art × l.s.

By bluepaladin_

365 36 14

"why do you have these scars, princess?" "because," he whispers. "they're art." × in which louis makes art... More



21 2 0
By bluepaladin_

yoo im baackk

"really, harold? don't you think that's a bit cliché?"

harry scoffed and threw a gummy bear at him. "how can you even say that?" he shook his head and sat back in bed after putting on the movie. "the fault in our stars is a beautiful and moving story. see, it's not a story about cancer. it's about two kids in love, that have cancer."

louis rolled his eyes and kept reading the book in his hands. "i still think it's really cliché. and it's really overrated too." he shut his book and gave him a cocky look. "if you ask me," he said, holding out his book to him, "this is the best john green book out there. the fault in our stars may be his most famous novel, but it's not his best. at least not compared to his others."

harry looked at the book with a curious face before grabbing it. "looking for alaska?" he asked. "hate to spoil it for you, but it's right near canada."

louis groaned. "just read it , styles. if you liked tfios, you'll love this one."

"i'll think about it." he said with a shrug and set it on his night stand. "but for now, can we please just watch this movie? we already missed the beginning because you wanted to prove a point."

louis giggled and nodded. "fine, fine."

half way through the movie, they were already starting to tear up. they had gotten to the part where hazel had gotten sick and had to go to the hospital. harry chuckled lightly, "what happened to not liking this movie?"

"i said it was cliché. i never said i didn't like it, not too much at least." he sniffed.

harry rolled his eyes. "okaayy." he said, dragging out the last bit.

if they were crying then, they were even worse towards the end. louis had tears streaming down his face. "it just isn't fair! he was so young! he had all these hopes and dreams and it was all just taken away from him in one big swoop!" he cried.

harry looked at him fondly, a small smile creeping onto his face.

"why are you looking at me like that!!" louis said, his voice sounding a bit high pitched.

"because you're beautiful." he said cheekily. he was proud of that one, he saw an opportunity and took it.

louis gaped at him for a while before smacking him with a pillow. "don't go augustus waters on me! next thing you know you'll die on me too."

"so if i'm augustus, does that make you my hazel grace?"

he stuffed his face into a pillow, whining. "i fucking hate you." he said, his voice muffled from the pillow.

harry laughed. "c'mon, those were good."

"whatever." he mumbled.

harry smiled warmly again. this boy kept his heart fluttering and his stomach in knots.

"hey, lou?"

"hmm?" he looked up at him with big doe eyes. blue eyes sparkling brightly.

harry fidgeted with his hands. "i know you don't like to talk about it," he quickly saw how louis started to fidget around. "but you know i have to ask."

louis glanced away from him. "not today, harry. can't we just hang out like normal friends?"

friends. ouch.

"c'mon, please, louis. i promised you i'd-"

"no stop. you know i don't like promises. i hate promises. they're never kept."

"and i already told you that i do keep mine. i won't break a single promise i make to you."

louis scoffed. "no one can keep every promise they make."

"and that's exactly why i only make promises i know i can keep. and i know that i can fix you up, lou."

"harry, please. not today."

"then when? you're just going to keep avoiding it."

louis sighed. "fine then."

"thank you."

louis just shrugged.

"can i..?" he pointed to his sleeves.

louis rolled them up himself, looking away. harry let out a sigh of relief, when he saw no new marks. "you're getting there, lou." he said proudly.

he forced a smile. "yeah." he mumbled. "because of you though."


he nodded. "see, whenever i want to, y'know, i end up thinking of you, and i don't want to hurt you, so i stop myself."

harry feels his heart beating rapidly, a grin planting itself on his face.

"i'm really glad i'm actually helping."

"didn't think you could, but i think you're kinda proving me wrong, styles."

"told you i would." he said, quickly hugging him. louis was surprised at first, but then hugged him back just as tightly.

"you're a work of art to me louis, just the way you are. you may think that what you're doing is art, but you don't need to use your skin as a canvas. you're already an artwork, even your scars add a bit of beauty to the masterpiece, but there shouldn't be anymore. promise me yeah?"

louis refused to look at him. he shakily whispered, "but i can't make a promise that i don't know if i can keep."


it's going dooowwwnn
im yelling tiimmmbbeeeer

lmao hiiii

that song's been stuck in my head since lunch since they played it at school. my friend and i were dancing to it and omg someone caught it on video and i swear i was gonna die. i was like "im gonna fucking kill you ratona" btw ratona means mouse in spanish, it's a nickname we have for her.

but yeehh did you guys like this update? i haven't been in the writing mood lately, a lot of stuff has happened and im kinda just out of it lately.

can i tell you guys a funny story? ok here it goes anyways

so i was texting my girlfriend on wednesday and she was at her confirmation class and they were gonna do confession & we were talking about sinning and so i said

"i have a lot of confessing to do, especially after how many hickeys you left me"


ok lmao i need sleep g'night babes see ya later

oh & @ ana, if you're reading this, talk to me you hoe

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