Another USUK story:: My Farme...

Da ari-ridrake

41K 1.5K 837

Cardverse! Omegaverse! Farmer boy and Alpha, Alfred F. Jones runs into the lost Queen of the Spade Kingdom, a... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12


2.8K 129 109
Da ari-ridrake

Arthur sighed, relaxing into the bed. "The children are absolutely restless tonight. I swear to the Gods they are just like you."

The King chuckled softly, bringing Arthur closer to himself. "Sorry, my Queen. I'll get up next time they cry if you'd like."

"No, it's fine. I, however, would really enjoy an hour long sleep, at least." Arthur lay his head on Alfred's chest and closed his eyes. "But they are both asleep, warm, full, and their diapers are changed, so I'm sure they'll sleep for a good long while."

"Yes, I'm sure." Alfred kissed Arthur's head and rubbed his back. "Now get some sleep, sweetheart. You need it."

Arthur hummed. "Alright. I'll try."


Yawning, Arthur rolled over on the bed to face the window where the sun shined through. He sat up, narrowing his eyes. I must have slept longer than an hour. He yawned again an rubbed his eyes. Arthur looked over towards the crib with the twins and smiled.

Alfred was cradling their fussy, King-marked daughter and was whispering sweet, soft words to her. "You gotta be quiet, Abigail. Mama needs his sleep. You and your older brother, Andrew, are so loud, just like your dad. I'm not sure that mama likes it very much, but he still loves us."

The baby cooed softly, her tiny fingers curling and uncurling. Alfred chuckled and shifted Abigail so she lay over his chest and rested her head on his shoulder. "I know you love mama. I love him, too."

Arthur couldn't hold back a soft laugh as he slid out of the bed. Alfred turned to look at his spouse and grinned. "I woke up just in time." Arthur made his way over, then wrapped his arms around Alfred's waist and lay his head on the King's unoccupied shoulder. "I love you, too." He peered over at his daughter as Alfred wrapped his free arm around Arthur.

Abigail drooled a bit on Alfred's shirt, her silvery-blue eyes wide and curious as she stared at her mother. Arthur smiled and ran his knuckle over the pale blonde baby's rosy cheek. "I love you, baby girl."


"Mama! Mama!" Two small children dashed through the garden, stumbling over their feet. Arthur giggled softly, his hand over his once-again swollen belly.

"Yes? What is it, darlings?" Arthur reached over to his daughter as she stopped beside where he sat.

Abigail grinned, holding up a handful of small white flowers. "Mommy, wook at dah fwowers me and Andrew picketed!"

Andrew squealed happily, climbing into Arthur's lap as the Queen took the flowers. "Like dem, mama?"

Arthur smiled and kissed the twins on their heads, ruffling Andrew's pale blonde hair and fixing Abigail's dirty blonde ponytail. "I love them, baby." He tucked the flowers in the vase beside them, the bouquet made of only flowers the three-year-olds picked. "You want to know something, though?" He shuffled his son onto one leg and helped Abigail up onto his other leg.

The twins nodded, carefully leaning on their mother's swollen belly and feeling for their sibling. "If you pick the most beautiful flowers, they will die quicker, leave only the flowers you do not wish to see. If you leave the beautiful flowers, they will grow and become even more beautiful, and they will spread further. They'll be everywhere."

The little girl looked up, her silvery blue eyes sparkling. "I won't pick no more fwowuhs, mama! I'ww wet dem gwow and gwow!" Andrew nodded hurriedly in agreement, a large grin splitting his lips.

"Of course, darling."


"Daddy, daddy!" The three-year-olds both shrieked as their father scooted them up with a playful roar.

"There's my favorite prince and princess!" He gave them both kisses on the heads. "And there's my favorite Queen!" Alfred groined and leaned down to press his lips to Arthur's.

Arthur smiled, setting down his embroidery on his swollen belly. "I was wondering where my Farmer boy went."

Alfred chuckled, tossing his kids on the bed, then falling beside them as they squealed. "I was in the office!" He picked up Abigail and raised her up. "Had five different economy proposals from Hearts and Diamonds."

"Ah," Arthur breathed out, standing up with the help of the arm of his rocking chair. "And how is dear Lily?"

The King snickered as Abigail and Andrew tried taking his glasses. "She's doing really well for running that entire kingdom with just herself and her brother. She's also still looking for a suitable alpha so she can bare the next King when it is needed."

"I'm gonna be King!" Abigail squealed, waving her King-marked hand in the air and Andrew fell back, giggling insanely.

"Yes you are," Alfred shouted, dropping her on the bed, raising her dress, then blowing on her stomach. Abigail shrieked and laughed, trying to shove her father off.

Andrew bounced on the bed, then climbed on Alfred's back. "Me, me! I want daddy to blow on my tummy too!"

Arthur laughed softly at the scene, then picked up Andrew. "You two need to settle down. It is almost nap-time."

"Aww!" Abigail, Andrew, and Alfred all pouted, giving Arthur the biggest puppy eyes they could manage.

The Queen groaned. "No, don't give me those eyes." He tried to look away, but was turned back when they all stuck out their bottom lip. Arthur gave in and sighed. "Fine. Only a little while longer."

"Yes!" Both Alfred and Abigail pumped their fists and Andrew only giggled as he kissed his mother's cheek.


"Look, you two. That's your new brother." Arthur smiled as the twins sat on either side of him, eyes wide with curiosity and amazement as they stared at the sleeping bundle in Arthur's arms. Alfred stood beside the bed and leaned down to kiss Arthur's sweaty forehead.

Arthur looked up at Alfred, tears in his emerald eyes. "I love you, my Farmer boy."

The King chuckled softly, pecking Arthur's lips. "How long will you keep that nickname up?"

The Queen laughed. "Until the day I die, and even after that."

"Alright." Alfred slid onto the bed, bringing Abigail into his lap. "I love you, too, my Queen."


"Hey, dad?"

Alfred looked up from his work to see Abigail slipping through the doors of his office. He smiled softly and leaned back. "What is it?"

His eleven-year-old daughter hurried over and sat in his lap. She curled up and cuddled against him. Alfred wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. "Will my Queen and Jack only show up when you and mama and mister Yao die?"

The King chuckled softly. "No. They'll show up after we die before our reign is over, or they'll show up when we retire from our reign. So they could show up before mom or I die."

Abigail sighed and relaxed in relief. "Good. I don't want you or mama to die anytime soon just so I can have my Queen and Jack. I'd rather that they don't be found if you and mama had to die first."

Alfred hummed, kissing the top of her head. "Well, your mom and I aren't planning on dying anytime soon, sweetie."

"Good." Abigail nodded her head. They stayed silent for a moment before she spoke up again. "Did you love mom when you found out he was your Queen?"

"No." Alfred didn't even hesitate to answer, which shocked Abigail. She jerked back with wide eyes. Before she could question, Alfred smiled. "I don't even know him when he became Queen. I didn't even know I was King when your mom was found to be the Queen."

Abigail furrowed her brow and tilted her head. "What? But how? You were born King, right? You should have known mama, right, since you were in the castle?"

Her father laughed. "Actually, you know that painting that hangs in mine and mom's room?" Abigail nodded. "The little town in the background-Rosewood, right?- is where I grew up."

The King-marked princess gasped, her eyes widening again. "But how!? If you were marked King, you should have been raised in the castle!"

Alfred chuckled, ruffling his daughter's dirty blonde hair. "Well, I was kidnapped as a child, and my mark was covered." Abigail blinked in astonishment, but kept her mouth shut. "So I didn't meet your mother until he was Queen for three years. I had grown up on a farm. You remember Grandmama Victoria?" Abigail nodded. "She raised me. She kept the mark hidden. One day, your mother got really lost, like so lost that he was scared, and -don't tell him I said this- he looked like he was about to pee himself." Abigail snickered. "So I took him to that farmhouse, where Grandmama Victoria lived, cleaned him up, and then took him back to the castle. A month later, he found me in the markets of Rosewood. Two weeks later, his birthday, he visited me is Rosewood again. The next night, we danced together at the ball celebrating his birthday. Then for seven months after that, we'd meet as much as he possibly could. At the end of seven months, we had our first kiss."

"Whoa," Abigail breathed. "And you still didn't know you were King?"

"Nope." Alfred chuckled. "Then, after that, your mother was locked up for two months so he could prepare to be wed to the King of Diamonds, who told Grandmama Victoria to hide me. Just before your mom's heat, he escaped the castle, stole a horse, and rode all the way to the forest I first met him in, and I found him when his heat started. So I hid him in the hayloft in the barn by the farmhouse."

Abigail gasped. "You mated with Mama, didn't you!?"

The King chuckled and nodded. "Yes I did. When his heat ended, I was about to send him in his way back to the castle, but we were found out by the King of Diamonds-the man your mama was supposed to marry." Abigail's brow furrowed in worry. "He locked me up and beat me, and then invited everyone who was there for the wedding to see my decapitation for my treason. Luckily, Grandmama Victoria came to the rescue." Abigail released the breath she was holding. "Then, she uncovered my mark and showed everyone, including mom and I, that I was the true Spadian King. Mom and I were married a week later."

"Whoa." Abigail hunched over, her eyes wide in amazement. "That's a lot! So you and mama didn't know that you were the King and you fell in love anyway?"

Alfred laughed. "You say that like we meant to fall in love!" Abigail blinked, then tilted her head. "Falling in love is not something that you can help. Falling in love is unknown and can happen at anytime with anyone. Your mother and I hadn't meant to fall in love; it just happened. If it hadn't, you wouldn't exist, I'd be dead, your mom would be married to the King of Diamonds, and this Kingdom as well as the Diamond Kingdom would be a jumbled mess because of him."

The girl nodded. "But isn't the King of Diamonds dead?"

Alfred nodded. "Yes, but only because I killed him. He tried killing me again by kidnapping mom while he was pregnant with you and Andrew. He was going to kill you when you were born, then mate and marry your mother if I hadn't killed him."

Abigail frowned. "He caused you and mama lots of trouble, didn't he?" Alfred smiled and nodded. "I think I'm glad he's dead. I don't want to meet him. I really like Queen Lily, though. She's so nice and she brings us presents every time she visits!"

"Presents!?" Abigail and Alfred both looked over at the eight-year-old and the other twin poking their heads in the room. "I want presents!" The eight-year-old squealed, dashing across the room and leaping into his father's lap, being slowly followed by Andrew.

"Hey, Vincent! Where've you been, little dude!?" Alfred laughed, ruffling his youngest son's pale brunette hair. Vincent grinned widely, then shrieked when the door opened. He scampered quickly to hide under the desk.

Alfred looked over at the door and attempted to hold back a laugh. Arthur's eyes were narrowed and his brows were furrowed. He would have looked threatening if not for the little girl wearing a light blue poofy dress attached to his leg. "He's been hiding from me, that's where he's been."

Abigail slid off of Alfred's lap as the King stood. He moved around the desk and crouched down on one knee, holding out his arms. "Come here, Eliza! Daddy wants a hug!"

The shy four-year-old looked at her father with the most innocent green eyes, her fist held up beside her face and her other hand clutching the back of Arthur's pants. The Queen's expression softened and he looked down at the youngest in the family. Eliza looked up at her mother, then to her father, then released Arthur's pants. She took a hesitant step forward before dashing across the rug and launching directly into her dad's comforting embrace. She fisted his shirt and nuzzled her face into his neck. Alfred chuckled and stood, holding his daughter. Arthur walked over, then stood on his toes. Alfred leaned his head down and pressed his lips to the Queen's.

"Eww!" The other three squealed all at once, turning away and giggling. Alfred laughed, pulling away from Arthur.

"Guess who wants kisses!?"

"No!" The oldest three quickly scattered before their father could grab at them and Eliza held him tighter. Alfred an Arthur both laughed, watching the three scurry out the door.

Alfred pressed his lips to Arthur's once again. "Feel better?"

Arthur hummed, playing with one of Eliza's curls. "Yes. I'm not feeling dizzy and my headache went away."

"Good. 'Cause I ain't hosting that ball tonight."


"Camile!" Abigail squealed happily, tightly embracing the bubbly Queen of Hearts.

Camile laughed and returned the embrace. "I missed you so much, Abby!"

Alfred and Arthur laughed, as well as Camile's mother, Feliciano. Feliciano then embraced Arthur and Alfred, expressing how much he missed them as well.

The ball went on, Kings, Queen, and Jack's all conversing as nobles danced. Suddenly, Arthur froze beside Alfred. Immediately, the Spadian King took notice. "Arthur? What is it?" Alfred gently grabbed Arthur's elbow to keep the Queen steady. "Do you feel lightheaded again?"

Slowly, Arthur nodded. "Just.. Just a bit... I need... Need to lay... Down." Arthur's words came out breathy and soft. He swayed a bit before his eyes rolled back and he began to collapse.

"Arthur! Someone get the doctor!"



The doctor sighed and shook his head. "I am sorry, your majesty... There is nothing I can do."

Alfred gulped and nodded, then excused the doctor. He didn't bother to wipe away the tears as he sat beside his Queen. "Arthur?"

Arthur blinked slowly, then looked up at Alfred. He smiled and raised his hand which Alfred gently took. "Hey, my Farmer boy."

"Hi," Alfred managed a weak smile, "my Queen."

Said Queen hummed, then caughed. He turned his head away from Alfred and droplets of blood hit the white pillow. Alfred flinched at the sight, his grip tightening only slightly on Arthur's hand. "I'm sorry, love."

Shaking his head, Alfred leaned down. "Don't apologize. This isn't your fault, Arthur." He gently pressed his lips to Arthur's overly-warm forehead. "It... It couldn't be helped."

"Just like... Like falling in love?" Arthur smiled, closing his eyes. "I really couldn't help... Loving you... You were so... Amazing. I couldn't help it... You took over my mind before I knew what hit me..."

Alfred smiled as well, rubbing circles into the back of Arthur's hand with his thumb. "I felt the same. You were so beautiful. You still are."

The Queen closed his eyes, still smiling. "What was it... You had said when... We thought... Francis was going to... Kill you? 'If you don't want to look, turn your cheek... You don't have to watch'... That's what you said..." Arthur raised his other hand to wipe away the tears sliding down Alfred's cheeks. "So I'm telling you the same now... You don't have to watch, Alfred..."

Alfred nodded, leaning into Arthur's hand. "I love you, my Queen." He could hardly see now, his glasses fogged up from his tears.

"I love you, too, my Farmer boy."


Three days later, Arthur passed away. A week after his passing, his funeral took place.

As the Bishop spoke, Alfred did his best to comfort his crying children as his gaze was stuck on Arthur's peaceful, pale face. Once the speech was over, Alfred stood, handing Eliza carefully over to Matthew. The little girl wailed, reaching for her father as he somberly neared the coffin. He, as well as Yao, Ludwig, and Vash, lead the coffin into the water. Alfred's left hand rested over both of Arthur's, his right hand holding the handle. He willed himself not to cry, even as he stared at Arthur's pale features and listened to his children sob and scream. They stopped once they were waist-deep in the clear blue waters, then they gently pushed. All four stood and watched as the coffin was carried gently by the soft currents. Alfred swallowed down the lumped in his throat and glanced over his shoulder when a large hand gently placed itself there.

Ludwig stayed silent, but gestured for him to turn and go back. Alfred gave one last glance to his sleeping Queen before turning and making his way through the calm waters.


Abigail stared across the bed at her father, who had Eliza wrapped in his arms. She looked down at Vincent that clung to her like she was a lifeline, then she looked over her shoulder at her twin brother who had his back to her. They all had tears staining their cheeks and the two youngest were still shaking and sobbing.

The oldest girl swallowed the knot constricting her throat and opened her mouth. "D-daddy?" Her voice trembled and cracked, but she knew she was loud enough to be heard if the King was awake.

Alfred blinked, then looked up, eyes still pink and dark bags under his eyes. "What is it, sweetheart?"

She stared at him, unable to find words. Her lips quivered and she began sobbing again. "Daddy... I love you. I really really do!" Her voice cracked repeatedly and she tightened her hold around her little brother. "I love you so so much, daddy!"

More tears tracked down the King's face and he reached out to her. He pulled her closer so Vincent's back pressed against Eliza's. Abigail heard shuffling behind her over her sobs before arms wrapped around her and a cheek rested on top of her head.

"I love you, Abby," Andrew whispered, his own voice broken.

"I-I love you, big sis," Vincent whimpered, tugging on her corset laces.

Eliza attempted burying herself further into her father's warmth. "I love you, too!"

Alfred leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to Abigail's forehead. "I love you, too, sweetheart." He stretched out his arm to hold all of his children as close as possible. "I love all of you... So much..."


Abigail bit down on her lip, trying not to bounce on her heels in impatience or anticipation or excitement. She looked up from the bottom of the stairs up at the throne where her father sat. He smiled reassuringly and gave her a small nod. She looked to her left to see her new Jack and older brother, Andrew, grinning proudly.

Once the organ began to play, he swiveled her head to looked down the aisle created by guest from the four kingdoms. There was her bride-to-be, her Queen. Oh, she was so beautiful.

Tera. That was her name. She had flowing, golden-red hair with deep hazel eyes and fair skin. When Abigail first lay eyes on Tera, she knew the maid was her Queen-even if the mark didn't show yet. When she heard that Tera was to be her Queen, Abigail went straight to the noble's house the maid worked in herself to go pick her up and take her to the castle.

Alfred immediately approved of Tera and greeted her with his famous grin. Abigail looked back up at her father, tears in her eyes. He was so strong. He was a Hero. He was her Hero. He took two years to smile like he did before her mother's death, and another year to be his boisterous, playful self. Even now, though, eight years after the previous Queen's death, he wasn't over it. He still cried at times and he'd zone out, thinking about Arthur, but he still did everything he could to provide for his children and for his Kingdom. Abigail knew how tired her father must be, even though he never showed it.

"I do."

"I do."

Abigail clenched back her excitement as the rings were exchanged and crowns were placed.

"The King may now kiss the Queen to seal this royal marriage!"

Abigail tossed her arms eagerly around Tera, yanking her close, then crushed their lips together. Tera yelped in surprise, then giggled and melted into the kiss.

The new King could hear her father laughing as he clapped. Her and Tera made their way up the step to the throne as the previous King stood and unclipped his cape from over his shoulders.

He draped over his daughter's shoulders and clipped it over her chest as he smiled. "I know you will lead this Kingdom just as your mother and I did. You will keep this Kingdom great. You are now the King who has power." He leant down and kissed her forehead. "I love you, my baby girl."

Abigail couldn't help the tears that joyfully raced down her cheeks. "Hey, daddy?" He hummed and tilted his head. "Since you're no longer King, does that make you a Farmer boy again?"

Alfred blinked down at her, then laughed. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, and kissed her head. "I guess that does, sweetheart." He smiled as she returned the embrace just as tightly. He looked down at his other three children; Andrew, the Jack, Vincent, a prince, and shy little Eliza, the Ace of Spades.

Alfred pulled away and looked at his daughter-in-law. She heard her own tears messing up her makeup as she smiled. He stepped over to her and embraced her as well. "I trust you with my family, Tera. I trust you with my Kingdom."

Tera retuned his hug. "Thank you, Alfred," she whispered, remembering that she promised to call him by name. "I will not let you down."

"I know." He kissed her head, gave her a smile, then stepped back. The new King and Queen turned to face the audience as Alfred's arms spread. "The new Spadian King and Queen! May the Gods guide them in their reign!"

Abigail's cheeks hurt with how wide she was grinning, her hand wrapped tightly around Tera's as she looked upon her people. She looked over her shoulder. "I love you, daddy."

He smiled back. "I love you, too, baby girl."

~The End

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