Gideon's Chair

Par Kittkitt

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An Explosive Tangle of Love, Power, Betrayal and Destruction Now Available On Amazon Kindle http://www.amaz... Plus

Gideons Chair
The Prologue
Prologue Pt 2
Chapter 1 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 2 Near Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 3 Five Acres Nottinghamshire 1820
Chapter 4 Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820
Chapter 6 Five Acres Nottingham Present Day
Chapter 7 Gideon Tutbury 1820
Chapter 8 The Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 9 Gideon Tutbury 1832
Chapter 10 Giscard Roulle De Gisors Paris 1863
Chapter 11 Gideon Tutbury 1863
Chapter 12 Peoples Facility Salford Present Day
Chapter 13 The Paris Exhibition July 1863
Gideon Tutbury - Giscard Roulle de Gisors The Meeting Paris 1863
Gideon Tutbury The Bloodline Paris 1863
Gideons Return
Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864
Part 2 The Peoples Facility Present Day
title of your story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
The Phelps Society Headquarters New York Present Day
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Phelps Society New York
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
The American Embassy London
Chapter 39
The Gideon Society
Mancini's Office New York
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45

Chapter 44

177 24 33
Par Kittkitt

My heart raced and I felt adrenalin race through me , the lights seemed to merge into one , nausea rose inside me . I fought to recover my senses .

" Blake " I stuttered " What the were at the fucking hospital......What have you done with Carol "

Rage overturned fear and I stepped forward my fists clenched . Suddenly both my arms were dragged behind me back . I was spun round my head pushed down and a semi automatic pistol was pushed against my head , three Alsation dogs barely restrained by their handlers lunged forward at me .

Blake barked " Back Off" to the guards as he leaned his face into mine , my head now pushed into the wall , he  whispered as the  the smell of cheap cologne filled my nostrils

"Like I said  Welcome Mr Tutbury "

I looked slightly to the right seeing his face silhouetted in the neon lighting against the dark tunnel .

" Fuck you Blake " I spit out

Blake pushed his face closer into mine

" Get on your knees Tutbury " 

My shoulders were pushed further down as I swung my head at Blake catching him above his nose with my forehead . Blake recoiled in pain his hands to his face .

A guard jerked me further down as a boot hit my ribs . I winced and heard a crack of bone.

"Fuck" I blurted aimed at Blake

My head was rammed again into the wall

A gun barrel smashed into the wall missing my head

The second didn't . causing a thick darkness.

I regained consciousness being dragged , pushed and pulled down a passageway . A door opened . I was thrust into a room  .My arms tied behind my back. I was thrown to the floor , my ankles now were tightly bound with nylon and cord .

I could smell a woman

I looked up . The pain in my head increased . Various pairs of eyes bore down at me . My memory started to return.  Blake was in front of me , my memory of events started to return.

I coughed and spat blood . Strangely I felt strong.

I was dragged to my feet by two guards holding my arms

Blood dripped from my head to the floor, running down my face , and into my mouth

I spit blood in front of him . " Fuck You Blake , go on kill me you lying bastard , What have I to lose "

My head was yanked up and my face was turned to Blake, I was about to die . Somehow I wasn't afraid .

He held a swab against his nose ,shaking his head . Somehow his public school ego had been dented. Not that I cared, somehow in my mind I had moved on. Something had happened in my head , I remembered the fable of the cobra and the lamb.

"I had rather think you have your wife to lose , but like I said Mr Tutbury , welcome "

I spit blood onto the floor " And like I said Blake , Fuck You "

 I coughed and started to focus , the grip on my head was released . A woman walked from behind me and stood next to Blake . The room was functional like a cheap hotel room , but without the bed. A table , a sofa two chairs and a door to my right.

The woman who had been holding my head now held out a plastic cup full of water .

" Drink sir " She said placing the cup in my hand

I took it from her and started to sip , staring still at Blake .

She turned and like everyone in the past few weeks disappeared back out of the room by the door to my right. I was alone with Blake .

" This where you finish me off " I said to him .

Blake breathed in and once again introduced himself " Not at all Mr Tutbury , although you are quite the tiger aren't you . Hardly surprising I feel. Once again welcome Mr Tutbury , please take a seat "

He pointed at the chair by the table , I sat and rubbed the back of my head , still wincing .

" That will be taken care of Mr Tutbury in just a moment . You are right I was at the hospital and obviously we have met . I am Major Robert Blake most things are very classified , but you are very safe here and as you have probably realised are at a military base in France . I am sorry for the trip you have had . I hope it wasn't too trying for you. We had to bring you the shortest route and that meant through the Dead camp "

" The what " I replied

" The Dead Camp Mr Tutbury is the enclosed area of many square miles decaying buildings , that kind of thing . We do have quite a few in France . We simply could not see the point in putting offenders in prison any more , to come out and re offend. So we either experiment on them and put them back out there afterwards . Or for the worst we give them a one year sentence . It is such a good idea , we inject them with the plague or similar . You will have read about that in your Gideon research and that injection gives them a year to live . If they behave within that year we give them the antidote , if not they simply die . We find it works a treat . Far better than prison,

" You are mad " I muttered still sipping .

" I am certainly mad about a better society Mr Tutbury , so was Phelps so was Gideon . At the camp further to the west we are developing a perfect race , taking the finest young boys and girls and educating them and pairing them off to breed as they get older . The one to the east , they are trained as soldiers virtually from the moment they can walk . It is such a pity you didn't see that one . Such fine specimens .

" Specimens , I spluttered , they are kids"

" Quite so " he replied , " But very good ones. It is all part of a twenty year plan to create a better world a better society a place you would want to live in. All war was achieving is hatred amongst nations and bitterness "

" You are British , why are you here , this is France" I replied starting strangely to relax.

" Good question John, I can call you John can I after all we are virtually friends now. Well, yes I am British . Let us say that I moved over . My particular skill is logistics , I used to plan shipments from one country to another , with great efficiency and my skills were requested here. "

" Ok " I replied" I was no longer surprised at anything

He pointed at the sofa . I hadn't noticed a bundle of clothes . " We took the liberty of getting you some fresh clothes and if you will follow me " He held out his hand to help me stand . We walked to the door the lady had just disappeared into . Behind it was a small kitchen , with a toilet and shower beyond a swing door to the left.

"This is Siobhan " . He gestured to the lady who had passed me the water. She was stood by the kitchen unit " She will attend to your needs whilst you are here "

Siobhan smiled . She was approximately twenty five years old , slim and tall. nearly pretty with black hair scraped back off her face . A total efficient look about her which would no doubt please Blake . She gestured to the shower and held a towel out for me . Was this the same woman who had held me down by the back of my neck

Blake continued ." If you wish to shower please do so . We will talk very shortly . Siobhan will keep you company until I return . She speaks perfect English , actually I hand picked her . Very good you know , totally efficient"

He turned on his heels as if on parade and walked out of the room.

" Please shower Mr Tutbury " Siobhan suggested , I will make coffee and tend to your injuries.

I had for a moment forgotten the pain in the back of my head and my ribs . Siobhan passed me the towel and left the room. They seemed very keen for me to shower . So I thought why not . I was apparently completely at their mercy in some Orwellian mad society .

I let the water run down my body , the steam and heat felt good against my tired limbs. I put my head back allowing the jets to soothe me . I day dreamed for a second imagining people running around with strange hats on depicting what they did . As if I had wandered into a Lewis Carrol story. I let the jets hit me and slowly I relaxed. Typical of the French I thought , we were in some Army base but there were expensive soaps of different types in a holder on the wall .

I turned off the jets and stepped out of the cubicle wiping the water from my eyes . Siobhan stood in front of me and held out the towel.

" Cream with your Coffee John " she asked

The absurdity of the situation no longer mattered . I took the towel from her and started to dry myself as she didn't wait for an answer and picked a cream jug up and walked back into the main room. I dressed in the clothes provided. A pair of perfect fitting Levis and a black Armani shirt and a pair of Lofas . Everything down to socks and underwear a perfect fit.

I followed her into the room past a pile of clothes I had thrown on the floor prior to showering. The sort of thing that really annoyed Carol.

Siobhan was seated at the table . She poured two cups of coffee and jestured that I should join her. Tucking my shirt into my jeans and fastening my belt I sat down wincing a little with the pain from my ribs.

" I don't suppose you are allowed to tell me what is going on are you " I asked picking up the coffee .

She picked up hers and smiled back at me. I wasn't sure if she was my jailor , nurse , nanny or what she was .

" Do you play Chess John " standing and taking a box from the shelf .

I just nodded . I remembered a film when a prisoner on death row had made a last request to the Governer to play chess with him just prior to his execution. The Governer did so standing just before dawn saying 'check mate , now please follow me'.

Siobhan positioned the pieces on the board. Which one was I , I thought .

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