The Criminal(?)

By pikachukite

16.1K 777 178


Kenchis house
Character list. (i need your help to name these kids and thier looks)
Meeting the family part 1
Meeting the family part 2
Samaus's Dream
Samaus's morning...
The Revelation
What happened?
Hello... where the hell am I?
the questions part one
the questions part two
Getting out
Samaus goes into town
Samaus meets more people!
Normal afternoon? Wait... what?!
nightmares after showers
Awkward moment
Kakashi's face!
readers choice!
Save me
What's next? More crud?
Pain of the heart? Or the body?
Saving Sam

Waking up in the hospital

134 8 2
By pikachukite

Sam groaned as he woke up slowly opening his eyes and being blinded by the light. He turned his aching head away from the source of the light and slowly opened his eyes fully. He blinked a few times. He gasped slightly as he saw Kakashi's masked face on his bed beside him. He blinked a few times and slowly sat up but grunted in pain as his back and arms were still sore from when he was tortured. 

Kakashi woke up after hearing Sam grunt. He sat up and his visible eye widened in shock. "Sam!? What are you doing up!? Lady Tsunade said you would still be sleeping for awhile longer."

Sam blinked and lifted an arm to touch his own head as he felt dizzy suddenly. "I..." His croaked out as his voice sounded awful as he hadn't spoke in awhile and his screams from being tortured had messed up his vocals at least a bit. 

Kakashi jumped out of his seat and gently pushed Sam back to lay on the bed. "Stay laying down Sam. You have been through a lot and you need your rest. I'm going to get Lady Tsunade and get you something you can eat. Okay? I promise I'll be back."

Sam nodded tiredly as he laid on the bed. His eyes closed as he heard the door shut and Kakashi's footsteps leave. He sighed and thought about what he dreamt about when he was asleep. His only thoughts were of who was the man in his dreams? Why did he call him his son? And why on earth did he say that this was his home? It just didn't make sense to him. He sighed again and hoped that he could get some answers when he saw the man in his dreams again. Or wherever it was he said they were at last time. He was too tired to think anymore so he just drifted back into a light resting sleep as he waited for Kakashi to get back.

Kakashi returned about an hour later with food and Lady Tsunade, even Inoichi and Ibiki were with them.

Sam heard their footsteps and the door open and close behind them. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. He looked over to them all and smiled slightly. 

Tsunade came over and helped him sit up to drink some medicinal herb water. 

Sam coughed after he drank it and nodded his thanks to her.

Kakashi sat down beside the bad with a bowl of soup for his weak stomach. He fed Sam some until Sam turned his head away to keep from getting too full.

Ibiki spoke up. "You look better Sam. Do you feel better?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders slightly. He looked to Inoichi and opened his mouth to speak. "I...Ino...ich..i.."

Inoichi walked forward and sat down on the corner of Sam's bed. "Would you like me to look in your head for something?"

Sam nodded and smiled.

Inoichi gently placed his hands on Sam's head and closed his eyes as he entered Sam's mind.

Sam appeared beside him in his mind on a patch of grass under a cherry blossom tree. He looked up over at Inoichi and motioned for him to sit.

Inoichi did sit beside him. Together they saw flowers all over in Sam's mind. 

Sam spoke up first. "Thank you. For coming into my mind like you did. I wanted to speak my throat hurt too much speak at the moment." Sam looked up at the sky in his mind at the clouds. "When I was unconscious I saw something that is confusing me. Someone came into my dream and said some odd things that make me wonder... who am I really? He called me son. He even said that I am where I belong here. He said that he was glad to have me back home, but I don't know how that's possible. Would you be able to find anything about me if I asked of it of you?" He turned his head to Inoichi.

Inoichi sighed. "I could try Sam but Ibiki might be able to do more than me. Together we'll figure it out. Till then I think Lady Tsunade wants to heal you a bit more and let you rest awhile. Think you can get some sleep with all those questions being entrusted to me and Ibiki?"

Sam nodded. "Thanks Inoichi. Well I guess you can leave my mind hunh?" Sam chuckled.

Inoichi smiled. "I guess so. Bye Sam." With that said Inoichi left Sam's mind. 

Sam opened his eyes and smiled slightly. He looked up at Tsunade and then to Kakashi. He then yawned softly and rubbed an eye. He was tired.

Kakashi saw Inoichi motion to Lady Tsunade that he and Ibiki were leaving.

Tsunade healed Sam a bit more after she laid him down on the bed. She watched as Sam quickly fell asleep. 

Kakashi looked to Tsunade. "I'll keep an eye on him Lady Hokage."

Tsunade chuckled. "Take care of him Kakashi. Knowing you, you haven't slept much so I'm allowing you to sleep here beside him if you want. After all he is holding your hand like a life line."

Kakashi's eye widened and scratched his cheek. He chuckled softly. "Y.. yes Lady fifth."

Tsunade left them alone to sleep and even went so far as to put a do not disturb sign on the door as she went back to work at the tower. (More like drinking some more of her Saki.)

Kakashi sighed and got in the bed with Sam and held him gently as he watched Sam snuggle into his warmth and slowly fell asleep with Sam beside him.

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