Everything Has a First

By meg9833

499 20 39

Mary discovers a whole new part of the world most people don't know about, but what will happen? Read to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

20 0 1
By meg9833

"Hey," I walked downstairs and greeted Troy. He nodded in response.

"You ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yes," I grabbed my bag and we made our way outside to his car.

He handed me his phone, "Look at Ty last night."

On his phone, there was a picture of the brown and white bunny sleeping on his back. He was laying in Troy's lap. Troy swiped the screen and another picture of my rabbit came up, only this time, Ty was eating a carrot. I let out a small squeal at the cute rabbit.

"Thank you so much, Troy," I have him a tight hug before we got into his car. He shrugged my statement off and we made our way to school.

"Jackie!" I yelled as I saw her in the gym, "Look what Troy bought me!" Troy was trailing my side as I showed my best friend the rabbit. She almost screamed, but not from the reason I thought.

"You guys are finally together?" She screeched. My face went red and I shook my head. I tried to reply, but all I got was stuttering.

"Not yet," Troy smirked, making my stammer worse.

I huffed and spin on my heel away from them to were Lily and Nicole sat. I talked to them for a while until another person showed up. They put their arm around my shoulder. Of course it was Troy. I smiled at him, earning a smile back.

"You're coming with me," Troy instructed, " We are going to go get Ty from my house, and then we'll bring him to your house."

"Ok!" I grinned. Ty was going to be coming to my house. My first pet. My parents wouldn't know about him.

  If my parents found out about my rabbit, they would force me to get rid of him and I would probably be grounded for life. It's just a risk I'm willing to take.
I'm just a rebel.

  "Hey, Mom, I'm home!" Troy screamed as we entered his front door.

  "I'm in the kitchen!" a lady, I'm assuming who was his mom, called back. Troy grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

  "Mom, this is Mary. Mary, this is my mom, Claire," he introduced us. I held my hand out for her to shake, but she pushed it aside and hugged me instead.

  "So you're the girl my boy has been talking about nonstop," Claire said. I looked to Troy, he hid his face most likely covering the blush also. A blush graced my face, too.


  "What? I'm just saying," she laughed. "Don't worry, all the things he says are good things," she winked at me. My blush got deeper, but I joined in with her laughing.

  "Come on," Troy told me as he grabbed my hand and started pulling me out of the kitchen.

  "It was nice meeting you," I told his mom.

  "It was great to finally meet you," his mom gave a sly grin and then she turned back to what she was working on.

  "So, you talk about me?" I chuckled. His cheeks turned crimson.

  "Let's get Ty's stuff in the car," he changed the subject. I laughed and I grabbed Ty's good and small things lying around the cage.

  Ty hopped to the wire of the care and stuck his nose through the slits. I poked his nose and he nibbled on my nail.

  Troy grabbed Ty's cage while I carried the small supplies. I was so excited to finally have a pet.

  "Aww, look at him," I gushed to Troy as Ty sat on his hind legs and cleaned his face.

  "Yea," Troy laughed at me.

  "Watch him for a second," I told Troy. I ran downstairs and cut up and apple. I took two slices with me and put the other ones into a ziplock bag.

  Once I got back into my room, I grabbed my camera and I took a few pictures of Ty. I gave him an apple slice and took some more pictures.

  "Hold this for him," I instructed Troy and handed him the other slice of apple.

  As Ty nibbled on the slice, I snapped a few pictures. Some of them only had Ty and Troy's hand, while some others had Troy and Ty in it. I clicked through the pictures and smiled. 

  I showed a few to Troy and then I put down the camera and began playing with Ty again. He chased my hand as I rubbed it along my carpeted floor.

  I looked to Troy, he had my camera. He was smiling as he took some pictures. I made a funny face at the camera.

  "Ok, we need a group picture," I announced.

  "Fine, if you insist," Troy dramatically sighed. I pushed his shoulder and set my camera on some books on my floor. I put on the timer and then I quickly jumped into my spot beside Troy. Ty sat in the middle of us.

  I held Ty in the next shot. In the next one, I made Troy hold Ty with me. He tried to decline it saying, "He's your rabbit," but I made him.

  After our photo shoot was done, we laid on my bed. Ty snuggled between us. We watched random shows until I fell asleep.

•••What's your favorite show?•••

~~~~A Love Like War by All Time Low with Vic Fuentes~~~~

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