twilight - guardian angel

By fanficmakerxx

12.3K 312 46


twilight - guardian angel
chapter 1- broken hearted
Chapter 2- Angel
Chapter 3- Trouble
Chapter 4- Friends
Chapter 5- Proud
Chapter 6- Visit
Chapter 7- complete
Chapter 8- Answers
Chapter 9- Masks
Chapter 10- Birthday
Chapter 12- Reunited
Chapter 13- Discussion
Chapter 14- memories

Chapter 11- Weak

561 16 1
By fanficmakerxx

Today was the day we was moving back to Forks, back where I had my heart-broken, back where he left me. When my world come crashing down but were I found the family that I love. The worst bit was, we was starting Forks high school tomorrow. The school where I met him and his siblings were we first spoke to each other. We would arrive in Fork's late tonight then go to school tomorrow then in the evening with a bonfire with the pack and my father.

"Mom your be fine I promise" Swan said patting my arm in the car I knew we would be but me mentally I wouldn't be. The place brought back memories they were good ones but it was over run by bad ones.

"I know, I'll be fine" I assured her she was five this weekend and looked like a sixteen year old so she was joining us at high school. I guess having her and my family around me would keep me going it's not like he was here in his stupid, shiny Volvo. Passing the sign was the worst of all as that meant I was home but it didn't feel like home any more just a bad memory. We pulled down our drive everything was already in place thanks to the pack, they even made sure the pond was just right. I couldn't wait to show Swan her garden where she can grow her flowers and then the pond she has always wanted it was an early birthday present.

"Welcome to our new home for the next ten years" I decided to stay here as long as we could so we can spend a while with our family in La Push. The house was amazing designed by my clever son, Max. It was made out of stone and wood making it look like it belonged in the forest. We had balcony's to every bed room made from stone, the house was three story's tall. Inside though was natural, the living room was my favourite with pictures of everything and everyone we took. The one's that caught my eye was the one with me, Jane and Alec then the one of us with the Volturi all together, they were really like family now. My room was simple I didn't like going over the top but I made sure Swan's was blue with Swan's going along the bottom of the wall, it was perfect. I had my own library and study were I put my sketch-books and photo-albums of all my children and family on the shelf's.

"Swan I have a surprise" I called from the living room all the family appeared then ready to see her face when we stepped out in the garden. Alex had the camera ready then I had mine on the go as Swan appeared into the room.

"What is it?" She asked with a smile across her face, seeing my family smile always made me smile.

"Go look in the garden at human speed" She did as I said smiling along the way. When she opened the door her mouth dropped I could see the tears of joy forming in her eyes.

"This is my garden? My dream garden!" She said jumping up and down in excitement. The garden was amazing it had a little pathway leading over to the pond where they were four swans then two ducks. They was a tree with a swing on then everywhere was covered in different flowers and plants. She even had space to grow her own plants and flowers what ever she wanted.

"Thank you!" Swan shouted hugging me then the rest of the family I always loved spoiling my family. I always brought them new cars, gadgets everything they would want I would get, yet I didn't spoil them.

"Right it's late so dinner then bed that goes for you too Jake" Beth went off to start the dinner while everyone started to laugh at Jake.

"Now a few ground walls I expect you all to do your homework like usual, chores stay in place but the garden chores is left to Swan" I said everyone agreed knowing they didn't have a choice.

"Let's hope its sunny tomorrow" Alex whispered so did I to be honest I wasn't ready to go back to Forks high school I wasn't ready to go back to Fork's at all but it meant my family was happy.

"Mom do you think we could make some treats for the pack tomorrow after school?" Anna asked me.

"Yeah sure that's a great idea" I smiled then Beth called Swan and Jake for dinner so the two of them disappeared followed by Maddy.

"Are you alright Bella?" Laurent asked me I sighed knowing someone was going to ask.

"I will be it's just sinking in at the moment" I said Anna and Alicia were both hugging me the girls in this house really did like to hug.

"What's the cover story for tomorrow?" I asked I always left this to the girls since they were so smart.

"Well me, you, Alicia are all siblings so we are the Swan's then Alex and Swan are twins but not identical and will be staying with us as the Guardian's. Then Jake is just a family friend staying then the two twins are our cousins that have no other family to go to" Anna said it seemed like a good plan. Me, Anna, Maddy, Max and Swan were going to be juniors and then Jake, Alicia and Alex were going to be seniors. Beth was going to work as a kindergarten teacher then the boys will be the acting builders again.

"That's that sorted I'm going to go see whether Swan's ready for bed" I ran out into the kitchen to find her washing her plate like a good girl, Jake was having seconds of course he was.

"You ready for bed?" I asked she disappeared so I took that as a yes. Swan hated going to bed on her own it always made her feel alone so I still tucked her in. When I got to her room she was all ready in her PJ's and was taking of her make up not that she needed it.

"Ready" She said then she got into the quilts snuggling down as I laid next to her telling her the story of the Swan growing up. It was a story about her how she started of in the small pond and was now making her way to the big pond with everyone else. She fell asleep so I disappeared to my room where I spent the night reading a whole book, at night I liked some time to myself as did everyone else just with they loved ones. When the sun started to appear I went into my wardrobe to get dressed as Swan's alarm went off I knew she would get up. Today was going to be a knew start I was going to try to forget the past, I'm a new student at a new school again but this time I wasn't going to fall for any vampires. I got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans then a sweetheart neck line top with a black cardigan.

"Come on I don't want to be late let's get going" I called from the living room Laurent was first to enter the room in his work uniform.

"We seem to have a positive attitude" Laurent said smiling before he gave me a hug.

"Yes, I'm not going to let it get to me I'm the new kid now I'm not going to fall for any stupid vampires!" I smiled causing him to laugh I can do this I told myself. I just have to sit at school it's not like he's going to be there.

"I want everyone in the car in five minutes were only taking two cars by the way!" I shouted then Swan appeared skipping into the room excited for her first day.

"Morning mommy, morning dad" She said giving us each a hug she could seem a happy girl but if she don't like you then she will show that she don't like you. She was wearing a V-shaped neck top with a little cardigan then a pair of jeans.

"Come on mom you're the one moaning at us and you're not even in the garage" Maddy moaned running into the room. I laughed then said goodbye to Beth, Brandon and Laurent then we left. Me, Jake, Maddy and Swan was in one car then Alex, Alicia, Anna and Max were in the other car.

"Drop me and Jake of at reception where go get the schedules then were meet you in the car park" I told Maddy getting out of the car pulling Jake with me. We went into the familiar reception everything was the same apart from the receptionist.

"Were the Swan group" I said they was so many second names that It was just easier this way.

"Yes that's right are you picking up all the schedules" She was even cheerier than the last receptionist here.

"Yes" She handed me the schedules then I left with Jake. We started talking about the wedding how he's waited a long time to marry Maddy. I turned around the corner then stood in shock I couldn't believe what I was seeing. In front of my eyes was that beautiful face that face that broke my heart it was Edward and his family. I felt my knees go weak even though it was impossible but mentally it wasn't. The pain in my chest was becoming back stronger seeing him I had to have Jake for support. He followed my eyes then growled I think at one point I was growling. I felt the sobs coming but I had to be strong my family was arguing with them for me.

"Jake put your hood up" I whispered we both put our hoods up from our jackets then walked over not looking up to avoid them from seeing our faces. When I got over they though Swan slapped Edward around the face it cheered me up a little but it was still wrong.

"Swan sweetie" I said she held my hand then trying comfort me as she glared at Edward. I couldn't look at his face though or any of them it was just to heart breaking.

"Do we have a problem Cullen's?" I spat the word it was only poison to me the poison that helped break my heart, seal it over so I could never love again.

"Yeah this freak just whacked my brother round the face!" The wind charms voice sounded familiar I had a feeling it was Rosalie but I wouldn't look up to her. I knew Edward couldn't read our minds because Maddy would have stopped him.

"Well that freak happens to be my daughter, I don't appreciate you shouting at my children or calling my daughter a freak" I spat how dare she insult my daughter.

"What is she?" Another wind charms voice came it sounded a lot like Alice, who was supposed to be my friend but left me in the woods to die.

"She's half human half vampire, she was born I don't care if you believe me" I spat at her.

"Is there any need to be rude?" It was Jasper I knew that since I just shouted at his wife.

"Well yeah since the way you treated me they is" I said I was getting weak now I felt my family surrounding me they knew me too well. Even if I seem strong on the outside doesn't mean I'm strong on the inside as well.

"We don't even know you" Another sound of bells hit me it had to be Emmett the vampire I thought was a brother to me the big brother I could go to , to hug when ever I wanted.

"But the thing is Emmett you do" I said I let go of Swan's hand and started circling showing them that I was now strong and not the weak little Bella they knew.

"How?" It was Edward this time I could recognise that beautiful voice anywhere I was losing it again. Hearing his voice was making me weak I had to go to lesson other wise I was going to lose it. I stood right in front of him ready to get this over and done with.

"They was this little human girl who fell in love but not just with her boyfriend but with her family. One day they all left then her own boyfriend left her alone in the woods to die, he didn't care about her, he never loved her she was just a pet a way to pass time! It's me Edward the weak little human that thought you loved me!" I shouted pulling my hood done they were all stood in shock with confusion spread on their faces.

"Bella... is that really you?" Edward asked hearing him say my name brought on the tearless sobs.

"Yes Edward it is me, it was nice to see you Cullen's but I don't want to ruin my daughters first day of school" I walked of with my family holding back the sobs no one spoke to me they leaved me to calm down. I needed Swan to calm me down though but I had first lesson alone I'll be fine. I just faced Edward and most of his family of course I will be fine, I hope. Everyone gave me a hug before they left me telling me they know I can be strong. I walked off after walking Swan to her first lesson, it had to be biology first so typical. I walked through the door sitting in the last available table it was the table were I first met him but this time I was sat in his seat. After five minutes they was a knock on the door I grinded my teeth together realising it was Edward. It was typical how the last seat available was next to me but this time though the roles were switched I was the one avoiding him trying to sit as far away from him I could possible get.

Mom are you alright I heard that thing was in the same class as you do you want me to come and deal with it? I rolled my eyes she always forgot any supernatural creature could hear the thoughts I could hear my family laughing mentally. I saw a smirk play on Edward's lips.

Swan everyone can here you sweetie today is not the best day to have your communication set up if your bored text daddy I'm sure he's bored with acting along with Brandon I thought, I felt the communication go down I knew it would get to Edward about 'daddy'. I sat they glaring at him for a whole five minutes sitting as far away my seat would allow me.

"It looks like the roles have changed" He smirked I just ignored him though they might have changed but the decisions have changed.

"How old is your daughter?" He asked in a whisper trying to make a normal conversation. I sighed knowing I wouldn't get away with out talking to him.

"Five this weekend" I whispered that caused confusion to go across his face but I didn't give him any more details.

"How are you here? How are you a vampire? Alice couldn't see your future I can't read yours or your family's mind" He asked I glared at him couldn't he get the hint I didn't want to talk to him let alone be in the same room as him.

"My sister changed me, one of my daughters are talented it runs in the family line" I gave him blunt answers but he seemed confused with what I said.

"Who is your sister and what's her power?" He asked I sighed he was never going to stop was he.

"Is it time to play twenty questions?" I asked he smiled at the memory but my mouth didn't even twitch.

"Looks like where replaying out past" He said smirking.

"Looks like it but this time I'll leave Forks and dump you in the woods for Victoria to find you" I was liking this conversation.

"I didn't dump you! We wasn't even that far into the woods but wait Victoria changed you? You said a sister changed you?" I was annoying him now it was funny to watch.

"You left me in the woods to die you didn't care about me. Victoria is my sister" I said through my teeth.

"I do care about you I left to keep you protected! How can she possible be your sister she and her mate went after you!" He shouted in a whisper.

"Funny how you 'protecting' me is why I am sat here as a vampire when you don't know nothing! Maybe you would like to know that Victoria is out travelling the world trying to stop me from killing myself!" I shouted a little louder than a whisper then walked out of the class room.

"Isabella where are you going?" The teacher called after me I couldn't leave school.

"I'm not feeling well I'm just going to get a drink of water and get some fresh air" I said flattering my eyelashes he nodded and let me go. I sat in my car playing music trying to calm down. I couldn't go back in they annoyed I could slip up and accidentally cause someone pain. Why did he have to be here? He couldn't have just stayed away from Forks and what's worse is he said he was protecting me. How was that protecting me? I buried my head into my hands I wasn't strong enough for this every time I saw his face I go weak again every memory is brought back to me. I sat they for the rest of the first period but now I couldn't let my daughter down I had to go English. I was strong I can do this just pretend they are not there I met Swan outside her lesson, she gave me a hug then we walked to English together. Of course they had to be a Cullen they it was Rose out of everyone I probably would talk to her since she didn't do anything to harm me as a human, she didn't like me.

"Bella come sit" Rose asked I raised an eyebrow while Swan glared at her. I sat in-between Rose and Swan as they continued to glare at each other.

"What?" I asked eventually.

"I just want to ask how are you?" Rose always knew that me and Edward dating was a bad idea I kind of wished I listened to her.

"Right now I'm furious but before today life's been as good as it can get thanks to my family and the packs" I said with an actual smile I don't have a grudge for Rose she always warned me.

"Blunt with Edward but civilised with me?" She asked.

"I wouldn't say blunt just not wanting to talk to him at all" I said smiling as she laughed.

"So this is your daughter, I'm sorry for calling her a freak I didn't know what she was but what's your name?" She asked I didn't understand why Rose was being nice.

"Swan" She mumbled next to me she didn't like talking to people who upset me.

"Rose can I ask why you are being so nice?" I handed Swan a pen telling her to start with the work since I wanted her to have an education.

"I didn't like you in the past because I always knew something bad would happen to you but I didn't think this, I guess I'm sorry for being rude in the past I was just looking out for you" I guess it made sense.

"Thanks Rose I guess I don't have a problem with you" I smiled then watched my daughter start to write down notes.

"So I heard you say to Edward that Victoria is out looking for something to stop you from killing yourself?" She questioned as I sighed.

"Now is not the best time but basically if I love again I would die" I didn't see the point in hiding it I could see Edward trying to prove his love to me again.

"Oh, we don't have to talk about it" Rose smiled then we got on with the work in silence it was nice how she wasn't forcing me to tell her everything like Edward did. The rest of the morning went slow as every lesson had a different Cullen but I always had someone with me.

"They signalling us to come over" Jake mumbled I grinded my teeth together.

"We are not rude we sit as far away from them as possible" I said through my teeth everyone nodded. I walked over sitting down in the middle then Swan next to me as the rest of the family surrounded me looks like it was questions time.

"Who are you" I asked a fellow vampire who was sitting on the Cullen's side with light brown shaggy hair, with golden honey eyes and then he was a pale. His face was quite long but rounded with the perfect facial features like any other vampire.

"Lucas, can I just say I don't have a clue what's going on but it's nice to meet you and your family" I smiled.

"Like wise I guess we don't have an issue then" I watched as the Cullen's frowned knowing I had an issue with them.

"Can I ask why the mutt is sitting with us?" Emmett asked.

"Don't you dare call my fiancé a mutt unless you want me to kill you" Maddy spat then Jake calmed her down.

"Emmett Jake is apart of my family" I said through my teeth he backed down.

"Bella do you have any powers?" Jasper asked this caused me to smile.

"I would love to show you, especially on Edward" He sighed "but I'm not mean I don't like to cause anyone pain unless they hurt my family"

"Pain?" Everyone questioned.

"yes pain I am a mental shield, I can project a shield around me so if anyone walks in they drop down in pain. I can make you feel negative emotions. I have beauty that's indescribable to break boys hearts, I gained these powers because I died with a broken heart" I was looking at Edward when I said this he didn't say anything though.

"Your like a Jane but worse" Uncle Emmett said chuckling, I smiled thinking of Jane she was my best friend.

"Well we are like this" I said crossing my fingers then everyone looked at me in shock.

"I was joking"

"You should see her provoke Jane it's hilarious she has a picture at home with her with Jane and Alec" Swan said giggling.

"You get on with the Volturi?" Alice asked.

"Yes were allies and good friends more like an extra family" They all looked shocked but they were actually good people.

"Mommy, dad has been trying to get hold of you" Swan said looking at her phone I sighed getting my phone out he had been texting me wondering whether I'm alright I guess Swan told him.

"Who is the father?" Edward asked through his teeth my family looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Edward don't get all jealous you have no right to get jealous!" Max said through gritted teeth then he turned to Alice "And you I considered you as family but when I saw Bella's past I was shocked I was even related to you" I patted Max's arm telling him that's enough.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

"Were your niece and nephew" Maddy said from Jake's lap.

"You changed my niece and nephew then let her fall in love with a dog!" Alice shouted I growled back at her.

"Mom saved our life's actually and Jake imprinted on me she didn't have the chance to stop us she wouldn't have any way" Maddy said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Bella what happened?" It was Edward that asked his voice sounded like he was begging. I clenched my fists but Swan and Anna put they hand on each one comforting me, I couldn't expose us in the cafeteria.

"A transformation happened, Edward" I spat his name but I got a laugh from Emmett must be my lack of information. They knew parts of the information just not the whole lot.

"Tell us" Alice asked in a weak voice.

"Why don't Max show you, I'm done here Cullen's" I turned to my family "Stay together any danger you go back to the house and Laurent will ring me, but as for the Cullen's ignore them until we talk later" My family nodded.

"Laurent?" All the Cullen's spat.

"That's my daddy!" Swan said knowing it would annoy them since me and Laurent weren't together I heard Edward growl and that proved my point.

"Good bye Cullen's" I whispered then walked away not looking back. I couldn't take it any more question after question I would rather Max show them. I knew we were going to have to sit down and talk. I knew were my car was taking me it was taking me to Forks hospital.

Edward's pov

I just let Bella walk away from me again how could I be so stupid? If I followed her or even touched her I think her daughter Swan will have my neck. She didn't seem like Bella's and Laurent's child but how was she even born or conceived? I'm sure if they was a way for vampires to have children Rose would have found it by now. Bella was here, she was alive I couldn't believe it. She was so beautiful, she's always been beautiful but now she seemed she was hiding with in herself. The thing that was popping into my mind every five seconds was what she said 'Victoria is out travelling the world trying to stop me from killing myself!' it didn't make sense how could she be killing herself. My family haven't had much luck talking to her either apart from Rose who was hiding the truth from me. I knew Jasper wanted to ask her about all the bite marks on her body I wanted to as well but we didn't want to upset her any more.

"Maybe we should go to the car park for us to show you" Max said we all got up wanting answers and followed him and his family to the car park.

"Right touch my skin so I can show you" We all looked at each other but did as he said touching his arms.

Everything was playing in my head of Bella's past I could see everything she was doing, even what she was thinking. She was moving to Fork's Washington starting high school. I watched as she first saw us and then that first lesson with me she was scared, annoyed with what I did. Everyday she was waiting for me to come through that door wanting to confront me demand what my problem was. Then she was confused to why I was talking to her. I could see how angry she was when I didn't tell her how I stopped the car, how angry she was that I was avoiding her. It made me laugh how she called me a stupid shiny Volvo owner. Then when she ran into those boys made me angry I could see her thinking about how to defend herself. When she guessed the correct theory of what I was and I could hear in her thoughts she wasn't scared, she loved me. Those twenty questions we played sitting in my Volvo for hours as she described everything to me. I could see my family smiling at how happy she was and then on the field she was scared but she was happy. When I kissed her and she attacked me made me laugh remembering it. I stayed that first night and she showed me her hunting skills getting a bowl of breakfast that made Emmett laugh. When she met my family but felt intimidated by Rose and then that baseball game. She was scared for her father, for us more than herself that was a typical Bella. I watched as she met James watching her get hurt made me upset but then the two of us together at Prom talking about she becoming a vampire. Her birthday when Jasper smelt her blood she felt bad for him and guilty. I watched as I left her in the woods it broke my heart seeing her running until she collapsed. Then Victoria came hurting her and then she changed her into a vampire. Watching her in pain because I left her made me feel guilty I was wrong I wasn't protecting her I caused her to become a vampire.

"Now that's her past, she has been strong all these years protecting us but now if you go anywhere near her or harm her we will protect her and kill you" Max spat then they all walked of to lesson. I knew they wasn't telling us something but I didn't know what I had a feeling Rose did. I needed to talk to Bella though explain why I left her and apologise.

Hey I hopped you liked the chapter! So the Cullen's have come in but will Bella forgive them easily? I love how Swan slapped him round the face! comment and vote please :)

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