The Weak And Helpless (Yona o...

By Shizuko-Chan

95.6K 3.8K 442


The Two Strangers
The Bottom of The Valley
The Four Dragons
Heading Out
Visiting A Village
The White Dragon
The First Dragon Joins Us
I Get Mistaken For A Villager
You've Upset The Dragon
Weak Spot
I Hate Chopsticks
A Failed Search
Hidden Village
The Blue Dragon
Going Back
A Dragons Help
The Blue Dragon Takes A Swim
Port Awa
I Visit My First Brothel
The Green Dragon
I'm Sorry, But Did You Say Mascot?
Joining the Pirates!
Make Over
Authors Note (Please Read)
I'm Going To Fight!
A Plan
Taking Action
The Captive Of Kumji
A Promise
The Hero
A Royal Encounter
Nothing Important
The Five Tribes
Roku And Jealously
A New Dress
A/N: Sing Beautiful
In The Garden
Running Away
Forced Out

The Weak And Helpless

600 18 2
By Shizuko-Chan

Shizuko-Chan: I'M SORRY! >~< I defiantly fail when it comes to updating regularly!

Hak: *Looks at reader-chan* Hey, look they actually came back........

Shizuko Chan: *Puffs cheeks out pouting* Your just horrible Hak! I know I've been neglecting writing put to assume no one would come!

Hak: Can you blame me......

Yona: *Hits Hak on the back of the head* Hak don't be rude! Even if Shizuko-Chan neglected her job don't make her feel any worse!

Shizuko-Chan: Thanks Yona......*silently crying*.. was that a diss or poor reassurance I can't tell T-T

Yona: *Smiles brightly* Happy to help!

Hak: Still can't believe she said Yun was her favorite.....


Jea-Ha: Speaking of which I can't believe you didn't pick me every girl should be charmed by my impeccable looks.......Are you even human?

Shizuko-Chan: Of course I am! *blushes furiously* What else could I be!

Jea-Ha: Just checking......... Your so heartless being able to remain unfazed by my looks and leaving reader-chan ignored and neglected.

Shizuko-Chan: *Begins to cry harder* I think I've received enough verbal abuse guys...

Gija: Welcome back Shizuko-Chan!

Shizuko-Chan: *Sobs*

Gija: *Goes into a panic at the sight of tears* Oh! Shizuko-Chan! What! *Turns to Hak* Did I say something wrong! Maybe I didn't address her formally enough after all we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.....

Shizuko-Chan: *Sobs harder*

Hak: Oh! Look what you did white snake you made her cry more....

Gija:*Panics more* What did I do?!

Shizuko-Chan:*Wipes away tears* No, Gija you did nothing wrong it's just so nice to be welcomed back. *Sniffles* Does anyone have a tissue?

Yun: Your so useless.....*sigh* You leave us for more then a year and come back wailing you really can't take care of your self. *Hands Shizuko-Chan a few tissues*

Shizuko-Chan: *takes tissues* Hey we're missing one more dragon.


Shizuko-Chan: Its good to see you again Shin-Ha!

Shin-Ha: ......Welcome.......

Shin-Ha: .........Back........

Shizuko-Chan: Thanks Shin-Ha! I'm so happy to be back. *Turns toward reader-chan* Thanks so much for continuing to show me so much support especially since I've been gone! I plan to explain myself shortly but first I would like to announce that starting from today I really will try to stay on top and I decided against ending the book! Also look forward to new chapters one upside to being gone so long is that my writing had improved my leaps and bounds! I've even taken some classes!

Yona: Manga? *Turns to Hak* I don't get it.

Hak: Don't worry about it...

Shizuko-Chan: Now continuing with the topic of the advancement of the book I might plan on just making a second book continuing were I left in this one. This is actually the last chapter the next book should be published by time this is published or at least soon after. Since that's done I'd like to explain my absence. 1st- Schools gunna kill me >~< and I got a little over whelmed. 2nd- I got SUPER sick! So I was out of commission for a really long time and 3rd- I had writers block! Now that the book will continue I feel I should reintroduce our main character since it's been so long.

May: *Hears her Q to come and begins to run only to trip* Ouch.....

Yona, Hak, Yun, Gija, Jea-Ha, Shin-ha: *Runs to see if May's okay*

May: Oh! That was my big moment and I tripped and ruined it. *Puffs out her cheeks pouting ears red with embarrassment*

Yun: *Helps May up* Reader-Chan already knows you just say hello.*sigh*

May:*Turns to reader-chan and waves wildly* Hi reader-chan long time no see! How have you been? Oh I hope your well! I'd be a shame if anything happened to you!

Shizuko-Chan: Well that's it! Bellow is a short chapter but don't worry more will be coming! Bye!

May: What! But reader-chan just came back I wanna talk more!

Hak: You'll get your chance latter....

May: But........

Hak: The stories starting May

May: Wa-Wait!

Shizuko-Chan: *Pokes head back out* May your up!

May:*Gives a defeated sigh* reader-chan let's catch up later....

Tears streamed down my face as Hak reached me and Yona who was in a state of confusion and sadness crouching on the floor her face painted with an array of emotions. The faint droning of Hak talking to Yona filled my ears but my mind was else where still lingering on thoughts of Soo-Won. The man that had taken me in, saved me, and then threw me out. The memories of our time together made me want to smile, sob, laugh and howl in anger all at once.

"What's wrong!?" Hak questioned deep concern in his voice as he crouched beside Yona her small figure folded over itself as she sobbed. Hak crouched down and held the princess trying to relax her trembling body before turning to me desperate for answers wanting to sooth Yona's loud sorrowful cries but I only shock my head taking a moment to collect myself and trying to block the cries of my strong princess.

"What happened?" Hak pleaded looking me desperately in need of an explanation. I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath desperate to rid my thoughts Soo-Won and stop Yona's sobs not being able to shake off how heartbreakingly sad they sounded. "I can't tell you." I whispered just barley loud enough for Hak to hear. Disbelief pained the ex-general's face looking helplessly back and forth between his crying princess and the weak, helpless, burdening girl he allowed to be family. For once in his life he couldn't do anything and I more than anyone could understand that pain.

"What happened." Hak repeated to stubborn to allow me to get away that easily. I shuck my head no, bitting my trembling lip to stop the tears. I had my time to mourn for what I lost, my father, my future, my home, my heart, and my friend Soo-Won. It was Yona's turn to mourn and after a year of holding her breaking heart back she deserved it. I would not hinder everyone's ability to comfort Yona by crying  with her. I needed to be there for her. Whether I hold the role of friend, family, shield, or ally in Yona's eyes, I will live up to it.

If only to make sure my strong princess never cries again and to erase the sorrowful sobs from her heart and my memory I will do anything I can for her. Getting up I brushed the rubble of the road off my knees rubbing my eyes before gesturing toward Yona. "You might need to carry her." I sniffled looking at Hak to see his eyes deadly focused on the corner Soo-Won has turned just a moment before. Fury burned in his eyes and I knew I didn't have to explain what happened. If anyone was capable of putting the pieces together and figuring out what happened it was Hak. But I could see the clear confusion on his face as he most likely tired to piece together why I was so heart broken as well.

Hak has no clue that I had any connection to Soo-Won. I thought back to some of the things Soo-Won had said, most of which I haven't really processed yet. I think he had something along the lines of "I can't die yet." I watched Hak look away from the corner and pick up Yona nudging his head toward the direction of the party that was now finished before taking off making me be quite a few steps behind and leaving me plenty of time to think. Tears trailed down my face despite my best efforts not to cry. I bit down hard on my trembling lips fury making my vision turn almost red. Forcing the tears down. THAT BASTARD! HOW DARE HE DECIDE WHEN HE CAN AND CANT DIE! I'LL KILL HIM MYSELF.

It was beyond unfair to Yona. I wasn't sure on the whole story but I knew Soo-Won was the one that killed her father. The desperation, shock, hate and fear in her eyes was all the confirmation I needed for that. Hak continued a few steps in front of me as I took hurried strides to keep up with him my heart bleeding as I watched Yona curled up in his arms sobbing. Usually I was the one that was weak and helpless, yes Yona was facing a similar problem  as me but she took up a bow and arrow and had become pretty good. But watching her now I realized that being weak and helpless it wasn't just my problem. Since father died I had felt defenseless and completely useless unable to do anything, but compared to those feelings it probably looked like nothing to Yona's.

At least I had stared with my daggers, some form of defense, but she... All she had was Hak. She grew up pampered and spoiled unknowing about the real world and how painfully harsh it could be. That first night she had lost everything must have left her with an unimaginably hopeless feeling. As I watched Yona cry and began to recall everything that had happened to me since joining Yona. I realized something. I though my whole life could be summarized as a weak helpless girl barley surviving through luck and the aid of everyone else. But I was wrong. I wasn't weak, nor was I helpless. I don't think I ever truly was. No, I just thought I was. Continuing to trail Hak as we turned the corner to where the remnants of last nights party was I caught my reflection in a stores glass display. I was in my normal clothes again.

At a glance I was still the same height and build, my face wasn't any prettier or uglier. Physically I didn't notice much of a difference. I gazed into my own eyes and taking notice of how different they suddenly seemed. They seemed less round and baby like. They were pair of hardened eyes that held more then a few stories some sad some happy. They were my eyes. Now that I really looked at myself maybe I had changed quite a bit. I felt that maybe I was a little taller. My build now that I looked closely seemed a bit more sturdy. I had lost weight making my figure slim, including my face. Making me look much more mature. I wasn't the same girl I was three months ago. I smiled giving a sigh of content as I looked away from my reflection running ahead to catch up to Hak. I wasn't weak and helpless. I was something new. Chills ran up my spin at the thought. Weak had turned to strong and helpless and turned to capable. I couldn't wait to show it.
A few fun facts to end the book (their a sequel)

-When ever May and Gija go out together a lot of people mistake them as real sibling because of their similar white hair. Gija doesn't really care about it but this fact makes May super happy since she's never had siblings and it makes her feel closer to Gija

- At 13 almost 14 years old May knows she acts a little childish sometime asking to be carried by Gija all the time but being carried reminds her of her father and makes her feel more like a family. She doesn't plan on stopping either since she's so small compared to the others it doesn't really matter.

-Sometime when May notices that Gija is having nightmares or having a hard time sleeping she'll get up and gently stroke his hair and quietly sing for him. Tho Gija will never admit it, it really dose help him sleep and he likes it when May does this for him. But May has no clue since Gija pretends to be asleep.

-On the way to Port Awa May lagged behind because of the long journey. Yoon was way ahead and May really wanted walk with him. Frustrated she called out to him but accidentally called him mom. Which was really embarrassing and Hak will never let her forget it.

May's favorite qualities/Things about the everyone

Jae-Ha: His free spirit and playful attitude. May loves to listen to his music and was hoping he could teach her.
Yoon: His motherly nature, and genuine care for others. May loves that even though he so smart he can make stupid mistakes. Sometimes he'll get distracted and accidentally burn the food. She also loves how courageous he can be despite his lacking fighting skills and how he is an amazing teacher. May looks at Yoon as a huge role model in her life.
Hak: May loves Hak's carefree attitude and devoted he is to Yona. She also like how teasing he can be and how reliable he can be.
Shin-Ah: How compassionate and considerate he his toward others. May also loves how much of an animal person he his and Shin-Ah does a lot of small things people don't notice to help out. Like doing the dishes laying out the blankets for everyone at night.
Yona: May loves how strong Yona is and looks at her like and older sister. She adores Yona for her determination to get stronger and really admires her.
Gija: His positive personality and fierce loyalty. He's super innocent in the weirdest way and loves all the weird quirks he has from growing up in the White Dragon village and how because of this he'll say something that seems normal but is actually really weird

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