The Three Hottest Guys In Sch...

By ThisSideOfSuicide

51.8K 932 201


The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 1
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 2
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 3
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 4
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 5
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 6
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 7
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 8
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 9
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 11
The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 12

The Three Hottest Guys In School Like Me... It's Just My Luck They're Not Human -- part 10

4.1K 74 19
By ThisSideOfSuicide


I woke up to a massive headache, with a tube sticking out my wrist. I shuddered, hating the fact that there was a tube inside of me. I got squeamish at tiny little things like that. The hospital was empty, and besides the beeping of the machine I was connected to, there was silence. I slowly pulled the white sheets off of me and stood up. I looked at my wrist, hating what I was about to do, but there was no way I was going to stay here. I slowly pulled the tube out, wincing from the pain that suddenly soared through my body, but steadying my hand enough to get it out. Blood started to drip from the wound, but I found a bandage large enough to cover it and tied it around my wrist. There were a few wires attached to my skin, but I was relieved to find out they were only pressed against the skin and didn't actually go into me. I pulled them off and turned around to see a dark figure standing in the doorway, smirking at me.

"Can I help you?" I said, a bit hesitantly. He leant against the doorframe and smiled, suddenly making my headache disappear. He walked towards me and took my hand, which sent tingles down my spine. But something wasn't right here. I snatched my hand away from him and he looked at me, confused.

"You're Ambrosia Moore, right?" I nodded, trying to get a clear view in my head of what I could do if this guy turned out to be some psycho maniac. "Your father sent me to get you." I suddenly remembered everything I had heard last night. Had it been a dream? Or did the nurse really say I was... the devil's daughter? I had a feeling it was something I wasn't supposed to hear.

"I... I'm not sure. I mean-" I heard a noise out in the corridor, and the guy looked at me, panic on his face. I managed to steal a glance at his eyes, black but not with the sparks of color like with Damien and Jayden. There was a comforting feature in his eyes, and trust seemed to overwhelm me. That sense that something was off came back, but it wasn't as strong as before.

"You know... I think it's about time you and me got out of here." I looked up at him and he looked down at me, sending another rush of "trust". But this time it didn't work.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you're controlling my feelings. I'm not gonna trust you if you do that." He looked down at me, eyes wide.

"How the hell..."

"I could feel you doing it." He looked at me and grabbed my arm and pulled me through the labyrinth of corridors, to which I let him do, but there was something in the back of my head, repeating one word over and over. "Demon..." I whispered, staring at the man in front of me. "What's your name?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm Tristan." But he looked ahead, barely stealing a glance at me. I was getting angry at being dragged around everywhere and I could feel my eyes changing, to what color I didn't know, but it scared me. I started to feel cold, ice cold, but it wasn't uncomfortable. "Ow! Damn, what the hell?" Tristan said, letting go of my arm and looking at his hand. "What did you just do?!"

"I'm sick of being dragged around! Tell me where we're going and then I'll decide if I actually wanna go!" He looked me up and down and muttered something under his breath. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I said for God's sake I hope Jonathan has a great time getting you under control!" My face must have dropped, because he realized he had said too much. "Damn! How the hell are you doing this? You can resist me controlling your emotions, which only a demon can do! You can change temperature to the extremes without feeling it yourself, which only a vampire can do! Your eyes are burning white at the moment, which only an angel can do! And yet you can get people to listen to you by just saying something, a trait only seen in the Elders!" I looked at the floor, contemplating everything he'd just said.

"I'm not sure either..." I thought about it and then he grabbed me, and someone else gagged me as I tried to scream. My hands were tied together, so I couldn't struggle away from the people who were holding me. Someone blindfolded me so I just tried to listen in on what was happening.

"What the hell, Jonathan?" This guy said what the hell a lot... "I could have handled this!"

"Yeah, sure looked like it too. Sorry to interrupt your little tea party but we actually have somewhere to be!" Jonathan, whoever he was, sounded amazing, his velvety voice echoing through my mind as I longed to hear it again. I felt a prick in my arm and suddenly everything went blank.


"I'm sorry, what was that?" Crap, she had heard me. I decided I would keep silent, and see if she'd let it go, but there was something in my head saying over and over, 'Tell me...' almost a whisper. But I recognized it to be her voice. I refused the thought, but my mouth opened on it's own.

"I said for God's sake I hope Jonathan has a great time getting you under control!" What?! Did I just tell her about Jonathan? I looked at her to see her eyes were pure white... it just didn't make any sense! "Damn! How the hell are you doing this? You can resist me controlling your emotions, which only a demon can do! You can change temperature to the extremes without feeling it yourself, which only a vampire can do! Your eyes are burning white at the moment, which only an angel can do! And yet you can get people to listen to you by just saying something, a trait only seen in the Elders!" She looked at me, her eyes turning back to her usual color, but they were filled with pain. I wanted to comfort her, but I wasn't sure how, and I could feel Jonathan's presence from here.

"I'm not sure either..." She said, at the same time Jonathan pushed the thought 'grab her!' into my mind. I did as I was told, not wanting to suffer as the last servant did and grabbed her by the arm as Jonathan appeared from the shadows - a trait I would never get used to - and gagged her. He threw me a piece of rope and I tied her wrists together, whilst he used a cloth to blindfold her.

"What the hell, Jonathan?" I shouted, as he got out a small syringe and filled it with a liquid I didn't recognize. "I could have handled this!"

"Yeah, sure looked like it too. Sorry to interrupt your little tea party but we actually have somewhere to be!" He shoved the needle into Amber's arm and I flinched. I'd never done well with needles. I watched as Amber fell limp, but it was almost unbearable to see. She was beautiful, even after spending the night in hospital. "Come on, Lucifer won't wait forever. He said he wants to see her, dead or alive."

"Dead or alive?! It's HIS daughter!" Jonathan's head snapped up to meet my gaze and I slowly nodded. How could he not know that?

"We need to be careful with her then. You can carry her." I sighed and shook my head, but slowly picked her up and followed Jonathan out to the car. There was no one around, and I wondered what threats he had used to clear the area. I put her in the back and leant down to kiss her cheek. The corner of her mouth twitched as I did so and I secured her into the seat and went to the driver's seat. Jonathan got in next to me and I started the car, as silence filled the atmosphere the whole way.

We pulled up outside Lucifer's mansion and I carried Amber up the staircase that led to where Lucifer was. Jonathan went to his room, for reasons unknown to me, and left me to handle the devil myself. I knocked on the large oak door and waited for the response.

"Come in." I walked in, put Amber down in front of him and bowed. I felt his strong presence, but it didn't match Amber's in the slightest. "Tristan, you brought her. I trust there was no trouble on the way?"

"No trouble sir, but Jonathan felt the subject needed a stronger persuasion. He sedated her." I looked down at her body and she moved, slowly groaning.

"Untie her," Lucifer commanded, and once again I followed demands, getting tired of the same routines. She looked up at me and looked confused, before turning to her father. An emotion flickered across her face, a mix of pain, anger and... fear? She strode up to Lucifer, looking him in the eye.

"Thanks for the heads up on being the leader of the underworld... dad." Her words were dripping with venom, and Lucifer looked surprised that she would talk to him like that. I knew I was.

"You will not speak to me like that!" He screamed, his voice rumbling through the hall.

"You left me! You lied to me and mom! You're not even my real dad!" I saw Lucifer's eyes turn red, and he stood up. He used his power to throw Amber back onto the floor, and she screamed out when her body made contact with the stone floor.

"That imposter you used to call dad was an angel. Someone sent him to get more info on my family! I couldn't let him do that. I killed him. And sent Nicholas to replace him. Luckily your mother was persuaded easily."

"You're CONTROLLING her?" He looked up at her and nodded, an evil smile covering his face.

"Now, about your betrothal." Her eyes widened and I stood up, walking towards her and taking her hand to comfort her.

"You haven't told her yet?" She turned to me, tears already forming in her eyes. I couldn't bear to see her like this, but I couldn't fall for another of Lucifer's subjects.

"What? Told me what, Tristan?"

Okay, you guys I am SO SO sorry that I haven't posted in forever! Writers block, homework, school and feeling ill are my excuses :(

anyways, here's the long awaited chapter ten! PLEASE vote, comment, become a fan and tell your friends, whatever makes you happy! :L


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