Jacob Frye x Reader

By Soul-of-a-dragon

151K 4.9K 1.1K

From a very young age, you were raised as an assassin to follow the Creed. After reading a letter meant for s... More

The Letter
Chapter 1 - Off to London
Chapter 2 - Henry Green and the Frye twins
Author's note
Chapter 4 - Conquering Whitechapel (Part 2)
Chapter 5 - Conquering Whitechapel (Part 3)
Chapter 6 - Conquering Whitechapel (Part 4)
Chapter 7 - Worried about (Name)
Chapter 8 - Worried? More like Scared
Chapter 9 - Meeting Alexander and Ned
Chapter 10 - More about Jacob and Evie
Chapter 11 - More about (Name)
Chapter 12 - Soothing Syrup
Chapter 13 - Unnatural Selection (Part 1)
Chapter 14 - Unnatural Selection (Part 2)
Chapter 15 - I'm sorry
Chapter 16 - On the Origin of Syrup
Chapter 17 - A bloody night
Chapter 18 - Torture
Chapter 19 - Overdose
Chapter 20 - It wasn't your fault
Chapter 21 - What the hell just happened
Chapter 22 - Friendly Competition
Chapter 23 - Jealousy's a bitch, ain't it
Chapter 24 - Research and Development
Chapter 25 - It had to be done
Chapter 26 - Oblivious
Chapter 27 - Distance between us
Chapter 28 - Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 29 - End of the line
Chapter 30 - The shocking news
Chapter 31 - Everything changes
Chapter 32 - A Case of Identity
Chapter 33 - A Spot of Tea (Part 1)
Author's Note
Chapter 34 - A Spot of Tea (Part 2)
Chapter 35 - A Bad Penny
Chapter 36 - Playing Politics
Chapter 37 - The Bodyguard
Chapter 38 - Driving Mrs. Disraeli
Chapter 39 - Motion to Impeach
Chapter 40 - Strange Bedfellows
Chapter 41 - Flashbacks
Chapter 42 - Triple Theft
Chapter 43 - Fun and Games
Chapter 44 - Final Act
Chapter 45 - I just got you back
Chapter 46 - Double Trouble
Chapter 47 - Dress to Impress
Chapter 48 - Remembering who I am
Chapter 49 - A Night to Remember (Part 1)
Chapter 50 - A Night to Remember (Part 2)
Final Author's Note

Chapter 3 - Conquering Whitechapel (Part 1)

7.3K 186 46
By Soul-of-a-dragon

Dedicated to @sarakumaa for your comment that has inspired and motivated me to continue on.

"How much do you know of Crawford Starrick?" Jacob asked once introductions were made.

"Enough to know that he is the one pulling the strings around here, and that he must fall if London is to be ever free of Templar control, thus freeing the people from oppression." I replied. 

"And that's what we intend to do."

"Who are all these people?" Evie said as she walked over to the desk. Her question had me curious so I walked over to the desk and saw that there were a few pictures of different people laid out.

"Over the years, I have established a number of connections across the city." Henry said.

"Splendid. We'll need focused aid..." She began to say, only to be interrupted by her brother.

"Focused aid? Psh, we take over Starrick's gangs, we cripple his control."

"You know, that's not a bad idea." I said to Jacob.

"You're not aiming high enough. Starrick has influence in every branch of society. We need to match him." Evie said. Jacob placed his hand on her shoulder and replied,

"I see what you're saying Evie, we need the Rooks." I looked at him with a curious look and, before anyone could say anything, I spoke up and asked,

"I'm sorry, but who or what exactly are the Rooks exactly?"

"A gang I intend to begin."

"You're not starting a gang called The Rooks Jacob." Evie said.

"I believe I may have an idea of my own." Henry began to say as he moved towards the first picture of a man with brown hair and a brown moustache. "We will need the police to turn a blind eye to our activities. My ally in the force, Sergeant Abberline. I've heard he's a master of disguise."

"Really? Then how will we know when we have found him if he is in disguise?" I asked, curious to know.

"Don't worry, you'll know when you have found him. Now next up – urchins."

"Urchins?" Jacob said with a tone of disbelief.

"Urchins. Children make for excellent spies."

"Clara O'Dea." Evie said as we looked at a picture of a girl with brunette hair braided on both sides and brown eyes.

"Smart as a whip that one." He said as he moved onto the final picture laid out on the desk. "Finally, you would be wise to remember that Starrick never acts alone. There are gang leaders in every borough. You'll meet them soon enough, no doubt."

"Who's the first we're after?" I said.

"Rexford Kaylock, known for his ability to vanish before your very eyes."

"Shall we make him disappear for real?" Jacob said and I couldn't help but giggle silently.

"I suppose." Evie said.

"One moment." Henry said and grabbed another picture out from under the desk, handing it to Evie. "Hm, a Templar target you might want to look into. Be cautious, it's rough out there."

"Don't worry about me, Greenie. I can handle a few thugs." Jacob said. With that, we turned around and began walking out of the shop. Once outside, I turned towards the twins and asked,

"So where exactly do we start?"

"How about seeking out Clara? I believe if we can get the children on our side soon, then they can report any important information they come across. The more information we have, the more we can plan effectively." Evie said and all I did was nod my head, agreeing with her.

"Well then, let's go find her."

Time skip

After looking for some time, we came across an alleyway, where a few children reside. I looked ahead and saw a familiar looking girl standing beside a boy, who was throwing rocks into a hat.

"What is this place?" Evie said as we looked around.

"It's nice to meet both at last, Mr Green had informed me about you both. However, I was unaware that someone else would be accompanying you." The girl, who I'm guessing is Clara, said she approached us.

"My name is (Name) (Last Name), a fellow assassin working alongside Jacob and Evie. It's a pleasure to meet you." I said.

"Likewise Miss (Last Name). Anyway, this is Babylon Alley. Here we make it our business to know the streets, and provide children with the opportunity to control their own destinies."

"Clara, Mr Green said we might be able to help one another?" Evie said.

"In exchange for our services, we ask a small favour."

"Well, why not. You seem to have taken most of my money. Why not take a small favour too?" Jacob said as he slowly walked forward, only to be stopped by Evie. 'I wonder if what happened to me when I first arrived also happened to Jacob. It seems most likely when he said that his money was taken. Oh well, seems he is still mad about it whereas I moved past it. I mean, I don't blame the child who took my money. Sometimes, you have no choice but to steal to get by in life.' I thought.

"There are several factories about the city that are powered almost entirely by child labour. Those children work long hours, with little pay and most are not permitted even to leave the factory grounds. They suffer terribly."

"That's awful. How could people even let others get away with that? What do you want us to do?" I said as anger coursed through my veins.

"I need you to save them."

"A small favour?" Jacob said and I couldn't help myself and hit him on the arm.

"In return, we offer you intelligence. Something YOU clearly need." I couldn't help but giggle silently as she told Jacob.

"Now hold on a minute..." Jacob tried to say before getting interrupted.

"I'm late for an appointment." Clara began to say as she turned away from Jacob and looked towards Evie. "What of these terms?"

"We accept." Evie said as Clara spat on her hand, Evie doing the same, and shook hands, signally their agreement.

"Pleasure doing business with you." That was the last thing said before Clara turned away and re-joined the boy from before. Evie, Jacob and I walked out of Babylon Alley, making our way to the factory, where children are being forced to work.

"So we don't attract a lot of attraction, I think one of us should stay behind. That way, it's less suspicious when the enemies, who I would say are the Blighters, start dropping dead." I said and the twins nodded their heads in agreement.

"That's a great idea love. How about you and Evie save the children while I'll go off and wait for you both and see if I can find this policeman." Jacob said and I couldn't help but blush a little at the nickname. Before he could notice, I looked towards Evie, waiting for her opinion.

"Alright, (Name) and I will meet you soon." Jacob nodded his head and left, leaving Evie and I. "First thing we should do is see how many Blighters there are, and how many children need to be saved."

"Don't forget about the foreman. If we want to make sure that no more children are being forced to work in this factory, it's a great idea to get rid of the one who runs the place."

"Alright, let's go."  We made our way onto the building and I closed my eyes and concentrated on activating my eagle vision. Once it was activated, I looked around.

"Ok, so there are six Blighters, nine children to be saved, one foreman to be killed and the bell is close to one of the entrances." I said to Evie once I looked around.

"Alright, first things first, kill the foreman."

"I'll take care of that. Why don't you take care of those who are watching the children?"

"Alright, see you soon." I nodded my head and walked over to the side of the building, looking for an entrance that's close to where the foreman is. I finally found one and made my way down the building, dropping down the ledge and saw that I had the perfect shot at killing him. I pulled up my hood and crouched down, making sure to stay out of view as I don't fancy anyone ringing the bell and calling for any reinforcements. I hid behind a cupboard, pulled out a throwing knife, aimed at the foreman and threw it, the knife embedded itself deeply into his skull, killing him instantly. With the foreman dead, I walked over to the three children who were sweeping the floor and said,

"Don't worry children, you're free now."

"Thank you Miss." One of them said as they all gave me a smile and began to descend down the stairs, making their way out of the factory. I saw followed, looking around for the next group of children and saw that they were on the second floor, a female Blighter watching them. As quite as a mouse, I made my way over there. Once I was close enough, I pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it, temporarily blinding the woman and ran up behind her, plunging my hidden blade into her throat and killed her. Once she was dead, I turned around towards the children and said,

"You're free now children, go and find Clara."

"Thank you kindly." One of them said and they all gave me a quick smile before running out of the factory. Not long after, I heard the sound of fighting and looked over the railing, only to see that Evie was finishing off the remaining Blighter and told the children that they are now free. I pulled down my hood and made my way down the last set of stairs.

"Hey Evie, let's get out of here and find Jacob. Now that the children are free, we should go and find Sergeant Abberline." I said.

"Alright, let's go." She replied as we walked out of the factory.

Time skip

"I don't see Mr Abberline." Evie said as we searched through a back alley.

"Well, we tried." Jacob said and all I could do was let out a sigh.

"Psst." Someone said and we looked around to see a very strange lady talking to us. "I may know a thing or two about the splendid fellow you're talking about."

"What's this?" Jacob said as he walked over and took off the lady's hat, only to see that it was a man in disguise.

"God's sake, are you trying to blow the gaff?" He said in an angry tone.


"Sergeant Abberline at your service. I presume you two are the Frye twins Green mentioned. Although, he didn't mention that someone else was with you." Abberline said as he looked towards me.

"(Name) (Last Name), I've just recently arrived after the twins and work alongside them." Before he could say anything, Jacob spoke up and said,

"I was expecting you to be a policemen."

"I was expecting YOU to be discreet."

"Henry Green said that you could help us go unnoticed." Evie said, interrupting the glares that were being exchanged between Jacob and Abberline.

"This is how it will work. I will give you the names of criminal gang members, you will bring them back to me. Quietly."

"We'll be as quiet as an old lady. A very hairy, strange old lady, that looks a lot like a policeman." Jacob said. Evie just rolled her eyes and I couldn't help but giggle quietly to myself. With that, we turned around from Abberline and I said,

"Why don't you check out the Templar target Mr Green told us about and I'll deal with the criminal gang member and meet up with you soon?"

"Alright, we'll see you later." Jacob said as Evie nodded her head and the pair of them walked off. I turned back towards Abberline, who then spoke.

"Now whatever you do, TRY to remain within the bounds of the law. For my sake. I don't need corpses at the station."

"Don't worry Mr Abberline, I assure you that I will bring them back alive." I said.

"Good, now approach the target from behind and attempt to make them talk. Then bring them to my carriage, carefully."

"Sounds easy enough. Who's my target that I'm looking for?"

"His name is Homer Dalton, also known as The Taxman. Reason being, he gets his income by squeezing it from those who needs it most. He also has an illegal collection of property taxes and he was last spotted here, the Maze of Whitechapel." All I did was nod my head and then began climbing up the building, making my way to higher ground where I can look for my target. Once I was high enough, I activated my eagle vision and looked around, only to spot that my target was right in front of me. I deactivated my eagle vision and performed a leap of faith, falling right into a pile of hay. After a few seconds, I jumped out, pulled my hood on and made my way over to Homer, making sure that I was quiet. Once I was behind him, I punched him in the stomach and grabbed his arm, pulling it behind him and holding it securely, making sure that he didn't escape my hold.

"Get off me!" He shouted.

"Now, now Mr Dalton, I don't want to hurt you." I said as we made our way to the carriage.


"Shut your mouth or meet my blade."

"Get your hands off me."

"Stop squeezing people of every last penny, and we'll talk."

"Kaylock will hear of this terrible mistake you've made."

"You won't have the chance to scream 'save me,' let alone pay Kaylock a visit." With that, I shoved him into the carriage and climbed aboard, flicked the reins to get the horses moving and took off to meet Abberline. Not long later, we reached our destination, where he was waiting.

"We'll be glad to see him behind bars. Thank you." With that, Abberline took off with the criminal in the back of the carriage. I let out a sigh of content, pleased that one less criminal is off the street. 'Now, time to find Evie and Jacob.' With that thought, I walked off.

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