Olivia Benson's Daughter

By KBenson4015

51.1K 885 84

What if Olivia Benson had a daughter? Olivia is a single parent to her daughter Katie. Katie exhibits differe... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter eightteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one

Chapter seventeen

1.5K 40 9
By KBenson4015

Chapter 17-

Mention of abuse

Katie's POV

It felt like a nightmare only the kind you can't  wake up from, I had given up screaming for help about the third day here. It has been about a week, I thought to my self looking at the cracking ceiling. I was snapped out of my trance when I heard someone walk through the door, I could never tell who it was because I didn't have my glasses but lucky for me we would usually be face to face for about an hour or two before they left.

Men came in and out at will screaming obscenities and doing what they please. "Little girls like you don't mean what they say" the boss would scream and I would shudder.

Tonight was odd, I had heard some commotion in the halls and no one had come in for a while, so I tensed up when I felt the presence. Meanwhile my stomach felt like it was eating itself, I hadn't been fed anything but a stale slice of bread since I had been here and if I was good I got some heavy alcohol and sometimes water.

I felt a sharp pain, not like what had been happening but it was so bad I let out a scream and the man looked up and smacked me hard across my face and kept carving into my side as I whimpered. When he was finished his hands were red and he smiled at his masterpiece and I laid there in agony.

Olivia's POV

"You have a hit on the location?" I called into the squad room as I walked out of my office. "Yeah over here Liv" Amanda called toward me "it's another warehouse down town" Fin said "get the address" I called back as I went to grab my coat.

The squad reconvened in my office ready for duty. I told everyone to go get into the undercover cars but Amanda stayed behind with me "we are gonna get her back Liv" she said rubbing several small circles in the center of my back as I held my head in my hands eventually running my fingers through my silky brown hair. "Thanks Amanda" I said putting my lips together and forcing a smile, it made me sick to think about what was happening to my baby.

Katie's POV

I tried to apply pressure to the slices in my side with my one free hand, it was useless I was so weak and I was covered in a fine layer of dirt from the draft coming through the cracked walls and floor so I was probably just infecting it. I winced as I slowly tried to stop the bleeding but soon an intense sensation came over my body, I heard a man scream followed by a bunch of gun shots and a few other groans coming from the guns victims. I heard two types of shots exchanging and a familiar voice screaming. I wasn't sure who I hoped it would be, my killer or my hero. Just as the door slammed open I saw Auggie come flying in and he grabbed me and propped me up in front him with a gun to my head, the feeling of incessant tiredness reach my eyes and I had no energy to plead for my life. I could hear him yelling but it just sounded like mumbles over the defining sound of gunfire that echoed throughout the concrete walls I had been confined in for about a week now. I started to give into this sensation partly because Auggie was holding me so tightly around my wounds and partly because there were more people with guns coming through the door.

I could tell it was a woman based on the length of her hair "Drop The Gun!" She screamed and that's when I knew it was Liv.

I know it's short but I think it's a good place to end this chapter, how do you feel about this? Let me know and keep voting:))

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