Soul Claiming

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"I don't want to be a Royal!" I groan. "They're heartless, soulless, cruel, horrible creatures! Why would I want to be that?"

"Excuse me," Dimitri said. "but not all of us are terrible!"

"Yes you are." Mara said emotionless.

"Isn't your mommy looking for you?"

"My mommy is dead, thank you very much."

I throw a pillow at both of them frustrated. The last thing I need is the two of them bickering. My mind was already stormed with too much worry, and I really didn't need their help clouding it. The whole moment kept replaying through my mind, word for word. She was actually trying to be motherly to me. It was a first for me, it's not like any mortals actually know their parents.

"I don't want to be apart of this family! What did I do to make her like me?"

"She most likely isn't doing this because she likes you. She's probably just using you. You need to be smart about this."

"I think you should do it," Dimitri said.

"What?!" I exclaim. What kind of advice is that? "Why?" If anything I thought Dimitri would be the number one person against this. He did tell me he was forced to become an immortal. The only good reason I could see to be Royal was to be with Daemon. To be honest whatever romance we had or wanted wasn't going to happen if he was ageless while I was aging.

"Think about it. It's not like you're going to live forever. And you did say you loved Daemon. And plus if you're in this family that means you technically would be my sibling. I always wanted a sister who wasn't a bitch."

"What about Audrey?"

"Are you kidding me? Her and Leo are a perfect match!"

I had to think this over immediately. I suddenly saw the whole prospect in a different point of view. On one hand I'd be gaining a lot. A family, a lover, a whole new life. But on the other hand I'd be losing my humanity, my free will, my beating heart, and my very soul in the process. Was that really a fair trade?

"Would I be the same?" I asked curious.

"You're actually considering this!?" Mara yelled.

"I don't know." Dimitri said ignoring her. "I don't remember how I use to be but I can't imagine myself any different."

"Me neither," I sigh.

I forgot about the defects that could happen. Some could be good, like Moreau's beautiful hair and natural

jade eyes, or Alex's body heat, which I'm still unsure about. But what if I turn out to be a bitch like Erica? Or I lose my memory like Dimitri?

"The best thing you can do about it is play along." Mara recommended. "You need to leave, Daemon will be in here in a minute," she said addressing Dimitri.

"How does she know that?" Dimitri said as Mara dragged him off the bed where he sat and pushed him out the door. Once he was gone she slammed it with just a hint of attitude.

"What was that all about? Why didn't you just make him invisible?"

"I don't like Royals. None of them. And I can't make non living things unseen."

Non living?

I heard a knock at the door, and jumped to answer it. Of course, as Mara foreshadowed it was Daemon, dressed from head to toe in all dark clothing. His eyes met mine and I can see the excitement hidden behind the dark irises. I step aside welcoming him in and silently close the door behind him. Mara sat on the bed cross legged viewing the scene.

"Did my mother already tell you the good news?"

I have to admit I couldn't hide my tension around Daemon. He was like a flickering light, going from dark to bright with his personality. And there was no way for me to just get one side of him. He told me he wanted to kill me for Gods sake! How is that not suppose to scare the hell out of me?

"Yes. She wants to make me a Victorian." I say not meeting his gaze.

"You should be proud! It takes a lot to impress my mother. She must have big plans for you."

"She sure does." Mara comments.

"Today we're having a family meeting to put a vote on it. And you're invited."

"That's great..."

"Why aren't you excited?" He says, his mood suddenly changing.

"I-I just d-don't know if I wanna be a Royal." I stutter, my eyes wandering to my feet.

"What's there to know? How can you possibly have a doubt? You'll have eternal life, protection, a family...and we'll be together," he said stepping closer and putting his hands on my shoulders. "Isn't that what you want?"

I was at a lost for words. My mind was spinning like a top, and I've gone from hopping for answers to having to give them. No, that's not what I want. How could I have not realized the worst part of becoming immortal? I would have to lose Seth forever. Yes, I would have Daemon, but do I really know him? I'd be taking a risk if I decided to stay with him without truly knowing the real Daemon Victorian.

"Stop thinking about it and say yes." Mara advised. "Nothing is for sure yet, they still have to vote for it." That's a good idea. Maybe fate will be in my favor and the votes will be bad.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want." I admit. He swiftly kisses my lips and smiles at me.

"But," he says only an inch away from me. "I definitely want to take your virginity before you turn immortal."

I completely still, stunned by his words and he immediately notices. I already made a promise not to lose it to Daemon, plus I never really wanted to. Now it sounds like I don't have a choice.

"You are still a virgin?" He says his grip suddenly tightening on me.

"Yes..." I choke out.

"Ask him why he wants to take your innocence before you're a Royal." Mara says picking her nails nonchalantly.

"Why do you want to take it before?" I ask desperately trying to get some distance between us.

"Moral reasons." he answers simply.

"He's a terrible liar!" Mara yelled.

"The meeting is at noon, don't be late."

He turned to leave, much to my relief, but then be suddenly stops in the doorway. "Was Dimitri in here with you?" he asked.

" did you know?"

"I can smell his scent all over your room...and you," he commented before leaving. Huh, what was that all about?

"Don't give your virginity to a Royal." Mara said. I looked down and she's right in front of me.


"Because, that's how they claim ownership. It's basically giving away all your free will and becoming obedient to them, like a pet. If a Royal wants to take your virginity it's because they want to own your soul."

Is that why Roman didn't want me to sleep with Daemon? I thought he was just being a prick, I mean that's how he usually acts. But maybe he was trying to protect me.

"Won't I lose my soul if I'm a Royal?"

"Not if Daemon already has it."

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