Pillow Talk 》Zustin AU

By OopsHiYoonmin

173K 7.3K 3.9K

A story in which an innocent senior is sexually corrupted by his irresistible new neighbor 《》 Zayn Malik is a... More

houses ugh
End (Epilogue)


6.7K 296 186
By OopsHiYoonmin

Zayn's pov.

I woke up, startled and confused about the pounding in my head until I remembered the party.

And Justin, my brain reminded.

I clear his name from my head. I'm not letting him ruin my day.

I check my phone and see two messages. One from Gigi and one from Liam.

Gigi<3: hey zaynie poo. I won't need you to walk me to school, the girls are giving me a ride! See you later! ❤❤❤

Liam: need a ride to school?

His text was from two minutes ago so I decide to go for it, I don't feel like walking to school.

I reply with a yeah and he replies instantly, saying he'll be at my place at 7:20.

I take a shower, willing the pounding in my head to go away. I didn't think I would be this hung over, but I guess I underestimated Justin's drinks.

I went through my closet and chose an outfit. I grabbed a pair of dark washed blue jeans and a black shirt that said "sarcastic comment loading". I fix my hair and look in the mirror, trying to make it better.

I heard a beep and Liam said he was here, Liam saying he's here. I walk outside and find Liam on a motorcycle, and my eyes wide. "I am not getting on that,"I say as I stand near him.

"Yes you are,"he grins, pushing an extra helmet into my hands and waiting for me. Sighing, I put on the helmet and get on, and he tells me to grab on.

Once at school, he leaves me at the front and goes to park his motorcycle. Instantly, Gigi spots me and prances over.

"baby, you're here! I missed you,"she says, pressing her lips to my cheek. I kiss her cheek back and she takes my hand as we walk to the courtyard.

We take a seat on a table and I notice she's rubbing her temple with her fingers.

"Hungover?"I ask.

"Ugh, very. I regret drinking so much,"she says, letting her head fall onto the table.

The bell rings too soon and I walk her to her class before walking to mine.

I enter and grin, noticing Liam already in the class. I walk and sit next to him, since this teacher has no assigned seating.

"How many classes do we have together?"I ask, once I take out my binder.

"Hmm. Who knows,"he says, but hands me his schedule.

"We have 5. You're taking woodshop and I'm taking art. Seriously? Woodshop?"

Liam shrugs, "I didn't want to take a language, or art,"he says.

"Art is pretty fun tho, I've heard woodshop is hard,"I say

"No not really. It's actually kind of like a free period. Better for me,"he chuckles.

I nod and we continue to talk about random things.

Lunch came around soon, and I spotted Gigi sitting surrounded by her friends and fellow cheer team.

I spotted Liam at an empty table and walked over to him, sitting in front of him after getting my food. I greeted him and took out my phone, frowning in confusion when seeing a text from an unknown number.

I open it and drop it in shock, seeing a shirtless selfie of Justin with a winking emoji.

"Liam? Did you give my number to Justin?"I ask.

"No. Why?"he asks.

"This is why,"I reply, showing him the picture. His eyes widen and he starts to crack up.

"That's his number alright. I don't know how he got yours though..."he trailed off.

I text Justin back asking how he got my number and he simply replies with:

Liam needs to put a passcode in his phone whenever he stays over at my place ;-).

"He went on your phone."I tell Liam.

"Little fucker, sorry. I just don't passcodes cos I forget them easily,"Liam says.

"It's fine, you didn't plan on it happening."I say.

I don't reply, but I add his number to my contacts and save the picture, not knowing why.

I focus on eating my lunch and conversing with Liam.

Liam looks like he wants to ask something, but hesitates.

"Hey Z?"he finally asks.

"Yeah Li?"I ask back.

"What would you do if you liked someone and they liked you back, but they live in another place..?"he asks

"What do you mean?"I ask for clarification.

"Like, if you meet someone you have feelings for and you like them and they return the feelings and want to pursue a relationship with you,"he says.

"Hmm. I wouldn't know. I think I would go for it, I wouldn't want anyone else to go for them."I say.

"Hm, okay."he says.

"Why do you ask?"I ask.

He stays silent for a bit before taking out his phone and scrolling before stopping, smiling softly and having such a loving gaze.

It's a girl, has to be, I think.

He turns the phone to show me the picture, and I see I was truly wrong.

I took his phone in shock, looking at the picture of the young guy, who looked around 17 or 18.

"Who is he?"I asked.

"His name is Niall. He is from Ireland."Liam states nervously.

"He's very pretty,"I say, then realize how weird that sounds. I'm straight, I don't compliment guys.

"Yeah he is. He's working so he can save up and come visit me, and we can finally meet," Liam says with a smile that makes me smile.

"How old is he? He looks very young,"I say.

Liam hesitates, then sighs. "He's 19. But it's only a year difference,"he defends quickly.

I laugh. "I'm not judging his age, it's a perfect age.

He smiles and my phone beeps again, and this time it's a text from Gigi asking me to go with her to her locker.

"Ugh, girls. I'm gonna go walk Gigi to class after going to her locker. I'll see you in sixth, have fun in woodshop."I say.

"Have fun in art. Bye Z,"he says.

I head to Gigi's table and she takes my hand, and we go to her locker before she goes to her maths class and I head to art.

In art, we work on our eye sketches. The teacher wants us to learn how to draw each part of a portrait before we make the actual thing.

I find myself sketching some beautiful brown-hazel eyes. I lightly sketched the eyes and the eyebrows, trying to think of where I had seen them before. They certainly weren't mine.

"Beautiful Zayn! Great job as always!"the teacher praised.

Art ended soon and I headed to my last class. Sitting next to Liam, I zoned out for the rest of the class.

Gigi had cheer practice after school, so Liam gave me a ride. I thanked him once I got home, lost in thought. My parents weren't home, still at work. I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat down in the kitchen, grabbing a plate that my mother left with a little note, explaining it was something to eat before she brought home dinner.

I smiled as I spotted the food, a burger which was still semi warm. I immediately bit into it, moaning at the taste.

I was about to take another bite when the doorbell rang. I groaned and got up to get it, yelling a "coming!"

I opened the door and was met with Justin. I met his eyes and knew those eyes were the ones I sketched.

But why?

Long time no update lol. Sorry guys! I've been busy and stressed. I'll try to update again every week, or at least twice a month.


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