The Secret Five #Wattys2016

By bdvilinskasbooks

859 58 1

And that's the thing with silence, it can be so peaceful yet so dangerous. Five friends witness a govern... More

The Cabin
Day 1-Anya
Day 2-Trace
Day 5-Hadley
Day 9-Cason
Day 14-Locklyn
Day 18-Anya
Day 22-Trace
Day 27-Hadley
Day 30-Cason
Day 36-Locklyn
Day 42-Anya
Day 48-Trace
Day 53-Hadley
Day 58-Cason
Day 64-Locklyn
Day 70-Anya
Day 75-Trace
Day 86-Hadley
Day 95-Cason
Day 116-Anya
Day 127-Trace
Day 131-Hadley
Day 142-Cason
Day 154-Locklyn
Day 166-Anya
Day 179-Trace
Day 187-Hadley
Day 200-Cason
Day 209-Locklyn
Day 216-Anya
Day 219-Trace
Day 224-Hadley
Day 229-Cason
Day 233-Locklyn
Day 238-Anya
Day 244-Trace
Day 247-Hadley
Day 248-Cason
Day 251-Locklyn
Day 257-Anya
Day 262-Trace
The Hospital-Hadley
The Hospital-Cason
The Hospital-Locklyn
The Hospital-Anya
The Hospital-Trace

Day 104-Locklyn

10 1 0
By bdvilinskasbooks

Cason was better after two days of rest. He just had a small cold that escalated into something bigger. It's been almost three weeks since everyone made me go on bed rest, and it sucks. I hate sitting around and I'm scared about these babies. I have no idea how many are inside of me or if they are healthy or anything really. I have never been this scared of something, but I am and really wish my mother was here to tell me everything is going to be okay and the outcome will be good in the end.

I sat in the recliner and watched the national news. It was always the same stuff. Right now, storms are destroying the Midwest and killing many people and then on the other side of the world, a war is going on and it's getting worse it seems.

While I was reading a book from the bookcase, the news reporter said, "The trial of New York Senator Reed Quinn, started yesterday. Senator Quinn was brutally murdered on August 17th by three men and the president ordered this as an act of terrorism. Quinn was known for his outstanding donations to children and elderly people across New York state. Before his murder, he got into legal troubles for fraud and decided to resign for health reasons, and to focus on his family. No witnesses were reported at the murder scene." I turned the volume up on the television. "Since the president is calling Quinn's murder as an act of terrorism, the trial is based off of neighbors who heard the gunshots and screaming that night and the fraud issues Quinn was encountering. Police confirm that the three men are still on the loose and are still searching for them. From cameras on streetlights, they got a description of what the men could look like. We will be covering the trial as it progresses."

Trail? Fraud? I was a witness to his murder and we couldn't make out what the three men looked like. How can a camera on a streetlight could?

Something isn't adding up about what she was saying. If the president is ordering his murder an act of terrorism, where was the threat. What about the neighbors, did they see us getting questioned by police? Something isn't right and I'm not liking this.

Anya came into the living room with some food for me. "Here, I made you some food. I know you are hungry more with the babies, so, I made some potatoes, I cut up some strawberries, and then I took some pasta with sauce. How does that sound?"

"Amazing. Thanks, Anya." I took the tray and began eating. "Sit down with me. Everyone else is working, I don't like being alone."

"Okay. How are you feeling?"

"Good. My right side is hurting. I think the twins are in my first uterus because I feel the skin stretching sometimes." Anya smiled. "Do you remember the night of Senator Quinn's murder?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What do you think of it? There is a trial going on about his murder and his fraud issues, but they are reporting no witnesses and only a streetlight camera got a look of what the three men looked like. If we couldn't make out what they looked like, how can a camera in the middle of the night. Neighbors are reporting screaming and the gunshots going off, but I know some saw us five being questioned by the police after we called." Anya made a face and sat back on the couch. "Do you really think this is an act of terrorism because there was no threat to the community, only to Senator Quinn?"

"Now that you say that, it does seem fishy. Senator Quinn was a good guy, he paid for Armin's funeral costs for my family, which was really sweet of him to do. His daughter was two grades below us at The Witting Academy and remember how she tried so hard to be our friend." I laughed, nodded, and stuck a potato into my mouth. "I don't know what to say Lock, we just have to keep watching the news and see if anything really does add up."

"I can do that since this is where I'll be for the next few months." Anya nodded. "Oh," I froze and touched the right side of my stomach. "Oh, wow." I sat up and rubbed.

"What is it? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I felt something move inside of me. It's weird." I took a deep breath. "It seems surreal to me."

"I know. I'm happy for you, Lock. You are going to an amazing mother."

"Thanks Anya. I'm actually excited to be a mother. I never thought it would happen to me but I am and can't wait to meet my babies. They are going to be amazing and Cason and I will try our best with them. It may be hard, but I know we can get through just fine."

"We are all going to help you with these babies. Trust me on that." I nodded and smiled widely. "You okay? I have to finish cleaning."

"Go ahead. I'm fine in here." Anya left the living room and I continued eating.

I looked down at my stomach and smiled. Feeling movement inside of me is something I never thought could happen. It means these babies are alive. It means that my body, despite the condition I have, can create a life. It also means that in a couple of months, I will be a mother and have bigger responsibilities and to be there for my children if they need me.

Cason came into the living room, kissed my cheek, and sat down on the couch. We rearranged the living room, the couches are together, the recliner is closer to the stairs for me, and the coffee table is in the same place.

Cason looked tired. He was sick and then hunting and now he keeps worrying about me, I don't think he is sleeping at the moment. He took my hand and held it tightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "You seem worried."

"I'm always worried because you can't do anything and I feel guilty for what I did to you. You never wanted children and now look at you, you are pregnant with two or more babies and it was all my fault."

"No, shut up, Cason!" I yelled.

"Excuse me?" He turned to look over at me quickly. "What was that?"

"Shut up! This wasn't your fault. This wasn't my fault either. We had sex, many times, in a short period. If it didn't happen when we first got here, it would have happened at some point because I stopped my birth control so abruptly. Plus, I'm excited to be a mother. I felt the babies kick today and it's amazing to think that I could start and carry another life, two or three lives at most."

"You felt them move?" Cason asked in an excited voice.

"I did. It was a small one but I felt something move inside of me." He smiled widely. I moved forward, got up out of the recliner slowly, and sat next to Cason.

I took a hold of Cason's face and kissed him on the lips. He deepened the kiss and pushed me down so I was lying on the couch. His stomach was lightly touching mine and it seemed like he didn't care about it. He kept kissing me and while doing so, he pulled down the sleeve of my shirt and kissed my neck. I sighed heavily and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I love Cason with all my heart and every little particle in my body. I never knew love was so strong until I kissed him that night when he finally asked me to date him. I always had a crush on Cason. Maybe it was the tan skin and light brown, almost amber, colored eyes.

Piercing, mesmerizing, and shining amber brown eyes that even in the darkest of night, you can still see them brightly.

I intertwined my fingers in his now shaggy long hair. He pushed up off me, took off his shirt while I took mine off also. I had a tank top on that I stole from Hadley, since she has a bigger bust than Anya and I. I replaced it with one of my tank tops. Cason kissed me hard on the lips again and was biting my lip.

I took a deep breath, held it in, and pushed him off of me. I sat up, leaned over the edge of the couch, and took a sip of my water.

"Sorry," he mumbled. "I went too far."

"No, I lost my breath. I'm fine, come on, let's keep going."

"You're pregnant though. I don't want to do anything bad that may hurt you or the babies."

"Cason, I need this more than you right now. I feel lonely and hate sitting here. I need to move because I feel my bones turning to Jell-O." He laughed and leaned forward. His lips brushed mine but soon went to my neck again.

After kissing for some time, Cason took off his and my pants, and continued to kiss me. He sat down and pulled me close to him. I sat on his lap. The heat was radiating off of him and warming me up. He gripped the hem of my tank top and was yanking it off, exposing me to the open air that swallowed us whole and surrounded the room. All I could hear was my blood brewing and boiling in my veins and Cason's deep slow breaths in-between kisses.

His hands moved from my waist to my back and he slowly moved them up to my shoulders, him cradling me and making sure I won't fall back. I leaned up against his body, my stomach creating a space between our chests, and my fingernails dug into his back. My breathing was becoming fast paced and his body turned red and even hotter than before.

Our blood was in-sync now. It boiled, it pumped, it burned at the same exact moment. Our bodies are together and never, have I ever, felt so much. The intensity, the frenzy, the ecstasy; it all bubbled inside, mostly in my core and stomach.

Inside, I felt a sudden rush of warmth and a strong kick and movement on my right side. I let out a deep sigh, not because of Cason, but because of the hurt. It was a happiness hurt, not a painful one. It made me happy to feel the kicks and punches my ribs and side were taking right now. It gave me a sense of hope that the future will be bright.

"Locklyn, Cason, dinner!" I heard in the background softly.

"Cason," I whispered while he left the marks on my neck like always, "Cason, stop." I didn't want to stop. I didn't want to let this moment go. "Cason."

"Sh," he whispered.

"No," I kissed his cheek.

"Holy crap!" Cason stopped kissing me and looked to see Trace standing there. "Dude, really?" he turned around and shook his head. "I hope you know she's pregnant with your children."

"Trace, get out!" Cason yelled. "Give us a minute to get dressed."

"Hurry up, dinner's ready. We've been calling you two for five minutes now. Gosh, I can't believe you two!" he yelled while walking down the hallway to the kitchen.

I got off of Cason, put my tank top, pants, and shirt back on, and waited for Cason. I touched my stomach and sighed. He got dressed and kissed me on the lips.

"How do you feel now?" Cason hugged me and put his arm around my waist.

"Better." I smiled. "You?"

"I liked it more than before and I don't know why." I pointed to my stomach and he nodded while touching it. "It was a fun experience." I laughed and smacked him while we went into the kitchen. Everyone glared at us and we knew why.

"Did you two really have to 'do it' in the living room on the couch?" Anya was stern and angry with us. "You have a bedroom and you're pregnant Locklyn, what about the babies?"

"They're fine. It was nothing. Jeez, leave us alone, it was spur of the moment." I sat down and began eating. They were all staring at Cason and I. "Guys, I'm fine. It's a natural occurrence in life. Cason began kissing me and it went further. You three really need to do it in order to understand our relationship and why we do what we do." I was angry with all of them.

"Locklyn, we put you on strict bed rest for a reason," Anya said sternly, "you are a high-risk pregnancy. Carrying multiples, two, three, even four babies is very straining for a woman's body. We have no idea how many are in there or what uterus they are in. Having sex can be dangerous for the babies and you."

"We were fine. I made sure she was comfortable before going to the next step. Drop it, it won't happen again, well, at least not in the living room," Cason said.

"No, you two shouldn't even be 'doing it'!" Hadley yelled. "She's is pregnant. Why would you two want to do it anyway?"

"Maybe because my body was craving it," I said, "you three have no idea what changes are happening, how everything is so heightened I can smell the laundry from the basement. My sight, taste, hearing, and smell are so strong it makes my sense of touch hurt sometimes."

"Just be careful, we don't want you or the babies to get hurt," Trace said. I nodded and stared down at my plate. I felt embarrassed by what Cason and I did and I know that I shouldn't, but I also feel terrible. I could have hurt my babies? How though?

"Lock, you okay?" Hadley asked. I nodded and let tears fall. "Then why are you crying?" Cason looked up at my face quickly and he was blushing a bit, just like how he looked at me when we first started dating.

"I just want to go home and be in my own house. I want my dad here with me and my mom to tell me that everything is going to be okay in the end. I have never been this scared about something and I feel like it is happening all too fast. My body is changing at a pace my mind can't keep up with." I began to hyperventilate. "I'm sorry." I cried harder.

"Lock, slow your breathing, the babies are getting stressed," Anya was calm with me. I shook my head. "Locklyn, listen to me," she came over to where I was sitting, kneeled down, and looked me in the eyes. "These babies are a miracle to you. For years you had this idea planted into your head that children would never be an option for you. Now look, you are pregnant, with two or more babies. You know they are alive because you felt them kick for the first time today." I smiled and looked down at my stomach. "Don't be sorry for something that was unplanned. Think of it as God had a different plan for Cason and you. He thought that two amazing, caring people should care and love for another two or three people." I nodded and wiped my eyes. "And all three of us will be there for you two every step of the way. We will watch these children grow up, we will help you, and we will teach them things you two won't." Everyone laughed and smiled widely. "Be happy you are having children and don't apologize for something that was unplanned and a natural thing that could happen at anytime in life."

"Thank you, Anya," I hugged her. 

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