Ugly Girl

By NychelleHeartsYou

980K 23.4K 5.3K

All her father said was "YOU'RE AN UGLY GIRL AND YOU'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOUR SISTER." After that her self confi... More

Ugly Girl
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Ugly Girl
Chapter 3: Kayla
Chapter 4: Welcome To High School
Chapter 5: Afternoon With Jacob
Chapter 6: Slumber Party.
Chapter 7: A Difference
Chapter 8: Emergency Home
Chapter 9: Senior.
Chapter 10: Mommy & Me
Chapter 11: You're Cordially Invited.
Chapter 12: Spring Break.
Chapter 13: Spring Break Part 2
Chapter 15: Make Mommy Happy.
Chapter 16: The Big Apple
Chapter 17: College
Chapter 18: Confusion
Chapter 19: Surprise.
Chapter 20: Christmas In New York
Chapter 21: Tragic.
Chapter 22: A Better Life
Chapter 23: Marry Me?
Chapter 24: Talk.
Chapter 25: Dominique's Wedding Week.
Chapter 26: Opposite Turns
Chapter 27: Dream Wedding
Chapter 28: Take A Blow
Chapter 29: Confrontation
Chapter 30: Dark Skinned Girls Rock Too!
Chapter 31: Thank You.
Chapter 32 : The Move. *FINAL*

Chapter 14: Graduation

26.1K 601 58
By NychelleHeartsYou

It was the most exciting day of Kayla's life. She was graduating from high school and was entering the college life. She couldn't wait to start her new life in New York, even though she was gonna miss California a little. That morning, Kayla woke up two hours early, so she could wash up, curl her hair, and find a cute outfit to go under her gown.

As Kayla just finished putting her gown on, Uncle Lenny took a glance at her and smiled brightly. He couldn't believe she was graduating already and it seemed like she just moved in the other day. Kayla felt his eyes on her, so she giggled and twirled around.

"How do I look?" Kayla whispered as she smiled.

"You look amazing." Uncle Lenny said in a normal tone. "I'm proud of you." Uncle Lenny nodded.

"Thanks." Kayla smiled as she embraced Uncle Lenny tightly. "I need to head to the school, so I'll see you and Kelsiee later."

"Okay. Do I bring Kelsiee's bag?" Uncle Lenny asked in a curious tone.

"Yes please. She might get hungry during the ceremony and her cups are full of drink in the fridge." Uncle Lenny nodded as Kayla left out of the house.

Kayla drove to her school 30 minutes away, where she met up with her friends outside of the school because the receptionist was late with unlocking the front door. As she arrived 5 minutes later, the seniors rushed in and head to the huge gymnasium. Kayla treaded around the gym searching for her close friends. She found Mahogany hugged up with her boyfriend Michael. Kayla tapped her lightly as she stopped embracing Michael.

"Hey Kayla." Michael and Mahogany said in a warm tone.

"Hey. If I'm interrupting, I'll talk to you guys later." Kayla said in a serious tone.

"No, you're fine." Mahogany makes the 'Pshh' noise. "I have to go pay my dues, so we're gonna walk to the bookkeeper."

"Oh well I paid mines already, so see you two later." Kayla waved goodbye and searched for more students to converse with.

As Kayla searched around for friends, she noticed Camille sitting alone in the nicely organized chairs in the middle of the gym. Kayla hated seeing people looking sad and alone because she remembered when she used to be like that. Kayla plopped down beside Camille and smiled as Camille rose up from her lap. Kayla saw that she was more sad than usual and she noticed that she was holding a brown bag.

"Camille, are you okay?" Kayla asked in a curious tone.

"No, I'm not Kay." Camille replied in an agitated tone. "I'm not happy with life. I might be graduating, but my social life is terrible. No one talks to me, but you and sometimes Raven." Camille glanced at all the other students conversing.

"Listen, you need to be happy that you're graduating right now." Kayla put her hands on her shoulders. "I know life isn't going good for you, but I was just like that at a point. But, we have to be strong and find things that make us happy." Kayla said in a soft tone.

Camille took a deep breath and slightly smiled from tearing up. "You're right." Camille nodded. "I need to stop moping around right now." Camille hopped out of the seat as Kayla stood up beside her. "I'm graduating today." Camille hugged Kayla and squealed.

"Yes we both are." Kayla smiled hard showing her dimples. "Don't worry. Life will get better for you." Kayla nodded.

"I hope I date a cute guy like you in my college years." Camille giggled.

"I wish another guy would like me just like Nick." Kayla scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Aw girl, you're beautiful. Another guy will take you on in life." Camille laughed softly. "Speaking of Nick, when is he leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning." Kayla mumbled.

"Shut up! Why tomorrow?" Camille walked over to the line of students.

"Because his father doesn't like us together." Kayla shook her head and followed Camille.

"That's so crazy." Camille rolled her eyes.

Students began to head to the cafeteria, so they could be checked for all dues paid. As everyone arrived slowly, some students became nervous because they didn't know if their dues were fully paid. While they were in the cafeteria, a hour later parents arrived in the gymnasium taking their seats. Families packed in the bleachers getting their cameras and camcorders ready for their graduates.

A lot of Kayla's relatives from Georgia flew in for the graduation, Jasmine and her new boyfriend, Asia, and of course Uncle Lenny and Kelsiee. Calvin didn't show up yet and knowing his history with Kayla, he probably wasn't going to come. It wouldn't hurt Kayla anyway because she knew how he was.

2 hours later, the graduation began as the seniors marched into the gym at a slow pace. Families cheered as they watched their graduates take a seat in their assigned chairs. Some students were already on stage including Kayla because she was doing the valediction

The graduation consist of a warm welcome, handing out diplomas, two guest speakers, and the farewell address by Kayla.

"Now our valedictorian Kayla Richmond will speak for the end of our ceremony." The principal said in a calm tone as classmates and her family began to cheer.

"Good morning." Kayla smiled as she spoke in the microphone.

"Good morning." Everyone replied back.

"For these four years of high school, we've had an amazing time as a class. We shared laughs, cried together, and maybe even revolved around drama, but we were a family the whole time. You guys are probably the best family I've had compared to real family. I started here in the middle of freshmen year and was worried that this school would probably be full of bullying and teasing, but it wasn't. It was better than that. I began to make more friends than my old school and find out you guys are really amazing. But, enough about me, since we've accomplished high school we now have an amazing future ahead of us. We can be anything that we want to be such as, doctors, lawyers, musicians, dancers, artist, and so much more. All of us will be separating to head to our dream college or tech school, but hopefully we can stay connected. I understand that senior year was hard due to making those grades high for our dream college, recommendations, and filling out college apps. It was all tough work, but we did it and we are going to succeed. Classmates thank you for letting me share high school with you guys. So, Farewell class." Everyone cheered and clapped loudly for Kayla as she appreciated the attention.

At the end of the ceremony, Kayla quickly ran over to her family members and embraced everyone. Kayla's family congratulated her and told her that her speech was great. Kayla appreciated it and grabbed Kelsiee from her uncle. As the family were about to walk out of the gym, Nick and his family trotted over. Kayla and Nick began to  smile at eachother as she introduced him to the part of the family he didn't know.

The two families walked out the school together and both decided to eat at a breakfast buffet, since it was still morning.

As they arrived at the buffet, everyone sat at a family section in the back of the restaurant. Kayla and Nick sat beside eachother as Kayla's family went into awe mode.

"Too bad, this is your last day Nick." Uncle Lenny glanced at Nick's father.

"Wait, what you mean unc?" Aaliyah asked in a curious tone.

"I'm going to Germany." Nick said quietly. "School is free there." Nick nodded.

"Oh I understand that, but why my cousin got to be left in dirt?" Aaliyah rolled her eyes. "She loves you and you leaving like that?"

"Calm down, Liyah. Nick is leaving because his father wants the best for him." Kayla said in a calm tone as Devin nodded and smiled.

"Oh. Well let me go eat before I get pissed up in hurr okay?" Aaliyah said in her southern accent as she walked to the buffet.

"Well Congrats Kayla and Nick." Kim smiled and said in excited tone.

"Thank you." Nick and Kayla said in unison.

"I hungrwy." Kelsiee pointed to her stomach as the family giggled.

"Come on. Auntie will feed you." Asia picked Kelsiee up and walked over to the buffet.

The two families conversed and ate breakfast happily. As they were eating, Nick couldn't help glancing at Kay every second. He was gonna miss her a lot and Kelsiee. He didn't want to even break up with her, but that's what he had to do because he never does well with long distance relationships. Devin was disliking them close to eachother and their interactions , so after he finished eating he was ready to leave.

Nick shook his head at the fact his father was so controlling. He kissed Kayla's forehead and followed his family as Kayla rolled her eyes at the silent situation.

"Why Nick leave mommy?" Kelsiee asked as she ate her bacon.

"Because he had to leave with his family." Kayla slightly smiled as she straightened her poofy hair.


"So is he leaving tomorrow night or in the middle of the day?" Kayla's grandma asked in an interested tone.

"He's leaving in the morning at 8." Kayla nodded.

"That's ridiculous. At least y'all should be together for the summer." Kayla's grandma said in a sad tone.

"I know, but I'll be okay. I guess." Kayla looked down. "Oh Uncle Lenny, I think Kelsiee should stay with me."

"No. That baby needs to stay with your uncle, so you can focus on your studies." Kayla's grandma said in a serious tone. "Just send money and supplies for her. Visit her during breaks."

"I agree with your grandma Kay." Uncle Lenny said in assurable tone. "She's safe with me and you know that."

Kayla knew that she could trust Uncle Lenny with Kelsiee, but she didn't want to lose her relationship with her baby girl. She was scared that Kelsiee might not be close with her once she leaves her for college.

Kayla also didn't want Kelsiee to feel abandoned or unloved anymore. All she was thinking about was her baby and her relationship, but she had to go to school and Kelsiee couldn't get in the way if she had someone to take care of her well.

"I guess Kelsiee can stay here, but hopefully she doesn't forget about me." Kayla looked down.

"She won't. You could talk to her on the phone and video chat." Aaliyah rubbed Kayla's back. "You're her mother Kay. Kids never forget their mothers or fathers."

Kayla looked up at Aaliyah. "You're right." Kayla sniffed. "Well Uncle Lenny I want to enroll Kelsiee in preschool, so she doesn't work your nerves." Kayla said in a serious tone.

"That's good. I'll be happy to take her everyday." Uncle Lenny nodded.


As Kayla's family came to an end with their breakfast, Aaliyah's father Chris was ready to go see Calvin which was strange because he knew that his sister wasn't married to him anymore. Aaliyah's mother thought that was odd as well, but she was going to follow him anywhere he went.

"Uncle Chris, why are you going to my dad's house?" Kayla asked in a strange tone.

"Oh I just wanted to see how my former brother in law doing. Come on Aaliyah." Uncle Chris said in an excited tone.

"Nah, imma stay with Kayla." Aaliyah gave him a strange look.

"Okay suit yourself." Chris shrugged and dismissed himself and his wife.

"Okay this may sound weird." Aaliyah whispered quietly. "But, my dad is going to sell Uncle Cal some drugs."

"Your father is drug dealer?" Asia asked in a shocked tone as Aaliyah nodded.

"Yeah and your dad been getting the drugs for the last 4 months." Aaliyah shook her head.

"Okay. Can we finish this in the car? Kelsiee doesn't need to hear this." Kayla gave Kelsiee her cup and gave them an 'are you serious' look.

"Oh totally forgot about the kid." Aaliyah gasped.

The family demanded the check, paid for it, and left. As they began to get situated in the car, Kayla stuck earphones in Kelsiee's ears and played some nursery rhymes for her. She then let them know that they could talk now since her baby couldn't hear anything.

"Sooo as I was saying, my dad has been driving to LA just to give him drugs. I'm like that's so stupid and he thinks I know nothing about this." Aaliyah tone had gotten louder.

"I don't believe you Aaliyah." Asia said in a stubborn tone. "My daddy would never buy drugs all the way from Georgia. Maybe they're just visiting."

"Are you serious Asia?" Kayla asked in 'I can't believe you right now' tone. Dad is on that stuff and Uncle Chris and dad have always been close anyways, so I believe this stuff."

"She's right Asia." Jasmine nodded.

"I don't even care. Y'all are wrong about dad." Asia barked. "Dad is a changed man. He said it himself."

"No he's not. Stop lying because." Kayla cleared her throat and raised her voice. "He didn't even come to my graduation. So don't say he's changed because he doesn't want anything to do with me. If he's changed, he would treat me better." Kayla looked at the window.

"You guys are so delusional." Asia rolled her eyes.

"Nah, you're delusional A." Aaliyah mumbled.

The whole ride to Uncle Lenny's house became quiet and everybody just looked out of a window on the way to the house. As they arrived at Uncle Lenny's house, Asia's boyfriend Tyquan stood in the driveway. Tyquan was Asia's new boyfriend because Manny was becoming boring to her. Asia rushed out of the car and rode away with Tyquan. Kayla shook her head at Asia as she watched them leave. She noticed Asia was going back to being spoiled and bratty again.

She might've not abused Kayla physically anymore, but she was verbally abusing her now. Kayla would call her to talk sometimes and she would always cockblock her, call her rude names, and have a rude vibe nowadays. Kayla wondered if college was changing her and if it was, was she going to be rude towards people like her when she enters college.

Kayla carried Kelsiee upstairs as Aaliyah followed her. Aaliyah always had Kayla back ever since they lived in Georgia and she was the only cousin Kay had on her mother's side. Aaliyah and Kayla decided to catch up and converse about colleges and other things in life. They would laugh as they had reminiscences of their good times in Georgia as they both ate bbq Lay's chips.

As the day turned into dawn and dawn turned into dark skies, Aaliyah was leaving with her parents. Kayla hugged her once more and made sure that one day, she'll visit Georgia again. Jasmine and her boyfriend Terrell left soon after Aaliyah. Uncle Lenny and Charity were cuddled up on a couch together. Kayla decided to call Nick and see what he was up to. The phone rang once and Nick answered immediately.

"Hey." Nick said in a sad tone. He sounded like he had just finished crying.

"Nick, you crying?" Kayla sat up in her bed.

"Well yeah. I don't wanna leave you and Kelsiee." Nick cried. "I love you guys."

"We love you too." Kayla held her tears back. "How about we meet up at the burger place near the mall?"

"No, Can I just...come over?" Nick cried a little harder as he spoke.

"Yes I don't mind at all. I'll wait for you." Kayla played with her hair to keep from crying.

"Okay." Nick ended the call.

Nick rushed over to Kayla in less than 20 minutes. As soon as he was pressing the doorbell, Kayla opened the door quickly embracing him tightly. Uncle Lenny was nearly in tears watching them become so emotional about eachother. Kayla grabbed Nick's hand and lead him upstairs where Kelsiee was awake and ready to play. When she saw Nick, she became a little saddened because she knew he was leaving tomorrow morning.

"Nick." Kelsiee held out her hands indicating him to pick her up.

"Hey little one." Nick embraced her softly. "I'm gonna miss you and your mommy."

"I gonna miss you too." Kelsiee lied her head on his shoulder like a sad puppy. "You like my real daddy. I love you."

"Aww Kels." Nick cried softly. "I love you too."

After Nick had his moment with Kelsiee, he sat her down on the bed and embraced Kayla. Tears streamed down both of their faces heavily. For the rest of the night they held onto eachother tightly. They didn't move an inch from eachother until Nick was instructed to come home by his father. Their final good bye would be around 7:30 am since the plane took off at 8.

The next morning, Kayla dressed up decently and kept Kelsiee in her Hello Kitty pajamas. She rushed to the airport and saw Nick and his family standing around. Kayla noticed she arrived at the airport around 7:45 which she and Kelsiee had 15 minutes left with Nick.

As Kayla approached Nick, she noticed his eyes were red and also puffy indicating he was crying a lot and very tired. She embraced him with Kelsiee in the middle of them. It looked as if they were a family sending their father or boyfriend to the military.

"Imma miss you Kay and even if we aren't together, I will still love you." Nick said in his deep voice.

"I won't find a guy like you and I'm so sad that you're leaving me." Kayla cried as she spoke. "I love you too Nick, but this means we're...not together as a .. couple anymore right?" Kayla wiped her face as Nick nodded slowly.

"We'll be good friends still and I can talk to you in Germany. We just gotta figure out these time zones." Nick slightly smiled through his wet eyes.

"Don't leave pweaseee." Kelsiee began to cry. "You make mommy happy...And me too."

"I know Kelsiee. I have to go though." Nick grabbed Kelsiee from Kayla and embraced her softly.

As he embraced Kelsiee, he started to feel warm tears hit his shirt showing that Kels was sad as well. He didn't want to leave, but he had to because of his father and the free school. Nick reassured Kayla that he could come back to the USA during the spring and summer breaks. He wasn't sure about holiday breaks though.

It was now 7:55 and Kayla had to take Kelsiee back from Nick, so he could get on the plane. Before he left, Kayla grabbed Nick's face and kissed him aggressively making him almost forget where he was at.

"Bye." Kayla released from his lips and watched him walk to the plane.

"Bye beautiful." Nick smiled and walked to the plane.

As she watched Nick and his family get on the plane, she cracked into tears and returned to her car strapping Kelsiee in her seat. Kayla's eyes were so watery that she couldn't drive at the moment. She heard the plane go up and that was it from Nick. Kayla's vision began to get better again in 15 minutes. She drove home and just felt tired.

For the rest of the day, Kayla surrounded herself with cookie dough ice cream and Uncle Lenny supplied boxes of tissues because he knew this was gonna happen. Kelsiee would try to comfort her mother, but it wasn't working. She ate some of her mother's ice cream and watched whatever she wanted.

"It'll be okayy mommy. Boys will like your beautifulness." Kelsiee smiled brightly as Kayla embraced her tightly and pulled her closer to her.

As the days flew by, Kayla grew depressed and began to gain weight. Uncle Lenny would take her out of the house when he had the time, so she could enjoy fresh air. Kayla still wasn't feeling the fresh air like she was supposed to and Kelsiee wasn't liking that. She knew her mother wasn't acting like herself and she felt like she could do what she wanted since her mother wasn't properly watching her. She decided to take her mother's phone and call her mother's best friend Dominique.

"Helloo?" Dominique answered.

"Hello Domwinique." Kelsiee said in a bubbly tone.

"Kelsiee? What are you doing talking on your mommy's phone?" Dominique asked in a strange tone.

"My mommy sad. She miss Nick." Kelsiee said in a sad tone. "Can you help her be happy again?"

"Awww you're so sweet, but I will see what I can do." Dominique smiled. "Keep mommy from hurting herself and let her know that I'm gonna help her be happy again."

"Okay. Thanks Domwinique."

"You're welcome." Dominique nodded

Kelsiee told Kayla what Dominique said to her and she immediately brightened up a little. After Kelsiee told her the news, she decided to call Kam and Michelle. They were confused to why Kayla's little girl was calling them, but at the end of the conversation they were ready to make Kayla happy for Kelsiee.

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