The Sins of a Father


472K 10.6K 6.1K

Raven Evans has known only two things about her biological parents. 1) her mother, Lily, died by the hand of... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty - four
Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven: Battle of Hogwarts
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Final Battle
Chapter Twenty Nine: Memories of a Father
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One!
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter 10

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          The Third Task

"Hey Raven, can I talk to you for a moment?" Harry asked me during study hall. My emotions were suddenly kicked into sister mode and I nodded earnestly.

"Of course, in private or is right here alright?" I asked, lightly. Harry looked around, meeting everyone's face who was glaring at him.

"I was kind of hoping that it could be in private," he said lowly. Nodding, I gently patted Cedric's sleeping shoulder he woke up abruptly like he had just gotten caught sleeping during class.

"Hey, I'm going to go talk with Harry, I'll be right back, okay?" I whispered. Cedric with his eyes still closed, smiled and nodded back to sleep.

"Have fun, I'll see you at dinner," he slurred. I giggled faintly, kissed his head and then stood up from the table and followed Harry out of the Great Hall and out of the castle and towards the empty Quidditch stands. He sat down, peering down at his feet, it was then that I realized that something was bothering him. I moved over to him the plummeted down next to him with a huge sigh.

"Harry, what's bothering you?" I asked, concerned. He didn't answer me at first so I listed things that could've been bothering him, "Is it your classes? Is it other Hufflepuffs or any other student? Are you worried about the third task? Harry, I'm your sister – well half sister but we share somewhat the same blood – look, what I'm trying to point out is that you can tell me whatever it is. You and I are family, you can trust me with whatever you need to be said," I comforted.

"It's this dream I've been having all year," Harry finally confessed. I scooted closer to him so I could hear more clearly.

"A dream or a nightmare?" I questioned.

"A nightmare. In the dream I'm in some kind of house and I'm going up the stairs and I hear voices coming through a cracked door. I lean in to hear the conversation but the door opens and I see Peter Pettigrew – the man who betrayed our mother, anyway he stands in front of the door and I hear a kind of slithery voice telling him to step aside then he says the Killing curse and I wake up," Harry explains to me. I saw the fear in his eyes as he spoke to me. I rested my arm around his shoulder pulled him close to me like any good sister would.

"Harry, it was only a dream, it doesn't mean anything," I tried to reason with him but Harry shook off my arm and stood on his feet then moved closer to the railing with his back still to me.

"That's thing, it does mean something because I've had the same dream since the day before the Quidditch World Cup. The day Hermione got there was the first night that I had the dream and it's followed me every night, you can't say that it doesn't mean anything. I've got a bad feeling about the last task," Harry admitted. He must've had a point, I've had the same bad feeling every since Cedric's name got picked. Standing I turned to Harry and sighed.

"Harry, what would you say if I told you that I've had a bad feeling about the tournament this whole year?" I asked, looking at the side of his face.

"What are you talking about?" he asked turning towards me.

"Ever since the Champions names were called, I've had this terrible feeling that something really bad was going to happen. I don't know what or how or even when, I just feel something is going to happen and it scares me," I confessed, truthfully.

"What can we do about it?" Harry asked. Sighing I set my sights away from him for a moment before shrugging and shaking my head.

"There's nothing we can do about it, if something bad happens then it happens, let's just pray it doesn't happen to either of us."

"Yeah." Harry responded. I shivered slightly then yawned and realized that it had to be about time for dinner to start.

"Let's get back, its getting late and dinner is probably about to start," I suggested. Harry, who looked like he just bounced back into reality and nodded. On our walk back to the castle we talked about his life with the Dursley's and how I am unfortunately related to them. I told him about Grandma and Grandpa, I told him that one of my wishes was that he could've gotten to meet them and get to know them before they passed.

"Have you had any luck finding your father?" he asked casually. My heart and head were telling me two different things and I chose to obey the one that told me to lie... again.

"No, I haven't but I'm getting closer, I can feel it," I prevaricated. Nausea swelled inside of me because of the lies. When we finally entered the castle I made my way to the Hufflepuff table and sat down next to Cedric who looked as happy as a little school boy. We made it just as the food appeared.

"Hey, what's happened?" I asked him.

"Nothing important," he answered and starting putting his food on a plate. Dissatisfied with his answer I nudged Cedric in the side, which was his ticklish spot. Cedric twitched at my touch then turned to meet my face.

"I don't care if it isn't that important, I want to know," I said persistently.

"My father arrived, he's actually sitting next to your father coincidentally but don't worry I haven't told him, so you can breathe." I glanced up towards the teachers table and saw my father and I recognized Cedric's father, Amos Diggory, immediately I hunched over my plate.

"You aren't introducing me now are you?" I asked, shyly.

"I don't see why not, but let's wait until after everyone leaves, no need to embarrass you again is there," he teased. Smirking at him, I rolled my eyes and started to put food on my own plate, when a terrifying thought occurred to me.

"What if he doesn't like me?" I asked my voice hollow, stomach tensed with nerves.

"Of course he'll like you and my mother will love you, just be yourself," Cedric pointed out. I looked back at the table and saw that Snape and Mr. Diggory deeply engaged in a conversation.

My mind started to wander off into a deep thoughts about what the two men were discussing and I wondered if Snape was being nice or if he was being a nuisance. Out of nowhere, I heard a snapping sound that caught my attention off of the men and back to whoever was causing the snapping sound.

"Hello? Earth to Raven?" Grace asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face. Immediately I was brought back to earth.

"What?" I asked, dazed.

"Did you finish Flitwick's homework?" she asked. I picked at my brain for the answer then realized that I didn't finish it and if I didn't finish it then I would flunk the class. I smashed my hand against my face.

"No, I didn't I guess I'll just finish it tonight but it isn't due until after the third task, which is tomorrow so you and I have nothing to worry about," I answered with a breath of relief.

"We need to go," Cedric interrupted. I knew what he meant so I took one last look at the table and saw that Mr. Diggory was gone but my father remained at the table.

Nervously, I followed Cedric's footsteps out of the Great Hall all the way up to the Hufflepuff common room trying to breathe evenly chanting silently act like myself. Cedric put in the password and almost as soon as we entered Cedric was engulfed with hugs by his father. I stood far off so that Cedric could enjoy the moment with his father. Cedric in his happiness, remembered that I had been standing a little far off from them and released his father and introduced him to me. I held my breath and prepared myself for a hurricane.

"Father, this Raven Evans, the girl I've been seeing all year," Cedric introduced. I smiled politely then shook hands with Mr. Diggory.

"You look familiar, have we met?" he asked, happily.

"Uh no sir – not properly, you see I was with the Weasley's and Harry Potter when we all grouped up to go to the World Cup," I explained. Mr. Diggory searched his thoughts then a smile beamed onto his face.

"Ah yes, I remember you now, you're Lily's daughter and I remember passing you on our little walk to the Portkey so good to see you again and Cedric's been treating you well has he?"

"Oh yes, more than I could have deserved," I replied back, glancing at Cedric with a small smile. " You definitely have a son to be proud of Mr. Diggory," I added at the end. Cedric rolled his eyes with a tiny smirk on his face.

"Thank you, it's always a good thing to hear," he responded.

"Will you be staying to see him in the third task?" I asked,curiously. Mr. Diggory nodded his head, still smiling.

"Along with Mrs. Diggory," he replied. I smiled wider at him.

"How exciting," I smiled.

"Now, Miss Evans may I ask you a question – it's quite personal though so you don't have answer it if you do not wish too," Mr. Diggory, clearly unable to bottle up his curiosity any longer.

"No, go right ahead."

"Right, um you see I can't help but notice that you look awful a lot like Professor Snape, is there any relation?" he asked, softly.

"Dad," Cedric groaned. I felt shocked, Mr. Diggory had been the first to make a correct guess.

"It's okay Cedric, I don't mind. To answer your question Mr. Diggory, um yes. Professor Snape happens to be my Father," I paused for a moment, "You see I was only three when my mother died and my muggle grandparents knew but they never told me and they never got to tell me themselves before their passing," I answered truthfully.

"Oh, you poor thing, I'm glad you know about your father - interesting fellow," he replied lightly.

"Yes and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone Mr. Diggory, you see only a few people know and with Rita Skeeter about I don't want to be the subject of the Daily Prophet," I urged. With a perpetual grin on his face, he nodded while waving his hands.

"You don't need to worry about me spilling the beans Ms. Evans," he paused while I let a breath of relief out of my chest. He turned to the both of us, "You two should be off to bed, got a big day tomorrow," Mr. Diggory urged before gathering his son in a hug. Then he warmly turned to me and hugged me - at first I felt tense but I quickly relaxed in his embrace.

"It was wonderful to meet you, Miss Evans and I plan on seeing you tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir." Mr. Diggory beamed a smile at us then left the Common room through the portrait hole.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," I exhaled.

"I'm so sorry that you had to tell him about your father," Cedric apologized but I sniggered at him.

"Well he guessed it, can't really lie about it when he already knows," I smiled. Cedric stared at me with such affection, I felt almost too exposed for comfort.

"Why is it that you are so perfect?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me. I scoffed at his statement while blood spread through my cheeks.

"Perfect? Oh please Cedric I am far from perfect, I mean I'm lying to my little half brother, when I shouldn't have too and I'm lying to everyone but you are gentle, respectable, smart, handsome, polite, brave, determined and it seems that you have no fault, so if anyone is perfect in this relationship it's you Mr. Diggory," I corrected him with a smile. Cedric scrunched his face into disagreement then he shook his head.

"Well together we are perfect, and we're perfect together."

"I can agree to that," I concurred.

"Tomorrow we're going to go off together to Hogsmeade and just ditch," Cedric declared. I raised one of my eyebrows with fake shock.

"Oh really, the good boy is going to ditch class?" I asked cynically.

"I've been good all seven years what's one day going to do to me?" he asked.

"Count me in!" I announced to him. "Except one thing, how do we get away?" I asked.

"Easy, we wear muggle under our robes, go down to breakfast like everyone else except afterwards we make it look like we're going to Care for Magical Creatures and walk all the way to the Forbidden Forest then apparate from there. I've already thought of it, you have nothing to worry about unless your father or another professor catches us of course."

"Then let's make sure that doesn't happen, but your father is right, let's go to bed. I'm going to need my beauty sleep," I joked.

"If you get anymore beautiful I just might die," Cedric mused. When he said the word 'died,' a pang of fear swept over me, a deep fear that I just couldn't explain.

"Please don't die," I pleaded softly, breaking the joking air.

"You have nothing to worry about," Cedric comforted, quickly putting his arms around me.

"I mean it Cedric, don't get yourself killed for eternal glory," I pleaded with the utmost seriousness in my face,pushing against him.

"I promise, I'll see you tomorrow," Cedric whispered. He softly kissed my lips before we both headed up to bed.

The next morning I got up extra early to get ready for our ditch day. Cedric had to be back at Hogwarts before dinner so that he could make it in time for the last task. Underneath my school clothes, I wore a yellow tank top which would be completed with a black cardigan which was being stored in my book bag along with my blue bell bottom jeans. I gathered all of my hair to one side and braided it so it looked nice but not suspicious.

Afterwards I waltzed down back to the common room, sat down on the couch with a book I brought to Hogwarts. It wasn't a muggle book, it had been my mother's scrapbook. I saw pictures of her when she was a baby all the way up to when she was my age at Hogwarts, there were even a few pictures with Snape in them. He looked so happy that it didn't that he didn't look like himself then I saw Harry's father James, I faintly noticed that my mother didn't look as happy as she did in the other picture, she still looked happy but something had changed in her face. I turned the next picture and then there was my mother with a baby in her arms, I guessed that it was Harry but then I looked down at the caption and it read: It's a girl! It had been a picture of me when I was first born, in the picture was also James, I frowned a little bit then I thought of an idea.

"Accio scissors and paste," I muttered softly. A few seconds later the paste and scissors were in my hands and I had started to cut out Snape in the only photo that I had then I glued him where James had been. Once it had dried, I gazed at my creation and felt proud, warm and complete. "This is how it was supposed to be," I thought to myself. I closed the book but kept the picture out in front of me. I started to walk back up to the girl's dormitory when I slightly bumped into Cedric, I immediately smiled at him.

"Are you ready?" he whispered with a quiet mischievous aura about him.

"Yeah, we're going to need to stop somewhere so I can finish changing then we should be set."

"Wonderful – hey, what's that?" he asked, pointing to the scrapbook.

"Oh, this has pictures of my mother, when she was growing up, I kind of took it after my grandparents died but I never had time to look at it, even with all the summers at the Weasley's but my mother was so beautiful," I mused while showing him a picture of her. Cedric examined her and then he would look at me, he continued to do that for about three minutes.

"You really do have your mother's eyes and so does Harry, I guess that was the most popular gene, right?"

"Thanks it probably is, let me put this back before anyone else wakes up." I jogged to my bed and put my book under my bed then put the picture that I made under my pillow case then walked back to Cedric, who was sitting on the couch. Some of the girls were starting to get up while I was leaving. When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I went to sit down next to Cedric and put my legs onto his thighs, Cedric rested his hands on the tops of my calves and smiled.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"A little bit but I don't want to talk about the tournament, school or dangers today. Today is all about us and only us, alright?" My stomach warmed at the 'us' in the conversation. He'd been right though, all year it's been about the tournament and danger, we needed some time to just be a couple.

"Alright," I agreed with cheeky smile.

"I think it's safe to go down into the Great Hall, plus I'm starving," Cedric persisted. I giggled at him, took his hand into mine then together, we walked down the steps into the Great Hall when we were stopped by a woman's shrill voice of excitement.

"Cedric!" the woman shrieked. Cedric and I turned around and Cedric's mother came bounding up the corridor to roughly embrace her son. I slipped my hand out of Cedric's while he and his mother could greet each other.

"Mother, I thought you weren't coming until tonight?" Cedric asked, arms still around his mother.

"I was darling but I simply couldn't wait anymore! I just needed to see my Cediboo before he went off to the last task. Oh darling I'm so proud of you!" she complemented. Mrs. Diggory, pulled away from her son then noticed me standing me far off from them, she instantly frowned at me and even though I wanted to frown back I kept smiling, it was very difficult. "Um Cedric, who might this charming young lady be?" she sneered. Cedric apparently didn't notice the sneer and answered normally. He took my hand then pulled me closer to his mother, who was actually pretty intimidating.

"Mother, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Raven Evans," Cedric introduced. I waited for her to thrust her hand out so that I might shake it but she didn't even flinch, instead, she glowered at me.

"Did you say Evans? My dear girl, was your mother Lily Evans?" she asked, grimly.

"Yes miss, she was," I answered quietly. Mrs. Diggory didn't look convinced at my answer.

"But I thought Harry Potter was born from Lily Evans," she baffled.

"He is ma'am but you see, um Harry Potter is my half brother, we share the same mother but not the same father," I answered.

"Surely father must've told you this last night," Cedric broke in, using his tone to hint to his mother to move on from the subject.

"No, your father and I didn't talk about her, we were too busy talking about our little boy." Mrs. Diggory took a little bit of Cedric's cheek then squeezed. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at Cedric's now scarlet face of embarrassment but he pushed her hand away, Mrs. Diggory looked shocked.

"Mother, I'm not five years old and we need to get going, we'll see you later, alright?" Cedric asked, a little irritated.

"Okay, goodbye my sweet boy and I'll see you later," she said, cheerfully.Mrs. Diggory glowered at me one last time before going the opposite direction. Cedric and I continued into the Great Hall where the tables were quickly filling up.

"I don't think your mother likes me very much," I confessed. Cedric scoffed at me then we sat down together.

"Are you kidding me? She loves you! She just shows it differently than others and besides, I don't think your father likes me very much," Cedric muttered the last bit under his breath. I glanced at the Teacher's table and saw Snape looking down at his food.

"You don't know that," I whispered back. Cedric took his turn to peer at the Teacher's table.

"I think I have a good idea because of how he's been treating me in class all year," Cedric mumbled.

"Well he hates everyone," I assured, brushing it off.

"Or he's jealous that his daughter being taken away from him from some measly boy," Cedric suggested.

"No, that isn't it but I guess that why your mother doesn't like me, because I'm taking her Cediboo away," I mimicked his mother, laughing in the end.

"Parent's, always so possessive," Cedric sighed.

"You got that right," I agreed. Cedric and I mounded our plates with food and ate normally.

I was beginning to feel a little anxious, I didn't want to get caught but I kept up my normal expressions throughout the whole meal until students started to leave. I glanced at Cedric and he nodded then we both got up and walked out of the Great Hall like we would any other day, except today we were sneaking out of the castle. We walked outside, along with some other students who were giving us weird looks because every two minutes we were looking behind us for a teacher or something. We managed to sneak into the forest and Cedric was about to apparate until I stopped him.

"Hang on a minute Cedric, I'm going to go behind that big tree over there and finish changing, I'll be fast." I ran over to the tree and quickly stripped out of my school skirt then pulled on my jeans. I looked behind the tree and saw I Cedric looking out for any signs of stray students or teachers. Then, like lightning I stripped off my button shirt and vest then pulled on my black cardigan. Finally, I stuffed my clothes into my book bag and emerged from my hiding spot.

"Okay, we can go now Cedric," my voice started out excited but then ended slowly, Snape had been standing next to Cedric with his normal disagreeable disposition and his arms folded.

"Did you really think that you could skip class without me noticing?" Snape asked, in his slow bass voice.

"I- just - we just wanted -" I started but Snape shot me a hard dark look that made my mouth close.

"Now this is something that I expected of you Mr. Diggory but not my own daughter." It felt weird for Snape calling me his daughter in front of Cedric and I couldn't let him blame this all on Cedric.

"No, it's my fault, I wanted to ditch classes because he's been so busy this year and we haven't had any time for just ourselves and after school is over, Cedric's going to America while I'm staying here to help you, don't you think that you could maybe possibly let this slide? Please, Dad?" I begged, I didn't suspect any hope for this lost cause.

"I suppose since you haven't gotten in any trouble this year I could look over and pretend I did not see you but you bring her back before dark, do you understand me Mr. Diggory?" Snape sneered. I couldn't believe it, Snape had just done a nice thing for me!

"I understand completely sir, thank you and I promise I'll keep her safe," Cedric said, sounding older. Snape lightened his mood a little bit and I swear that he faintly smiled. I couldn't contain myself, I wrapped my arms around his neck and quickly pecked him on the cheek but just as I quickly as I kissed him I let go of him. Cedric wrapped his arms around my waist as we apparated into Hogsmeade. Cedric then went inside a store to change into his muggle clothing; he came out wearing a purple shirt and jeans.

"Okay, where do you want to go first?" he asked. Looking around at the many options I decided on a bookstore first. I bought a few items there then we went to a prank shop that Cedric wanted to go and by the time we got out of there we had both gotten hungry so we went to the three broomsticks and ate there. Afterwards, we went to Honeydukes, when we left that store it was nearly time to start heading back to Hogwarts. We decided to walk to the gates then apparate back to Hagrid's house.

"I had so much fun today, Cedric," I sighed contently

"Yeah I did too, I guess Snape doesn't hate me after all," he replied, astonishingly. We reached the gates and apparated back to the exact spot from earlier in the morning. I started to walk but Cedric stayed while pulling my hand back.

"What is it?" I asked, an ever so small twinge of worry entered my body while I trudged closer to him. "Is there something wrong?" I inquired.

"Oh no, nothing's wrong, there's just something I've been wanting to tell you since the Yule Ball but I couldn't find the perfect moment to do it until now," Cedric paused for a moment while I sat in bewilderment.

"Raven Evans Snape, we've been together since the end of the summer and when my name was pulled out of the Goblet of Fire, you've been nothing but supportive of me and after the Yule Ball I knew that I was – I am deeply in love with you." Once he finished, I felt warm tears of happiness coat my eyes but I compelled them to stay back.

"Are you serious? Like love love?" I asked, shakily. Cedric laughed at me but answered, "Yes, I'm really in love with you and I just wanted you to know that I will love you forever and I want to know, if you love me too." I couldn't speak. I felt my lungs being clogged, I nodded my head to show him my answer. "Yes?" Cedric clarified with hope filtered in his voice. I couldn't speak, only nod.

"Yes, I love you too," my voice cracked at the end of my sentence. Cedric took me in his arms and swung me around. "I can't believe that after so many years of sorrow that you can just pop out of nowhere and say that you love me, I couldn't be happier," I cried.

"That's makes two of us, let's get back to the castle, they're probably starting dinner right about now and not only will my parents be wondering where we are but so will your father," Cedric remarked. I agreed then we walked back to the castle with the biggest smiles on our faces. Every now and then we would stop and kiss for a moment. It was real, nothing could wrong after today!

At the task I sat in the crowds with Isla and Grace telling them about my day and what Cedric said. They both squealed, just then Professor Dumbledore came out and announced the Champions. Cedric and his father came out and I cheered as loud as I could making eye contact with him. "I love you," he mouthed. I mouthed my return of love, after that his father whispered something in Cedric's ear and Cedric replied, which made his face lighten up. Then Krum and Fleur came out followed by Harry and I cheered loudly once again. Dumbledore spoke to the Champions for the last time, then the cannons sounded alerting the Champions to leave into the maze, which replaced the Quidditch field. We cheered for a while until they were out of sight, then we all sat down to talk amongst ourselves.

"I can't believe that he said he loved you!" Isla squealed.

"I'm still trying to believe it," I admitted.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask you, did you and the twins get in a fight?" Grace asked, curiously. I peered over to them and saw that they were sort of glaring but once I made eye contact, they removed their eyes from me.

"I don't know, let me go ask them." I got up and walked over to them but George left.

"Hey, we haven't talked in ages, is everything alright?" I asked, casually. Fred glowered at me but answered. "I'm fine it's George, who is having the problem," he snapped.

"Why? What's happened? Is it something that I've done?" I asked.

"You haven't spoken more than two words to us this year and we're supposed to be okay with that?" Fred sneered.

"Look, I'm sorry that you think I've been ignoring you but I haven't, I've just been busy with Cedric and the tournament but I promise to visit the Burrow sometime this summer and it'll just be me, you and George," I comforted.

"Wait, you aren't staying at the Burrow all summer?" Fred asked, in disbelief.

"No I'm going to be studying Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts with Snape - he kind of offered me an apprenticeship," I informed him. Fred scoffed, and rested his chin on his palm. "Look, I'm sorry but you'll get to see me sometimes next year because I'm going to be a substitute for Snape or Professor Moody, if he's still around," I defended but Fred didn't believe me.

"Yeah whatever, see you around I guess," Fred scoffed ending the conversation. I folded my arms, hurt by his harsh actions and walked shamefully back to my seat.

"So what's wrong with him?" Isla asked me, I didn't want to relive the whole conversation again so I just shook my head at her.

Suddenly a brilliant red light appeared from the sky and some teachers flew into the air towards the light and brought back Fleur covered in dirt, with some leaves in her hair. Her fellow classmates sounded disappointed and worried, her Headmistress ran towards her with worry, Fleur came too and seemed disappointed in herself more than anything. This gave me hope that Cedric or Harry were close to winning but they just had one more person to worry about, Krum.

A few minutes another blast of red lights presented itself in the night sky and I held my breath for a few minutes as the teachers brought back Viktor Krum's body, it seemed that he was possessed and he lit the sky with his spell, himself. Now all we had to do was wait for either Cedric or Harry, I promised myself that I would be happy for anyone who would win.

We were about two hours in the third task when I started to feel a little woozy, I didn't know what from but I felt like something was happening that I didn't know about. I couldn't explain the feeling, I couldn't do anything but feel it. Suddenly I felt pain arouse in my body, I couldn't locate it because it was forming from the inside of my body.

"Raven, are you feeling okay?" Grace asked, concerned. Exactly as she had asked me, I felt better. I looked at her, a little bit disoriented but nodded.

"Yeah, I just had a weird cramp I guess but it's over now, I just want Cedric back," I uttered. Grace rubbed my back for comfort and I leaned into her as we continued to wait.

30 minutes later my half brother and Cedric appeared on the ground with the cup, people cheered but I felt like something was wrong and when Fleur screamed and Cedric didn't move. I stared at his eyes and they were empty - almost lifeless and it was then that I knew that Cedric Diggory, the man I had fallen in love with had died. I screamed at the top of my lungs and tried to run to him but was held back by some people, but I pushed them out of my way and rushed to Cedric's side. I pushed him, shook him, trying anything to arouse him from his everlasting sleep.

"No, Cedric, don't do this to me, no, no , no no no no no no!" I screamed, while countless tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt myself being picked up but I fought and fought to stay by his side but the person pulling me was stronger. I being dragged back to the castle, crying and sobbing not looking at the person I was being held by.

"No, Cedric, no no no. You promised!" I screeched up into the sky. I was dragged all the way to the Potions Classroom and I then knew that it was my father who had been dragging me. He slowly released me letting me sink to the floor. Snape didn't say a word, but I heard the door open and I heard a woman's urgent voice. Snape muttered something then left, leaving me and some woman alone in the room.

I smashed the ground with my fist and bawled some more, and I kept moaning at the world to bring him back to me. I didn't know who was standing in the room with me nor did I care, I didn't care about anything anymore. I only cared about one thing, I cared about who killed Cedric and I thought of the many ways I was going to kill him. Eventually, I heard the door open again and the woman left and new footsteps came closer to me.

"Raven? I'm really sorry, I tried to save Cedric but he wouldn't leave," it was Harry who was talking now. My anger and grief overtook all sense and they spoke instead logic and kindness

"Go away Harry! I don't want to talk to you!" I hollered at him. I didn't mean those words but I was too angry and blind to see it.

"Potter, go to the Hospital Wing to get that fixed," Snape ordered. Harry hesitated for a minute then finally left. Snape came over to me and held me in his arms while I sobbed some more. Nothing good ever lasted... nothing...

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Jessica Wallwirt has lived with her mother for the past 11 years until one day her mother snaps and sends her to live with her father, none other tha...
956 40 25
Y/N Darkwood lost her parents at a young age and rarely remembers them. She grew up in an orphanage in the Wizard World. The one thing she did know a...
2.3M 61.1K 59
"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked. "Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about this other boy a lot and from what I've...