Life long - Harry styles (h...

By elena_sally

1.1K 129 23

Harry styles, who is the part of biggest boyband in the planet, is Confident, flirty, down to earth, fun lovi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 part 2
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

101 10 2
By elena_sally

Yeyeyeydy..... I am gonna make this intresting.... I guess..... hahahahahah..... I am gonna be very very cruel to this girl.

Well its not a laughing matter any more, I wanna just entertain you guys, making your precious tears come out of your eyes..... enjoy loveliesss....

ok, I am out...

Harry styles

"Harold, I don't know how fans are gonna react you know. "louis said.

" Some are probably gonna be pissed of because of this song and some gonna really like it, Bros, just relax. " liam said in his weird accent smiling sweetly at us.

I know, it's gonna rise various questions, specifically on me and Taylor (swift). But she wrote so many songs on me, I thought why shouldn't I write about my experience with her.... about the things I felt in this relationship. The fact was that she took this too fast, who the hell gets to know that in three freaking months you have fallen in love with someone, you barely know. As soon as I decided against it, she used all her emotions in writing songs. I still respect her but we were kind of still immature at that time.

"Shut up lihem", louis said in his accent, I think we didn't write the whole song on her, plus there were my experiences too. " he said smirking at me.

" Yeah, I just can't wait for our album to be released. "

" Hey", Niall entered the room, "we are having some meeting with management?" he asked,

"Yep", louis replied. "I guess, they are gonna further give information about the promotional events and other stuff, you know."

"Hello boys, I am so sorry, I got stuck in some work and I got late, "Sylvia, our manager entered the room.

" Hey Sylvia, it's ok, just brief us about the events, you know. "Niall said.

" ok boys, so your album is gonna release on 13 November ,alongside " purpose". We are organizing the London session with James, where you are gonna meet fans,who have won this show. This show is gonna be the main start to your promotional events. We have to start shooting for the session, before hand so that each of you can share your experiences on tour and hiatus." she said briefing about the show.

For next four hours, she gave all the details about how we are gonna say, where we we have to go,which parties we have to attend etc. It seemed such a load to me, when I first experienced such heavy meetings, now it seemed like,a part of life.

"i hope,i have cleared all your doubts," she smiled at us.

"Hows the responses coming on the song?" I asked, biting my lip In nervousness.

"THey are gaining proably, lots of attention boys", she said winking at us.


"i think this would be the better one." Monica said, pointing at the yellow top.

For the next one hour she had been asking me, which top suits her the best. Whenever I said the black one, she would scrunch her nose and looked at the yellow. God, girls are so irritating....oh well I know I am a girl but....

"Say something",waking me out of my trance.

"OOps, sorry, I zoned out", I blushed slightly embarrassed.

"well.....?", she asked me again

"you could take any colour you want, any top you like, just stop eating my brain, are asking me for past one hour. I am giving up now", I said irritatedly.

"Oh, Wendy, I am so confused, I think I should take the yellow one", she said pouting.

"Great, lets go",...I caught her hand and forced our way to counter. She paid her bill and we went out to eat.

"You wanna go to that bakery, we can eat something you know" she said pointing at the bakery shop. That shop where Harry styles used to work. Its been many years and the bakery shop is receiving thousands of tourists every year.

"W.MAndeville grocer and bakery shop", I read. It was long time I didn't pass through this this shop. When we entered, there was a large signboard where it was written that Harry Syles used to work.

As soon as we were entering , I crashed with the old lady, who happened to drop her bag and her specs in process.

I handed over her bag and her specs.

"I am soo sorry.... I should have seen you.... but.... "

" It's fine dear, you don't have to worry girl, only small accident. "

She was aged and very sweet and looked like the proud owner of bakery.

" Enjoy your meal, girls", she said and left.

We entered and and ordered some of our favourite recipe cake. I saw few girls fangirl- ing over the board.

Well I love Harry styles, but I would never ever act stupid infront of him if he ever comes into my way. He visited so many times in Holmes Chapel, but I got chance only to see him from far away.

"So did you hear One direction new song? ", Monika asked me.

" Well, I didn't get time.... I was superb busy'
"Well, what kind of a fan are you?? Do you even bother to listen. Your Styles would be so upset. "She said teasing me.

When ever I used to see Harry in the paper, I would continue to stare his features. I loved the way he stared into the camera. Those green eyes would completely make my world disappear. Those luscious red lips and deep dimples would want to kill anyone. I always wanted to meet Harry, but not the boy in one direction but the boy from Holmes Chapel. His innocence and his smile made my heart fill with love. I never looked him as in a sexually appealing, but his voice, eyes and smile had literally taken my soul. My stomach would fill with butterflies when ever I saw him.

"WHy do you keep zoning out? " Monica asked me again.

" It's just like,...... well I am sorry. " I blushed.

" Look whose blushing ", she said teasing me. " If you continue blushing like this, you will never be able to bring yourself to him and poor Harry will never see Wendy. "

" Well, I think, he shouldn't ", I replied.

" Why. is. that. so? ", she asked confused.

" Well, why would he even meet me in first place, I am not as beautiful as those girls, like he dates. " I replied

" And do you think, he being in relationships with those so called beautiful girls has even survived for more than ten days.... except Taylor.... well she could manage to date him for much longer. " Monica replied.

I really didn't had the answer for that and maybe I shouldn't give because I knew he could never become mine.

well end of the chapter.... so I want to say, that nothing of above shit is real..... only imaginary.... I just write story for entertainment and not hurting any sentiments or views..... please keep in mind. I am emotional..... very emotional so I may keep the story slow as it is starting from a very important phase..... this is will lead to next very important Chapter which will somehow change the whole normal setting.

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