The Wise Teacher

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"Let the lesson begin." Moreau said welcoming me in. I gaze around the wide library, books stacked all the way to the ceiling. The floor is black marble, yet I could see my reflection perfectly. The bookcases were set up in a maze, much like the garden. And with the wide room I was sure I could get lost easily.

"What are those round things?" I ask like a curious child. Moreau stood on top of a ladder, retrieving books from high shelves.

"It's called a globe," he called down to me. "It's a small scaled diagram used to depict earth." I spin it and gaze at all the green shapes printed on the object.

"Okay," Moreau said easily jumping from the ladder, his hands full of books. He had a suit on the inverse color of his white hair, his eyes no longer holding ruby contacts but instead a bright sapphire blue. "So where are you with literature?"


"I mean how good can you read?"

"I don't know how to read.


The only thing I ever read was the schedules and rules printed on my arm. I couldn't read anything out loud,it was always easier to do it in my head. So he made me recite this saying called the alphabet about a million times. My tongue was dry and dehydrated by the time we were done with the first lesson.

"I want you to practice saying it when you wake up, before you go to sleep, etc," he ordered. It was pretty hard to take him seriously with his sexy accent wrapping around every word.

"Okay, so is the lesson over yet?"

"No." I fall back in my seat and moan. Gods I hate learning! How do children do this?

"Why don't we cover a more interesting subject..." He said looking through a stack of books next to his table.

Please don't say math.

Please don't say math.

"History." I brighten up immediately intrigued to learn. "We can start from the beginning, and you can ask any question having to do with history.

"It all started when the human beings began to hypothesis a way to make a blood type that could match that of any humans," he explained. "However they wound up creating a type of blood that can sustain a human being with just a drop, but also prevent human being from living."

"So it kept them alive, but killed them?"

"Yes, like living dead. That's how the Royals were formed. The blood called type AV."

"So how do you turn a mortal into a Royal?"

"The first trial was simply infusing the blood of a mortal with type AV, however, the immune system was too strong and the blood never took over the entire host. So they had to drain the blood of a mortal, and refill their blood stream with blood type AV."

"So you basically take out the blood and replace it?" I say simplifying it.

"Yes, but there was a down side to the method. Although it did come with benefits like increase in strength, intelligence, stealth, pain resistance, health, agility, speed, immortality, superior beauty-"

"Okay I get it your devilishly handsome and amazing." I groan. I knew if he could he'd be blushing right now and the thought made me over filled with joy I had an affect on his tight demeanor. I swear sometimes it was hard not to fall for every Royal I set my eyes on. "What was the downfall?"

"It took away all humanity and emotions from a person, along with their DNA, which gives us individuality."

"It turned them into animals."


"But your exactly the opposite of that, your a flat out gentlemen."

"Thank you." He smiles.

"Why is that?"

"It's because we drink human blood. It doesn't keep us alive, so much as it keeps us sane. It keeps us calm and in control. The AV blood burns the mortal blood up however, like wood in a fire. So we have to keep drinking it, forever."

"What would happen if you took an alternative?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like drank a dog's blood instead of a humans?"

"Then the DNA would give us the personality of a dog. So we'd all be barking." A devious plan wound up in my mind involving a cup of dog blood, and Erica. It just be too hilarious to see that bitch on all fours barking all day.

"Don't even think about it."

"Think about what?" I asked innocently.

"Anyway, mortal blood gives us personality. So yes we can live without mortals, but we'd probably wind up killing each other."

So they really do need us in this world. I wonder what kind of blood he drank that made him so refined. Just about everyone in this house could use a sip of it. He chuckled to himself, though I have no idea why, it's not like I said anything out loud. I assumed he was reminiscing on something else, and let it go.

"So how long without a drink until you guys go crazy?"

"About a month on average."

"So why do you guys have dark hair and dark eyes?"

"It's another defect of the AV blood. It takes color and pigment away." I remember Dimitri telling me that he lost his memory as a defect.

"How old are you?" I asked. My curiosity building.

"209." He said it like it was nothing, unsurprised by my rude questioning.

"How old were you when you were turned?"

"17." I blink in shock. He was only one year older then me.

"Who turned you?"



"She wanted us to be together."

"So you loved each other." It kills me that the psychotic lunatic got to have Moreau.


"Wait, you didn't love each other?"

"No, she loved me."

"Oh. So you never wanted immortality."

"I did. Very badly. I just didn't want it with her."



So I decided to publish again today, since the last chapter didn't seem interesting enough.

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