can we just be happy? Christmas is like two days away, and this is our final night together before we all go home. Come on. Let's exchange gifts."

The three girls walked out to their living room together, where carefully wrapped gifts were placed next to a tiny Christmas tree. They allocated the gifts to each other and opened them at the same time. Paige got both girls charm bangles with their first initials on them, as well as new eyeshadow palettes. Amber got Paige multiple pairs of socks to wear with her beloved Birkenstocks, and she got Vivienne a charm necklace with a flower on it. Vivienne got Paige a new tapestry for her room, and got Amber a cute new sweater. All girls enjoyed their gifts, and were so happy to spend their holiday together.


Johnny arrived at Paige's house at 9AM sharp, with a small box in hand. He knocked on the door, and she answered it, looking significantly less miserable. She grinned when she saw him, "I still can't kiss you because I'm contagious, but if I wasn't sick I would so do it right now."

"Shut up," he pulled her in and gave her a peck. He handed her the messily wrapped cube, "This is for you."

She motioned for him to come inside, "Your gift is under our baby tree." She picked up a long, slender box and handed it to him. "Open mine first."

He took the box from her hands and started to rip the wrapping paper off. Johnny smiled when he saw that she got him a new tie. He had been wearing the same one all season, and they both knew it was time for a change.

She grinned, "That's not all. Take the tie out."

He took the tie out of the box and saw that she carefully placed a Dunkin Donuts gift card under it. It was in a small envelope, with a note attached to it.

For when you're back home in NJ & all you want is a large iced coffee and vanilla donut.

Johnny blushed. He couldn't believe she remembered that. They discussed it on their first date. It's been almost three months. "My gift isn't that great, but open it."

Paige eagerly ripped the gift wrap off, and took the styrofoam peanuts out of the box. She saw a snowglobe of the city, with the Saddledome in the middle. The globe was placed on a red base that said CALGARY in gold lettering. It was such a nerdy gift that she couldn't help but smile.

"I could always get you a better gift, like, you know, uh, after--"

"Johnny!" She shushed him, "I love it. I love this. It's so you. It's so us."

It's so them. Johnny was so happy to hear that. This gift embodied them, and he couldn't be more joyful about it, "I'm glad you like it." He said, pulling her in for a kiss.

Both of them left that afternoon; Johnny to New Jersey and Paige to San Francisco. They exchanged their "Have a safe flight" spiels and set off for home.

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