She Nerd And The Gang

By VastaNerada

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She Nerd And The Gang
chapter 1: It was a nightmare, right? (part 1)
chapter 2: it was a nightmare, right? (part 2)
Additional Chapter: Jessica & Jack
Chapter 5: Not In A Million, Billion Or Even Zillion Years!
Chapter 6: You Are A Ninja Turtle!
Chapter 7: You Are Such A GangA$$
chapter 8: This Is Da Field Trip! (1st Day)
chapter 9: This Is Da Field Trip! (2nd day)
chapter 10: This is Da Field Trip (3rd Day)
The "OUT OF THE PLOT" chapter.
chapter 11: Always in Trouble
chapter 12: Let's be 007 until midnight
chapter 13: Miss-UNDERSTANDING

chapter 3: Cat Fights & Romantic Set Ups

15.3K 561 24
By VastaNerada

New chapter, enjoy!


"Holy cats on high!" Avery shrieked as she dodged two girls that were violently fighting. There was a teacher in between them going on and on about how violence wasn't the answer to everything. Apparently the girls didn't appreciate that as they glared at him and he started backing off afraid that they might do something to him. Then there were girls fighting each other everywhere.

"What day is it today? Those girls seem to be very energetic at this hour of the day. Great and it's still eight in the morning" Both Jessica and Avery sighed and yawned. "Maybe it's the high day" Avery commented while moving her hand in waves and they both burst out laughing.

It had been a few days since the incident with Tony, Ray's brother and everything seemed to be rather calm, suspiciously calm. Serenity before the storm, or something like that. Avery tried not to reminisce the event of that day because it was a major threat for her mentality's health.

They kept walking on the hallway while searching around for any moving danger that would probably cause them any sort of injury.

"Look what we've got here" a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes snarled with her group following closely behind her. She was standing provokingly in front of Avery and Jessica and was glaring at them. Jessica seemed to know her but Avery was lost in her own little world wondering if she had ever met her before.

Avery slightly nudged Jessica on her stomach to gain her attention. "Who is she?" she asked while raising a curious eyebrow to the girl who seemed to be a little more impatient than an average human being would be. "You don't know her?" Jessica wondered out loud while frowning at her best friend. "Am I supposed to know every single person in this school? There are more than three hundred students and you know I've got some issues with my memory". Jessica simply sighed at her friend's outburst although she knew that she was right.

Avery's memory resembled that of a limited memory card's. Electronically speaking, her memory couldn't fit more than two Gigabytes. Jessica blamed it on her friend's lack of concentration.

"She's Marina, Jack's girlfriend" Jessica explained while secretly forming quotation marks when she spoke of the word girlfriend. Avery felt much more enlightened than before. "Hello there, how can we help you?". Marina snickered at Avery's formal ways. "So you're the bitch that Jack ditched me for, huh?" Marina's words were harsh and her face reminded Avery of Joker, Batman's deadly enemy.

You probably wonder what Joker and Marina had in common, right?  It's simple, the wide variety of misplaced make up on their ugly faces. Truth can be cruel sometimes...

Avery shifted her gaze around her, first on her left then behind her and then pointed at herself with her index finger. "Is she talking to me?" she cautiously asked her best friend who was standing beside her. "I think so" Jessica whispered back to Avery who was staring wide eyed at Marina. 

"Aha, sure, it was nice meeting you" Avery spoke with a bright smile on her face showing her perfect white teeth. Jessica rolled her eyes at her friend, she knew not any other person that would get characterized with an indecent adjective and would still be able to remain calm and cool.

For a moment there Jessica thought that maybe Avery had no idea that she had been called a bitch but she knew better than to underestimate her friend's intelligence. It was one of her best features after all.

"Who the hell do you think you are, acting all mighty?" Marina growled and she was obviously ready to attack.

"Who said that I was acting?" Avery folded her arms and smirked at the brown haired girl standing in front of her.

"That's it!" all the girls took a few steps towards Avery and Jessica in a slow, threatening pace.

"Avs, what do you suggest we do?" Jessica seemed to be petrified. Getting in a fight with a bunch of crazy teenage girls wasn't on her schedule for the day.

"Simple..." Avery spoke with a smile, "RUN!" and they both stormed off with the other girls following on their tracks.

"Jess here" Avery shoved her friend inside an empty classroom and when she noticed that the other girls were too far behind them she entered too and placed a chair on the door's handle to prevent anyone from entering.

"Why the hell does she think you're going out with Jack?" Jessica asked her after she had managed to regain her breath and calm her heart down.

"i don't really know, maybe it was because the day you were sick he called me to hang out with his group" Avery replied with a shrug and looked around the room but it was too dark to notice anything.

"What? How did that happen?" Jessica seemed too be a little too mad than it was necessary.

Avery simply shrugged with a bored look "It's a long story, it all began when-" she was cut short when she heard a weird noise at the back of the room.

"Wait here" she told Jessica and made her way towards the back of the room where there was no light whatsoever. Avery knew it was a stupid idea to do that since in most horror movies that was the scene where the monster would attack and eat the person alive, or... it was simply her imagination going wild.

"Who's there?" she half yelled half whispered and the noise became more audible than before.

"You know I'm gonna get you so you'd better reveal yourself in the easy way" her voice gave away nothing but self confidence even though she was about to faint from the fear.

Suddenly and slowly before she could take another step towards the crime scene, six figures emerged from where they had been sitting. "Oh my dear mashed potatoes" she mumbled to no one in particular. "We come in peace" Avery whispered at them while backing away. She still couldn't see who they were, it was really dark. "Better yet, we're leaving now, still in peace" she declared with an awkward smile.

"Jess open the door!" Avery ordered her best friend to act quickly but before Jessica could do anything there was a hand holding her wrist preventing her from doing anything. Jessica whimpered at the sudden contact and tried to fight back but to no effect. Avery wondered how he got to her that fast. They were doomed, or at least that's what she thought until the one holding Jessica's hand spoke.

"I see Marina gave you a hard time, sorry for that" Avery recognised his voice and a relieved sigh escaped her lips. She sat leg crossed on the floor trying to calm her furiously beating heart down.

"What the hell Jack do you know how much you scared us?" This time it was Jessica who had spoken and she was furious but relieved nonetheless. "Sorry" Jack mumbled, still holding her hand.

"You can let go now" Jessica spoke in a more irritated way than she should have. By now you must have realised that whenever it came to Jack, Jessica was always overreacting. She had done that three times by now. Avery knew though that it happened because she was nervous and had a small crush on Jack. She was glad to know that the feelings between the two of them were mutual but if they continued acting in that way they would both end up alone and miserable.

"Why do you hate me so much?" he exclaimed harshly and she just glared at him.

"Here it goes" Avery mumbled, knowing that their bickering wouldn't end anytime soon.

While the two of them were arguing for no particular reason, Avery approached the other guys with a shy smile. They all smiled back at her except for Ray who seemed to still be holding a grudge against her. She had a plan though about Jack and Jessica and she wouldn't let anything ruin it.

"I have an idea" she whispered at them while pointing at the bickering future couple, because she was sure they were going to end up being together with one way or another.

A few minutes later Avery set her plan on action. "Jess and Jack, both of you please do me a favor and go place those chairs over there, they must be in their place or else we'll be in trouble if anyone finds out we were in here and I'll lose my place as the council's president".

They two of them were too overwhelmed in their argument that gave it no second thought and obeyed Avery's order. Avery on the other hand swiftly motioned for the guys to get out of the room and so did she without a second glance at the two love birds that were clueless as to what was happening. When the two of them noticed that they were alone in the room they rushed towards the door only to find it locked. 

"Where did you find the keys?" Alex asked her curiously. "Being our classroom's council president has its advantages" Avery smirked while propelling the keys around her finger in a professional manner.

"Avery let us out" Jessica yelled from the other side of the door. "You wish..." Avery chuckled at their miserable attempts of opening the locked door.

"Avery open the door..." A low warning growl escaped Jack's mouth, which was quite intimidating but Avery and the others would not back down.

"First solve your matters, then we'll let you out" Austin said with a small smile creeping upon his lips. "And there's no food so be quick" Conor added and high fived with Austin while they both burst out laughing. "Kids" Oliver mumbled with an amused smile. "It's about time you figured it out anyways". Avery would have though that the sweet and hardly audible voice belonged to a lost puppy but no it had been Ray the one who had spoken.

Avery's guilt returned but it had not been entirely her fault for that incident but he didn't know that so he wouldn't understand.

"Goodbye you two" Avery said and was about to leave with the others when Jessica spoke again.

"Wait, we're friends again, we won't fight again, we promise, right Jack?" she asked and he replied with a positive yes.

"That's not what we meant when we said to figure it out" Again it was Ray who had spoken but this time he had put more meaning in his words. Avery glanced at him and for a moment their eyes locked but he looked away first and left with the rest of the guys following him. "See ya Avery" they all nodded goodbye and they parted ways with her. 

"Wait!" she went after them and they turned their attention to her. "Why were you in there in the first place?" curiosity had gotten the best of her. "We were hiding" Conor said with a shrug.

"Why?" Avery couldn't help but want to know more about it. "Look around, why do you think this whole commotion is about?" an irritated sigh left Ray's lips when he noticed that she was trying too hard to understand what it was all about and in the end she still didn't get it.

"Its about the up coming field trip, all the females want to be in the same bus as us." Austin said with an arrogant smirk. Avery rolled her eyes, they were too conceited to see beyond the fog, she thought while frowning her eyebrows, meaning she was in deep concentration.

"But aren't those kind of things arranged according to the number of students each class has?" she wondered with confusion dripping from her voice. "Nope, we'll be separated in groups".

"Oh" she thought but she was still unconvinced.

"You don't believe us" it was more of a statement than a question. Avery nodded and they all rolled their eyes.

"There they are! After them!" an unfamiliar girl screeched loudly and all the female population of the school started running towards them. "Shit" the boys mumbled and Avery's eyes were as wide as they could get. So maybe they had been speaking of the truth, she thought.

The boys started running but Avery was frozen in her spot, unable to move. Before she could blink twice, Ray had grabbed her hand and was dragging her along with the others. They all had one common goal for the time being, to run for their lives.

Some hours later things seemed to have calmed down and the school seemed to be normally operating again. Avery had attended all her classes and had taken some notes on Jessica's behalf as well, so she wouldn't be left behind with her classes. As for the ditching part, the boys had said that they would cover for the two of them, so she let them deal with it.

After school, she had asked from the principal to allow her to stay at school for a matter she had to take care of as her classroom council's president. All that 'supposedly'. She and the boys had all gathered in front of the room where they had left Jessica and Jack. Avery slowly opened the door, afraid that they might attack her or something but what she saw was beyond her brain's maximum imagination.

There on the corner they were both sat. Jack had his back against the wall for support and Jessica was in his arms holding onto his right arm as he hugged her and they were both asleep. An accidental 'aw' left Avery's lips but she regained her cool nerdy posture again and the guys chuckled at her. They all found it really sweet that things had worked out for the two of them.

Avery wouldn't let that moment get lost so she took a picture of them with her phone. Who knew, maybe she could tease Jessica with it later. The two of them woke up, smiled and said hi to each other without realising that they had an audience. Ray cleared his throat with an amused smile and Jessica and Jack were shocked to see them all there. 

They both smiled shyly and Avery just snorted humorously. "Ew guys, too lovey dovey, too much" she made a gaging noise and they all burst out laughing. They were smiling widely and it was the first time they all felt like a team, like friends.

The rest of the day passed by as a blur and the only things Avery had to deal with were, her mom's bickering, some of Tony's devilish pranks (the kid was more energetic than ever!), not to mention Ray's cold shoulder. The fact that they were neighbors didn't help either. What is more Jessica and Jack were officially together. Other than that, nothing else happened. Now, let nerdy Avery go back to doing her homework, she has a lot left...


Hello there, thanks for reading my story, hope you enjoyed. If there is something that might have confused you or for any other reason feel free to let me know. 

Moreover, for those who are curious as to what happened between Jessica and Jack, while they were locked inside the classroom, I will write an additional chapter about them.

I felt like if I actually wrote about them in this chapter, it would get too long, so I used time skip and didn't mention anything. That's why I'll upload an additional chapter about later. You can either read it or skip it, it won't be a problem for the stories plot but I suggest you read it, just so you can get a better idea of their points of view.

Have a nice day or night. :)

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