I will be loved! (BWWM)

By Storylover2016

80.9K 4.3K 1.2K

Sequel to I will never be loved! Danielle's life has changes dramatically in less then a year. She found the... More

Chapter One!
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Please read!
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Sixteen

2K 136 27
By Storylover2016

Danielle's Prov:

It was definitely a good time this weekend. Tabby came out of her bad mood and was actually really nice to Olivia in the end of it all. She actually included her in everything we did, and got to know her. I was happy that she put some effort into it, because other wise it would have been a really awkward weekend.

We were all sitting in the living room waiting for the boys to come back from their trip, just relaxing and talking.

"So Pen, what's going on with you and Dan?" I asked her as I raised my eyebrows some. I watched as she immediately blushed some and looked away from me.

"Nothing is going on."

"Oh come on, everyone can see that you and him have something going on. I mean the poor guy is always looking at you." Tabby said with a huge smile

"Yeah well nothing is ever going to happen." Penelope said in a small sad voice.

I looked at her questionably. "Why not?"

"Because whenever we are around one another we never talk. I mean I try to strike a conversation with him and all he does is ignore me. Or he starts saying some really weird stuff. I don't think he will ever get the nerve to ask me out." She explained to us.

"Are you serious?" I questioned her.

"Umm yeah?"

"Penelope it is the twenty first century. Now a days girls ask guys to marry them. So why in the world should you have to wait for him to ask you out. Why don't you go and ask him out instead of waiting for him to ask you out?" I questioned her.

She sighed as she looked over at me. "How in the world am I going to ask him out? I mean how does a girl go about asking a guy out."

"Probably the same way a guy goes about asking a girl out. When they get here, how about you go right up to Dan and ask him out?"

"I honestly don't think I would be able to do that. I mean I am all for female power and all, but I couldn't just go and ask him out, I would probably be just as nervous as he always is." She explained to us with a sigh.

"Well then I think you should make him jealous," Tabby said as she looked over at Penelope with a grin.

"You think I should make him jealous? Does that even work?"

"Yes it does, trust me if he likes you at all then him seeing you flirt with another guy will drive him completely crazy. "

"No, no, no that it not a good plan." I said interrupting their conversation.

"Oh and why is it not a good idea?" Tabby asked.

"Because messing with people's hearts does nothing but screw you over in the end. Look what happened between Luke, Ben and I. If you truly do like him, then just show him you are interested in him." I told her. I know all to well about messing with people's hearts and the consequences you have to deal with.

"I agree with Danielle. If you go and try to make Dan jealous all your going to do is deal with is all the lies it comes with. Just tell Dan how you feel about him. Or like try to spend more time with him." Olivia told her, I nodded my head at she spoke.

"Okay I am switching my vote, I have to agree with them. I mean yeah it would be super cool to have two guys fighting over you, but it really isn't the way to go. If you want to be with Dan, then just show him that you like him." Tabby explained to her. Both Olivia and I nodded our heads agreeing with her.

"Trust me having two guys be all over you, or interested in you is not as amazing as books make it seem. It is a lot of work." My words caused everyone to laugh.

"Yeah I honestly don't know how you managed to date them both, I can barely keep up with Greg half the time. There is no way I would be able to deal with another guy."

"Trust me Tabby it wasn't fun, I mean I am not happy that Luke and I's thing ended the way it did, but I am glad that it did end. Having to deal with all those dates, and making sure I kept up with both of them wasn't fun at all."

"Do you truly believe there is no future between you and Luke?" Olivia asked me. I shrugged my shoulders at her words.

"I mean there is just to much history between us. I will always care for Luke, but I don't know if it would ever work out again. And if I am being honest I don't deserve to be with Luke. He is an amazing guy and I ruined everything that we had. The trust we had there wouldn't be easy for me to earn back. " Olivia nodded her head at my words. "Plus I am with Ben, and I truly do love him. He's also an amazing guy and I put him threw so much. And Luke has you now." I said with a smile as I looked at her.

She gave me a small smile. "Umm yeah me and Luke definitely could be something." She said as she nodded her head some. I couldn't help but look at her questionably, she was acting beyond weird when she spoke about Luke and her.

"So when are you guys going to go on your first date?" Penelope asked her.

"Ummm I don't know we haven't really talked about it." Olivia confessed.

"Well why not?"

"I don't know I guess we're both afraid to take that next step she admitted." I felt myself feel sad some at her words. It has to suck to like someone and know that they like you as well, but not be able get to the next level. I sat there trying to think of what I could do to help her out, and then suddenly it came to me.

"I've got it!" I yelled as I stood up scaring everyone in the room.

"My god you crazy person you almost gave me a damn heart attack." Tabby said as she covered her heart with her hand trying to calm herself down.

"I'm sorry but I have an amazing idea. An idea so amazing that it is going to help more then one person with their problems." I explained with glee.

"Well girl don't you hold out on us, tell us what is on your mind?" Penelope said as she sat up some.

"Okay well first of all you want some time to get to know Dan better right?" I questioned her. She nodded her head at my words. I turned to look at Olivia. "And you and Luke haven't had your first date right?" Olivia nodded her head at my words as well. "So then why don't we have a four way date? I mean that way you get you time to know Dan well." I said to Penelope. "And you get your first date with Luke, it is the perfect plan." I couldn't help but smile at the idea.

"You know that does sound like an amazing Idea. I mean that way if any date goes wrong at least we have one another their to help each other out!" Penelope said with glee as she stood up.

"So what do I get out of this?" Tabby asked jokingly.

"Knowing that your best friend gets to finally go on a date with the guy she likes." Penelope answered.

"Ehhh good enough for me I am in."

"What about you Olivia? What do you think about it?" I asked her as I looked over at her.

"Umm I mean I don't know if Luke will be down for it. I mean we really haven't talked about out relationship yet. Maybe it isn't a good idea."

"No you see that is why it is a good idea. This will give you both a chance to see how you really feel about one another. To see if the chemistry you have is worth going after." I explained to her with happiness.

"I don't know..."

"Please just try, Luke deserves to be happy, and if that means going on a date with you then I just have to make that happen." I said to her causing her to look at me questionably. I sighed at her actions.

"I know Luke isn't as happy as he lets on. I know that he is drowning himself in his work, and when he is not with you or the guys he is locked away in his room. That isn't a life for him. I want him to be out there doing what any young man in their twenties should be doing, having fun. And he has fun with you, so please say you'll do it?" I begged her. She looked at me like she truly didn't know what she should do. "Please." I added on more time hoping she would say yes to me.

She let out a loud sigh and shock her head. "Okay fine I am in as well."

"Yes." I shouted as I jumped on her and hugged her. She squealed some as she caught me.

"Damn Danielle calm down, it's not that big of a deal." She said with a laugh as she hugged me back some.

I laughed at her words and moved off her slightly. The things was she didn't know how big of a deal it truly was for me. I really wanted to work things out with Luke, and if that meant getting him and Olivia together then that's what I needed to do. I needed to get Luke to be happy like I was, he truly deserved to be happy. I had to make this four way date perfect.

"I think the boys are here." Tabby said with excitement as she got up from her seat and walked to the door. We all followed her and went outside. The boys were indeed here but they didn't look very happy.

Tabby walked over to where Greg was and kissed him. "Hey baby how was the trip?" She asked him with a smile. He frowned at her question.

"Let's just say it was very eventful and leave it at that." He said to her. I guess he could tell she was going to ask more about it because he grabbed her to him and kissed her. I smiled at them and walked over to Ben who was putting his things in his truck. When he saw me he stopped putting his stuff into his truck and turned to smile at me.

"Hey babe." He said to me as he picked me up and twirled me around. He put me down and smiled at me. He then leaned down and kissed me deeply. I immediately responded to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Before I knew it I was being lifted and set down on the back of his truck. I smiled some and continued to kiss him. I could feel Ben getting excited which only made me more exited. I removed my arms from around him and reached under his arms to feel his beautiful body. I felt him shiver as I did so, and pulled me closer to him, he then squeezed my butt some. I moaned at his actions.

Before anything else could happen I felt Ben move away from me. I quickly opened my eyes to see Luke punching Ben hard in the face. I screamed loudly as he did so. I quickly got off the truck and moved over to Luke pushing him away from Ben.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." I yelled at him as I pent down to look at Ben. "Are you okay?" I asked him as I touched his face lightly, he flinched as I did so. "Sorry."

"It's okay baby, it's not you I have a problem with." He said to me as he looked past me to look at Luke who was standing there looking beyond pissed off.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked Luke as I helped Ben up and turned to face him.

"I can't do it. I can't stand and watch as this asshole lets you think he actually cares about you. I can't stand by and let him just play you like the player he truly is."

"What in the world are you talking about?" I questioned him.

"I am talking about the fact that Ben only went on a date with you because he was dared to. That's right your perfect Ben isn't as perfect as you thought. He is an asshole who plays with girls hearts. I am so sorry Danielle, I really wish it wasn't like this, or that I didn't say it. But you deserve to know the truth. " Luke said to me as he walked over to where I was and tried to hug me. I pushed him way from me hard.

"Are you kidding me, that is such a stupid reason to punch Ben."

"No it fucking isn't. The asshole played you Danielle. He has been playing you, how could you still be on his side? How could you be so calm about the fact that he played you?"

"Because I already fucking knew about the bet." I angrily explained to him.

Ben came up to me and side hugged me some. He shock his head at Luke. "Okay now I need to know what the fuck is going on." Luke said angrily.

"You see Luke I know you like the back of my hand. Like I said you would do anything to make Danielle crawl back into your arms, including break her heart." Ben said, his words confused me some though. I didn't know what was going on.

"I still don't know what is going on." Luke said to Ben.

"I told Danielle about the bet on our first date, I explained everything to her. Even about the five hundred dollars that I received. She helped me decide where to put the money, we donated it to a local orphanage in town." Ben explained to him.

I smiled at the thought, I remember how extremely mad I was when I found out, but how sweet Ben was when he explained everything. It was definitely a first date to remember. And it felt amazing giving the money to a good cause as well.

"So you fucking played me?" Luke said as he stepped forward some. Greg stepped in front of him stopping him from moving any closer.

"Yeah I did, because I knew you would try and ruin things between us. I knew you wouldn't even let me tell her about the bet first. I knew you would come in and try to wreck all that we have. You act as if you are over Danielle, or like you are trying to be over her, but I see past it all." Ben said as he starred Luke down.

"Wait." I said as I moved away from Ben. "You planned all of this, you planned for you and Luke to fight over the bet?"

"No I didn't plan on us fighting. I planned on showing how Luke was an asshole who is still trying to get with my girl." Ben said to me as he moved closer to where I was.

"I can't believe the both of you. You went on this trip to get closer together, yet you both tried to mess with one another." I yelled at them both. "You." I said as I pointed at Luke. "You promised me you were going to give this a try, and then you go and try to ruin mine and Ben's relationship? Yes I get that you were trying to protect me, but we both know you don't like Ben and that you hoped I would leave him because of the bet." Luke put his head down in shame. I then turned to look at Ben. "And you made me the same promises as well, and yet you planned most of this, making it so you and Luke wouldn't get along more then you already do." Ben put his head down as well.

"Danielle." Luke tried to say but I put my hand up to stop him.

"I am done with all this fighting and arguing. You both need to find a way to get along. Because I am not going to stop talking to Luke, he is one of my best friends and had always been there for me. " I watched as Luke smiled at my words. "And I am not going to break up with Ben or leave him. Because I love him and he makes me happy." I added making Ben smile. "So until you two can get it together and get along, I am not going to be talking to either of you, understood?" I said to them. They were about to respond but I quickly turned around and walked back towards the house. As I neared the house Olivia had her hand up for me to high five. I high fived her hand and walked into the house, slamming the door behind me.

All I know was they better start getting along because I wasn't going to deal with this kind of drama anymore. There was no need for it.


Luke's Prov:

It had been six days since Danielle has stopped talking to me and Ben. At first I thought it was just a threat, like she wasn't being serious. But after the third day of her not talking to either of us, I knew she was being serious. I had apologized a few times, but she wasn't hearing it. She had Penelope tell me every time that I either made up with Ben, or that she still wasn't going to talk to me. I honestly didn't know what to do.

I was sitting on my bed thinking of a way to make things okay with Danielle again, without having to deal with Ben. I mean technically I knew that was the only way to make things okay with Danielle and I again. But I didn't like the idea of having to deal with him. He just rubbed me the wrong way. The main reason being that he was with the girl I loved.

"Knock, knock." I heard Olivia say.

"Come in." I said to her. She walked in and closed the door. She then walked over to my bed and sat down looking down at me.

"So are you still being a pain in the ass and not trying to get along with Ben?" She said to me with a look that said she already knew I hadn't spoken to him.

"No for your information I have not talked to Ben to get along with him. I really can't stand the guy." I explained to her. She shock her head at my words.

"You are being ridiculous, just talk to the man. Otherwise neither of you are ever going to hear from Danielle again."

"That would be okay with me. Well not her not talking to me, but her not talking to Ben sounds just fine to me." She looked over at me with a look that said what I was saying wasn't right.

"Fine I get it, but what am I suppose to do? How am I even suppose to talk to the guy without punching him in the face?"

"Act like the man that you really are and stop being stupid. Danielle has been really nice to me, and has proved that she cares a lot about you. So much that she begged me to go on a four way date with everyone so me and you could have our quote on quote first date together, to see if we had chemistry together. She is really trying to make everyone get along, and to make you happy. The least you could do is meet her half way." I let out a sigh at her words. I knew she was right, and I knew what I had to do I just wasn't excited about it.

I was about to respond when I heard a knock at my door. "Come in." I said. Lisa entered the room with a weird expression on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked her as I sat up quickly.

"You have a visitor here."

"Who is it?"

"It's Ben." She said to me causing me to stand up completely.

"What is he doing here, what did he say to you?" I asked her as I walked over to where she was.

"I don't know Luke, but what I do know is that I don't want any fighting to go on. And if your going to fight then you need to at least go outside, I don't want you two to break anything." Lisa told me. I nodded my head at her words.

"Don't worry I am not going to fight him. If anything I am going to try and end this feud between him and I." I told her as I walked over to the door and walked out of it. I walked down the stairs to see Ben standing there waiting.

"Luke I'm glade your willing to talk to me." Ben said as he walked over to where I was.

"Yeah well not talking to you didn't seem like the ideal thing to do." I said to him. He nodded his head at my words.

"Listen I can't take Danielle not talking to me. And I can only imagine that her not talking to you as well is bugging you. So we need to figure out how to get over this anger we have towards one another." Ben said to me.

"I agree but we both know that, you and I aren't going to ever fully get along or be friends. So then what the hell are we going to do?"

"Yeah your right about that, which is why I think we should at least agree to tolerate one another for Danielle's sake. We both care about her and we both want the best for her, so let's just get over our problems with one another, otherwise she is going to not talk to one of us ever again, and I can't deal with that."

"Yeah I get what you mean. So how do we convince her that we can at least get her to see that you and I can get along?" I questioned him as I leaned back some against the stairs.

"Well Danielle's birthday is in two days, I was planning on throwing her a party. I could really use some help with putting it all tomorrow."

"Wait her birthday is in two days?" I asked him. He looked at me questionably.

"You don't know when her birthday is?" I rolled my eyes at his words.

"No I don't know the birthday of the girl who was my first love." I said sarcastically. "I know when it is, it just slipped my mind with everything that has been happening. "

"It doesn't really matter at the moment. Do you want to help me with it or not?" He asked me.

"Yeah man I will help you out. Come on up to my room and we can talk about it more." I said to him.

"Wait before we do, I do want to apologize about making you think Danielle didn't know about the whole bet thing. I was an asshole for doing so." He said to me making me sigh.

"I can understand why you did. Listen Ben I don't think I will ever stop loving Danielle, but I can promise you that I am not going to try break you guys up anymore. Now come on, lets go plan a birthday party.

He nodded his head at my words and followed me. When I entered my room I found Olivia on my bed laying down playing color switch.

"Oh hey how did it go with...." She stopped speaking when she saw Ben in the room with me as well.

"Hey if you guys are in the middle of something, then I can come back or call you later." Ben said as he stood awkwardly at the door.

"No it's okay, come right on it. We were just sitting here and talking." I explained to him as I motioned for him to come in. I went to sit on my bed and motioned for him to sit on the couch. He walked in and sat down.

"Hi Olivia, how are you?" He asked her. She sat up and turned to look at him with a smile.

"I am good Ben, I would ask you how you are but seeing how you haven't talked to your girl in almost a week I can imagine how you are doing." She explained to him with a soft smile. He nodded his head at her words.

"Yeah it definitely isn't fun, I miss her like crazy." He admitted to her.

"Well you being here definitely proves how much you missed her. So what did you guys talk about anyway?" She asked him as she turned herself so she was fully facing Ben.

"I came here to talk to Luke about Danielle's upcoming birthday. I wanted to know if he wanted to help me with it."

"Wait Danielle's birthday is coming up? No wonder why she has been acting so weird." Olivia said to us.

"What do you mean she has been acting weird?" Ben asked as he sat up straighter.

"Well lately she has been kind of depressed and hasn't really been her fun loving self lately. Tabby, Pen, and I tried to think about what could be bothering her besides you and Luke not getting along, but we couldn't understand it. But now I understand why, she must feel like no one remembers her birthday."

"How could she think none of us would remember her birthday?" I questioned her. I mean Danielle was the glue to all of us. Without her in the equation were not the same. So how could she even think we would forget something as important as her birthday?

"Well there has been a lot going on lately, so much drama, and fighting. She must have thought that we all had to much going on to think about her and her birthday." Olivia explained.

I nodded my head at her words. She was right there has been so much going on lately. I could understand why she thought that.

"It's probably also because she hasn't ever had a good birthday." Ben said to us.

"What do you mean?" His words intrigued me, I sat up some.

"Well Danielle talked to me about how she never had a great birthday. How her foster home really didn't celebrate her birthday, or how when they did it, it would always end badly for her." He said to us as he rubbed his neck some.

"Which is why I wanted to make sure I gave her the perfect birthday this year. To show her how much she meant to me, to all of us. That we are happy to have her in our lives." I nodded my head at his words.

"Well then that is what we are going to do, were going to give her the best birthday she could ever imagine. Let me call everyone else so we an get some extra help." I said to them as I stood up and went over to get my phone.

As I did all I could think was Ben and I may not get along, or even like one another. But one thing we had in common was that we both cared about Danielle, and would do anything to make her as happy. Even if that meant having to deal with one another.


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