Mail Order Bride

By misscowgirlup22

777K 22.8K 1K

Anna is your average small town girl. The only problem is that she moved to the city, after she finished coll... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 21

22.1K 647 17
By misscowgirlup22

Copyright 2013 misscowgirlup22

Chapter 21

            “Are you okay, Anna?” Cassie asked as she kneeled down next to Anna, she was sitting on the couch with a blank look on her face.

            All Anna could was shake her head, ‘no’ while she starred at the floor in disbelief.

            Cassie rubbed Anna’s shoulders in a poor effort to comfort her. “Come on please talk to me Anna.” She got no reply. “He’ll be fine I promise you that. Brent’s known for getting himself in deep shit, but he always manages to get out of it in one way, or another.”

            Anna still wouldn’t talk, and so Cassie figured that she was still a bit shell shocked from the news.

            Deciding that she probably needed a little time to process everything that was happening, Cassie walked over to Luke, and stood by him while they both watched Anna.

            “Do you have any other information? I think Anna needs something more… Something that will give her hopes to believe that my idiot of a brother will be okay.”

            Luke sighed, and looked back at Anna. “Honestly Cass, I only really know what you guys know. All the information I have is that he’s missing and that the Sheriff up there has a search and rescue planned. Other than that I’m pretty in the dark until I get another update.”

            Cassie nodded her head understanding that there was only so much that he could do. “Do you think you could get one of your deputies to give us a ride up there? I don’t trust Anna or me to drive up there, and I know she needs to be there.”

            “Sure… just let me go radio dispatch for an available deputy.” Luke turned around and walked out the door to his squad car.

          Cassie went back over to Anna. “I know you feel guilty, and you’re going to continue feeling this way until we find him, and assure you that he’s okay. But Anna you have to talk to us, we can’t help you get through this unless you’ll talk to us.” She sighed. “I know how you feel, and you can trust me if you want to talk about it…”

            That was when Anna finally looked up at her; with little tear tracks going down her face. “I don’t want to talk about it right now, Cassie,” she sounded so defeated.

            “Okay, you don’t. But you do have to pack were going to be leaving soon for Middle Fork. One of Luke’s deputies going to be driving us up there.”

            Anna just walked away without saying anything else to Cassie. She climbed up the stairs, and made the journey to her room. Once she was inside she closed the door with her back and collapsed against the door. She cried into her hands for a good fifteen minutes.

            Finally she felt slightly better—not whole yet, she wouldn’t feel whole again until she knew that Brent was okay. Mindlessly she got up and grabbed a bag and began to stuff her clothes into it. Not caring what she placed inside. When the bag was full she zipped it closed and made her way to the bathroom.

            She grabbed all of her toiletries, and brought them back to her room. As she walked it was almost like she wasn’t herself. It was like someone was pulling the strings for her. She was going through the motions, but not realizing anything that she was doing.

            When she’d gotten all of her things situated. She moved away from her bed and to the window in her room. She put her hands on the window sill and looked outside—she seemed to be finding herself looking outside, to the sky for all of her answers lately.

            She found her mid drifting away endlessly. Was Brent okay? Was he going to be okay? Was he cold, hungry, or injured?

            Most of all as she stood there she realized that she missed him, and she hoped that he too missed her. It had just about killed her when she’d heard the news about his disappearance. She felt like someone was trying to gut her insides while she was still breathing.

            Anna guessed that’s what love did to you. It made you worry about the one you loved until you knew they were okay. And most of all it made you miss them like you had never missed anyone else before.

            There was a knock on Anna’s door bringing her back to reality.

            “Come in.” Anna yelled to whoever was standing outside of her bedroom.

             The door creaked as it was opened, and then Cassie was standing inside of her room.

            “All of Luke’s deputies are busy,” Cassie told Anna, “so he’s going to be driving us, but first he has to go back to his place, and get himself some clothes and toiletries before he can accompany us.”

            “Okay,” Anna told her, her voice sounding a little croaky from all the crying that she’d done. “How long will he be?”

            “Not long. His house is only about a twenty minute drive from here. So I’d expect him to be back in about an hour.”

            “Alright, I’ll be ready to go when he gets back.” Cassie started to retreat, but Anna had something that she had to ask. “Do you think he’ll be okay” she asked as she stared down at her hands and tried not bawl her eyes out.

            “I don’t know Anna,” Cassie smiled wearily at her. “I hope he will be, but really I’m freaking out just as much as you are. I really honestly don’t know how I’m going to be able to call my parents, and tell them about it.”

            “You’ll find a way, Cass. We both will.” Anna sighed and lay down on her bed.




            “We’ll be arriving at Hobson in a couple of minutes,” Luke informed Cassie and Anna.

            It was late at night and they were all tired, but none of them would rest until they got some answers about Brent’s disappearance.

            A few short minutes later they pulled up in front of the Sheriff’s office. Luke parked his unmarked squad SUV in one of the spots and then they got out. They’d taken the unmarked SUV to try and not bring to much attention. They didn’t want everyone to freak out over Brent’s disappearance. No, what they needed was for everyone to stay calm, so that it would be easier to find Brent.

            There was a secretary sitting at her desk just inside of the building.

            “Hello, ma’am I’m looking for the Sheriff,” He shrugged some of the snow off of his jacket, and then showed her his badge.

            The lady hoped up immediately. “Sheriff Hendricks has been expecting you. I’ll go and tell him you’re here, Sheriff…”

            “Andrews, ma’am. I’m Sheriff Andrews from Walker.”

            “Alright then, Sheriff Andrews why don’t you all take a seat, and help yourself to some coffee, while I speak with the sheriff.” She smiled at them and then, walked into what Luke suspected was Sheriff Hendricks’ office.

            Luke made himself comfortable in one of the armchairs while Cassie and Anna walked over to the coffee machine.

            “Being here is making me extremely nervous,” Anna told Cassie as she grabbed a foam cup from the stack by the coffee machine.

            “I know. I’m feeling the same way.” Cassie grabbed a cup as well. “I hope they know something more than we do.”

            “I hope so, too,” she began filling her cup with coffee. “Everyone will probably start searching tomorrow since the snow is starting to fall a little lighter.”

            After Cassie had filled her cup, and they’d doctors their coffee with some cream and sugar they went back over to Luke and sat down. Before they had had a chance to get comfortable, Sheriff Hendricks, and the secretary emerged.

            Luke immediately stood up, and Cassie and Anna followed suit.

            “Hello, Sheriff Andrews, and you two are…?” He asked as he tipped his hat towards Cassie and Anna.

            Cassie approached him and shook the Sheriff’s hand. “I’m Cassie Donovan, Brent’s sister, and this is…” she motioned towards Anna, “Anna Douglas, Brent’s girlfriend.”

            Sheriff Hendricks shook Anna’s hand. “Let’s got my office we can talk privately in there.” His eyes looked tired, as he waved them towards his office.

            Once inside the three of them sat down in the seats opposite of the Sheriffs.

            Anna was the first one to ask questions. “Is he okay? Do you have an area where you expect to find him? I know how these work my brother went missing when in the woods when he was twelve.”

            “Um… Miss Douglas we currently have no information on his well-being.” Sheriff Hendrix rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands, and then continued on. “As for his location we do have an area of about ten miles. The only problem is that the terrain is not suitable to be maneuvered with such heavy of snow coming down and then blanketing the ground.”

            “But it’s not too bad that we won’t be able to do a search and rescue, right?” Luke asked him.

            “It’s not too bad, but it’s going to be a very dangerous search and rescue to boot.”

            Anna and Cassie were both comforted by what Sheriff Hendricks was telling them.

            “When will you begin the search?” The three of them questioned the Sheriff in unison—or at least semi-unison.            

            “In the morning, but it won’t really start to heat up until tomorrow afternoon.”

            “Why’s that?” Luke asked him while he shifted to sit with his elbows on his knees.

            “The extreme weather condition search and rescue team won’t be able to make it out here until tomorrow afternoon. So until then we’ll have to use what we have, but I won’t have anyone taking unneeded risks.” He shot them a look that could make a person wish that they were buried six feet under.

            “I knew your daddy,” He continued and looked at Luke, “and he told me about all the stupid shit you did when you were still in school. Hell, even when you were in college.”

            Luke blushed slightly, “Yes sir, but that man is still one of my own and my friend.” He slumped back in his chair. “So I’m not making any promises…”

            Sheriff Hendricks shot him a murderous look. “Fine, but if you get your ass in trouble, too, them I’m going to leave your ass where it lays.”

            “Understood,” Luke told him as he shook his head ‘yes’.



            The next morning it was gloomy outside, and the snow was still coming down steadily, with no news on when it was going to end. None of them has really slept the night before. They’d all tossed and turned while they’d worried about Brent’s wellbeing.

            When they’d gotten to the hotel after their chat with Sheriff Hendricks they’d gotten rooms. Luke had his own room and Anna and Cassie had gotten a room with two queen beds to share. Although, Anna had opted to sleep in Brent’s room where she could smell his scent, and see his things which had given her an odd sense of security. During the night she’d cried into his pulling, and when she awoke she could barely drag herself away from it, but she had to find Brent.

            It wasn’t a want, it was a need.

            After a quick breakfast, and a cup of to go coffee they were all on their way in Luke’s squad SUV.

            When they arrived at the Middle Fork hunting parking lot it was set up to be a mini portable search and rescue headquarters. Sheriff Hendricks was there barking orders at everyone. They had a couple people with search and rescue husky and malamutes.

            Sheriff Hendricks walked over to Luke, Cassie and Anna when he noticed them. He nodded in approval when he saw that they were all wearing the proper attire for a search and rescue during the winter time, and he noticed that they each had packs with things that they would need.

            “Are you ready to go searching for Brent?” Sheriff Hendricks asked them, and the three nodded.

            Luke pointed at the little headquarters when he saw Barry standing in it. “I’m going to go over there and get some information about what’s going on, and see what all Barry know since he is the one who reported Brent missing,” He told them, and then walked away leaving Cassie and Anna standing there with the Sheriff.

            “When will we start looking for Brent?” Anna asked him.

            “As soon as we get everyone breached about what’s going on,” He scrubbed a hand over his face, and then looked at Anna. “Can I talk to you privately for a moment?”  

            Anna nodded at the Sheriff, and then they walked away from Cassie. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

            “I wanted to make sure that you’re okay to do this search. I mean I have a daughter, and when things went down with her fiancé she had a hard time functioning, and I just wanted to make sure that you’re going to be okay. I need to know that your emotions won’t influence you to make a bad decision.” When he saw the look of annoyance on her face he decided that he had to change his approach. “What I’m trying to say is that I care, and I’m not willing to let anyone else risk their wellbeing.”

            Anna tried to smile, but it turned it more of a grimace. “I can assure you that my emotions will not affect my ability to look for Brent. I’ve done this before once when my brother went missing in the woods connected to my house, and my emotions did not affect me in that situation, either.”

            The Sheriff held his hands up in surrender. “I just wanted to make sure. Now go over and get Cassie and then head over to the headquarters we have set up over there. I need to get everyone breached so that we can start this thing.”

            Anna couldn’t deny it she liked Sheriff Hendricks. He reminded her of her father before things went bad between them. But thinking of her family now would only complicate things, and she had far more important things to be thinking about. Like Brent.

            Cassie waited patiently as Anna trudged back to her. “What’d he want to talk to you about, Anna?” She asked when Anna was right by her.

            “Nothing really… He just wanted to talk to me about my search and rescue skills.” Anna told her, but Cassie could tell that Anna was not telling her everything. Cassie couldn’t figure out why she was starting to put up walls to guard herself.

            “Okayyy…” Cassie wanted to pry, but this was neither the time nor the place to do it.

            Anna rubbed her arms when some wind blew by her and left a chill in her bones. “Let’s just go over there,” she pointed towards the search and rescue headquarters, “and get done with the meeting and them we can go and search for Brent.”

            “Sure, let’s go and get this thing started.”

            The two of them approached the headquarters, and found places to sit. Unfortunately the benches were metal, and when they sat down it was quite chilly.

            “Okay, now that we have everyone here let’s get started.” Sheriff Hendricks’ began to breach everyone along with Luke’s help. “We have a Caucasian male that went missing last night. He’s in his late twenties. He’s approximately six foot three, weighing probably a couple pounds under two hundred. He has brown hair and gray eyes with a muscled build.”

            It was now Luke’s turn to break in. “The last time he was seen was around noon yesterday where we currently are. He was supposed to be back by noon, but he never returned. We have a ten mile search radius that we are looking at. For the time being we are only allowing you all to search two miles in. Later when the other search and rescue people come we will start to cover more ground. We want you all to be prepared because this may very well end up being a search and retrieve. We hope it doesn’t come to that, but right now with the information we have anything is possible.”

            “We have walkie talkies at the table to the far left,” Sheriff Hendricks pointed ad he spoke, “along with trackers that you will all be wearing so that we know where you are at all times. We have maps that will be handed out once I’m finished talking. That will also be when you find out who your partner will be. The groups will consist of two people and one of the dogs. Let’s get started. May God be with you all.” The Sheriff finished up, and walked off.

            Another search and rescue person came up and began speaking. “Listen up. I have the group assignments. Sheriff Andrews will be partnered with Anna Douglas, their K-9 will be Kenai…” That’s all Anna heard. She would’ve thought that she’d be partnered up with Cassie.

            Anna got up from her seat with Cassie and Luke trailing after her. She was on a mission to talk to Sheriff Hendricks.      

            He was sitting at one of the command tables with a computer when Anna found him. “Excuse me, but I thought my partner was going to be Cassie.” Anna told him as she gave him a glare. By then Cassie and Luke were standing by her.

            “You were until I was made privy to the knowledge that she’s pregnant.” Cassie and Anna both gasped.

            “Who told you?” Cassie asked him none too kindly. He pointed over at Luke.

            “Luke told me while you and Anna were on your way over here. I will not have you looking for your brother if it means bringing a risk to an un born child, and my dear this is a high risk search and rescue. Don’t worry though you’ll be here with me tracking everyone, and the information we are made privy to.”

            Cassie was none too happy about this development. She stalked over to Luke. “Who told you?”

            Luke blushed, and if Cassie hadn’t been so made she would have thought it cute. He cleared his throat. “Uhhh… Jess told me the other day when I was at her store.” He scratched his head, completely uncomfortable with the turn the conversation had made.

            Once Cassie had walked off Anna broached a conversation with Luke. “Loos like you’re going to be my partner.”


Sorry about the wait for this chapter... I've been supper busy and when I was writing it seemed like nothing was coming out right. It's a little over three thousand words, and I know it's kind of a filler, but it was necessary. I hope it was worth the wait. There will be some Brent in the next chapter.

The song on the side is Mine Would Be You by Blake Shelton. I thought it was a good song about Brent and Anna's relationship. Please give it a listen!

Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment!!!

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