chapter 8: This Is Da Field Trip! (1st Day)

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I know I should have updated earlier but seriously school is keeping me so busy. I thought school was supposed to make me expand my horizons, not kill my mood and imagination. I'm sorry for the late update but please do enjoy. Thank you for putting up with my unpredictably bipolar schedule lol.


"Wow this is beautiful" Marina shrieked as she was about to touch a colourful flower from the wild grass on the field just outside the campsite. Avery swiftly grabbed her hand before she could get a hold of the flower. 

"Beautiful but deadly" she said as soon as she saw Marina's curious look. 

Seconds passed and apparently Marina couldn't make out the contradiction of Avery's words.

Avery on the other side, sighed and started explaining to her what she meant. "What I'm trying to say is that the flower you were about to touch is poisonous."

"I see, you're such a know-it-all nerd" Marina's lips turned into a mocking smirk.

Obviously a thank you would have been more appreciated. "Better a know-it-all nerd than a poisoned-to-death barbie. Don't you think?" Avery mocked her back with a victorious smile hanging on her soft but slightly chapped lips. Autumn's weather was having its effects on her health.

With a stomp of her military boots Marina stalked away, a nasty scowl was evident on her face.

Avery couldn't help but wonder why Marina was being so hostile against her. Had she done something wrong? As far as it concerned her, she never socialized with people like Marina so there wasn't possibly something wrong that she had done, so why was a girl like Marina suddenly so unfriendly with her. That kind of situation had been the source of her discomfort and unreasonable anger. 

"Everyone please gather around, we are going to announce your groups" the homeroom teacher spoke and immediately all of Avery's classmates gathered around. The students of other classes had gathered as well and had created a circle of their own.

"Alright listen up, we'll be separated into two groups. First group, Avery, Alex, Austin, Bridget, Dan, Jack, Jessica, Marina, Oliver and Ray. First group's leader will be Ray. Second group will be consisted by the rest of you. Right now you'll have some free time but before the sun sets you must all gather back at the campsite so we can assign each group's duties." The teacher announced and something seemed to be bothering him but he left and joined the other teachers.

Avery knew almost everyone on her group except for the Bridget girl. Apparently that girl was the school's wannabe and Avery couldn't disagree, with her curly auburn hair and icy blue eyes she was a real beauty. Avery's eyes scanned the crowd and her eyes landed on Ray. he gave her a knowing smirk and suddenly the whole pairing the groups seemed suspicious.

With a raised eyebrow she approached the guys and whispered curiously, "what did you do? how come our group seems so... predictable?". Her eyes locked with Alex's as he seemed to be the most suspicious out of all. Alex simply grinned at her and shrugged it off, "nothing much" he mumbled and smirked at her shocked face.

*Alex's  flashback*

Without being noticed, Austin and I sneaked into our homeroom teacher's room and caught him off guard. He was frozen in his place and he was caught red handed.

"Obviously sir, right now you're doing something really, really bad" I smirked at him "and I don't think your wife would agree with this. As a matter of fact she might as well divorce you for what you just did" I added as I snapped a picture of the shameless teacher doing what he had been doing.

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