The Mafia's Girl

By MB-1992

2.8M 78.1K 11.1K

Scarlett Liksis (Lik-sis), 23, had lived her life from a drug addictive mother, an abandoning father, a siste... More

The Club
Missed Chance
Leo and Mama
R Y D E R - Anger Management
His Mark
Quantum Family
Gone and Back
Confession of Mafia
Heartbreaking Rush
Leo's Brotherly Love
Dinner With Allies...And Others
Tormented Heartbreak
R Y D E R - Confrontation
"I Adore You"
I Love You , Don't Leave Me
Tell Me Something Mafia
His Return
Claiming Right
Past, Present, Dreams
Painful Words
The Mafia's Girl
Mad Interuption
L I F E - T W O
Seven Years Gone. Seven Years Difference
Masked Facade
Home Sweet Home
Together At Last
The Blurred Side of Princess Scarlett
The Reason Why The Heart Still Beats
To Be Strong Only To Hide
The Vow . The Promise
W A R N I N G ! A D U L T C O N T E N T!
Start The Planning
Chilling Out
Love and Affection
Our Wedding Day
The End !

The Encounter

126K 3.1K 1.7K
By MB-1992

"I thought you left already?"

I smiled and looked over to Nancy who had just put down her small tub and started wiping down the table. "I'm a workaholic, can't help it," I said sarcastically as she laughed.

"Well, you should head on home. You remember those people I had told you about?" Nancy said as she put all the dirty dishes into her tub.

I nodded. Nancy had told me about this group of men. Mafia, to be her exact words. These men owned this business and many others around the city. She had said that they would come late into the night after closing hours to check up on things with our boss.

She clearly remembers how frightening they were with their stone cold faces and scars across them also. Nancy said they were one of the reasons why she hadn't quit yet. She was afraid they'll kill her if she does.

"They'll be coming tonight and I don't need you to be around when they're here. With your looks, they might just kidnap your ass," Nancy said as she walked away.

I quickly wiped my table to catch up with her. "Seriously, Nancy. I don't even look that great. I'm like...below average."

She stopped and gave me a "are you serious with me" look. "Girl, you are smoking hot! Why can't you see that?"

"Well for one, I don't have breasts like Gretchen and a round plushable butt like my sister's friend. I have big thighs that could suffocate an elephant and I'm short!"

Nancy rolled her eyes. "You're fucking five feet four. That's tall for an average chick." She continued her way to the kitchen. "And forget about the breasts and ass, Scarlett. You having an hourglass body makes all that worth it. Plus! Look at you! Your skin is so white that everyone knows that you rarely go out. I remember back in the days when everyone wanted to have a body like yours and those that did, whew! Girl, tou would have boys swooning over you!"

I scowled at her. "What does that have to do with anything?"

We both put our dishes in the sink and rinsed out our tub and cloth. "It means, you're a good girl who keeps to herself and probably stays home all day reading those literature porn books."

I slapped Nancy on the shoulder as she laughed. "Just because you do, doesn't mean I do also, Nancy."

"Alright ladies!" Jeremy clapped his hands together as everyone paid attention to him. "You know the drill. Clean and sweep. I don't want to see a spec of dust and you!" Jeremy pointed to me as all eyes fell on me. "Get the fuck outta here. I don't need you to be kidnapped on my watch."

I dropped my jaws in shock as Nancy nudged me. "See! I told you!"

I gave Nancy a glare then turned to Jeremy. "But Jer-"

He raised his hand to stop me. "No, Scarlett. You're too precious to lose. Why do you think this diner had been booming lately ever since you showed up?"

"Because I'm lucky?" I said as I looked to all of them.

"Because of your looks, sweetheart," they all said in unison making me glare in defeat.

"Move it young lady," Nancy said as she pushed me towards the changing rooms.

I pouted and stripped off my apron. "Fine."

After changing, I went back to the kitchen to say my goodnights and left out the back as per instructed by Jeremy.

Just as I exited, I had bumped into someone and nearly lost my balance if they hadn't caught me. Looking up, it was the man from the club last night. His emerald orbs burned into me. The scar on his eye more visible than ever.

If it was darker out, I would have never seen him clearly. I moved away from him as I quietly apologized and walked around the group of men.

That was intense...

Even now, I could still fell his eyes on me as I was walking away. I made a left turn upon exit of the alley and fastened my pace to get home, taking a different route home like I usually do.

Finally getting home without suspicious eyes following after me, I entered the building, up the elevator and into my apartment with a big breath. Thanking the god that there was still light out.

"Too intense..." I breathed out as I smoothed out my chest.

That Night - Diner

I sat in the car looking through my phone as Leo was beside me and rambling on about the girls we brought home last night. "I mean, shit bro," Leo said exasperated. "That ass."

I rolled my eyes and glared at him. "Leo, shut the fuck up," I growled out. "They're all the same. All they want is fame and money and that was what they experienced last night. Having sex with the top mafia lord and then getting paid a large sum for them to shut up about it."

Leo chuckled, "Which never works."

I took a deep long sigh and paid my attention back to my phone. The investments were doing great and our shipment should be here in a few days. "Take a few men to be at the docks later for our partial shipment," I ordered as I press the power button of my phone and looked out the window.

"Yes, boss," he said as the car turned into the alley of my sudden most well ran diner than all others that I had owned.

"I still don't understand either," Leo said with a sigh. I smirked at how well he could read my mind. But I guess it makes well sense since we have known each other for over twenty plus years.

"It'll just be quick. I need to get back before the, madam, barks and howls," I grunted out as Leo laughed.

My men opened the door for me as I fixed my suit. I made my way to the door when it had swung open and someone had collided into me unknowingly.

I caught her before she completely lost balance. When she looked up, the light had just beamed on her just perfectly. The color in her eyes lighten up completely, making her look innocent as ever. It was as though I could see right through her but was blocked by a wall of protection.

I couldn't look away from them. They were gorgeously mesmerizing. They were the most beautiful browns I had ever seen in my life, really.

She moved away from me and quietly apologized and walked away. I took in her small form and embedded it into my mind.

She was at average height, long and slightly wavy brunette hair that reached the middle of her back since it was up in a high ponytail, her clothes were preserving her silk white skin and damn...that body.


I inwardly groaned and turned away after she had made her way out of the alley. I entered to the surprise of my employees who were in the process of cleaning. "Mister Quantum, you're here early," Jeremy said as he dried his hands with a cloth and moved aside. "He should be in his office upstairs."

I gave him a simple nod and headed up as a few of my men followed.

I entered to find him busy with a girl. He pushed her off as she fell to the ground with a loud thud. "Mister Quantum!" Ike said shocked as he pulled up his pants and fixed his clothes.

The girl scattered to put her clothes on and was about to leave when she was roughly pushed back by my men, falling to the ground once more.

I clenched my jaw and glared at the two who cowered towards the desk. I extended my hand out to my men as he gave me a gun with a silencer.

I cocked it back and shot the two twice. One in the shoulder and one in the thigh. They went down with a scream. I went and grabbed Ike by his shirt and slammed him on his desk. I pressed the barrel under his chin as he pleaded for life.

"I hired you to run this diner and you're here with a whore. Give me a good reason not to kill you now," I seethed with menace.

"I'm sorry!" He stuttered out. "Please! It won't happen again!"

"Pathetic," I spat as I threw him to the wall and denting it. The girl screamed as she tried to move away from me. I grabbed her roughly by the hair and pulled it back.

I looked her over as she shook furiously. "Disgusting," I sneered.

"Please!" She sobbed out. "Please! I'm sorry!"

I pushed her away and shot her again in the shoulder as she cried out in agony. "You're fired," I said and walked out, giving the gun back to one of my men.

We walked back down the stairs to find the kitchen cleaned and employees gone. Jeremy entered the kitchen with a tub. I looked to him as he sighed. "Isn't the first time, young master," he said as he went over to the sink and handed me a wet cloth to wash my hand.

I took it and did just that. Jeremy cleaned out his tub then dried his hands. He came over and stood in front of me with his arms crossed. "Things are running well. No trouble that we can handle but one."

I looked to him as he looked back with trouble in his eyes. "There's a man, around your age if not just slightly older, always comes in here looking for you. Don't know why but causes the other customers to be in discomfort. I've told Ike about it but-"

"Who is he?"

"He goes by the name of Huer Hales."

I gave him the cloth. "If he comes again, call me right away," I said as I left it just like that.

"Yes, Master Quantum."

Before I completely left, I stopped and walked up close to Jeremy who looked at me confused. "There was a girl I bumped into before," I quietly said near his ear. "Who is she?"

Jeremy hung his head then picked it up, looking me straight in the eyes. "The reason why this diner had been running," he said with all truth and honesty. "The youngest other than the one you just met upstairs."

I continue to stare at him wanting more. Jeremy shook his head. "I don't think she'll like that, Master Quantum. She's preserved like that. You wouldn't want this business to go out now do you?"

I clenched my jaws and nodded. "Very well," I gritted out then walked out to the alley. "Tell your wife, I said hello."

I got in the car and drove off. "Everything's good?" Leo asked as he didn't leave eye contact from his phone.

"Kill Ike and the girl he was with. Find me someone better," I growled out.

I fisted my hands as they cracked in the process. I glared out the window. Damn bastard. Damn whore. And damn that girl.

"Take me to the apartment and tell Madam some other day," I gruffly ordered my chauffeur.

"Yes, young master," he said.

"What's wrong, boss?" Leo asked.

I stayed silent and inwardly growled. Once we reached inside, I gave my phone to Leo. "Don't call unless someone's dying," I ordered as I got out and headed in.

"Evenin', Master Quantum," Old Jenkins greeted as he saluted me and then went to grab my keys.

"Jenkins," I greeted back gruffly.

He gave me my keys and waved me off. "Keep it clean this time," he barked as I entered the elevator.

"No promises," I replied as the doors closed.

I made it to my floor and walked down the hallway to my apartment door and entered. Just as I did, the door next door from me opened. I threw my suit jacket on the couch and loosened my tie.

I threw off my shoes and headed to my room and changed my clothes to gym clothes and headed down to the first floor where the weight room was located.

There weren't a lot of people there so it was just my luck. I strapped on some sports tape and headed towards the punching bags. I plugged in my headphones and turned the volume up and started my anguish workout.

I don't know how long I was at it, but by the time I was done, I was sweating all over.

I walked away to the nearby table to grab a small towel and just as I was wiping off myself, out of the corner of my eyes someone caught my attention.

A girl, with light gray sports bra and black and gray sport leggings was doing squats, showing off how round her ass was. I kept staring until she stopped and glared at me through the mirror. She swirled around as I looked back with a smirk.

Next thing I know, I had her underneath me, moaning obnoxiously loud.

An hour passed by and she was out-cold. I took a long cold shower and went into my kitchen to grab a water bottle.

Just as I passed the entrance of my door, loud running footsteps were heard. I went to open the door to find a blur past me by. I watched her run to the elevator and anxiously pressing the button. When the doors wouldn't open, she used the stairs.

I scowled and closed the door.

I went back to the room to move the girl and her clothes to the living room area and then changed out my bedsheets. I locked the door and then got myself in bed with a heavy breath.

The next morning I woke up to banging on my door. I loudly growled and opened up to find the girl from yesterday. "Who the fu-"

I grabbed her hair and dragged her to the door with her screaming her head off. I opened it up and threw her out as she collided into the wall. I slammed the door shut and locked it.

I stumbled back to bed and flopped myself down.

As I thought I was going to go back to sleep, someone banged on the front door. I grunted out angrily and pushed myself up once again. I stormed over to the door to find Leo with a grin.

I glared at him as he waved. "Morning, boss."

"What do you want?" I gritted out.

"Madam wants you home," Leo said with his grin faltering. "Master Louie has arrived."

I took a deep breath and walked back to my room as Leo entered and shut the door. "I saw your girl out in the elevator, boss," he said as I took a towel and went to take a quick shower.

After my shower, I put on casual clothes and headed out to find Leo on his phone. "You remember that Samantha girl at the club?" He asked.

I pulled on my shoes then brushed my hair back. "What about her," I asked annoyingly.

"Apparently, she got into it with her mother. Her face is bruised up and won't be able to work for awhile at the club," he explained as I stood up and growled.

"Of course," I seethed. "Tell her to find another girl. If she can't find a replacement, kill her."

I put on my jacket and headed out with Leo following behind me. Just as I exited and turned, I collided into someone and made them lose their balance and fell to the ground.

They let out a yelp and held onto their shoulder in pain. "Whoa, boss. Just because you're angry does not mean you take it out on innocent people. Especially girls."

I glared at Leo as the girl stood up and quietly apologized and limped around to pass me.

I narrowed my eyes at her bleeding leg then ignored it and continued my way towards the elevator. Leo locked up and followed closely behind.

Once we got in, the girl was gone.

Scarlet Liksis

I leaned against the door as all the energy in my body deteriorated. I massaged my shoulder gently when I had accidentally bumped into someone. Clumsy me. I pushed myself up off the ground and made it to the bathroom where I had stripped down and got into the tub.

I turned on the water as the cold rushed against my skin, making me shiver then turned warm. I relaxed in the tub and threw my head back.

The recent events rushed through my head as the bruises on my body throbbed painfully with each memory that invaded in my mind.

I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing. Tears flowed down my cheeks as I pressed the ball of my palm over my eyes. "One...two...three," I whispered.

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