chapter 3: Cat Fights & Romantic Set Ups

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New chapter, enjoy!


"Holy cats on high!" Avery shrieked as she dodged two girls that were violently fighting. There was a teacher in between them going on and on about how violence wasn't the answer to everything. Apparently the girls didn't appreciate that as they glared at him and he started backing off afraid that they might do something to him. Then there were girls fighting each other everywhere.

"What day is it today? Those girls seem to be very energetic at this hour of the day. Great and it's still eight in the morning" Both Jessica and Avery sighed and yawned. "Maybe it's the high day" Avery commented while moving her hand in waves and they both burst out laughing.

It had been a few days since the incident with Tony, Ray's brother and everything seemed to be rather calm, suspiciously calm. Serenity before the storm, or something like that. Avery tried not to reminisce the event of that day because it was a major threat for her mentality's health.

They kept walking on the hallway while searching around for any moving danger that would probably cause them any sort of injury.

"Look what we've got here" a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes snarled with her group following closely behind her. She was standing provokingly in front of Avery and Jessica and was glaring at them. Jessica seemed to know her but Avery was lost in her own little world wondering if she had ever met her before.

Avery slightly nudged Jessica on her stomach to gain her attention. "Who is she?" she asked while raising a curious eyebrow to the girl who seemed to be a little more impatient than an average human being would be. "You don't know her?" Jessica wondered out loud while frowning at her best friend. "Am I supposed to know every single person in this school? There are more than three hundred students and you know I've got some issues with my memory". Jessica simply sighed at her friend's outburst although she knew that she was right.

Avery's memory resembled that of a limited memory card's. Electronically speaking, her memory couldn't fit more than two Gigabytes. Jessica blamed it on her friend's lack of concentration.

"She's Marina, Jack's girlfriend" Jessica explained while secretly forming quotation marks when she spoke of the word girlfriend. Avery felt much more enlightened than before. "Hello there, how can we help you?". Marina snickered at Avery's formal ways. "So you're the bitch that Jack ditched me for, huh?" Marina's words were harsh and her face reminded Avery of Joker, Batman's deadly enemy.

You probably wonder what Joker and Marina had in common, right?  It's simple, the wide variety of misplaced make up on their ugly faces. Truth can be cruel sometimes...

Avery shifted her gaze around her, first on her left then behind her and then pointed at herself with her index finger. "Is she talking to me?" she cautiously asked her best friend who was standing beside her. "I think so" Jessica whispered back to Avery who was staring wide eyed at Marina. 

"Aha, sure, it was nice meeting you" Avery spoke with a bright smile on her face showing her perfect white teeth. Jessica rolled her eyes at her friend, she knew not any other person that would get characterized with an indecent adjective and would still be able to remain calm and cool.

For a moment there Jessica thought that maybe Avery had no idea that she had been called a bitch but she knew better than to underestimate her friend's intelligence. It was one of her best features after all.

"Who the hell do you think you are, acting all mighty?" Marina growled and she was obviously ready to attack.

"Who said that I was acting?" Avery folded her arms and smirked at the brown haired girl standing in front of her.

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