Love in Jeopardy

By liseyboo

114K 5.4K 148

Can love conquer all? Find out what happens when a workaholic lawyer meets a beautiful artist. Will their lov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16

4.2K 240 9
By liseyboo

As the weeks went by, Taryn found herself losing track of time when she was in her studio. She entered a productive phase which helped her overcome her anguish over Gideon's busy schedule. Sometimes Gideon would come home from work and find Taryn working hard on one of her paintings. He seemed glad to see her being so productive, but he did make a few comments about being jealous of her ability to lose herself in her work. Taryn tried hard not to neglect the housework; sometimes Gideon had to cook or bring dinner home because she was still working in her studio.

One night they were eating Chinese food when Gideon asked Taryn if she was excited about their trip to see his parents.

"Of course," she replied, smiling. "I can't believe Easter is here already. The time has gone by quickly."

"It sure has," Gideon agreed. "I'm so happy to have four days off in a row. It's going to be great."

Taryn knew how rare it was for Gideon to have that much time off. She wondered if he was going to bring his laptop with him.

"Are we flying or driving down to Vancouver?" she asked.

"We may as well drive," Gideon answered. "The weather should be nice enough."

Taryn nodded as she chewed on a mouthful of rice.

"I bet my mom has already planned out the whole weekend," Gideon said, chuckling.

"I spoke to her yesterday," Taryn replied. "She seems really excited about spending some time with us."

"I'll be glad to get out of town for a few days," Gideon said. "Does Kim need you to pick up anything while we're down there?"

"No, but I need to find an outfit to wear for her rehearsal dinner," Taryn answered.

"My mom should be able to help you with that," Gideon said, smiling.

Taryn grinned and looked down at her plate. If Mary was anything like Kim, she was in for a marathon shopping expedition.


Gideon and Taryn left town the following Friday morning. The roads were in good condition and they had an easy drive down to Vancouver. Gideon was light-hearted as he drove, making Taryn laugh with his silly lawyer jokes. Taryn was happy to see him so carefree for a change. She wished things could always be like that, but Gideon's schedule wouldn't allow it.

Taryn was surprised to see how green everything was when they got to Vancouver. Spring flowers were in bloom and everything looked fresh and colorful. When they got to Claude and Mary's house, Taryn noticed the beautiful garden in the front yard.

"Wow! It sure looks different than it did at Christmas," Taryn said, as Gideon parked the SUV.

"My mom prides herself on having a garden she can showcase," Gideon replied. "Wait until you see the back yard."

They were greeted enthusiastically by Gideon's parents.

"I'm so glad to see you," Mary said, giving Taryn a big hug.

"It's great to be here," Taryn replied.

"How was the drive?" asked Claude.

"Pretty good," Gideon answered. "The traffic wasn't too bad."

They went into the house where Mary had lunch waiting for them. Taryn felt spoiled already. Mary sure liked cooking for people.

"This salad is delicious," Taryn said, smiling at Mary.

"Thank you, dear," Mary replied. "I have a big dinner planned for tonight."

"Oh, Mom, you didn't go overboard, did you?" Gideon asked.

"Of course not, dear," Mary said. "You know how I love to feed my family."

"She went overboard," Gideon muttered to Taryn, making her giggle.

They had a nice visit while everyone ate. It was decided that they would go out for dinner the following night. Gideon and Claude were going golfing the next day and Mary wanted to take Taryn shopping.

"It will be a fun girls' day," Mary said, smiling at Taryn.

"Since we're planning the weekend, how about we do the scavenger hunt on Sunday?" Gideon suggested.

"Sounds good," Claude replied. He explained to Taryn that the family did a scavenger hunt every year at Easter and one person got a surprise gift at the end.

"How about we surprise Taryn this year?" Gideon asked, winking at Taryn.

"That's not necessary," Taryn said, blushing.

"Of course it is," Claude insisted. "This is your first Easter with us. You should be part of our family's tradition."

"Okay." Taryn couldn't really argue with that. She'd never done a scavenger hunt before, but it sounded like fun.


The following day Mary took Taryn to Metrotown mall so they could go shopping while the guys went and played golf. Shopping with Mary was different than shopping with Kim. Mary wasn't obsessed with shoes, for one thing. And she found lots of outfits for Taryn to try on. Taryn barely left the dressing room. It was awesome having someone bring the clothes to her.

She found several nice summer outfits that would work for Kim's rehearsal dinner. She had a hard time deciding on one because that's all she could afford.

Mary could see what a struggle Taryn was having and offered to buy the other outfits for Taryn.

"I can't let you do that," Taryn argued, feeling ashamed.

"Too late. I insist," Mary said, brandishing her credit card. "You look wonderful in all of them. It would be a shame for you not to have them. Consider it an Easter gift from Me and Claude. I was going to get you something, anyway."

Taryn realized it was useless to argue with Mary. Now she knew where Gideon got it from.

Taryn thanked Mary as they left the shop loaded down with bags.

"You're welcome, dear," Mary said. "Let's go have lunch."

Once they were seated in a restaurant and had ordered lunch, Mary asked Taryn how her work was going. Taryn told her about her recent productivity and how much it helped her to stay busy.

"It's important for you to have something of your own," Mary said, taking a sip of water. "You don't want to wait around for Gideon all the time."

Taryn nodded, looking at her glass of water.

"I think Gideon is a workaholic," she said softly, almost afraid to say the word.

Mary nodded, sighing.

"I was afraid of that happening. He's just like his father. I hope you can help keep work from taking over his life."

"I'm trying, but he's in the middle of a big case right now."

"Oh, he'll always have something big he's working on," Mary said dismissively. "Claude is the same way. You need to make sure Gideon takes time for himself."

"He seems happy to have time off," Taryn said. "I wish it could always be this way."

"I know, dear," Mary said, patting her hand. "That's why you have to make the most of it when it happens. I have thirty years' experience dealing with a workaholic. If ever you need someone to talk to, you can always phone me. I'll understand."

Taryn said she would. She felt comfortable talking to Mary. It was nice to have someone to confide in.

After lunch they went for a manicure and then did some more shopping. Taryn was exhausted by the time they went back home.

Luckily, they had time to rest before dinner. Taryn modeled some of her outfits for Gideon. He liked them all.

"You look like you've lost some weight," Gideon said in a concerned tone of voice.

Taryn shrugged.

"I've been preoccupied with work a lot lately," she said.

"Well, you're skinny enough already," Gideon replied. "We'll just have to fatten you up a bit."

Taryn scoffed.

"That won't be a problem this weekend. Have you seen the meals your mom makes?"

Gideon chuckled.

"I'm glad you like my mom's cooking."

"She's amazing," Taryn said. "I wish I could be more like her."

"I like you just the way you are," Gideon said in a serious tone. "Don't change anything."


That evening they went to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Taryn was glad Mary would get a break from cooking because she was planning a big turkey dinner for the following day.

It was good to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of the restaurant. Gideon seemed unusually quiet. Maybe he was upset because his dad had beaten him at golf. Taryn didn't think he was that competitive, though. Maybe he was tired.

"Are you worried about work?" Taryn asked.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"You just seem quiet," Taryn replied.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"That's what women like to do, son," Claude said, chuckling. "They love to fuss over everything."

"That's not true," Mary said in an offended tone.

Claude and Mary discussed the nature of women versus men for quite a while until they realized the others weren't participating in the conversation.

"I hope you don't mind that we argue a little bit," Claude said to Taryn. "It keeps us on our toes."

"I'm not very good at arguing," Taryn replied. "I always lose."

Gideon disagreed.

"Don't sell yourself short," Gideon said. "You keep me on my toes."

Taryn giggled. Most of their arguments ended with them going to bed together. She didn't think it was prudent to tell Claude and Mary that.

They discussed the weather and current events until their food arrived.


The following morning Taryn had to stay in the kitchen with Mary while Gideon hid the scavenger hunt clues outside. (Whoever wrote the clues had to hide them). Taryn asked Mary if Gideon was always the person who wrote the clues.

"Not always," Mary replied. "Sometimes Claude or I will do it. It depends on who it getting the gift at the end. I guess Gideon wanted to do it this year."

"Is it hard to figure out?" Taryn asked.

"It shouldn't be. I'll go with you to help if you need it," Mary offered.

"All set, son?" Claude asked, when Gideon came back inside.

"Here you go," Gideon said, handing Taryn a small folded piece of paper. "Have fun."

"What's the prize at the end? A chocolate Easter bunny?" she asked.

"It's a surprise," Gideon answered, winking at her.

Taryn unfolded the first clue: "At the end of the driveway large and bright/the standard will shine most every night."

"Oh, I know where that is!" Taryn exclaimed. "It's the light post at the end of the driveway."

"That's right," Gideon answered. "That's where you'll find the next clue."

Taryn and Mary went outside to find the second clue. It led them to some roses on the side of the garden. Taryn was glad Mary was with her because she didn't know the yard very well. Each clue was fun to interpret. The hunt took them through the garden to the back of the house. There was another huge garden with a quaint gazebo in the middle of the lawn.

"Wow, Mary, your yard is incredible," Taryn said as she stopped to gaze at the plants.

"Thank you, dear. I work hard on it," Mary replied.

Finally they found the last clue: "At the gazebo you will find a special wrap to tie behind. Then get ready for your surprise/You will need to cover your eyes."

Taryn went to the gazebo. On the bench was a scarf.

"I think you're supposed to be blindfolded," Mary said as Taryn sat down on the bench.

"Oh. Okay," Taryn replied, curious as to what her surprise might be.

Mary helped Taryn tie the scarf on like a blindfold.

"Now what do I do?" Taryn asked.

"I think you wait for your surprise," Mary answered jovially. "It shouldn't take long."

Taryn sat quietly for a moment. She had enjoyed the scavenger hunt. Her curiosity about the surprise was killing her.

Taryn thought she heard some whispering and then it sounded like someone came into the gazebo.

Taryn heard Mary say, "Okay, Taryn. You can take off the blindfold."

Taryn untied the scarf and removed it from her head.

At first she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. For kneeling in front of her, in a tuxedo, was Gideon. He was so handsome he took her breath away.

"Gideon? What's going on?" Taryn asked, mystified.

Gideon smiled, his eyes intense on hers. He reached into his pocket and took out a small jeweler's box. 

Taryn gasped and brought her hands up to her mouth. She was in shock.

"Taryn, I knew you were special the moment I met you," Gideon began. "I never dreamed I could be so happy, so in love. You're everything I ever wanted and so much more than I expected. I love you now and always will. Please say you'll marry me and make me the happiest man in the world."

Taryn was overwhelmed. She felt tears in her eyes as she digested Gideon's words. He lover her! He truly loved her.

Gideon opened the box. Inside was the most beautiful ring Taryn had ever seen. She gasped again, not quite believing what was happening. Suddenly, she was nodding and said, "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you."

Gideon smiled and removed the ring from the box. He slid it on her finger. Then he kissed her. His kiss was deep, soul touching. He put his arms around her and held her close. She never wanted him to let her go.

Claude and Mary were waiting to congratulate them. They hugged them both.

"I'm so happy for you," Mary said as she hugged Taryn. "I've always wanted a daughter and now I'll have you."

Taryn wiped the tears from her cheeks as she smiled.

"Gideon sure knows how to surprise me," Taryn said. "It must have been hard for you guys to keep it a secret."

"Gideon thought the scavenger hunt would be a good way to propose," Claude said. "He's been planning this for weeks."

"Weeks?" Taryn exclaimed. She was certainly surprised. She had no idea that Gideon was going to propose. But she was happy that he had. Now she knew why he'd been so quiet the night before. He must have been nervous.

"I think Taryn is still in shock," Gideon said, putting his arm around her. She leaned in to hug him, not quite believing he was now her fiance.

"We'll leave you two lovebirds alone for a bit," Claude said, leading Mary toward the house.

Taryn and Gideon went inside the gazebo and sat on the bench. Gideon held Taryn's hand, caressing her fingers.

"I hope you like the ring," Gideon said. "I can exchange it if you like."

Taryn looked at her left hand. It was strange seeing a ring on her finger, but she loved it.

"I think it's gorgeous," she replied. "I love it."


"I love you," she said shyly.

He looked in her eyes and said, "I love you, too." He caressed her cheek.

"You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say those words," she stated.

"I'll say them every day if you want," Gideon said, shrugging. "Maybe even twice a day."

Taryn giggled.

"Actions speak louder than words, sometimes, don't you think?" he murmured.

Taryn nodded. He'd obviously gone to a lot of trouble to propose to her.

"Still, it's nice to hear you say them every once in a while," she answered.

Gideon chuckled and put his arm around her.

They sat and talked for a while longer until it started to rain and they had to go inside the house.

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