Zak Bagans imagines and short...

By ChasingShadows89

71.3K 1.2K 264

Zak bagans stories one shots and imagines when all the daydreams are lived out :) Requests open* More

Lockdown (Reequested)
Santa Wish
Santa wish (part 2)
Santa wish (part 3)
Santa's wish (continued part 4)
Santa's wish part 5
Santa's wish part 6
Santa's wish part 7
Married?! Part 2
Married part 3
Married?! part 4
Married?! part 5
Married?! part 6
Married?! Part 7
Married?! Part 8
Married?! part 9
Married?! Part 10
Married Part 11
Married?! Part 12
Married?! Part 14
Married?! Part 15
Married Part 16
Married part 17
Married part 18
Married part 19
Married Part 20
Married part 21
A/N: authors note

Married?! Part 13

1.5K 37 5
By ChasingShadows89

As you say there in bed you seen Aaron walk in and come and check in on you. You smiled softly "hi" you say to him as he returns it and hugs you gently as you reassure him that you're ok just a little sore trying to hide your face the best you could.

"Aaron I wanna apologize to you for when I pushed you against the wall I wasn't really feeling myself and I'd never ever hurt you I don't know what came over me then and I'm really sorry for what I've done...I still would like for you to keep what you've heard to yourself for just a little while longer just so I can figure things out after what's happened I don't know what to do he's been here all night but the second I'm awake and start to tell him the doc came in and after that he bolts, is my face that bad am I that bruised up that I don't look like myself if he left because of that then he's not the guy I feel for not at face will heal my cuts and bruises will go away but not the pain that comes from him if he can't stand to look at me like this" you tell Aaron

"I don't think it's that he left here pretty upset and in a hurry I'm sure he's at the hotel packing" he reassured you

"Ok should I call him?" You ask

"Let him cool off a bit" he nods

"Ok" you say and he gets up and gives you one more hug

"Thank you" you say and he kisses your head "go get some rest after packing up I'll call zak when they let me loose again" you tell him and he nods and goes back to the hotel to check in on zak.

An hour had gone bye and nothing then two so you pushed the nurse button as one came in.

"Oh hi um is there any word on when I can go?" You asked

"That's just what I came in here for need a few signatures and then the IV can come out and you're free to get dressed" she smiled and you returned it then did as she asked with the papers and listened to the instructions take a few days off rest no strenuous activities for a week and you'd be just fine with Tylenol for pain or ibuprofen.

After she had left after taking that damn IV out it hurt like a mother you cried a little then got bandaged up.

As soon as she left you picked up your phone and pushed pass the lock screen of a picture of you and zak and you bit your cheek gently pushing his name calling him. Praying he'd pick up by now.

"Hello?" You heard his voice

"H hey it's me I'm all done in free to go when ever someone can come pick me up I may need a little help getting dressed is all and then we can head back to Vegas and I can sleep on the way home.."

"Ok I'm on my way" you heard him

"Ok I'll be here waiting bye" you say and hung up and sighed

Now the hard part getting dressed. You grabbed your bag of clothes and pulled out out bra, slipped it on but couldn't reach back without extreme pain, "Zak would have to buckle it" you groaned and you pulled up your jeans and stood holding on to the side of the bed when you heard a knock. He was there you wasn't sure how long but you felt him there.

"I'm trying really hard" you say softly trying to keep the pain you felt from moving as you wiped your eyes quick you heard him walk over.

"I hate that you have to see me like this this mess," you sniffled and wiped your eyes again avoiding looking at him with the shape your face was in.

You felt his hands on your back and pulled your straps together and you adjusted yourself then you seen that he held you against him so you wouldn't fall you put your hands on his arms as he zipped up and buttoned your jeans "never thought you'd be pulling up my zipper" you joke trying to break the tension as you let go and grabbed your shirt he helped you put it on and you did a quick glance at him and looked away "ok I'm so ready to go home lets get the hell outta this creepy place" you say and walk next to him and had to hold on to his arm as you did so to the taxi waiting you got in and went to the hotel with him.

"Are all of our things in the RV ready to go?" You ask as you walked in and saw them all waiting for you

"That answered that" you smiled some

You hugged them all as you got onto the RV you went straight to the back got your pillow and blanket and laid down carefully and closed your eyes.

After about ten minutes we were all headed home and all you wanted was sleep but you felt the bed move as you looked you zak was there.

"How are you feeling really" he asked laying down beside you.

"Fine just sore right now" you tell him

"Ok feel like talking?" He asked

"Sure what's on your mind?" You say getting butterflies he gets up and shuts the door and takes off his hoodie you stare at him

"I I can't have sex for a week the nurse said" you say and he burst out laughing "of coarse he did I was a joke look at me" you thought and closed your eyes and felt him put his hoodie around you knowing you loved it and it always comforted you.

"OK out with it" you say and he pulls the pillow over and lays down face you you try to look away or sit up but he stops you.


I had gone back to the hotel, being at the hospital was only making me worse and if I wanted to go back in and see Y/N then I needed to calm down. I flexed my hand and stalked back in letting the guys know I was going back to the hotel, they all looked at me in a state of confusion.

"But bro? She's awake?" Aaron said.

"I know that. But I'm going back to the hotel Aaron." I spun around and walked out the hospital.

Back at the hotel I was packing everything away, my mind constantly went over what could have been on that video.

I'll tell you what was on it... No good! That's what was on it.

I had made it whilst I was bladders and truth be known I said a lot of things that i probably shouldn't have.. But I did and Y/N had now seen it. I thought I deleted it?! Or was that another video I made... Must have been the other.

My phone broke my attention as it started to ring.. Seeing her name on the caller ID and a photo of us I sighed and answered.


'H-hey it's me, I'm all done and free to go whenever someone can come pick me up. I may need  little help getting dressed is all and then we can head back to Vegas and I can sleep on the way home..'Y/N spoke.

'Okay I'm on my way.' I answered.

"Okay I'll be here waiting bye.'

I hung up.


I made it to the hospital and took the usual route back to her room. I knocked on the door before entering the room. I walked in to see Y/N's buried body and felt sick at the dark purple and black across her back. I noticed the short sharp intakes of breath and the way her hand touched her back lightly, that's when I knew she couldn't do up her bra.

"I'm trying really hard." She spoke wiping her eyes quickly.

"I hate that you have to see me like this, this mess." She sniffled avoiding my eyes.

I touched her skin gently worried that one more touch and she would break into a million little pieces.  I pulled her bra on and clasped it and pulled her in close to me, y/n held my arms as I zipped up and buttoned her jeans for her.

"Never thought you'd be pulling up my zipper." She joked as she got a t-shirt. I helped her put it on before we headed out.

"Okay I'm so ready to go home let's get the hell outta this creepy place." She spoke and walked beside me my We past the gossiping nurses who seemed not to have anyone to look after as they whispered and stood next to each other.

We got out the hospital where I helped Y/N into a taxi and headed back to the hotel. I didn't know what to say so I simply didn't say anything. I knew it was a jerk move but she looked so fragile at the moment.

"Are all of our things in the AV ready to go?" Y/N asked as we got out the taxi and into the RV.

"That answered that." She smiled.

I watched Y/N hug them all, each one only lightly holding her through the hub looking concerned.

Y/N headed down to the back of the RV to lay on the bed. Pulling her blanket with her.

We set off back towards Vegas when I went  down to check on her, I knew concussions you had to keep checking them and I imagined but the end of 48 hours of yellow warning she will be fuming with me.. But it had to be done.

I climbed on the bed beside her and laid back.

"How are you feeling, really?" I asked.

Hoping Y/N would open up to me without lying.

"Fine just sore right now." She sighed.

"Okay.. Feel like talking?" I asked.

"Sure what's on your mind?" She asked.

I got up shutting the door to give us some privacy and pulled off my hoodie.

"I- I can't have sex for a week. The nurse said." She said causing me to burst out laughing at that bit of information.

She groaned and closed her eyes as her cheeks heartened up. I placed my hoodie around her knowing how much she loved to smell my clothes.

"Okay, out with it." She says as I pulled the pillow over and laid face down in it.

She wouldn't look at me and tried to sit up but I cobra gripped her body to lay beside me.

"You lied to me Y/N."

"When?" She asked rolling over and gently pushing herself from my grip.

"The hotel."

Her brows pulled together as she looked at me confused. Maybe she couldn't remember any of it.

"You told me it was the sun.. Then at the hospital you told me it was because of the video.." I spoke jogging her memory.

"Oh that." She mumbled playing with the corner of her blanket.

"Tell me what's going on in there?" I asked tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. The bruising on her face looked worse than ever now she was out of hospital. Maybe it was the lighting but her once clear face now looked like she had been in a cage fighting match with an animal.

She opened her mouth to speak but shut it again.

"You can talk to me Y/N you know that.."

"I can't help but think now we are married and soon to be divorced that everything is going to be different." She spoke.

"No, no it won't.. Not if we don't let it. But you keep pushing me away and shutting down. I don't know what to say or do anymore." I answered honestly.

"I told you at the hospital.. How I feel, how I only signed the forms because you did. I won't keep you Zak, I won't clip your wings and make you stay with me which is why I signed those papers.."

"Are you telling me you didn't want the divorce then?"

She went quiet, her fiddling got faster and I knew I was making her uncomfortable.

"I'm just saying I don't want to upset you or make things awkward."

"Y/N... Don't worry about me, look at your poor face."

"I know.. I know it upsets you. But I can't help it, and you shouldn't get angry because of something I can't help!" She answered frustrated.

"Who said I was angry at you?" I asked frowning.

Her hands picked up my grazed hand from punching the wall. Her eyes watered slight.

"Don't lie to me.."

I withdrew my hand and pulled her into a hug carefully holding her. "I'm not mad with you I promise." I kissed her forehead. I felt her hand hold the side of my top gently so that I didn't disappear without her knowing.

"I'm mad with that doctor and those nurses who gossip thinking I'm capable of pushing you down a flight of stairs. I'm mad at myself for not running or holding onto you.

"I'm mad at the location and the shit has caused. I'm not mad at you at all." I replied.

"I'm mad because I'm also scar-"

I heard a little snore and moved myself back slightly to see Y/N asleep on my chest. I smiled and let out a sigh holding onto her and throwing the bit of blanket over her I keep her warm.

I decided whilst I had hold of her I'd take a nap as well.


We got back to Vegas late, with Y/N still asleep me, I carried her from the RV into my house and bedroom. Placing her into my bed she stirred and reached for me, looking around I pulled my top off and gave it to her as she mumbled and held the top under her nose. I smiled watching her sleeping before removing her shoes. I put the flat sheet over her. I took a shower and came back in sweat shorts to find Y/N sat up mumbling.

"Y/N?" I crouched down to see her with her eyes closed.

"Too hot." She whined.

"Let's get you undressed and into bed then?" I suggested.

"It hurts." She cried.

As I removed her top I put the pain down to being her ribs that were black from the bruising.

I put my t-shirt on her to use as a nightshirt. "I'm going to need you to stand up for me y/n." I whispered and helped her up slowly.

I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down before helping her out of them as she leant on me for support.

"Zak it hurts." She whimpered.

"What does sweetie? Your ribs?"

She held her chest which I presumed meant her ribs. I helped her bald to bed before going to get her medication from her hospital bag and a bottle of water from the fridge.

I came back and popped out a few pills for her as she sat there banged up and bruised.

"Hey I got you some pills." I spoke almost feeding them to her.

She accepted the tablets and water before laying back and reaching for me. I grabbed my phone putting it on silent before sliding in beside her.

"I'm sorry I'm so mean."

"Hey?" I chuckled.

"I say- you- it's.. I love you." She mumbled before falling back to sleep.

"Yeah.. I love you as well." I sighed holding her.


The night was longer than I expected, having to wake her up every four hours for tablets. At 4 in the morning she was awake before me crying in pain wanting to go back to hospital. But after I calmed Y/N down and got her back to bed with her tablets she settled again and fell asleep.

Now at 12pm I was sat on the chair in my room watching her from the bed. I needed to wake her up again for tablets but she seemed to get so upset each time that I didn't have the heart to. Truth be known I didn't sleep well over fears she was going to stop breathing in the night or have a seizure from hitting her head. 

I watched Y/N stir and reach over to my side of the bed before registering I wasn't there she let out a groan.

I waited for her to wake up before I would give her tablets but it had to be within the next hour.

She mumbled something before rolling over. Her eyes met mine and it took a few seconds before she smiled.

"Good afternoon sleepy." I whispered going over to her.

"Hi." She croaked.

I picked up the fresh bottle of water I got her and opened it.

"No. No more tablets." She whined pushing bottle away.

"Have a drink."



"Cause I need to pee."

I laughed softly and moved out the way helping her up out of bed and to the bathroom.

"This is us 40 years from now." She said as we entered the bathroom.

"Isn't that a thought."


"Don't lock the door." I warned closing the door and waiting for her outside.

After the toilet and the basin Y/N came shuffling out and back towards the bed before sliding back in.

"What a waste of a day." She mumbled looking at the glass doors to the garden.

I had a ground floor bedroom with a glass wall which I could push back.. Hold on!

I went over and opened the door and pushed it back into the wall letting the outside in. Y/N smiled and looked at me.

"Thank you."

"It's alright, one of the reasons I bought the house.. Was for this." I replied.

We sat on the bed listening to the water feature in my garden when her tummy growled.

"Someone is hungry." I whispered kissing the top of her head as she rested her head on my shoulder hugging my arm.

"I don't want to move.."

"Well don't. I'll get you food." I replied.

"Promise you'll come back?"

"I promise."

She let me go and I prepared us pancakes and took them back to the bedroom. Along with drinks, fruit and cream.

"Are we having a picnic?" She asked.

"Absolutely. We're having a really late breakfast, it's gone 12pm."

"I know... I'm so tired."

"It's okay, I'm not complaining I'm just letting you know." I replied.

We ate breakfast and I cleared the empty plates and sat back with Y/N.

With her head on my shoulder it was now or never.



"Last night..."

"Yeah?" She asked lifting her head and rubbing her eye. Right in that moment she couldn't look anymore adorable with her bed head and tiredness.

"Last night you said you loved me.."

I felt and watched her body tense up, her eyes moved from mine as I tried to guess if she really meant it. From the avoiding look I knew she probably did, which made sense with her not really wanting the divorce.

"A-are you mad at me?" She asked.

"Is it true?"

She nodded her head and bit her bottom lip. "I swear I never meant for it to happen. Really.. It just did. I just.. I just I don't know?."

"You just followed your heart." I answered.

"Yeah. I went with my heart instead of my head for the first time." She replied.

"And what does your head say?" I asked finally getting answers.

"That you're going to be mad with me and all the years of friendship has just been annihilated. That I'm going to ruin everyth-"

"I think I'm falling in love with you."'I interrupted her.

She looked at me for a few seconds before frowning.

"Don't play." She answered looking away. "It's not funny Zak. You don't play like that."

"I'm being serious."

"Well you're a liar then." She replied.

I scoffed and shook my head.

"What you're the only one who's allowed feelings?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes when you're only mocking me! This is serious Zak! I didn't understand it at first but I do now and I know that I don't want to lose you as a friend but the idea of losing you to someone else scares me even more! Which is totally wrong of me considering we're suppose to be get in a divorce but I can't help the way I feel. I had to sign those papers to keep you happy. I don't want you stuck with me!"

"Y/N.. Liste-"

"No! Because you're just going to say you think!" She got out of bed looking for her clothes.

"Listen to me!"

"Think isn't good enough Zak! I think it might rain even though the sun is out.. That means I can still be wrong! I can be wrong if that stupid sun stays out! You can't say you think you love someone unless you mean it! You don't know what it does to some else's heart! The butterflies and the racing heart, the moment where you just want to explode with joy, because you've kept it all in for so long and now the person you love is finally saying t back! But with you.. With you it's different, you just had to be different!"

"How?!" I asked.

"You said you think.. I can't live with I think. You either do or you don't!"

"I know I sat in that hospital terrified! I know that I broke down and cried at your bedside!" I fired back making her stop.

"I know that I went over every single memory in my head! Some I had even forgot about! Stupid things like you opening the can Aaron had dropped and getting covered soda! Having milk and cookies late at night and you supporting the milk mustache trying to copy my actual mustache! I know that those hours felt like a death sentence to me! That I was terrified you'd never know who I was or where you were?! That everything would be gone from your mind! I was angry. Yeah I was angry at you. For lying to me in the hotel! For pushing me away and making me feel like I had done something wrong whilst all the time it was you! Don't talk to me about thinking shit when you've pushed me away!"



We both stood in my room in silence, I was so angry about the situation but I felt a lot better getting it off my chest.

"Tell me again.." Y/n breathed.

"I love you. Okay? There. I said it and I'm scare-"

Y/N rushed across the room and pulled me into a kiss.

"I'm scared.." I whispered.

"Welcome to my world.. I've felt like that for a little while now." She whispered.

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