Summer Blood {NCIS} -Book 2-

By Storyteller123_

35.2K 911 67

Lexi's world is about to be turned upside down when she is faced with a ton of new problems. The biggest thin... More

Troubling Calls
Mike Franks
Gun Fight
Room 421
Jenny ?!
I Love You
New Guy Brent
I Knew You Were Trouble
Bad Day
Bombs and Bad Guys
Life Sucks Sometimes
The Nights End
Suicide Bomber


1.4K 38 4
By Storyteller123_

Lexi's POV.

I woke up in my bed? How did I get here, last thing I remember is I was on the couch. Oh... I started crying and Gibbs was here, he must have brought me in here. I stood up and walked to the bathroom, I opened my cabinet my razors were missing. Then I remembered Gibbs took them... I washed my face off, and took some deep breaths. I miss my parents so much, I want to cut really bad. I can't thought, of course I could just use a knife or any other blade here. I want to stop, it's so hard. I walked into the kitchen and got me a bowl of cereal. I looked around my walls in the apartment, my eyes met the wedding photo again. A few tears fell from my eyes, I stared into my bowl. I started moving my spoon around the bowl, I don't want to eat. I poured it down the drain, then walked to the couch and sat down. I don't feel like doing anything.

*ring ring*

I looked at my phone, Gibbs. I declined the call and curled up my legs. I had a major headache,

*ring ring*

Another call from Gibbs, I declined again and turned my phone off. I stared off at the picture, lost in trance.

I jumped at the knocking at my door.

"What" I mumble

"It's me" Gibbs voice said

I rolled my eyes and put my head down, I don't want to talk.

"Lexi, come on" I hear

I slowly look up, Gibbs was standing in font of me.

"Did you eat?" He asked me

I shook my head no, he carefully took my hand, and led me into the kitchen.

"Eat." He stated

Again I shook my head no.

"I don't want to do anything, I miss them to much, why should I get to eat when they didn't get to live!" I tell him

"They will want you to live your life" he responds

I sit down, and take a deep breath. What got over me?

"Sorry" I mumble

"Stop saying that, do I have to Gibbs slap you!?" He questions

I smile and he does also, he pours me some more cereal.

"Thank you" I whisper

"Your welcome" he replies

I eat my food and get ready. I hear Gibbs answer some calls, I think. Then we leave together,

"We have a case" Gibbs tells me in the car.

We get to the scene, the rest of the team was there already. I start to collect evidence with McGee and Tony They both seem really happy.

I look over at Ziva who was questioning a neighbor in the driveway she was smiling also.

There was two dead, the marine LT. Jason Kaxs and a civilian. A Jon Doe for now, until Ducky or Abby can identify him.


We got back to the base, Abby was processing evidence with McGee, Ducky and Jimmy was in autopsy with Jon Doe, and Jason Kaxs. Tony, Ziva, and I are looking for the ID of our Jon Doe, bank records, way the two victims are connected, and background on both. In walked three people from the elevator. Two men and a woman, the woman has black hair and is shorter, they have blue jackets on. The younger man has dark black hair and and looks like he could have a ascent. The other man has a little gray hair he looks as old or a little older than Gibbs but he's not Mike Franks. Gibbs saw him and pointed toward the elevator. Who's this guy!? He looks alot like Gibbs. I'm really confused, I watched Gibbs and this dude head for the elevator. The other two people with him stayed in the bullpen with Tony, Ziva, and I.

Gibbs POV.

In walked my old buddy Tobias, great what's the FBI doing here!

When we both get to the elevator, I hit the off switch.

"What's NCIS doing looking into Rafiel Dion!?" Fornell asks me

"Who is he! Is that him" I question back

I held up a autopsy photo if his face.

"Yes that is" Fornell replies

"Who is he to you?" I continue

"A CI, he was going to help us catch our killer for a deal" he explains

Tobias looked around for a moment,

"How'd he die" he asks

"Want to go find out" I offer

"Join investigation?" He responds

I nod my head yes and turn on the power, It heads down to Ducky to find out cause of death.


McGee POV.

It was 7 pm and we were still working on our case, the bullpen became very crowed. Three more people are in here, so 7 people in total.

"Go home everyone" Gibbs announces.

Then I casually left with Tony and Ziva. I waited for them to leave and then I snuck back, into the building. I made it to Abby's lab and met up with her.

"Hey" I surprised her

I put my arms around her waist,

"McGee!" She squealed

She turned around and kissed my cheek.

"How about I pick you up at 9:30"

I ask

"Okay" she answered with a huge smile

"Gibbs let us leave" I let her know

"Yay!" She jumped.

I walked to the elevator and there stood Gibbs, great.

"Hey boss" I calmly said

Gibbs grabbed my arm, and yanked me into the elevator, Turned off the power.

"WHAT THE HELL MCGEE!" Gibbs yelled at me

"Well boss, we love each other and I want to be with her forever" I gulped

"Fine, you can be with her, but if you hurt her, I am a marine sniper!" He reminds me

I nod my head yes. He flips on the switch, I head out and back to my apartment.


I get out of my shower and I dry and style my hair. I put on my nicest suit, and brushed my teeth. I went to Abby's apartment. My whole body was shaking, I had sweat running down my forehead. I wiped it off, and took a couple deep breaths. Then I knocked three times.

Abby opened the door, I lost my breath. She was so beautiful, she was wearing a sea green dress witch came just past her knees, it had a white area on the top, and had little gems on there. She was so beautiful, I could stop myself from leaning in and kissing her.

"You are so beautiful" I whisper

I took her hands and led her to my car. We drove to a really nice restraint, we walked in and sat down at a booth.

"Wow your dress" I stumbled

I was in aw of her,

"Thanks" she replied and giggled

Then the waitress came by and took our order. We talked for awhile till our food came. I couldn't take my eyes off of hers.

"It looks so good!" Abby announces

"Yes it does" I agreed

We both ordered a plate of spaghetti. We then dug into our food, it was so good. We ate for about 19 minutes, and then finished up.

"You look really beautiful Abby" I told her.

"Aww thanks Timmy" she blushed "your so sweet like candy and kittens!"

We both laughed,

"lets go" she asked

I took her arm and led her to the door.

I payed the bill and then we walked to my car, I opened the passenger side for her. Then I got into the drivers side.

I drove back to her place and walked Abby to her door.

"McGee tonight was perfect! Thank you so much" she complemented

"Your so welcome" I responded

She leaned in and kissed me, I kissed her back.

Every thing was so perfect.

"I love you a lot Abby" I whisper.

"I love you too Tim" she told me.

We kissed again, then she smiled. We said our goodnights, and she walked inside.

I walked back to my car and drove home. I was so happy, It went perfect.

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