A Gypsy Wish (Genie X Male OC)

By Katknightmare

105K 3.3K 441

A Gypsy moving across the world and soon end up in Agra-bah, what happens when he bumps into a now brother li... More

The Traveling Gypsy
New Home?
Fitting In
Things Are Not Always What They Seem
The Cave Of Wonders
The Lamp
Foreign Prince's
History and a Parade!
Be Yourself.
A Gypsy's Secret
This is War
A Gypsy's Wish
The Road So Far
Start Of The Second
Feast Of Fools
nothing in the world quite like a friend
Lies Break Bread
Cooling Down
Quite Talk


5.2K 165 4
By Katknightmare

Aladdin, Abu, and I were all on our way home. I thought a song might be in favor, after all he seems down.

"Riff raff...

street rat...

I don't buy that. If only they'd look closer."

After that one verse, Aladdin seemed to perk up at it. I continued and started again.

"Would they see a poor boy?

No sir-ee."

Abu hopped up onto his bed and slid off his hat. I just stood by and watched as Aladdin tucked him in and leaned out our window, looking at the beauty of the palace.

"They'd find out...

there's so much more...

to me....To us."

Aladdin took in a breath and told us:

"Someday Abu, Bisnik...things are going to change. We'll be rich...live in a palace...and never have any troubles at all." I walked up and laid my hand on Aladdin's shoulder. "We know Aladdin. We know you want a better life for us. Just try not to stress, okay?" I told him, "Yeah, and You gotta keep up the business, remember? How can you run from the guards if you're stressing over something as trivial as our future?" I added, as Aladdin let out a small smile and nodded. "Well, g'night bro." I said and walked away, "Goodnight Bisnik." Having said our good nights, and I walked to relax on a pile of stolen blankets. It was nothing special, but as a bed, it did its job. I took off my head scarf and started running a comb that was missing quite a few teeth through my hair. It was weird how I worked my hair.

I soon pulled out a stick from in the corner and started tracing designs in the dust on the floor. If there was one thing I missed doing, it was my art. I always was good at being creative, and winging things.


I walked around the streets of Agrabah the next day. I had finished our work early, acquiring a couple of hand fulls of dates for Aladdin, Abu, and myself. And now, I was just killing time 'til right about sunset, when I would go back and meet my brother.


Meanwhile, in Jarfar's lair (3rd Persons POV):

Jafar was standing by his invention, watching Iago create a storm. "With all due respect, Your Rottenness, couldn't we just wait for a real storm?" Iago asked. Jafar, in no mood for complaining, answered. "Save your breath, Iago. Faster!" He than placed the Sultan's ring in the invention. "Yes, O Mighty Evil One!" Iago said as he ran faster. A lightning bolt streaked through the ring, passing into the hourglass below and the sand begin to swirl. Jafar started saying the spell. "Ah, sands of time--reveal to me the one who can enter the cave." The sand in top formed the Cave of Wonders. It then fell through the connection of the hourglass and showed Aladdin, climbing up a ladder, followed by Jasmine who was covered in her cloak.

"Yes, yes!" Jafar growled out in glee. "There he is. My diamond in the rough!" Iago, of course, had to put in his two cents. "That's him?!?! That's the clown we've been waitin' for?" "Iago, QUIET!" Jafar exclaimed as the sands shifted again. "Well, well, this is unexpected."

The sands now showed Bisnik, walking around Agrabah. unaware of the greedy eyes that watched him. "It looks like I have two diamonds to fetch." Jafar said, "Great!" screamed Iago. "Now we have to pick up another one too-AH!!!!" Iago lost his footing and started swirling in the contraption. Jafar stayed completely stoic to what was happening to his assistant. "Let's have the guards extend them an invitation to the palace, shall we?" Iago went flying past him only to be slammed into the wall.

"Swell." He coughed out. Jafar let out sinister laughter as he left to fetch the guards.


Back in Agrabah (Bisnik's POV):

Time passed and before I knew it, it was time to go back to my home. When I got back, Aladdin was still not here, so I decided to just sit around and wait. I only waited a few minutes before I heard the voice of my brother. "Whoa...Watch your head there...Be careful!"

Soon his voice was joined with a more feminine one. "Is this where you live?" "Yep," he answered, "Just me, Abu and..." "Hey Aladdin!" I called from my perch on the window. I was leaning against the wall as Aladdin and a girl came into view. "Him." She looked from me to Aladdin questioningly. "This is my brother, Bisnik." As Aladdin introduced me. "Brother?" said the girl, still suspicious.

"Well, kinda." I said, deciding to help my poor bro out. "See, I'm not from around here and when I came here, I had no one and no place to stay. Aladdin helped me out and well...we've basically become a family." Jasmine smiled and looked to Aladdin, love in her eyes. "Sounds amazing."

"Yeah yeah, it was really nice." I said, hopping off my perch."Well, I'll get out of your way." she smiled at me and I left the two love birds alone. I walked out of our building. I didn't have time for mushy things, because at that moment my left arm was jerked back and pulled behind my body painfully, and a knife was held at my throat.

"Now no struggling, boy. Otherwise, I'll have to get rough." I heard a gravelly voice in my ear. I immediately froze. Something about this guy's voice told me that he WANTED to get rough. The two guards dragged me to an alley to await their captain and Aladdin. Suddenly, we heard screams and looked up in time to see Aladdin and the girl fall from the sky and land in a pile of salt; they started running only to run head-on into Razoul. "We just keep running into each other, don't we street rat?"

Abu pulled Razoul's turban down over his eyes and Aladdin and the girl tried to run, but to no avail. Our guards plus three others were blocking the exit out of the alleyway. Razoul threw Abu off his head and Aladdin was caught by the other three guards. "It's the dungeon for you, boy!" Razoul yelled at him. "Let go of me!" Aladdin responded. "Let go of all of them!" the girl yelled, pounding on Razoul's arm. Razoul laughed cruelly. "Look what we have here men! A Street Mouse." He threw the girl into the sand. She, unfazed, stood back up and pulled off her hood, revealing the jewel on her head. "Unhand them, by order of the Princess."

The guards froze. "Princess Jasmine!" exclaimed Razoul, bowing. The rest of the guards bowed, taking me with them. "The Princess?" asked Aladdin. I feigned confusion. "What are you doing outside the palace?" asked Razoul. "And with this Street Rat?" "That's none of your concern. Now do as I say: release them!"

"I would Princess, but my orders come from Jafar. You'll have to take it up with him." The guards started dragging us away. Aladdin struggled, I stayed still. I didn't struggle because one wrong move and my throat would've been cut.

'Ah how I knew things wouldn't last.' I sighed.

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