Simply Difficult

By Jazzia15

133K 6.5K 555

They were taught to never look them in the eye, never speak, never fight, and never disobey. All of the Royal... More

Simply Difficult
A Choice to be Made
New Maid
The Good Doctor
In My Skin
In Love and War
Inside The Mind of Daemon
Stolen Kiss
Bloody Entrée
Break Down
The Note
Follow the Clichè Moonlight
Vigrin Promise
Keep it to Yourself
The Wise Teacher
Hush Hush
City of Blood
The Truth
Green Eyes
Fallen Angel
Bright Light
Since You've Been Gone
Goodbye for Now
Decisions Decisions
Just Go With It
One of Us
Soul Claiming
Blood Promise
Mistakenly Perfect

Stupid Decisions

1.7K 88 17
By Jazzia15

"Omigods!!! You're Seth aren't you?!" Dimitri shrieked.

"Uhhhh..." Seth said confused. In an instant Dimitri rushed over to us, pushing me away from Seth and grabbing him by the cheeks.

"Omigods he is so sexy! His eyes are to die for! And damn he's so buff!" Dimitri squealed feeling up all over him.

"Uhhh who is he, and why is he touching me?"

"That's Dimitri..."

"How do you get your hair so shiny?" He said running his hands through Seth's hair.

"You do realize we have to kill him now..." Seth said trying to push him away.

"That won't be necessary, he won't tell anyone about you, I swear!" I rush out.

"His ass is so cute!" Dimitri whispered to me.

"Stay the fuck away from my ass and stop touching my hair!" Seth demanded.

"Please don't kill him," I beg. "He's a good friend of mine."

"I'll keep him alive if he stops touching my hair." Seth said smacking his hand away.

"Not worth it!" Dimitri exclaimed.

"Dimitri!" I said pulling him away.

"This is Daemon's competition?!?"

"Okay Dimitri go away!"

"Did you know Daemon gave her a diamond necklace? What did you give her?"

"Mara why didn't you hear him coming?" Seth said to Mara.

"Why didn't you?" She retorted.

"I was distracted!"

"Mara you little weasel! Keeping all this sexy hunk of man to yourself!" Dimitri yapped.

"I thought you said you weren't really gay?" Mara teased

"He's gay?" Seth exclaimed.

"No, I'm not. I just see the beauty in everyone." he said eyeing Seth up and down.

"We should get going..." Mara said.

"Right..." Seth said stepping away from Dimitri. He bent down and placed a chaste kiss on my lips before turning to follow. Dimitri pinched me putting as much jealously into the attack as he could. They then walked towards the door and I blinked and they were both gone, something I'm use to. Too bad Dimitri wasn't.

"Omi-fucking-gods where'd they go!?"


I started busying myself looking through books I could barely read throughout the library. I used everything I had to avoid going back to my room in fear of running into my newly found stalker. Dimitri had left after I'd refused to answer any questions he had on Seth...or what hair product he used. I hope I wasn't that annoying when I was always questioning things. I can't imagine how Seth or Daemon has come to stand me.

I look up at a gold shiny book high up on the book shelf, the challenge of getting it making me want it more. Instead of getting the latter like a sane person would do, I climbed on top of a desk to reach it, yet I was still a good couple of inches away from reaching it. So I pulled large books from a lower shelf and stacked them on top of each other to give me a boost. I climbed on the pile high books feeling like a mad genius for thinking of this and reach for the shiny unknown book, excited to see what the pages lay with in them.

Please don't be about math

Please don't be a boring biography.

I reach the book, quickly pulling it from the shelf with a whimsical curiosity. I blew the dust that coated it away, and read the was a biography about Albert Einstein. Now that's some shitty luck. All this work for nothing.

I look down and realize just how high up I am and my stomach heaves. What the hell was I thinking? Why didn't I just use the latter. I stumble thinking of all the possible ways I could get down without breaking my neck. I only really came up with three. But the best one was without a doubt was to wait for evolution to give me wings and fly down. It seemed the most practical.

"Angel?" I hear someone call. I look down to see Moreau, bemused.

"Hi..." I say shyly. Oh gods...the last time I spoke to him , we were kind of sucking each other's faces...

"How did you get up there?" He chuckled.

"I don't really know." I answer honestly.

"Why did you climb up there?" He said stifling a laugh. My cheeks heat, and roses bloom before I can cool them.

"I was after a shiny book."

"Did you get it?"

"Yes." I say holding it up so he could see it.

"Was it worth it?"

"No," I groan. "It's about math..."

He throws his head back with laughter and I can't help but chuckle a little myself. "Will you shut up and help me down?"

"Why didn't you just use the ladder?"

"Ladders are for cowards!"

"I use ladders."

"I rest my case. Now help me down!"

"Alright, alright, hold your horses. Here, jump down, and I'll catch you."

I'm reminded of the time Leo threw me out a window and fear clutches me tight.

"I can't."


"I'm scared."

"I'll catch you, I promise." I trusted him, and without a second thought I jumped squealing and landed safely in his arms. "See? Nothing to be afraid of." He grinned. I look into his eyes and notice they're his natural shade of soft green.

"No contacts?" I smile.

"Nope, not today." He sets me down on my feet, and I'm relieved to feel solid ground. "I was actually hoping to run into you."


"Yes, I wanted to ask if we'd be continuing our lesson. Especially now that you will be in this family."

"Of course, I'd love to."

"Good, but you'd have to make sure Daemon is okay with it," he warns. I stiffen realizing he knew Daemon knew about our kiss.

"Okay..." I nod in agreement. I awkwardly turn to leave, but spin on my heels when a thought comes to me. "Moreau? Why did you vote yes?"

"Because, their aren't nearly enough Royals like you around anymore."


Moreau sweet words replay through my head as I practically skip through the hall. I was in a hurry to ask Daemon's permission to recieve my lessons from Moreau, and I mentally push away all the chastisement I gave myself for having to ask Daemon to do anything. Just another reminder of how close I was to losing all free will I had. But no matter how much I thought of my screwed up life I wouldn't allow it to faze me. Nothing could break down my mood, nothing at all.

All of a sudden I feel someone pull me back in an embracing hug.

"Just the girl I was looking for!" She says.

"Oh, hey Audrey!" I say with joy. It's a relief she isn't mad at me anymore.

"No, it's me, Erica." My eyes widen in horror as I squirm out of her arms squealing frantically. I push my back against the wall and breathe, harshly wiping off my clothes. Gods, I forgot they were twins.

"What do you want from me?!?" I question.

"I just wanted to see my future sister." She beamed a smile at me.

"That grin is as fake as your hair color! Now what do you want from me?" I demanded.

"Oh you're so funny! Come on, I have something for you.." She said beckoning me with her. I exhale frightened, but I willingly follow her. This was just a day for stupid decisions.


She lead me to her room, the same room I vomited and stole from. She walked into her closet and when she finally stepped out, she had a beautiful white sundress in her hands. It was strapless, and a high low that reached all the way down to the floor.

"It's something meant for an angel, so I thought I'd give it to you."

"What game are you playing at?"

"No game! Really! Try it on."


The dressed hugged my body beautifully, and it drapes behind me feeling as thin and weightless as a spiders web. I had to admit it was by far the best thing I'd ever put on. But none the less I wasn't going to let Erica's sisterly attitude fool me.

"Why are you showing me this?" I seethe.

"I'm not showing it to you, I'm giving it you. I thought we could take a walk around the gardens, and you could wear that."

"This, for a walk? It's more suited for a wedding!"

"When you're a Royal you will always need to look your best for any occasion," she announced. I rolled my eyes and groaned. Oh my gods! What does she want?

"Here I'll get dressed then we can proceed."


She practically dragged me down the hall towards the garden and every now and then I'd moan an irritated protest. We were out the double doors and walking down stone stairs before I could stop it. I looked around the green utopia and realized we weren't alone.

Jocelyn and a Royal from her clan were here to, as if waiting for us. I quickly recognized the boy as my newly found stalker and my desperation to leave grew.

Now what the hell is he doing here? Maybe I'll just stay to see what they want from me but I won't be taking Serh's advice. There is no way I'm playing along to this I insanity game.

"Jocelyn!" Erica called. "What are you doing out here?"

Oh please who is she kidding? They probably planned to bring me out here to chop off my head. She probably gave me this dress so that I would have something nice to be buried in.

"Angel." Jocelyn greeted stepping forward to hug me. I automatically take a huge step back and push her away.

"What do you people want? If you're going to try to kill me just do it already." They all broke out laughing and I was the only one who seemed lost to the humor.

"Why would we try to kill someone who is deathless?" The Royal man joked.

Deathless? I'm not I?

"Who are you anyway?" I miff.

"Oh you two haven't met yet?" Jocelyn asked.

"Well we have but we never actually introduced ourselves." he replied.

"Angel, this is my second oldest brother, James. James, this is Erica's soon to be baby sister, Angel." James looked nothing like his sister, which is isn't a surprise because they were most likely not related to one another. I think Audrey and Erica were the only real siblings in the left whole household. Probably in the whole world.

James was in fact the first blonde Royal man I had ever seen. His eyes were unnatural striking blue, and they were framed with long beautiful lashes. Like I said before, all Royals are beautiful. All of them.

He outstretched his hand to me, and I eye it with disgust narrowing my eyes at him. Reluctantly I delicately take his hand and subtly shake it up and down.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you formally, Angel.

"I assure you the pleasure is most definitely all yours."

"So since you two are here, how about I walk with Jocelyn this way, and you walk with James that way. And the we'll meet at the gazebo?' Erica said with a cheerful voice.

"Or," I said mocking her tone. "You three can walk which ever direction you want together while I go back to my room and go to sleep!"

"No, no, this way is better. You can get to know James better."

"But-" I began to protest but Jocelyn shoved me along and we were heading down into the maze of bushes. Why would I want to het to know James? Oh what the heck, just another dumb choice of actions to add to the pile.


I kept my distance from him, and he smirked amused" at my shyness.

"No need to keep to yourself darling, I won't bite...much."

"I'll keep my distance, thank you," I retort.

I was glad I wore shoes this time, the large rocks and branches we stepped over would surely slice my poor feet to pieces. Unlike when I was here before, there was a bit of artificial light illuminating the way, so none of the neon plants were glowing. None the less it was still a rather romantic scene, one I didn't enjoy sharing with a stranger.

We walked until we came upon a large fountain with a stone statue of a woman holding a vase, watering dripping out of it into the fountain. It was inside a small archway in the hedges with two large pillars on each side of it. The rock looked like quartz, and light bounced of the gem showing of the natural beautiful patterns on it.

"That's a very lovely dress you have on," he compliments eyeing my cleavage. I instantly try to cover myself, and my face burned, fresh roses sprouting on my cheeks. "Awe you're so adorable when you blush."

"Will you quit flirting with me and leave me alone? I've got enough Royals in my love hexagon, and I don't need you in it too."

"Oh really? And who are these Royals pray tell?"

"None of your business."

"What's got you so angry?"

"You people are playing me and I'm sick of not knowing the stakes of the game!" The next thing his hand switches across my cheek and I stumble back, my face flashing with hot pain. "What the fuck!"

"The next time you raise your voice to me I won't be so kind to leave you with just a bruise," he thundered through clenched teeth. He advanced upon me slowly and I began to back up with each step he took.

"You aren't the boss of me. Daemon is," I gloated showing him my tatto that stated, "property of Daemon Victorian II." I never thought I'd be grateful to be owned by someone else. His eyes were linear with rage but I didn't let him scare me. "I don't have to be obedient to you."

"Why don't we just fix that then doll face." Oh shit...I try to run, leave back the way I came extremely frustrated, but then I feel him grab my arm and yank me back.

"You son of a bitch! Let me go!" I raged. He suddenly pinned me against one of the pillars immobilizing me. I squirmed and fought relentlessly, hating being rendered helpless.

"You're still mortal child, struggling is pointless." I don't listen and continue to wriggle my way out of his tight hold. The more I move the stronger his grasp becomes to the point where I couldn't feel my arms anymore.

"Should I take your virginity here or wait until our wedding night?"

What?! Wedding night?

"No...please let me go!" I beg. He presses up against me, and I can barely breathe as he grinds his pelvis into me, his knee parting my legs. I feel one of his hands snake under my dress and cup my breast, my body hating his icy touch. He bends to kiss me, but I jerk my head in another direction avoiding his lips, so he starts trailing kisses down my exposed neck instead.

I feel his cold lips touch my skin and shutter as tongue snake across it. Abruptly his fangs graze across my neck and I whimper helplessly. It felt like someone took a scalpel and gently slit across my skin with it.

His teeth than injected into my flesh, piercing my skin as if it were paper. I wail at the horrible feeling of my blood being forcibly moved from my body. His fangs strike deeper when he hears my screams as if shrieks of torture excited him. I start feeling light headed and my world starts fading along with my hopes for a miracle.

All of a sudden I hear a low menacing growl and James swiftly pushes away from me, his teeth ripping away from my skin. He releases me, and I look at him stunned to see his face bright with fear. I follow his gaze as countless amounts of air races into my lungs as I gasp.

It was huge brown wolf.

It's teeth were bared, and it's eyes where directed onto James, a bright hazel color reflected in them. It suddenly pounced after him, but he rushed in another direction avoiding the creatures assault. I use the distraction to make a dash for my life, never looking back or stopping.



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