Zak Bagans imagines and short...

By ChasingShadows89

71.3K 1.2K 264

Zak bagans stories one shots and imagines when all the daydreams are lived out :) Requests open* More

Lockdown (Reequested)
Santa Wish
Santa wish (part 2)
Santa wish (part 3)
Santa's wish (continued part 4)
Santa's wish part 5
Santa's wish part 6
Santa's wish part 7
Married?! Part 2
Married part 3
Married?! part 4
Married?! part 5
Married?! part 6
Married?! Part 7
Married?! Part 8
Married?! part 9
Married?! Part 10
Married?! Part 12
Married?! Part 13
Married?! Part 14
Married?! Part 15
Married Part 16
Married part 17
Married part 18
Married part 19
Married Part 20
Married part 21
A/N: authors note

Married Part 11

1.4K 34 11
By ChasingShadows89

As you sat there on the bed, I hesitated on playing the video all it showed was a black screen and the play button. 

"Come on man up how bad could it be?" you mumbled and pushed the play button on your screen and wasn't ready for what was happening next.

Up pops Zak, he's smiling and it looks like it was taken the same night as the wedding after i had passed out.

"Hey there pretty girl I just wanted you to know how lucky I am to have met you, look at you sleepin' all sweet and beautiful, you are perfect. I just wanted you to know that that guy before me was an idiot for letting you go and cheating on you, come on! you're a ten plus I'm so sorry he felt the need to go find someone else there is no better person on this world than you you are perfect and beautiful I love everything about you....I can't wait to see you in the morning cause I'm going to  treat you like the queen you deserve to be my queen look forward to being spoiled rotten and getting everything you've ever dreamed of baby, cause that's my mission besides the ghosts, I'm gonna be the best husband ever in the history of husbands I'll let you win in fights even if it's my fault, from here on out you are going to be loved and cherished so damn much that people wish they had an ounce of our love yah love i said it I LOVE YOU only you well Gracie too but the only woman besides my mom and sister that i drank a lot sorry I'll do better not to do that anymore. just remember that you are always going to be my girl, no matter what, I'll take care of you I'll always protect you because I've been in love with you since that day at the shelter and the way you took care of those animals and then came and cried to me about how bad they had it well, i knew i was done going out to find the woman of my dreams you are always in them when i see you i have them damn nightmares they're taking you away from me and then i go see you and it all just goes away you're my angel my light in this darkness shit I'm talking a lot well look bottom line is that i love you (your first and middle name) Bagans  and I'm never going to stop I'm tired now goodnight" he smiles and the camera moves and he lays behind you you see yourself sleeping and then rolling over and hugging him "love you" you hear yourself mumble and seeing him smile again and it goes black again.

You wipe your eyes smiling "how the hell am I going to fix this mess" you sighed and laid back for a few minutes to collect yourself. After a few minutes of laying there you get up and made sure your eyes had sunglasses on and you made your way down to the elevator. As it opened there was Zak and jay getting ready to set up the floor you were just on, you waved to them and let them come out and you walked in getting a look from Zak you knew he knew you've been crying so you covered "The sun is bugging me getting a headache I'll be fine after some aspirin" you tell him and bite your lip softly and go and hug him tight "I'm sorry I'm such a bitch to you" you say and get back into the elevator and push the button and went down to base camp.

As you got out of the elevator you took the glasses off and went and sat down by ash and took your aspirin and leaned back just wanting to go back to bed you wanted to fill her in but Zak radioed to Billy and Aaron that they'd be starting soon. As him and Jay came back, he watched him look over the camera angles and one didn't seem right, so he was going to ask Aaron to go but you volunteered to go for him. You grabbed a radio and headed to the floor you were on before with Ashley. once there it felt a lot more creepy and heavy but you ignored it and headed to the camera and found it. 

"OK where do you want it?" you asked 

"little to the left" Zak radioed

"OK." you said and did so

"There! great!" he radioed and you gave him the thumbs up to the camera and started walking back when you started feeling funny, like a rush of something pushed you into the wall, you stumbled and caught yourself so you didn't fall but you quickly knelled down and held your head feeling very dizzy and started feeling the need to breath faster beginning to panic you felt shaky and just wanted it to stop. 

"Stop stop stop IT!" you yelled trying not to cry because you were freaked out and all you wanted was for it to stop and Zak so you yelled his name hoping he'd hear you

"ZAK!!!!" you yelled and he was there in what felt like forever but was only a minute or so. as you felt alone and surrounded by a hundred people in one tiny space it was a hall way but felt like you were in a tiny closet.


Myself and Jay were fixing up the static night vision cameras and making sure all the leads were in properly. The last thing I wanted was a camera outage because of a loose wire.

Trust me. It's happened..

"Hey is Y/N okay?" Jay asked.

 "Yeah, I think so." I replied, not knowing how true that was.. Jay was quiet so he noticed the dynamics of the group quicker. Aaron was observant and often picked up the atmosphere, but Jay was a league ahead with noticing if something is up, I put it down to watching us on camera throughout the night so much. 

"She just seems.. I don't know... Off?" He replied.

Ash came down as I moved to another room to set up Jay took Ash to where we decided a decent shot would be.

I set up the camera and radioed Billy. 

"How's it looking Bill?"

"All good bro." He radioed back.

Jay rejoined me a few minutes later as we headed up to the floor Y/N was on. "Listen about y/n..." Jay began, but the doors opened and stood there was Y/N. 

She waved us off and swapped places, taking a step into the lift. I noticed she looked a little redder on the face and just under her sunglasses I could tell the furious wiping of her eyes.

"The sun is bugging me, getting a headache. I'll be fine after some aspirin." She said before I had even a chance to question it. 

I knew Y/N knew I had seen the soreness of her cheeks just under her eyes.

She pulled me into a hug and I wasted no time in burying my face into her neck, taking in her perfume. 

"I'm sorry I'm such a bitch to you." She mumbled before letting me go.

 Y/N stepped back onto the lift and pressed the button. I held her eye and in that moment my heart hit the pit of my stomach.. Which had fallen out from behind me.

 Or at least it felt like it.

The metal door cut our eye contact and it marked our friendship. In that single moment it marked it all between us, our friendship, our bond... Our closeness. 

She had just lied to me, lied to my face and I knew it. I had seen the lie and she knew by giving me a hug to try and mask it?

I felt deceit and betrayal by her. Why was she lying?! To me? Out of everyone she felt the need to lie to me?!

"Zak?" Jay spoke breakingmy glare at the metal doors.

"S-sorry." I shook myself and turned my attention back to work.

It proved a lot harder and eventually a camera tripod brought it to a head.

"Damn it!" I shouted, kicking it to the floor.

"Woah bro, what's up?"

"This stupid tripod!"

"No, I mean, what's wrong? You know how to do theses. Something is bothering you." He answered, setting it up instantly.

"Did you see that?!" I gestured to the elevator.

"See what?"


"What about her?"

"She lied to me. She lied to my face."

"W-when?" Jay frowned stopping.

"About the sun. It's not about the sun at all and I could tell. Something is wrong and she's pushing me away bro. Did she say anything to ash?"

"Nah, not a dime.."

I let out a frustrated breath and tried to concentrate harder on the task in hand. I radioed Billy letting him know that I wanted to start soon...

Mainly so I could go and have it out with Y/N at the hotel after.

Once the last camera was set up we headed back to base. I checked the cameras over before tapping the radio antenna against the screen.

"Hmm.. I don't like the look of that one." I spoke to myself.

"What's up with it?" Billy asked.

"Needs to be moved slightly, don't worry, I'll ask Aar-"

"I'll go!" Y/N jumped up and grabbed a radio leaving base.

 I watched Y/N almost scarper from base and head up to fix the camera to a better angle. I fixed my eyes on the cameras waiting for Y/N to make an appearance. Sure enough, she did looking a lot more nervous.

"Does she look afraid to you?" Billy asked.

"Yeah bro, I just thought that." I responded.

She went up to the camera and began fiddling around with it. I knew she would be pinning the wire back under the tripod to stop any of us falling. Something she had always done.

"Okay where do you want it?" Y/N radioed.

"Little to the left." I replied.

"Okay." The camera moved slowly until I was happy with it.

"There, great." I radioed back. 

She had a thumbs up and started to head back. I turned my back and began setting up my camera as Aaron fiddled around with his. 

I planned on using the SLS camera and the video goggles. I hadn't used it in a while and some of the fans kept asking for me to use them. 

"Bro." Billy said. 

"Yeah?" I asked clicking the case closed.

"Stop! Stop! Stop it!" I heard Y/N shout. My eyes snapped to the screen as I pushed my camera on Billy.

"What's wrong with her?!"

"I- I don't know!"

"ZAAAAAAK!"My blood ran cold and I bolted for the elevator. Hitting the button repeatedly as they shouted at me to take the stairs. I ran for the stairs, taking two at a time until I fell through the door to where Y/N was curled up on the floor holding her head.

"MAKE IT STOP!" She screamed. 

I fell onto the floor beside her holding her face up to look at me.

"It's alright! I'm here!"

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she cried, grabbing my wrists and squeezing her eyes closed. 

I watched and felt her body shaking under my hands.

"Look at me?! Please! Please look at me!" I shouted.

"I CAN SEE THEM! I CAN'T! I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT!" I watched her breathing pick up rapidly as she opened her eyes.

"No! No! No!!" Pushing my hands off her faces she pulled me behind her.


 "Y/N!" I shouted.

 "We need to leave! We need to go! Now! Now Zak now!!" She screamed, running to the stairs and leaving the room.

"No Y/N!" I shouted. 

I pulled myself up quickly and raced to the door as she screamed. I pushed open the door to find Y/N tumbling down them and trying to grab the stair rail beside her. 

I watched almost frame by frame as her head met solid concrete with a solid and cringing thud.

"Y/N!!!!"I raced down the stairs shaking as I knelt down beside her.

"Y/N? Y/N? Speak to me! AARON!!" I yelled. I touched her head and felt the  wetness, I pulled it away and found my hand covered with blood.

 "CALL AN AMBULANCE!!" I yelled as Aaron came rushing over.

"Oh god, oh god, oh Y/N.." I whispered, looking at my hand and her head as her blood slowly seeped across the floor.

I didn't know what to do! I couldn't move her or touch her! I just had to watch her lying there unconscious..


I paced the hospital corridor looking at the door they took her through. 

"Bro just sit do-"

"I can't sit down! Don't tell me to sit down! I can't. I need to know she's okay!" I snapped at Aaron.

"Take it easy." He held up his hands.

"Keep it down or you'll get kicked out." Billy said, making me sit down and scratch at my head in frustration.

"Why haven't they told me anything yet?" I asked amongst them.

"Just be patient.. She's in the best place."

Minutes may as well have been hours as went up to the nurses station constantly asking for updates. 

They had no answers and I slammed my hand down on the desk before walking away.

"Bro, I need to tell you something." Aaron said as I sat down.

"Not now."

"It's important.."

"Is it more important than Y/N being in hospital?" I asked looking at him.

He went quiet.

"I'm sorry Aaron but I mentally can't think of anything else apart from her being in that bed."

"Bro... You're her husband?"

I gasped and looked at Aaron grabbing his shaven head and kissing it.


I ran back to the nurses station.

"I'm her husband! Please?!"

"Her husband?" The nurse asked.


 She narrowed her eyes and went through the records as I gave her my name.

"We just got married, she has a chain on her neck. It had her ring on it!"

The nurse nodded as she looked at her notes.

"Let me find a doctor and I'll see what we can do, I know it's infuriating, but we have policies and I could lose my job over breaking them."

"I know, I'm sorry, but I'm desperate."

"Bear with me." She smiled and disappeared holding Y/N's file.

 I waited around looking at all the patients and nurses in blue uniform. They were rushed off their feet and I felt like a jerk for my behavior..

I looked at my hands still seeing the curves of blood in them. I had scrubbed my hands, but it was still there.

 "Mr Bagans?" A nurse asked.


"You can see your wife now.. Follow me please." She asked, walking away.

I passed the crew and gave Aaron a nod as he asked if I had got in. 

We stopped outside a room and the nurse puts antibacterial gel on her hands. I followed suit and rubbed it in seeing the blood slowly move from the grooves. 

"Shit."'I muttered, wiping them in my jeans and re-applied the gel.The nurse walked in and held the door open for me as I walked in rubbing it into my hands. 

I looked up and my heart dropped into my stomach. Y/N was laid in bed with a bandage wrapped around her head, she had a clip on her finger taking her heart rate. An IV was in the back of her hand pushing blood into her system.

"Y/N lost a lot of blood.." The nurse explained, noticing my eyes on the blood bag.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"She's stable." The nurse answered. I looked over to the her as she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"So she's not okay?"

"She's stable sir. The rest is up to Y/N. She took a terrible fall. It's a miracle her neck is not broken... I'll leave you alone." She answered going to step out the room.

"W-wait... What do I do?" I asked, feeling out of my depth.

"Talk to her. Sometimes it helps."

"Helps her?" I asked.

"Helps you.." She replied.

"It helps me just in case she doesn't wake up the same Y/n or even wakes up at all.." 

"Please stay positive, the outlook is good. Medically? She's on the best possible form of treatment she can have."

"She fell down the stairs... How can she be so.. So broke?"

"It was a terrible accident, was anyone else with her? The force suggests she may have been pushed..."

"I was the only person with her..." The penny dropped between us. "I would never.. Never! Hurt her. She was out the room before I even had a chance to get off the floor.."

"I'm not suggesting anything sir. Please don't be offended."

"I wouldn't hurt her." I answered sternly.

"I understand.. The bruising on her arms and face is from the fall. Try not to let them upset you.." The nurse answered before leaving the room.

I looked back at Y/N, a part of me wanted to leave the room, but a bigger part that felt like my heart made me walk over and take a seat beside her. I picked up her hand and held it between mine taking in the bruising which laid under her skin, the swelling of her face where she must have come into contact with the steps.

My heat broke in two as I leaned forward and kissed her hand.

"H-hey you." I began feeling stupid for even trying to speak to her in this condition.

"You're in hospital, you, you fell down the stairs at the hotel.. You're banged up pretty good." I dropped her hand and stood up heading for the door.

 I couldn't do this.. I wasn't strong enough to do this, she needed someone else...But she screamed for me.

"Sit down Zak." I spoke to myself and turned going back to the seat. I sat back down and picked up her hand blinking back the water in my eyes.

"You fell down the stairs sweetie.. You're all cut and bruised, your face.." I allowed myself to break only whilst Y/N was out and I was alone.

"Your beautiful face... I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't hold onto you long enough, hard enough and I'm sorry I let you go. I'm so scared right now.." I whispered, wiping a tear from my eye.

"You have to be okay, you just have to be.. I want my best friend back. I want my only girl back. I'll do anything. I swear I'll do anything just to have you awake and talking right now.." 

I looked at the machines beside her and the blood slowly going into her system. 

"I need you to wake up, I need to tell you something... I need to tell you that I have all these feelings inside me and I don't know what to do with them. I don't know if I should trust them or if I should shut them off and forget about them? I need your advice... You give the best advice... You always have. I want to talk to you about the RV, when you went to sleep in Aaron's bunk. Why did you want to keep me away? Why are you pushing me away Y/N? I want to be beside you, I do, but I don't understand why there's this rock between us now. At the hotel you slept on the couch... Why? Sleeping next to me isn't that bad is it? Does the thought of me being beside you, make you that upset that you'll sleep uncomfortably? That you'd rather be in pain the next day, then to sleep by my side? And at the hotel.. You lied, I swear, I swear y/N in all the years I've known you, you have never lied to me and yet you did.. Straight to my face and I saw it. I saw your lie. Why did you lie?!" I raised my voice and bit my bottom lip hard to stop myself from shouting at her, I needed to calm myself down."How can I trust any of these feelings if you're lying to me? Lying to my face? You know I'd do anything for you. I'd cross the world if you needed me for crying out loud Y/N I feel betrayed! I looked down at my hand, looking at my ring on my index finger."You know I had to lie, well not lie, but I had to tell the nurses you were my wife just so that I could get in here and see you..." I wiped my face and looked back at her purple and blue face."I had to tell them I was your husband. Just to see your face, because I was that scared! I don't care if you're tired right now.. You open your fucking eyes and speak to me!" I put my head into my hands breaking down at her bedside, the thought of Y/N never waking up scared me. All I had was memories going around in my head of us laughing and joking. "If this is about the divorce..." I stopped looking at her."If this this about that then I'll tear the forms up. Can you hear me?! I'll tear them up, just wake up, wake up and tell me everything is going to be okay... Because I think I'm falling for you and the idea of being so close and now so far from what we could be is killing me Y/N. Tell me what I'm suppose to feel right now? Tell me that you feel something as well, that this isn't wasted because my head is so confused.. I'm falling in love with you Y/N and a part of me is terrified to think what could happen with our friendship. But another part of me is saying fuck it. Run with it all and imagine a happy ever after if that's what you want because I swear you can have anything you want! Because...." I shook my head at what my heart was telling me, I couldn't believe it myself."Because I'm falling in love with you Y/N..." I whispered kissing her hand and keep my lips against the back of her hand....

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