Dance in the Rain

By chloeloveslife

20.1K 257 54

Desiree may not be your average Australian/New Zealand seventeen year old but her problems are, no doubt, ver... More

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522 9 1
By chloeloveslife

“Desiree,” I faintly heard my name being called, “Desiree,” It got a little louder before they shouted it at the top of their lungs, “DESIREE!”

I jumped and fell onto the ground next to my bed, “What?” I incoherently asked, half asleep still and my head was pounding. I groaned and gripped my temples, “My head hurts,” I complained.

“That’s what usually happens when you have a hangover, dearly,” I heard my to-be-sister-in-law say to me from above my head. I groaned again slowly opened my eyes. I shouted when the light blinded me and quickly shut them again. Last night Drake wanted to go out so we went to a local club and got in with our fake ID’s. We started dancing and drinking and ended up winning quite a bit of money from a dance of that some cocky dancers held.

It’d been just over two months since my crew had moved here and Summer had been put into hospital care. She looked like shit, I’ve got to admit, but she was still happy. We instantly connected and got to know each other really well. I showed her some pictures of my crew and I could tell she like my accent.

I got up off the floor and attempted to open my eyes again, but this time it didn’t blind me. I stumbled towards my personal bathroom in our new house and walked into the tiled room. I quickly got some pain killers and a glass of water and swallowed the pills, gulping some water to help them go down my throat. I sighed and leant against the counter. Over the past few months, I had fallen hard for Drake. I don’t know what he feels for me and I am just prone to get hurt again. I’m almost certain he doesn’t feel anything more for me than family love.

I hoped into the shower and let the hot water cascade down my body. I had settled into our new town quite well, the crew now all went to Parramatta High and we sort of keep to us, not really talking to anyone at the school besides Ali and Rueben. Hayden had become more consistent in his calls and text messages and whenever I blocked his number, he got a new one. I once changed my sim card but somehow he got my number again, it’s kind of creeping me out.

Someone knocked on my bathroom door and told me Samson went to Solo’s house - where Summer, John, Lenny and Claudia were all staying – if I wanted to know and they were going to the shops to get some more groceries with everyone besides Courtney and Drake, who had only just woken up too. I couldn’t really hear who said it with the pelting shower but guessed it was Jodie.

I got out of the shower and dressed into some skinny jeans and a plain lime green singlet top. I walked out of the room and went to get some breakfast and more painkillers because I had no more in my bathroom and the others were starting to wear off. I walked into the kitchen and Drake was standing by the counter waiting for his toast to pop, staring into space. I quietly crept up next to him and suddenly jumped in front of him with a, “BOO!” and got the satisfying jump and gasp I was waiting for. I giggled and he just chuckled to himself and his arms found their way around my waist,

“Now why would you walk up to me and scare me when I’m tired from partying almost all night and getting waisted, and then being woken up by your annoying best lady friend’s older sister-in-law? My head kills then you go shout in my ear and that’s not very nice,” He comments, a small smile on his lips, “And then there’s no Vegemite left because all everyone just decides to eat it,” He sighed exasperatedly like he had so much on his plate at the moment. Just then the toast popped and I reached around him to grab it,

“I would because it’s funny and I’m sorry about your Vegemite fiasco, but it’s not my fault. You wanted to go out last night so I just tagged along.” I smiled and put the toast on a plate and started spreading some jam on it. Drake sighed and muttered to himself,

“And then you go and steal my toast like I haven’t been waiting for three minutes for it to cook.”

He put some more in and waited for it to pop. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time he was waiting and it made me feel a little uncomfortable. I quickly ate the toast and went upstairs to brush my teeth. I got a text from Jodie saying that Samson’s car is at Paulie’s house so I’ll have to pick him up from Solo’s and drop him off there. I sighed and did my hair, putting it in a bun on the top of my head and had two curls framing my face. I put some mascara on and Drake followed me out to my car in his skinny jeans and wife beater. He looked hot with his black hair swept to the side at the front and spiked at the back. Drake was of native Maori decent so he had naturally tanned skin. His well built body came from years of Rugby and his ex All Black player dad. The only thing that was weird was that he had bright green eyes while all his family had dark eyes. The green eyes were only a distraction from when I was trying not to fall for him but whenever I looked into his gorgeous eyes; I could just feel myself just getting that bit closer to being head over heels in love with him. Courtney walked out of the house, too, her long blonde hair perfectly straight swaying behind her.

We drove to Solo’s house that wasn’t too far away from our new house that we all pitched in to buy to accommodate my whole crew plus Jodie and Samson plus the baking bun (Jodie’s baby lol). Drake was silent the whole way there, only the music playing broke the silence. We arrived at Solo’s house and it looked pretty asleep, still. We let ourselves in and I searched the whole house for them before going into Lenny and Summer’s room. That’s where I found everyone, all of Justice Crew, sprawled out around the room.

Samson was stretching his arms, obviously just awoken. E-man was on the ground in a heap and it looked like he’d just fallen off,

“Hey guys, I was wondering where you went last night,” I laughed at everyone cramped into the room. I saw John’s sleeping form still on the bed and couldn’t resist my childish side and ran and jumped on him. He instantly woke up, winded from my weight.

“Hey, Dez, where’d you go?” I heard Drake ask from somewhere in the house. The whole room erupted into a chorus of ‘oooooh’ and I felt my face heat up. Little did they know... I thought to myself. Drake came into view in the open door when Samson was defending me,

“Leave her alone, guys; he’s part of her crew.” Good old big brother, “Hey Drake, how are ya, long time no see,” Samson greeted Drake with a friendly smile.

“Good actually,” Drake replied, “We recently convinced Courtney to move up here with us and she should be here somewhere,” Drake leaned back and looked right and left before shrugging and looking back to him. My phone started ringing and I looked at the caller ID. It was just a number that I didn’t recognise. That meat it was Hayden’s new one,

“Is it that prick?” I heard Samson ask coldly faintly. My body had frozen up and I shrugged trying to hide my fear but knew the insecurity and fear showed on my face. I saw Summer’s curious look from the corner of my eye, “Give me the phone, Dez,” Samson held out his hand for my phone which I quickly dropped it in his hand, the phone still ringing.

I didn’t hear what Samson said after he answered it with a, ‘What do you want asshole?’

I started to sob; I was really over Hayden now. All I really want is for him to leave me alone. I know he won’t do anything to me like hurt me but I’m not sure if he’ll give mercy to the close men in my life. He might consider them as a threat. Drake pulled me into his chest from behind and was whispering comforting nonsense in my ear that was working a little.

Summer hobbled over to me, her leg broken still from Eammon, and pulled me into a big hug. I buried my face in her shoulder and cried soaking the top she was wearing. She whispered that everything would be alright and rubbed my back comfortingly. I heard Samson shouting into the phone, telling Hayden to go back home and asking why he was here,

“Why did you have to become friends with this ass wipe Dez?” Samson growled at me.

I looked at the floor, sniffing at my runny nose, “I’m sorry because I really wanted to know what having a stalker is like. I think you’re forgetting I only knew him for a day.”

The sarcasm in my voice hit him like a bomb, “You know I didn’t mean it like that, Dez. I’m sorry, I know you don’t want Hayden following you like this and I shouldn’t have said anything.” Samson’s eyes held so many emotions: regret, sadness and love for me but I just couldn’t believe he’d said that. I stared at him blankly and turned on my heel, dragging Drake out with me. Courtney saw me rushing out of the house with puffy eyes and followed me to the car, slipping into the back without any sound.

I sat in the car, tears streaming down my face and sobs wrenching from my chest. Drake slid on the seat, getting closer to me and pulling me into his arms. He rubbed my back and kissed my cheek comfortingly. He didn’t know how much I wanted those kisses to be from affection and not comfort. He pulled me onto his lap and as soon as I was on it, I was off again but on the other side of him. He slide into the driver’s seat and pulled me into his side. He put the car in gear and we drove off to go back home, Samson can find his own bloody way back home.

Drake pulled into the driveway fifteen minutes later and by then, I’d settled down and gone back to normal. I sighed and jumped out of the car, Courtney pulled me into a hug as soon as I was standing,

“You know he’s just looking out for you, Dez. You, Callum and Jo are his only family now and I know for a fact that he’d die if something bad happened out of this.” Courtney was always the one to console in when you’re feeling down and always had good advice. That’s why she was one of my best friends in the world and nothing could separate us, not even a couple of years living in a different country didn’t lessen the love I felt for her, no one could replace her.



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