One of Us

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It was a bit awkward when I came back form the dead for the second time in a row. Leo was sure that fall would kill me. He claimed he pushed me out because he thought I was an evil spirit and no longer myself, and I wasn't about to deny his claim. So far no matter how many questions I was asked I've refused to answer. Mostly because I didn't have an answer. But the question I heard the most was by far, "how did you die?" I was tempted more than once to snitch and let Leo get what he deserved.

Meanwhile every other Royal in the place was trying to figure out what the hell I was. Well every Royal but Audrey, who was only grateful that I reunited her with her daughter, and Daemon of course, who was simply happy I was alive.

"I want her tested," I heard Mrs.Victorian demand.

"I'm not letting you make her a tester!" Daemon said. I sat on the bed as they argued over what to do with me. It was easy for me to pretend to be invisible. It was all I ever did when I was a maid.

"That's not what I'm asking for. She can be dangerous. We need to see if she's really a mortal. She could be one of the demon creatures that attacked the Eastern Clans. We need to take precaution."

Daemon sighs in defeat and turns to me, looking me over with regret.

"They're not going to hurt her, right?"

"If she isn't what we think she is, she'll be fine." She assured him. I look up to see him nod in agreement, and my heart sinks a bit. I hope he doesn't think I'm a monster. Mrs.Victorian turns to leave, and Daemons eyes fall on me once again.

"Angel," he addresses me. "They're going to run a few test on you."

"You don't trust me." I say. It wasn't a question.

"You haven't given me any reason to," he retorted.

"Have I given you a reason not to?"

"Yes. A matter of fact you have."

"Name one."

"You kissed Moreau," he stated no emotion evident in his voice.

"How did you-"


I look away from him, my cheeks blooming roses. Why would Roman tell him? What gain could he possibly get?

"It didn't mean anything..." I admit honestly.

"Roman only told me to get me angry at you. He wanted me to stop feeling for you. Do you have any idea why?"

I shake my head no, only half lying. Roman really didn't want me with Daemon.

"Are you angry with me?" I whisper standing slowly.

"I was. Extremely. I was planning on killing you." he admits still emotionless.

"What stopped you?" I whisper.

"You died." His eyes seemed to turn a shade even darker as he reminisced on the time he thought I was dead.

"I'm sorry." I repeat, not knowing what else to say. He fiddles with the necklace he gave me, his eyes not meeting mine.

"I'll keep Roman's mouth shut, and I won't tell Adelle," he bargained. As if it mattered if she knew. "Just do me a favor and stay away from Moreau."

"Of course, I promise. I don't feel for him like that."

"Hm," He says unconvinced. "Come with me. We need to get these test over with and prove you aren't a demon." He pulls me along behind him heading towards the door.

"Will it hurt?"

"Of course not."


The memory of when I was reassigned for the first time to be Daemon's maid hit me hard in a rough wave. It was one of the most painful, uncomfortable, and miserable moments of my life. And this was at least ten times worse.

They took maybe two pints of blood, but once the first drop of blood was taken I had a horrible headache that beat on my mind like a drum. Then they stuck countless needles of various sizes in all the wrong places. They injected me with suspicious substance that sometimes burned or freezes as it ran through my blood.

And much to my displeasure it wasn't nearly over.

I was shaking when they strapped me into a hard metal chair, petrified on what would happen next. The hard cold surface of the chair made me uncomfortable, and it didn't do much to help my already shaking body. A man in a white coat walked towards me, a machete clutched tightly in his hand.

"W-what are you going to do with that?" I stuttered, my whole body rattling with angst.

"Calm down. We're just seeing if you heal like a mortal. It'll all be over soon," he assured, his voice trying to soothe me.


"Fingers or toes?"

"Pardon?" I asked stumped.

"Fingers. Or. Toes," he says slowly.

"I don't know...fingers?" I shrug.

Suddenly he swung the knife, and in one swift movement he severed my fingers from my hand.


I wake up startled, as if I was trapped in a nightmare and just found the key to freedom. I shake as I feel a soft mattress beneath me, my clothes replaced with a nightgown. I wiggle my fingers and toes and mentally count twenty in all.

Thank the gods!

I look up and realize I'm in my room, the lights are dimmed, and it's quiet. I shift slightly and a strong pain shoots around me.

"Ow!" I yell to no one.

"Shhh!" I hear. I look to see Mara sitting at the foot of the bed. "Shhh!" She says again, then she points. I follow her fingers to see Mrs.Victorian standing at my bedside. I jump in alarm, and pull the sheets as if they'd protect me.

The last time I was this close to her she had bitched slapped me around Daemon's room. An old swore pain in my cheeks radiate confirming my memory. What does she want now? She's already put me through hell and then some. What more could this woman do to me?

"Angel," she greets me, her voice surprisingly friendly. I didn't meet her civil welcome, I stayed silent. I had nothing to say to her. Mara sat camouflaged to her gaze eyeing her expectantly. "I hope the doctors weren't too rough with you."

"No you're not."

"You don't have to worry," she continued, ignoring me. "It's the last test you'll have to take in a long time."

"What to do you want?" I fume.

"Angel! Hold your temper!" Mara warns me. "See what she wants."

"I'm not here to hurt you," she soothes.

"Then what do you want?" I say clenching my jaw and trying to restrain my hatred.

"To be honest you've actually come to impress me."

"What?" I say astonished.

"You're very different than other mortals. Better. You have qualities that are that of a Royal." I felt insulted. I don't want to be like a Royal. A Royal just cut off my damn fingers, and she was comparing me to them? This made me angry. I had to dig my nails into the mattress to sustain my own temper.

"I'm nothing like you." I murmur.

"Ah but you are." She sits by me and I automatically scoot away. Gods I hate how flawless she is. Her eyes, though not as blue as mine were blazing with what looked like compassion. It was nerve wrecking to hear her caring about me. A few days ago she was ready to kill me herself.

"Does Daemon know what you let them do to me?"

"Do you really want my son?" She asked out of the blue. I nod slowly and she sighs at my answer. "Then I'm prepared to offer you a deal."

"What deal?"

"I want you to be a member of the Victorian family. I want you to be a Royal."

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